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About Harry Newton

"Auction rate preferred securities is the largest fraud ever perpetuated by Wall Street on investors. It dwarfs all frauds in history, including Madoff." - Harry Newton

July 10, 2009

TD Ameritrade Founder Buys Chicago Cubs;
Online Firm's ARS Clients Still Striking Out
By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

Washington, July 9-J. Joe Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade, may be having lots of fun this summer with his newest toys-the Chicago Cubs, Wrigley Field and a 25 percent stake in a regional cable network.

Unfortunately, his company's ARS clients won't be hitting any home runs, let alone munching peanuts and Cracker Jacks. While the boys of summer do their thing on the ball field, TD's unfortunate clients keep striking out.

In February, reports circulated stating that TD was "close" to reaching a settlement with the SEC over auction rate securities valued at $694 million, including $192 million in custody for clients of independent RIAs.

A TD spokesperson the earlier reports of a "close" settlement were inaccurate. TD's auction rate clients remain illiquid.

"The SEC is still looking it," the spokesperson said. "Nothing's changed. When things do change, we'll issue a statement."

Meanwhile, ARS clients are not reacting with joy over Mr. Ricketts' $900 million tab for the Cubs, the Wrigley stadium, and the cable hookup in what is being derisively labeled a "Ricketts Family Deal." Unhappy investors point to the Cubs price tag as being almost equal to TD's stash of frozen ARS.

"Apparently this crowd cares more about baseball than the financial condition of its clients," complained one fed-up investor.

In addition to J. Joe, the Ricketts family includes J. Peter Ricketts, 44, former TD COO and founder of Drakon LLC, an asset management firm in Omaha. Ricketts the Younger now sits on the TD board alongside his 66-year-old father, who reportedly draws $650,000 annually for his board duties.

In 2006, Peter Ricketts, a staunch family values republican, spent more than $11 million out of his own pocket to field a right wing political campaign against Ben Nelson for the U.S. Senate seat in Nebraska. Ricketts succeeded in setting an all-time state record for out-of-pocket political spending. He lost the election but later was soothed by Forbes magazine whose editors placed his family among the richest in the country with a net worth of about $2.6 billion.

"We didn't make a market in these (ARS) bonds," said a TD official reached earlier this week by Auction Rate Preferreds. Org. "We weren't like the big banks." The official declined to be named for this story because of the sensitive and litigious nature of the ARS debacle.

"We're trying to get Nuveen to come up with something," he said.

TD chairman and CEO Fred Tomczyk earlier this year said the Omaha-based firm is less exposed to ARS problems than other midsize or online brokers. In an interview with Investment News, Mr. Tomczyk said he would not expect an ARS settlement to be "material" to company earnings. He expects private-sector litigation to continue, though he apparently shrugged it off as a cost of doing business.

Mr. Tomczyk said TD is not actively pursuing acquisitions of asset management firms. He reported that the company has a $1 billion cash cushion and is trying to lessen dependence on active online traders and become more of an asset-gathering firm.

However, the company is apparently buying thinkworm, Inc., a Chicago options trading outfit.

At the same time, TD is cutting expenses by 6 percent to offset declining revenue from its online trading business. The company recently was upgraded to investment-grade status because of its reportedly sound capital position.

With $1 billion in cash and approximately $886 million in frozen auction rate bonds-to say nothing of the $2.6 billion in the family's coffers-TD apparently can afford its "What, me worry?" stance.

"I'm not singing Take Me out to Ball Game," fumed one of TD's ARS clients.

Late breaking news:

TD also has purchased naming rights for Omaha's new 24,000 seat College World Series baseball stadium. Sources said the price of the 20 year deal is about $750,000 a year, with annual escalators, for the $128 million downtown park. The stadium is set to open in 2011.

The ballpark will be known as TD Ameritrade Park.

Sports experts say the deal, finalized in June, is "significant," due to a depressed sponsorship market, especially for stadium naming rights.

Bill Gerber, TD Ameritrade executive vice president and CFO, said the collegiate link "ties us to customers, and as they graduate and start making money, they have to invest."

Asked if the stadium is acting as a gigantic billboard to pull in new clients, Mr. Gerber replied, "I would still tell you this isn't about generating a lot of new accounts, as much as it is recognition of our headquarters community."

Mr. Gerber's altruistic remarks rankled some of the company's ARS holders.

"It's just touching," said one client.

July 1, 2009

Oppenheimer Strains to Reassure ARS Clients
But June Statement Fuels Pointed Skepticism

By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

Washington, July l -- Oppenheimer & Co., Inc., continues to spell out its auction rate securities (ARS) woes as it pitches conflicting statements aimed at soothing its increasingly livid and totally frustrated client base.

In its late "June 2009 ARS Update," the company admitted it "has been subject to ongoing investigations" into its sale of nearly $1 billion in auction rate securities. But not to worry. Clients should keep fingers crossed for a happy ending.

Oppenheimer's "interrogators" include FINRA and "various state regulators," whose names were not included in the update.

Though the company failed to name the state regulators, it is known that two of them are Massachusetts Secretary William Galvin and New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who may be seeking a global settlement in the ARS scandal.

Secretary Galvin has set a November trail date to air a scathing list of allegations against the company, including insider trading and fraudulent sales of ARS as "cash equivalents."

In a puzzling use of logic, Oppenheimer has consistently claimed it was not an ARS market participate, leaving its clients to wonder how the company managed to sell nearly $1 billion in ARS paper while not being part the market-wide $336 billion boondoggle. This riddle was compounded by a seemingly contradictory statement in its June 2009 statement:

"Oppenheimer, in conjunction with other industry participants, is actively seeking a solution" to ARS illiquidity.

In addition to Oppenheimer's approximately $925 million in frozen ARS paper -- the company appears not to redeemed one nickel of ARS -- the company estimated that various buy-backs, mostly through settlements offraud charges by various state attorneys general, have halved the outstanding global debt to $165 billion--$5 billion less than previous estimates obtained by Auction Rate What that has to do with its miserable record no one has yet figured out. Except that Oppenheimer management enjoys giving new meaning to obfuscation.

The June update appears to have fueled the frustration of Oppenheimer's ARS clients. It is a semi-ambiguous recitation of previous remarks in which the firm claims to be seeking pools of liquidity which never seem to materialize.

"Since last fall, we have been looking for a means to begin a buy-back of ARS held by our clients," the company explained. "In the current environment, there has been no lending available through commercial sources and we therefore have looked at various federal programs as a solution to this pressing problem."

Oppenheimer Trust Company recently received approval for a change to its charter in the state of New Jersey to become a commercial bank, a move requiring FDIC approval.

"Unfortunately, we now believe this option holds only limited value in terms of providing a liquidity solution to a large group of our clients," according to the June update. Oppenheimer has repeatedly fed this piece of bad news to its long-suffering ARS holders.

"You have to swallow the idea that the company is operating on fumes," said one client who asked not to be named because he believes the company is making a list of ARS holders "who are the squeaky wheels" -- a sort of Oppenheimer Enemies List. The source further believes these "squeaky wheels" will never get the grease.

This grim skepticism appears to be shared by other Oppenheimer clients. Some have noted with irritation that the firm recently repurchased 600,000 shares of its own stock, diluting the equity float. The company also announced expansion of operations into the southeastern United States.

"If they're so tight on money, they can't redeem their ARS, what's all the expansion talk?" one client fumed. He noted that Oppenheimer has also crowed about hiring new high-priced talent in order to expand its brokerage, IPO and investment banking business.

Still another client referred to the upcoming Galvin trail in Massachusetts as "meaningless." Even if the company is ordered to redeem its ARS, "they'll turn to the federal government and say, 'Okay, find the money for us!'."

Oppenheimer in earlier statements said it would seek TARP relief but later reneged on the option. The company now claims to be working with congress and "other industry participants" to for an amendment to TALF legislation to include ARS as an eligible asset class for FDIC guarantees, "which we believe may provide a means to resolve this issue."

In addition, the company asserted it is in contact with the U.S. Treasury Department in an effort to have ARS made an eligible security.

Still, Oppenheimer clients appear reluctant to sip the Kool-Aid.

"This is going to fall on the taxpayer," said one ARS victim. "Why don't they just come out and admit they want a federal bailout?"

Oppenheimer is clearly aware of client discontent. Its June statement ends with an impassioned bromide: "There is no higher priority for Oppenheimer than to provide an ARS solution to our clients."

When the statement was read to yet another Oppenheimer client, she replied, "Right! Quit the talk and show me the money!"

Oppenheimer's publicly-traded stock has been on a tear recently. Since its March 9 low of $6.70, it has risen to $22.18 -- the closing price on July 1. Oppenheimer's CEO and chairman, Albert G. Lowenthal earned $937,988, according to figures released by the company.

June 5, 2009

Cuomo Takes Aim at Oppenheimer;
Mid- and Downstream ARS Sellers
Also in New York AG's Crosshairs.
By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

Washington, June 5: New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is investigating allegations of fraud by Oppenheimer & Company in its sale of nearly $1 billion in auction rate securities, Auction Rate Preferreds. Org has learned.

The investigation has been ongoing for months, according to various sources familiar with the case.

In addition to Oppenheimer, these sources confirmed that Mr. Cuomo's team of investigators is also targeting other mid-size and downstream ARS sellers.

Confirmation of the investigation comes as the statute of limitations for filing arbitration against Oppenheimer draws near. The deadline ends February 2010.

However, the date does not apply to New York residents.

Apparently Oppenheimer is marking time, hoping to cut its losses when the deadline passes for non-New York State residents, these sources indicated.

The Attorney General's office has been besieged by angry and frustrated Oppenheimer clients.

"We're aware of the situation," one insider explained. He suggested that Oppenheimer clients request an extension of the statute of limitations. If the company declines and digs in its heels, the AG's office will likely speed up the investigation.

Others familiar with the investigation told AuctionRatePreferreds.Org that Mr. Cuomo's team will be "most interested" in Oppenheimer's response to client requests for deadline extensions. Clients should seek extra time, he said.

Sources said there is "uncertainty" surrounding the company's financial condition.
"They've been telling clients they're strapped for cash and can't redeem their ARS," according to one knowledgeable source. But in a baffling high-end public relations move, the company recently said it was buying back 600,000 shares of its own stock and recruiting high-priced talent.

"It doesn't jibe," the source said.

The Cuomo investigation, which has been ongoing, apparently mirrors many of the allegations against Oppenheimer by Massachusetts Secretary William Galvin. The Massachusetts case is set for trial November 4. The complaint accuses Oppenheimer of deceptive ARS sales tactics and market manipulation as well as insider trading of ARS by the company's top executives.

According to Galvin, Oppenheimer CEO Albert Lowenthal allegedly disposed of more than $1.7 million worth of ARS with full knowledge that the auction market was about to implode.

Sources close to the Cuomo investigation were blunt in their assessment of Oppenheimer's tactics.

"They knew what they were doing," according to one source. "And they knew what they were selling-or certainly they ought to have known."

It is understood the Cuomo team will make use of the Martin Act. A rare legal weapon crafted in 1921 in New York, the Martin Act grants extraordinary powers and discretion to fight financial fraud. Those called for questioning under the act do not have a right to counsel or a right against self-incrimination.

It is not known if Cuomo intends to file a global case. Sources refused to be pinned down, but it is understood allegations likely will be filed before the statute of limitations winds down.

Meanwhile, others with knowledge of the case said Oppenheimer's legal team appears to be in "disarray." The company's attorneys also are facing a class-action suit filed in the Southern District of New York against Oppenheimer &Co., Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc., and Oppenheimer Asset Management, Inc.

"They're overwhelmed," according to one source. "And they're delaying arbitration."
Oppenheimer has recently reincorporated from Canada to Delaware. Earlier, company officials said the move would allow the possibility of TARP relief in order to redeem frozen ARS. Then the company inexplicably changed course, saying TARP was an inappropriate venue. It indicated it would seek TALF relief, but this program also is seen as inappropriate.

Oppenheimer was not available to comment on this story.

CEO Albert G. Lowenthal received $5,876,510 from Oppenheimer in 2007. See the next story, also.

June 2, 2009

Advice & Encouragement to Opco Victims
By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

We recently asked Oppenheimer ARS victims to send us their stories. The response was overwhelming. While each story was unique, the similarities were striking. Rather than publish each response (it would amount to half of War and Peace) we've culled the central points and respectfully offer the following advice to long-suffering victims of Opco's ARS scam:

+ Your fate is 100% in your hands. No matter what they tell you, they will absolutely not help you. In fact, they will never help you get your ARS money back. Oppenheimer ranks at the top of our worst-of-the-worst list.

+Get aggressive and stay aggressive. Inundate your broker, the broker's manager, and Opco's top corporate weasels, Albert and Robert Lowenthal with e-mails, letters and phone calls outlining your case, and don't spare the details or the outrage. Squeaky wheels get the grease, but only if they keep on squeaking.

+ Use facts in all correspondence. Lots of them. Let Opco know FASB and NASD ruled that ARS can not be defined as "cash equivalents," and that having done so, Opco committed fraud.

+ Tell Opco you're aware that fraud cases have been filed against them. Brush up on the latest. Go Online and read Massachusetts AG William Galvin's complaint. There's enough ammunition there to make you an authority on Opco's insider trading and its deceptive sales tactics. You might also inform Opco that New York AG Andrew Cuomo may soon file a complaint seeking a global settlement. Copy your e-mails to legislators, AGs, the House Financial Services Committee, FINRA and SEC. Create a huge paper trail.

+ It's your money! It was stolen from you. Insist, demand, confront. Tell them you want your money back! Tell them more than once and don't be genteel about it. You don't use political correctness when dealing with thugs.

+ Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Follow up with a phone call. Ask why your financial reporter isn't covering the ARS scandal. After all, there's still nearly $200 billion in frozen cash unchallenged and tens of thousands of weary victims. That's enough money to clear California's debt! Again, use facts. Make them red hot. Tell your newspaper that while Bernard Madoff was a cheap swindler who made off with $65 billion, you are the victim of "institutional fraud," fraud on a scale which at it's apex ($336 billion) amounted to 2 percent of annual GDP. If you can't get the press' attention, start picketing Oppenheimer's offices. Call your local TV stations and tell them there's a demonstration outside Oppenheimer's offices. A hunger strike would get you a lot of attention on the 6 P.M. local news

+ The telephone hasn't gone out of style. Use it to call your broker and other co-conspirators. Call often. Keep repeating: "I want my money back!" Make the lives of the Opco weasels as miserable as they've made you. Squeak, squeak, SHOUT!
" Threaten to sue your broker, Opco, the local Opco manager.

+ Don't let them intimidate you. There's been a lot of that going on. Do not be bullied. Old boxing axiom: "It ain't what you dish out that always wins, it's how much you can take!" Dish it out and show them know you can take the best they've got.
" When demanding the return of your stolen cash, remind Opco that the company recently announced it was sufficiently capitalized to buy back shares of its own stock and was hiring high-priced personnel. Let them know you won't fall for the lie that Opco can't afford to repay its ARS victims. Why did they turn away from TARP? They implied they were going to use TARP money to redeem the ARS monies. But then they changed their mind - without any explanation.

+ The regulators are your friend -- but only if you take them a well-documented story, with facts, dates, etc. .

May 30, 2009

Attention Oppenheimer ARS holders
Where are your guts?

You believe that Oppenheimer will redeem your auction rate securities if you shut up and don’t go public with your story?

You’re living in fantasy land. Here are the facts:

+ Oppenheimer has announced absolutely no plans to redeem your auction rate securities.

+ The company is spending millions of your dollars buying back 600,000 of its own shares, opening new offices, including in New York, and hiring hugely expensive new employees.

+ Oppenheimer's brokers told their clients lies after lies about where their money was invested and what their money was invested in. The brokers never mentioned auction rate securities. They talked about "cash management."

+ Oppenheimer invested their clients monies in auction rate securities in contravention of their clients' own wish for safety and liquidity.

+ Oppenheimer invested its clients money into auction rate securities for one reason – it gets paid fees on selling these securities. It didn’t get fees if it invested its clients money into safe money market funds which is what its clients assumed their monies were invested in. The company is still collecting fees from the issuers of auction rate securities on your nearly $1 billion in frozen auction rate securities.

+ Oppenheimer knew there were problems with auction rate securities as far back as 2005. Even after FASB and the NASD ruled that auction rate securities didn't meet the requirements for "cash equivalents," Oppenheimer continued to misrepresent them, using terms such as "floaters" to mislead clients. It didn’t tell its clients of the problems nor the risks. It assured all of them they were being invested in cash-like securities--"safe as it can be." A complaint against Oppenheimer by the State of Massachusetts says "substantial disruptions" occurred in the ARS market during the summer of 2007, but "Oppenheimer largely ignored them, intentionally choosing not to inform all of its Financial Advisers (FAs) or their clients of the failures." The state added, "They (Oppenheimer) blissfully pocketed millions of dollars in revenue while failing to adequately research and substantiate their sales representations--representations that proved to be inaccurate and which led to investors losing access to hundreds of millions of dollars in assets."

+ Oppenheimer's top brass have been accused by Massachusetts AG William Galvin of insider trading, dumping their ARS holdings with full knowledge of the impending market meltdown. Galvin has alleged that among those inside-trading executives was CEO Albert "Bud" Lowenthal, who unloaded $1.75 million in ARS between January 29, 2008 and February 12, 2008. Others named by Galvin are COO Larry Spaulding ($700,000), Greg White, managing director of the ARS department ($300,000), Louis Gelormino, ARS Desk Supervisor ($75,000).

Now Oppenheimer is threatening its clients that if they go public with their story – like telling this column or the Wall Street Journal how they were cheated – they’ll never get their money back. This tactic might have been reasonable if Oppenheimer was organizing to your ARS redeeemed. But they have no plan and have done nothing. It's been over 15 months since the auction rate securities markets seized up. Honest companies like Deutsche Bank have redeemed the ARS they sold their clients. Oppenheimer has done nothing.

Please recognize Oppenheimer & Co. , for what they are – the worst of the worst. A brokerage firm with little conscience and littlle honesty.Their ethics is money out of your pocket into their pocket.

The only way you are going to get your Oppenheimer auction rate securities is if you go public. Tell the world you story. Put pressure on the regulators to go after Oppenheimer. Stop clients dealing with Oppenheimer. Email us or Phil Trupp, who is closely tracking the Oppenheimer fiasco. His email address is PZBAR@Comcast.Net.

May 26, 2009

Oppenheimer Makes For Great Fiction.
Only the Truth is Stranger;
The Characters Are Real.

By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

What makes the Oppenheimer story read like a crime thriller? Or more to the point, why do so many former clients describe the company as the corporate incarnation of Tricky Dick Nixon?

To comb through the messy details of the formal complaint filed against Oppenheimer & Co., and its top executives by Massachusetts Secretary William Galvin is a little like wading through a surreal scam dreamed up by Elmore Leonard with Watergate tossed in for a back story.

The plot is at once fascinating and repulsive, animated by characters who turn out to be amusing in a creepy way. One can imagine the company's top brass, Albert Lowenthal, Robert Lowenthal and Greg White, alleged inside traders of auction rate securities, giving us the Nixon laser stare and growling, "We are not crooks!"

We'll see about that. As for rumors of a widow who was scammed in 2007, I'll get to her.

But first let's admit it: No matter how soft hearted we may be, there's nothing lovable about the apparent disdain with which Oppenheimer and its miniature Masters of the Universe have dismissed the pain auction rate securities investors have been feeling. The company is holding on with what amounts to a death grip to nearly $1 billion in frozen ARS paper, ginning up the fury of its clients.

And these frustrated investors are angry with good reason. They say they were lied to and told by Oppenheimer that ARS was as good as actual cash -- this despite contrary rulings by leading authorities such as FASB and NASD. But never mind. Accounting rules didn't stop Oppenheimer's dodges and feints which in reality appear incredibly hollow.

Following the collapse of the auction rate market in February 2008, Oppenheimer & Co. did a dramatic geographical bob-and-weave reminiscent of Nixon's trip to China. With a flourish Oppenheimer raised a brand new flag. Shareholders approved reincorporation from Canada to Delaware. This was supposed to place the company in line for TARP relief designed to make its ARS clients whole. Sounds good, right? A rare glimmer of corporate conscience? But wait. There's a twist.

Reincorporation was approved. It seemed the clouds would part for ARS investors. But Oppenheimer shrugged off TARP with the obtuse reasoning that characterizes much of what passes for smarts in the world of broker-dealers.

After dissing TARP, the company then suggested it might opt for other government relief, once again signaling hope. It teased its auction rate victims by spinning the possibility of getting help from the Term Asset-Backed Loan Facility (TALF). This was another questionable if not entirely false move. TALF issues asset-backed securities collateralized by student loans, auto loans, credit card debt and loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. Too bad ARS is invisible in the mix.

I have received hundreds of emails from disgruntled-even desperate- Oppenheimer clients. It's about time they had their say.

About the widow I mentioned earlier: Some correspondents claim the company victimizes elderly people. In researching this particular accusation, I found more than a few references to a July 2007 action in which Oppenheimer was fined $1 million by Massachusetts regulators. At the center of the claim was the company's apparent failure to supervise an FA who duped a widow and her dying husband out of their savings.

The firm minimized the incident, which included $350,000 in forged checks, and allowed the offending broker to stay on at the firm until he resigned a year later. One can only assume top-notch talent is hard to find.

Oppenheimer also was accused in this case of making "false and misleading" statements and withholding evidence from state regulators. The victimized now-widow hired an attorney and filed claims in arbitration. Oppenheimer's response: The woman "only has herself to blame for any losses or other injury she may have suffered."

The Massachusetts regulator was stunned by the callous blaming of the victim. "I guess the message is that anybody stupid enough to invest with Oppenheimer & Co., gets what they deserve," he said. "That's the only way to read a statement like that."

This might seem an isolated incident if it weren't for the reams of complaints which come my way almost daily. For starters, you don't need to be "stupid" to be victimized. After all, the global $336 billion ARS scandal (that's 2 percent of annual GDP) trapped 146,000 victims. Most of them are smart, successful people. Their only fault was to trust. And Oppenheimer in particular seems to have a nasty habit of stomping on trust.

I have never been an Oppenheimer client. And from the tone of the emails and other messages I get, I think I'll keep my distance.

Here's an example of one of those e-mails from Oppenheimer victim Brad Dickson, an author and comedy writer:

"Oppenheimer grotesquely misrepresented the product (ARS) at point of sale. But it goes beyond that. I think a company has a certain fiduciary responsibility to the client post-market collapse. In the 16 months since the ARS market froze, Oppenheimer has barely responded to my emails and calls asking what they're doing to rectify the problem.

"As far as I can ascertain they have not put even the tiniest bit of pressure on the issuers to make this good. They've done nothing but stonewall clients and treat us like dirt, and potential Oppenheimer clients need to know that this firm is not to be trusted…If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't give Oppenheimer a nickel of my money. I've never seen a company with such a dismissive attitude toward its customers."

Another correspondent who wished to remain anonymous wrote:
"I believe this week marks the six-month anniversary of that scathing complaint filed by (Massachusetts) against Oppenheimer…The complaint contained many harsh allegations of insider trading and (company) execs misrepresenting and unloading their personal ARS holdings in advance of the meltdown, and laid out tons of evidence and internal e-mails apparently proving pretty much all the allegations and-six months later, we're still waiting to hear something-anything-more."

Another correspondent wrote of selling her home in California with plans to move with her husband to Hawaii and start a business there. She placed the proceeds of the sale with her Oppenheimer FA, who in turn placed her money in ARS.

"He (the Oppenheimer broker) told us the account would act like a money market but with a better return," she wrote. "He called them (ARS) 'floaters' because the interest rate reset weekly. The term 'auction' was never used…"

Then the market froze. Plans to relocate to Hawaii were dashed.
"Luckily we had some friends visiting us from San Francisco who had corporate backgrounds. They immediately rallied us to get info on what we actually owned…They loaned us money, and if it hadn't been for them, we would have become destitute…The FA now refutes our comments and states we were completely aware and informed on the…market…The amount of stress we've gone through is indescribable."

Other correspondents have equally unpleasant experiences to recount:
"Canada gets rid of Oppenheimer and collects $2 million as they exit. The U.S. gets another corrupt financial firm. Just what we needed. Hopefully by the end of the year, Oppenheimer & Co., CEO and other top executives will be in jail and their auction rate victims will have their money back."

By now, I suppose, Elmore Leonard would have developed the character of the super-cop. The following note would have mysteriously crossed his desk, as it did mine:

"The United States should under NO circumstances allow this company to do business here until they have paid back the money they defrauded from auction rate securities victims. They are operating with money that doesn't belong to them-raking fees off fraudulent investments-and denying the claims, the same that UBS and Citibank and others settled long ago. U.S., don't let this criminal corporation in!"
Too late, I'm afraid. Oppenheimer & Co., is now part of the murky broker-dealer mix.

The company is optimistic, even cheery, holding its presence out to be a shining beacon for top talent and profit-starved investors.

In a May 2 memo, Oppenheimer crowed, "…We are seeing unprecedented interest in our firm by highly qualified professionals who are looking for an understandable culture that provides a significant competitive infrastructure coupled with highly understandable and attractive compensation practices."

Yes, it's garbled prose, typical of some MBA's twisted romance with three syllable words. But let's not overlook the beacon, Oppenheimer's chest-thumping optimism, as the memo continues:

"It has never been more important for us to be in touch with our existing clients, counseling them on their investments, and, equally important, seeking new clients who are adrift in this uncertain period…We move forward together as U.S. company, with a strong franchise and untarnished brand."

Oppenheimer & Co., will face Massachusetts Secretary William Galvin's fraud charges November 4. The official allegations repeat what so many correspondents have said: "(Oppenheimer & Co.,) significantly misrepresented not only the nature of ARS, but also the overall stability and health of the ARS market…" while the company's top executives secretly dumped their soon-to-be frozen ARS holdings.

Until a conclusion is reached in the case we can neither confirm nor deny Oppenheimer's guilt. But, hey, no matter how it all turns out, let's not lose sight of the love. Like Elmore's "LA Confidential," every twisted mystery needs a love angle.
Oppenheimer did not return calls seeking comment.

May 21, 2009

Muni Specalists Endorse "Enhanced Liquidity" Proposal;
ARS-ARPS Cited as Credit Market Distortions
By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

Washington, May 21: More than a dozen finance specialists today told the House Financial Services Committee the 2007-2008 implosion of the auction-rate securities market played a role in setting off a chain reaction that distorted municipal credit and created havoc over wide range of credit instruments.

At a hearing to review proposals to improve the efficiency and oversight of municipal finance, witnesses described a weakened municipal market and called for increased oversight of financial advisors and municipal market practices.

The house committee has proposed the Municipal Market Liquidity Enhancement Act of 2009, (MMLEA) a mechanism authorizing the Federal Reserve to purchase variable rate demand notes (VRDN) and to refinance ARS and other short-term municipal paper. The Fed would become a virtual Liquidity Central for troubled short-term municipal debt.

Outlining the fallout around last year's ARS market meltdown, Dallas Mayor Thomas C. Leppert, speaking on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, cited a Bank of New York Mellon study estimating that municipal issues will decrease by $48 billion, "a decrease comparable to eliminating all highway and transit spending for one year," Mayor Leppert said.

He endorsed proposed legislation, saying it will allow local governments with strong credit ratings to leverage significant infrastructure assistance. He also called for municipal bond insurance enhancement.

David W. Wilcock, deputy director of research statistics for the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors, said the ARS-ARPS market's lack of an "explicit contractual liquidity backstop" amounted to a fatal flaw. It was this problem, he explained, that infected a variety of floating debt instruments and caused broad credit disruption.

Market stresses have caused municipal bond insurance to decline from 50 percent in fall 2007 to approximately 10 percent today. Mr. Wilcox noted that liquidity support for variable rate demand obligations (VRDO) has become expensive, "while support for ARS has virtually disappeared." VRDO short-term rates are currently below one percent, he said.

"Although the market for fixed rate municipal debt is functioning fairly well, the markets for floating rate municipal debt are in serious condition," he said.

The Fed official said many municipalities have reportedly refinanced ARS into VRDOs or more traditional fixed rate debt, "bringing down substantially the volume of outstanding in the ARS market."

In an apparent slip-up in his calculations, Mr. Wilcox said outstanding ARS amounts to approximately $80 billion, a figure far below the estimated $170 billion-$200 billion in frozen debt-this 18 months after the February 2008 collapse of the market.

Despite the low rates for VRDOs, "market participants report that the cost of liquidity support from banks has risen sharply," Mr. Wilcox told the committee. "Demand for VRDOs has reportedly been so weak," he explained, that the instruments have been turned into so-called "bank bonds." These bonds present their own difficulties. They must confront the possibility of having to amortize debt over very short periods of time.

A new twist is outlined in the administration's second Stimulus Package which includes authorization of "Build America Bonds." These will give issuers of taxable municipals a 35 percent federal rebate on interest costs.

Michael J. Marz, vice chairman of First Southwest Co., indicated that distortions traceable to the liquidity and credit crunch were exacerbated by the ARS debacle.
"Some sectors of the municipal market are still quite distressed," he explained, adding that "friction" among the sectors is "causing significant fiscal pain for states and localities and investors."

Mr. Martz noted that a large volume of ARS remains outstanding where states and other borrowers have been unable to refinance to alternative forms of credit.

He said the committee's proposed legislation will offer targeted, temporary federal assistance to help states and localities until the credit picture returns to normal.
"In January 2008, $330 billion in ARS were outstanding," Mr. Martz continued. "A significant volume of these securities have been refunded and restructured-but nearly $200 billion remain outstanding."

Some state and local governments have restructured ARS debt, "curing the problem of high penalty rates," Mr. Martz said. However, many municipal and closed-end funds remain illiquid. Mr. Martz said student loan-backed ARS remain locked down with little hope of immediate resolution.

It's a kind of toxic closed circuit, he said. Buy-backs of illiquid paper simply transfer illiquidity problems from investors to dealers, many of whom may be facing their own liquidity crunch.

It has been suggested that the Fed expand the MMLEA to address non-municipal sectors of ARS and ARPS as well as student loans.

Ben Watkins, director of bond finance for the state of Florida, endorsed MMLEA and bemoaned the double-digit rates still being paid by ARS resets. The proposed legislation also was backed by Bernard Beal, president of MR Beal & Co., and vice chairman of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA).

Sean Egan, managing director of Egan-Jones Rating Co., had harsh words for MBIA, Inc., the credit rating agency.

"They (MBIA) face risks over the next couple of years," Mr. Egan said. He claimed MBIA is not an AAA-rated business.

The ease of AAA ratings, he added, "misled investors" into making "dangerous mistakes." AAA ratings embellished the ARS market and played a large role in the overall deception of investors.

Mr. Egan said the so-called "compensation model" of rating securities amounted to a sure means of inflating their value. The compensation model is one in which issuers of securities pay for the golden seal of AAA approval.

"The only real reform for the ratings industry is to return to the…business of representing those who invest in securities, not those who issue them," Mr. Egan concluded.

Friday, May 15, 2009

About Time: Virginia sues Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. over auction rate securities
St. Louis Business Journal - by Greg Edwards

The state of Virginia is suing Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. over its sale of auction rate securities to investors there. It is similar to a suit filed in March against Stifel by Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan.

The suit contends Stifel, an investment firm based in St. Louis, sold $8.4 million worth of auction rate securities (ARS) to Virginia investors while representing that they were as liquid as cash. “Retail clients were systematically and routinely informed that ARS were safe, conservative, liquid investments equivalent to cash or money market funds, a misleading and improper classification,” the suit said.

Stifel denies any wrongdoing and has offered to repurchase the securities over three years, the same offer that it made to Missouri investors, which Carnahan deemed inadequate.

“Investors across the country have been harmed by Stifel’s refusal to provide immediate relief to their clients holding auction rate securities,” Carnahan said. “Virginia’s action, along with ongoing investigations in several other states, reinforces that Stifel customers should not have to wait over three years for the immediate relief that so many other firms have already provided to their clients.”

May 11, 2009

This company is total garbage. Oppenheimer has so far stiffed its retail customers $930 million in auction rate securities. It told everyone lately it was moving to the U.S. so it could get TARP money in order to redeem the auction rate securities its brokers sold its retail customers. Now it doesn't want the TARP money.... but about its poor retail customers who got sold a large bill of goods? No mention. This gives disgusting behavior a whole new meaning. -- Harry Newton

Oppenheimer Shareholders Approve Reincorporation in Delaware
By Miles Weiss

May 11 (Bloomberg) -- Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.’s shareholders approved its reincorporation from Canada to Delaware to gain greater access to U.S. capital markets and bailout funds.

Oppenheimer Holdings, the Toronto-based parent to Oppenheimer & Co. of New York, said the reincorporation proposal was approved by investors holding 85.8 percent of its shares outstanding, with 5.8 percent opposed. Owners of the company’s Class A and Class B shares voted together as a single class.

The domicile change originally was intended in part to give Oppenheimer Holdings access to U.S. government bailout funds, a possible source of cash to pay claims by clients holding frozen auction-rate securities. The company filed a preliminary application for the bailout program in November. It may no longer seek that money, Chief Executive Officer Albert Lowenthal said in an interview.

“We think domestication in the U.S. would be helpful, but we are not sure TARP would be helpful,” Lowenthal said, referring to the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. “The TARP funding has become better defined now than it was in the October-November period, and it doesn’t show a clear path to resolution of auction-rate issues.”

Oppenheimer Holdings said reincorporation in Delaware would make it more clearly identified as a U.S. company. In turn, that would make it easier for Oppenheimer to raise capital in the U.S. through steps such as selling stock or bonds.

Company’s Roots

Oppenheimer Holdings, formerly Fahnestock Viner Holdings Inc., owns Oppenheimer & Co., the brokerage already incorporated in Delaware, as well as Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. Oppenheimer & Co.’s roots date to the late Leon Levy and Jack Nash, founders of the hedge fund Odyssey Partners LP.

The parent company’s retail clients were stuck with about $930 million of auction-rate securities, typically long-term bonds or preferred shares whose interest rates are set at auctions run by broker-dealers. Wall Street companies marketed the securities as a cash equivalent that offered higher yields than conventional money-market funds.

May 8, 2009

"Liquidity Facility" Proposal to be Reviewed;
ARS, Other "Credit Issues" Targeted;

Congressional Hearings Slated May 21.
By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

A proposal authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank power to create a "liquidity facility" dealing with auction rate and other variable rate notes was announced today by House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D., MA).

Review of the proposed legislation is scheduled for May 21.

The liquidity facility has been discussed behind closed doors for at least two months. Today's announcement was good news to frustrated ARS and ARPS investors left holding an estimated $170 billion in frozen assets. When the auction rate securities market collapsed in February 2008, some $336 billion was frozen overnight, leaving 146,000 investors stuck with illiquid paper.

The Liquidity Facility proposal is part of the house committee's ongoing review of the financial industry. Rep. Frank said the committee also will focus on investment advisers of municipalities.

Speaking before a meeting of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., in Boston, Rep. Frank said the proposal will establish a "fiduciary standard" for municipal financial advisers and give the Securities and Exchange Commission new powers to police them. He also called for creation of a reinsurance mechanism for mono-lines dealing exclusively in municipal finance.

Rep. Frank told his audience that the house committee proposal seeks a "globalization of the ratings system" for both corporate and municipal debt.

The legislation comes in part out of ARS hearings by the House Financial Services Committee held last September. Those hearings were a disappointment to many investors left holding illiquid auction rate bonds. No proposals to aide ARS-ARPS investors were announced following 3-1/2 hours of intense testimony, and relief has only been hinted at until now.

"We were tied down with so many problems, we couldn't act last year," a committee source told Auction Rate Preferreds. Org. "Now we are moving forward."

The proposed legislation comes in direct response to credit market problems, including auction rate securities, the source explained. A number of issuers of municipal debt were invested in variable rate paper, demand notes and ARS-ARPS.

At the same time, Rep. Frank said the White House expects to sign sweeping and comprehensive regulatory reform by the end of the year.

Votes on the proposed Liquidity Facility legislation will begin next month. The committee will also undertake creation of what Rep. Frank called a "systemic risk regulator" linked to a resolution authority to dissolve non-bank institutions.

The newly proposed financial authorities will work within existing federal regulatory framework. The systemic risk regulator "will not displace" or diminish the role of FINA, Rep. Frank said.

He said the new authority will have power to be emphatic and nimble, with the ability to "step in and cover" financial flare-ups. The authority, the details of which will be disclosed next week, will have a regulatory handle on leverage, reducing it when necessary.

Rep. Frank said the federal government will stay out of the business of executive compensation. However, there will be a proposal to give shareholders more power-a "say on pay" vote on executive compensation packages.

May 7, 2009

Four brokerages to repurchase auction rate securities, pay $550K in fines
With the settlements, Finra has now settled ARS charges with nine firms

By Mark Bruno, InvestmentNews

The Financial Industry Regulation Authority Inc. has reached an agreement with four brokerage firms to repurchase $554 million in auction rate securities from clients, and also pay a combined $850,000 in fines to settle charges that they misled investors by marketing these debt instruments as risk-free.

Cleveland-based NatCity Investments Inc. was fined $300,000; Buffalo-based M&T Securities Inc. was fined $200,000; Philadelphia-based Janney Montgomery Scott LLC was fined $200,000; and M&I Financial Advisors Inc., which is based in Milwaukee, was fined $150,000, New York and Washington-based Finra revealed in an announcement today.

As part of the settlement, these brokerages neither admitted nor denied the charges brought by Finra, according to the announcement.

With this latest round of settlements, Finra has now settled auction rate securities charges with nine firms.

Combined, these firms have paid more than $2.6 million in fines to the authority, and have agreed to return more than $1.2 billion to investors who purchased the instruments.

May 6, 2009

The farce called FINRA has no shame.
by Dan Solin, author of the bestseller, The Smartest Investment Book You'll Ever Read

Posted on the Huffington Post: The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), is the "non governmental" regulator for U.S. securities firms. FINRA runs the mandatory arbitration system for the resolution of all disputes between brokers and their clients. Many believe (and I am one of them) this process is biased and rigged against investors.

FINRA's Board of Governors is a who's who of the securities industry. Prudential, Merrill Lynch, Pershing and other industry insiders are well represented. They "govern" their fellow brokers the same way the SEC "governed" Bernie Madoff.

FINRA's kangaroo court is currently processing cases brought by investors who purchased auction rate securities. These investors were told ARS were "as good as cash." It turns out the markets were rigged (much like FINRA's arbitrations) by the market makers, who made huge underwriting profits packaging and selling these "investment" products. The ARS markets froze in February, 2008 leaving investors holding more than $100 billion.

We now learn that FINRA itself bought more that $860 million of ARS. Unlike investors who are stuck with these bonds, FINRA dumped all its holdings less than six months before the market for them froze up.

What remarkable foresight!

FINRA is the ultimate insider. Is it really possible it did not know the market for ARS was in deep trouble when it got rid of its ARS?

In October, 2007, Mary Schapiro, formerly the head of FINRA, gave a speech in which she said that "individuals bought auction-rate securities even as institutional investors were dumping their shares." Shapiro posed "the question" as follows: "Was that information freely shared with individual investors?"

At the time, FINRA's own sale of its ARS was not publicly disclosed.

Ultimately, it will fall to the SEC to investigate the propriety of FINRA's conduct. That could present a problem. Mary Schapiro is now the head of the SEC. How vigorously will she investigate her own behavior?

In the meantime, gullible investors will proceed with their FINRA arbitrations, clinging to the false hope of a fair hearing.

And pigs will fly!

May 4, 2009

Credit Suisse Ex-Broker Likely to Plead Guilty in Auction Rate Fraud Case
By AMIR EFRATI, The Wall Street Journal

Julian Tzolov, a former Credit Suisse Group broker accused last year of deceiving investors about investments known as auction-rate securities, is expected to plead guilty to fraud charges, his lawyer said in a court hearing last month.

If Mr. Tzolov pleads, it would mark the first criminal conviction stemming from the auction-rate securities mess, in which hundreds of thousands of investors were left holding billions of dollars worth of securities they couldn't easily sell.

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, N.Y., last year brought charges against Mr. Tzolov and a former colleague at Credit Suisse, Eric Butler, alleging they marketed to clients auction-rate securities backed by student loans, but instead used client funds to purchase riskier auction-rate securities backed in part by subprime mortgages, which brought in higher commissions for the brokers.

The market for those riskier securities, whose interest rates reset at periodical auctions, collapsed starting in 2007 and they have lost much of their value. Prosecutors said clients lost as much as $500 million from the alleged fraud.

At the hearing, Mr. Tzolov's lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, said his client expected to resolve the case before trial, which is set for June.

The announcement came after prosecutors told the court they had evidence Mr. Tzolov, a native of Bulgaria, lied in his application to become a U.S. resident. It's unclear whether Mr. Tzolov will testify against Mr. Butler as part of an eventual plea agreement with prosecutors. Greg Andres, the prosecutor handling the case, declined to comment, as did Paul Weinstein, a lawyer for Mr. Butler.

Credit Suisse has said it cooperated with authorities.

May 1, 2009

FINRA Knew and sold its ARPs Before the Auctions Froze -- Update 1
By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

We make a big fuss about bank robbers. But what about banks robbing us?
We have come to expect taxpayer rip-offs, and now we find disturbing evidence that the cops helped the crooks pull off the auction-rate securities heist.

FINRA, the bank-owned regulator, sold more than $862 million iARS it owned right before the market collapsed. What did FINRA know that we didn't? And why did a high-ranking congressional economist call the market collapse a "scripted failure" following only one day of hearings last September by the House Financial Services Committee? Clearly there was method to the ARS "script," and each day we find new ghost-written clues.

Let's begin with the most obvious. After examining dozens of class action suits, and following interviews of leading attorneys, I find a one size fits all sales pitch scripted carefully as a bad sit-com, with only slight variations, and no laughs. For example, the details of ongoing class action suits by San Francisco-based Girard Gibbs against Wells Fargo, Raymond James, and Deutsche Bank depict a course of conduct by the banks that is consistent with the allegations in virtually all other law suits which have appeared since February 2008, when the auction rate securities market tanked and ARPS owners were stuck with "cash-equivalent" securities that weren't.

By now readers are painfully aware of the deceptive methods by which these bonds were sold. There was a clear plan, a lock-step sales pitch designed to deceive 146,000 otherwise smart investors. The scam worked because the broker-dealers spoke with a single voice. Investors wondered: could so many Wall Street gurus and how could so many CFOs of public companies be wrong?

We have since been made aware of massive insider trading of ARS and ARPS when the market was set to fail. The spectacle of dumping soon-to-be-illiquid bonds into investor portfolios might make a conspiracy theorist look sage, even prescient. And guess what--more than a few observers have a hunch that Lehman Brothers sent an unwritten memo in late December 2007 or January 2008 that it was prepared to allow auctions to fail. As one attorney speculated, Lehman might have sent "a signal" to the rest of the industry that the game was over. Winner take all!

"You have to wonder why all the players allowed the market to collapse on the same day?" this attorney said.

According to Aaron Sheanin of Girard Gibbs, "Had the SEC been more active five years ago, we might have had a different outcome. Peeling back the onion of the scandal has revealed a common scheme to manipulate the market for these securities in order to take money from investors."

Where does the SEC fit in? Not long ago, I lunched with a high-ranking Bush Administration official who spoke anonymously on background. I pressed him on the administration's deregulation mantra and how it may have contributed to current economic meltdown.

"It was a factor," this official admitted. "In hindsight, no question about it."

I wondered if former SEC Chairman Christopher Cox enabled the administration-wide caveat emptor philosophy.

"Well, Chris wanted to be a circuit judge in the Ninth District of California," he replied. Senator Barbara Boxer (D., CA) was opposed to the appointment and blocked it. ARS investors would have been better off if Cox had returned to his native California. A legislator who spent 17 nondescript years in congress, Cox was "tired of the game," the official said. "There was a vacancy at the SEC. He was a conservative, so we offered him the chairmanship."

The appointment of Cox in 2006 was a tacit signal to the financial markets.

"What else could Chris Cox do?" the administration source shrugged. Cox was a "free market guy." Like President Bush, he believed in self-correcting and self-policing mechanisms-the market as demi-god. A convenient belief, if one also believes that Zeus and Hera once controlled the destiny of Mankind.

"He wasn't going to over-regulate," the cabinet official said. Thus the method was given official blessing from the White House and the Department of Justice. "Chris believes markets work themselves out," the former official explained.

In a recent Bloomberg article, it was revealed that FINRA officials claimed not to know the market was headed for oblivion. FINRA's sale of its own auction-rate securities in advance of the crash could not be seen as connecting any of the methodical dots, according to Herb Perone, the agency's spokesman.

And Mary Shapiro, FINRA's former CEO and now SEC chairperson, has made it clear that FINRA's purchase and sale of auction-rate paper was based on the advice of a "professional investment committee, in consultation with professional investment managers." It's hard to imagine that so many professionals were unaware of market fractures. But then ignorance, real or feigned, fits neatly into the toolbox of method.

Larry Doyle, an institutional money manager with 23 years of Wall Street experience, says the actions of FINRA and SEC in the auction market scandal "smacks of incompetence and negligence." But Richard Ketchum, Ms. Shapiro's successor, said bankers in touch with Washington regulators had every reason to suspect the market was doomed.

The game played in Washington has by now instilled in state securities regulators distrust of congressional proposals to create a federal systemic risk regulator-a kind of Risk Czar. It has been suggested that the Federal Reserve might play such a role. What gives pause to state securities regulators is that the idea is supported by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association of New York and Washington, hardly the most objective of organizations.

Monica Lindeen, Montana state auditor and commissioner of insurance and securities, has argued that the federal government needs to keep state regulatory powers intact. She believes the states have been strong, active players in the securities venue. However, a number of state AGs remain on the sidelines in the ARS debacle. Given the depth of the overall financial crisis, the idea of a monolithic federal Risk Czar "does make me nervous," Ms. Lindeen says.

Sen. Susan Collins (R., ME) has introduced legislation to create a council to oversee systemic risk. The Financial System Stabilization and Reform Act would create an independent "Financial Stability Council" (FSC) to oversee Wall Street. Similar legislation has been introduced in the House by Rep. Michael Castle (R., DE). State legislators insist on being part of the mix.

It's not a bad idea. But if lessons learned from the ARS fraud are any indication of how additional regulation may play out, chances are a future FSC will be co-opted and made yet another piece of the method by which banks continue to loot the U.S. Treasury and mug investors.

Clarification: Larry Doyle was incorrectly identified as an institutional money manager in the May 1 opinion column (above). During his 23 year career on Wall Street, Doyle traded and sold mortgage securities. He now writes financial commentary at his Internet site, "Sense on Sense," and was the first to discover FINRA's ARS holdings, later reported by Bloomberg News.

April 29, 2009

Finra Oversees Auction-Rate Arbitrations After Exiting Market

By Darrell Preston

April 29 (Bloomberg) -- The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, supervising 344 investor arbitration cases over auction-rate bonds, skirted losses from the securities by selling its holdings months before the market collapsed.

Finra, responsible for educating and protecting investors, owned as much as $862.2 million of the debt before exiting the market in the spring of 2007, less than six months before auctions began to fail, according to spokesman Herb Perone. The Washington-based group is conducting arbitration hearings filed against banks by bondholders stuck in the $176 billion market.

Investors who were sold the securities as money-market alternatives say Finra, a non-profit corporation owned by banks that oversees 5,000 brokerage firms and 659,000 brokers, failed to protect them. The market froze in February 2008 when banks, which had supported the debt for two decades through periodic dealer-run auctions, stopped buying bonds that investors didn’t want as losses from subprime mortgages spread.

“Nobody was defending any investors,” said Mike Offit, a 52-year-old real estate capital markets consultant in New York. In a Finra arbitration claim Offit blames Charlotte, North Caroline-based Wachovia Corp. because he lost access to cash he had tied up in auction-rate debt. “This is a banker-created problem,” he said.

Auction-rate bonds are long-term notes and preferred stock with interest rates reset through sales every seven, 28 or 35 days. Auctions failed when banks, beset by mounting losses on bonds tied to subprime mortgages, stopped buying bonds that went unsold. Borrowers were forced to pay penalty rates of more than 20 percent and investors got stuck with unwanted securities.

Dozens of auctions continue to fail daily, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“If they had these securities, they had to know the market was in trouble,” said Ed Dowling, 54, the owner of a clothing manufacturer in New York City, referring to Finra. Dowling said he has $2.25 million of auction-rate securities he can’t sell.

Finra didn’t know the auctions were poised to weaken, Perone said. The regulator issued its first guidance for investors caught in the debt on March 31, 2008, more than a month after the failure rate rose to about 80 percent.

The national organization followed state regulators led by Massachusetts and New York in punishing Wall Street banks that sold the securities.

“The states went ahead and did it themselves,” said Peter Chepucavage, a former attorney with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Association of Securities Dealers, a precursor to Finra. “The states were able to get it done.”

Finra’s regulation didn’t have anything to do with the market’s collapse, Perone said. The organization doesn’t regulate “over-the-counter securities transactions” such as trades in auction-rate bonds, which aren’t listed on an exchange, he said.

The regulator has been involved in more than two-dozen investigations “into firms’ conduct with respect to auction- rate securities,” Perone said. Finra enforcement has returned $2 billion of investor money, he said. States and the SEC have recovered more than $50 billion.

Finra, known as the National Association of Securities Dealers until its 2007 merger with the regulatory unit of the New York Stock Exchange, invested in auction-rate securities with funds from the $1.6 billion sale of the NASDAQ electronic trading system starting in 2000, Perone said.

NASD held $257.5 million in 2003, according to its annual report. By July 2006, the investments totaled $862.2 million.

“It was for cash that we needed to have parked for a temporary period of time,” Perone said. “It was common to take cash you needed to hold and put it in auction-rate securities.”

Finra decided to invest in auction-rate debt after a committee review, according to Mary Schapiro, Finra’s former chief executive officer and the current SEC chairman. The SEC will have a role in reforming how securities markets are regulated after credit markets froze and stock markets tumbled last year.

“Decisions as to how to invest Finra’s assets are developed through a professional investment committee in consultation with professional investment managers,” Schapiro said in a prepared statement. “The procedures for researching, analyzing and recommending investments are well established and publicly disclosed.”

Finra also owned stakes in hedge funds, Treasuries and exchange-traded funds, according to financial statements.

The SEC was investigating auction-rate dealers while Finra was buying the securities, and fined 15 dealers $13 million in May 2006 over practices that included bidding to prevent failures. The dealers, who didn’t admit or deny wrongdoing, were allowed to continue the practice as long as it was disclosed.

“To me it smacks of incompetence and negligence,” said Larry Doyle, who worked 23 years on Wall Street and runs a Web site called Sense on Cents. “Finra is supposed to police the market.”

Finra’s predecessor, the NASD, reclassified its auction- rate holdings in July 2006 as “trading securities” instead of “available-for-sale,” its annual report for that year shows.

The new designation signaled the securities could less easily be converted to cash. Corporations that invested in the debt were also moving the investments from short-term or cash- equivalents to long-term investments in their financial reports.

“The market was functioning normally when NASD was investing in these securities,” Perone said. At the time, auction-rate securities “were viewed as high-quality cash equivalents and as acceptable investment for institutions,” he said.

Individuals bought auction-rate securities in 2007 even as “institutional investors and companies were dumping their shares,” Schapiro said in an October speech at Dominican University in Forest River, Illinois.

“Many institutions understood the risk in terms of their own investments, but the question is: Was that information freely shared with individual investors?” Schapiro said in the ethics and leadership lecture on regulation. “There was both a legal and ethical obligation to do so.”

Bankers knew the market was going to fail, said Richard Ketchum, Schapiro’s successor, at a Finra seminar on March 23. “The impending scarcity of new buyers at auction was, at some point, no real secret.”

Some investors said Finra didn’t move fast enough to protect investors after the market failed.

“I’ve got doubts about the efficacy of the regulatory system,” said W.E. Benton, 60, a retired attorney in Little Rock, Arkansas, stuck with $25,000 of auction-rate securities.

To contact the reporter on this story: Darrell Preston in Dallas at

April 28, 2009

Oppenheimer Faces Massive Class Action Suit;
New York Court Filing Alleges "Egregious Conduct," Market Manipulation, Insider Trader of ARS; 'TARP' Relief Seen As Unlikely "Hail Mary" Strategy

By Phil Trupp (MVA News Service)

Washington, April 28: Oppenheimer & Co. "continues to dodge responsibility" to its auction rate securities clients and engaged in "egregious conduct" by off-loading its own ARS inventory when company executives knew the market was failing in 2007, according to a comprehensive class action suit filed April 10 in the Southern District of New York.

Lead attorney Norman E. Siegel of Stueve Siegel Hanson LLP told Auction Rate Preferreds.Org that Oppenheimer and its affiliates created a "façade of liquidity they knew was coming to an end," yet continued to push ARS-ARPS on its clients.
Openheimer's Canadian parent, Openheimer Holdings, Inc., based in Toronto, has asked shareholders to approve incorporation in Delaware, placing the firm in line for a potential bailout from the U.S. Treasury's Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The move, according to the company, may act as an "assist" in repurchasing illiquid ARS-ARPS.

Mr. Siegel scoffed at the TARP tactic.
"It's a Hail Mary strategy, and they know it," he explained. "It's a very long shot and highly unlikely."

Mr. Siegel said the class action covers all Oppenheimer clients. He could not place an exact figure on the frozen cash being held by Oppenheimer clients. It is estimated that retail clients are stuck with at least $930 million in illiquid debt. Last November, the Massachusetts Securities Division filed an administrative action to compel Oppenheimer to make state residents whole to the tune of $56 million.

The company last month was told that US Airways Group, Inc., and Hansen Beverage Co., have filed arbitration claims with FINRA. US Airways, based in Tempe, AZ., is demanding that Oppenheimer buy back $250 million in ARS. Hanson is seeking payment of $60 million.

In late March, Oppenheimer admitted the obvious: that its failure to redeem auction rate securities from its customers "presents a significant issue for us with our clients and regulators." The company added that TARP, "might under certain circumstances provide the liquidity necessary" to unfreeze the cash. Oppenheimer failed to define what those "certain circumstances" might involve.

Mr. Siegel pointed to allegations in the Massachusetts case as an example of the insider game played by Oppenheimer before the February 2008 collapse of the market. He said the company pushed auction rate paper to its clients while Chief Executive Officer Albert Lowenthal and other members of the management team sold their personal holdings.

Mr. Siegel said Oppenheimer's "TARP play" appeared to be smoke and mirrors, little more than a ploy designed to mollify legions of furious investors. He said that long maturity dates on most auction rate paper, much of it extending 20 to 30 years, likely disqualifies it from the Treasury program. "Auction rates aren't exactly the kind of assets the government wants to assume," he explained. The long maturities would likely create deep discounts.

Mr. Siegel cautioned that earlier ARS-ARPS settlements by other banks and broker-dealers may not set a precedent for the upcoming Oppenheimer case.
"People think those cases have solved the problem," he said. "This is a dangerous assumption."

Oppenheimer Holdings, formerly Fahnestock Viner Holdings, owns Oppenheimer & Co., which is now incorporated in Delaware. The company is separate from OppenheimerFunds, Inc., which is a part of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.
This latest court case, filed April 10 in the Southern District of New York, is docketed as Civil Action No. 08-CV-4435 (LAP), a consolidated action complaint for violation of federal securities law. Defendants are Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc., Oppenheimer & Co., Inc., and Oppenheimer Asset Management, Inc.

The plaintiffs allege Oppenheimer sold auction rate paper to "thousands of customers" represented in the class action. It was noted that separate actions by individual class members would create a risk of "inconsistent and varying adjudications."

Mr. Siegel charged that Oppenheimer manipulated the auction market and underwrote billions of dollars worth of ARS that carried "insufficient maximum rates to ensure the liquidity of those securities if the auctions failed."

He said underwriters encouraged issuers to establish maximum yield in order to gain AAA ratings, "creating the appearance of quality and safety." Oppenheimer touted the ratings in its sales pitches to clients.

The court filing paints a stark picture of deception:

"Unbeknownst to investors, however, the same maximum rates that enabled…AAA ratings also limited the liquidity of those securities, and ensured that, once an auction failed, investors would receive interest rates that were below market value and insufficient to compensate for the lack of liquidity."

To mask this problem, Oppenheimer allegedly engaged in a wide range of tactics to conceal the liquidity characteristics of the securities, "while protecting themselves from the consequences of intervening in auctions to prevent failures."

The suit claims Oppenheimer misrepresented and omitted facts about the market and obscured inherent risks.

The company earned "lucrative commissions and fees" for selling and underwriting the securities, and directed its financial advisors throughout the U.S. to present "uniform sales presentations" with assurances of liquidity and cash equivalency. .

"Oppenheimer knew or was grossly reckless in not knowing that auction rate securities were not equivalent to cash," according to the complaint. It noted that since March 2005, the "Big-4" accounting firms, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the SEC said that ARS did not meet the standard for cash equivalents. The securities carried long-term maturities and lacked any guarantee that ARS holders would be able to liquidate holdings.
The liquidity pitch by Oppenheimer's financial advisors was promoted and pushed by "management directives," the court document stated.

Financial advisors also sold ARS, under directions from Oppenheimer management, without disclosing how the market operated, and "without transparency to investors, thus enabling manipulation by broker-dealers."

"Oppenheimer contacted investors with significant cash holdings…via unsolicited telephone calls and encouraged those investors to invest their cash in auction rate securities," according to the court documents. "At all relevant times, Oppenheimer financial advisors uniformly failed to disclose" important facts concerning the real fragility of the market.

Other allegations include:

* Oppenheimer failed to provide mandatory instruction or compliance training to its financial advisors;

* Financial advisors lacked "rudimentary understanding" of the securities they were selling or the ARS market conditions;

* Oppenheimer's practice was not to deliver prospectuses;

* As the market unraveled, Oppenheimer sought to enrich itself rather than protect its clients. The company worked to deter clients from selling their ARS prior the market's collapse, though the crash was seen in advance by Oppenheimer management;

* In a July 11, 2007 email, Oppenheimer instructed its Auction Rate Securities Desk to ensure that its clients held any new purchases for a "minimum" of two to four auctions: "These holding periods are in place to ensure that Oppenheimer continues to maintain and build positive long-term relationships with underwriters…continues to be shown these new issues, and receive favorable allocations…";

* If a client "must sell prior to the minimum holding period," Oppenheimer would financially penalize an advisor who allowed the early sale. The company's own advisors described this practice as an "in-house rule" running contrary to the interests of their clients;

* In early February 2008, only days before the market collapsed, insiders began selling their holdings. Among those named were Greg White, an Oppenheimer ARS specialist who sold $300,000 of his own ARS holdings; Louis Gelonmino, the desk supervisor of the ARS department liquidated $75,000 of ARS holdings. On February 7 and 11, Oppenheimer's Chief Operating Officer, Lawrence Spaulding liquidated $700,000 of his personal ARS. Between January 29 and February 12, 2008, Oppenheimer chairman and CEO sold $1.7 million of his personal ARS holdings;

* "While Oppenheimer senior management was unloading their personal holdings…and despite the fact that Oppenheimer was well aware that the (ARS) market was near collapse, Oppenheimer made no effort to correct its prior false statements or material omissions related to the (ARS) it had sold to its customers. Instead, Oppenheimer continued to encourage investors to purchase (ARS) through the first half of February 2008, despite increasing turmoil in the…market."

Norman Siegel was emphatic that the class action suit might be a "last best hope"
for Oppenheimer clients. On a more positive note he added, "I believe we'll get a fair shake form the judges" and end the misery of Oppenheimer's frustrated and long-suffering clients.

April 26, 2009

E*Trade should be in your "Hall of Shame"

Hello Harry,

E*Trade has been totally intransigent, unresponsive, and demonstrated nothing but stonewalling and plain rude behavior. Complaints with FINRA about E*Trade just seem to languish. ( The same is true of Ameritrade and Schwab I understand.)

I have been "frozen" in $250K ARS trash at E*Trade since February 2008. As you are well aware E*Trade is one of the worst of the scum. I won't give you my details on them as it is the same recounting as others have well documented. I digress.

My nominee is:

Fred J. Joseph, Colorado Securities Commissioner
Colorado Div. of Securities
1560 Broadway Ste 900
Denver, CO 80202

This "regulator" has demonstrated, so far, a total disregard, complete unresponsiveness, and lack of concern in this matter. I have been writing his office, to his attention, for a year asking for help and an investigation into this matter and I have not even received a " thank you for contacting your State Securities division."

One gets the feeling he is in the pocket somehow of the likes of E*Trade, TD Ameritrade. The State of Colorado seems to be viewing this ARS fraud as essentially a non-event or of no concern, unlike some states such as NY, MO, PA, MA.

Here is a synopsis of my correspondence to his office I will share with you.

March 16th, 2009 ( as well as three dates prior starting with April 2008.)

Colorado Div. of Securities
1560 Broadway Ste 900
Denver, CO 80202

RE:Auction Rate Securities

Dear Fred J. Joseph, Colorado Securities Commissioner:

I want to bring to your attention the fact that many Colorado residents - and people throughout the country - are still trapped in auction rates through firms like Oppenheimer, E*Trade, Charles Schwab, and TD Ameritrade. Actually, the number of people trapped in each one of these firms easily surpasses the number trapped through Citibank.

I know my brokerage, E*Trade, has done business in Colorado for almost ten years. Many individuals who live in Colorado are trapped in auction rates sold them by E*Trade and the other brokerages above, to the tune of $X,X00,000's individually.

The frozen auction rate money is money that would be used to purchase goods and services and homes in Colorado and throughout the nation.

Anything you can do to bring E*Trade and the others to justice is appreciated. As you know these securities were grossly misrepresented by the firms who sold them, and many of those trapped are elderly. I know of one elderly woman who is unable to pay for her cancer medication because her money is frozen. Anything to can do to right this travesty is appreciated.

The State of Colorado should revoke the securities' licenses of the aforementioned firms to do business in Colorado until they redeem all of the ARS for those investors who want them redeemed. FINRA is nothing but a kangaroo Court and is biased to the brokers, the expense notwithstanding to folks who can ill afford to pay arbitration fees just to get their own money back.

John Oughtred

April 23, 2009

Read the followings two stories and ask yourself why Wells Fargo is acting so stupidly. All the big brokers have caved in and redeemed all the ARPS at par. Why not Wells Fargo? My guess is twofold: they're getting fees every month from "managing" these things. Money is money. Second, they'll cave in shortly when they discover -- surprise, surprise -- that they don't have a leg to stand on. But meantime, Wells Fargo attorneys are billing hours and more hours. Someone ought to read the attorneys the riot act. -- Harry Newton

Wells Fargo accused of securities fraud by state lawsuit
Attorney General Jerry Brown says customers were misled into believing that auction-rate securities were safe. Wells Fargo disputes that, and says it aided customers hit by the collapse of the market.
By Martin Zimmerman of the Los Angeles Times

April 23, 2009: California today sued investment subsidiaries of Wells Fargo & Co. for securities fraud, alleging that the San Francisco financial services company misled investors by selling $1.5 billion worth of risky securities that it peddled as being as safe as cash.

The securities "were sold to customers on the basis that they were like cash and people could get their money back in eight days," Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown said in an interview. "Now, it turns out they were not like cash and people can't get their money back even after many, many months, and they're mad as hell."

The lawsuit, filed in state court in San Francisco, seeks to recover money invested in what are known as auction-rate securities, which Wells Fargo subsidiaries sold to Californians. As the name implies, interest rates on auction-rate securities are reset in periodic auctions. Billions of dollars worth of the securities were sold to investors nationwide in recent years.

Regulators have charged that many investors were misled into believing the securities were safe and the equivalent of cash. But when the $330-billion market for auction-rate securities collapsed early last year, many investors couldn't sell the securities, or could only sell them at a loss.

About 2,400 Californians bought auction-rate securities from Wells Fargo, according to the attorney general's office.

Brown's lawsuit names Wells Fargo Investments, Wells Fargo Brokerage Services and Wells Fargo Institutional Services as defendants.

Wells Fargo disputed the state's allegations, saying that it had taken steps to help customers hit by the collapse of the auction-rate securities market, including offering loans to tide them over.

"We fully understand and deeply regret the effects this prolonged liquidity crisis has had on our clients," Charles W. Daggs, chief executive of Wells Fargo Investments, said in a statement.

"Wells Fargo could not have predicted these extraordinary circumstances, and even with the benefit of hindsight is not responsible for them."

Several financial services companies that marketed auction rate debt to investors have agreed to repurchase billions of dollars worth of the devalued securities.

Last month, Wachovia Corp., the bank acquired by Wells Fargo last year, agreed to repurchase $1.5 billion of the securities from California investors in a settlement with regulators. Brown said that case didn't involve the securities at issue in the lawsuit he filed today.

Last June, the attorney general sued Countrywide Financial Corp., accusing the mortgage lender of causing thousands of home foreclosures by deceptively marketing risky loans to borrowers. That suit, which sought restitution for borrowers who were deceived by Countrywide, was settled in October when the lender agreed to reduce loan payments and provide other benefits that could total as much as $8.7 billion nationally.

To see the attorney general's press release, CLICK HERE.

To see the attorney general's lawsuit, CLICK HERE.

To see Wells Fargo's statement, CLICK HERE.

April 22, 2009

Wells Fargo ARS Practices Targeted
By Washington State Regulators as Bank
Reports Record $3.05 Billion First Quarter;

$3.93 billion ARS/ARP Probe May Crack Bank's
Refusal to Thaw Assets Frozen Since February 2008
By Phil Trupp, (MVA News Service)

Washington, April 22, 2009-Calling for redemption of $3.9 billion in frozen ARS and ARPS assets, Washington State securities investigators have charged Wells Fargo Bank and its divisions with misrepresenting and failing to "disclose material information" to clients about its sales of auction-rate securities.

Washington State Securities Administrator Michael E. Stevenson said regulators are poised to move ahead rapidly with their case if the bank continues to refuse "full cooperation" with the State Securities Division.

In a series of blistering allegations released yesterday to MVA News Service, state securities officials have threatened to suspend the bank's broker-dealer investment adviser registration if the legal foot-dragging continues.

Ironically, the threat came one day before Wells Fargo reported record first quarter earnings of $3.05 billion. There was no indication of how the $25 billion taxpayer bailout figured in the calculation. Nowhere it its quarterly report did Wells President and CEO John Stumpf mention the bank's impending clash over its ARS and ARPS redemption problems.

Instead, Mr. Stumpf offered comforting bromides to shareholders. "We remain focused on proactively identifying problem credits," he said, adding that the bank is sensitive to "troubled borrowers" who will "receive the attention and help they need."

He did not mention the firm had spent $700,000 on lobbying in the first quarter.
Wells Fargo began selling ARS in 2001 as short-term "cash equivalents" to retail and institutional investors. The bank is still receiving compensation for its auction management and dealer services, while "all purchasers who wish to sell their shares…are forced to continue holding their positions," according to Washington State securities officials.

These officials allege the bank actively solicited customers for ARS, touting higher yields and safety. Referrals were prized within the organization.

"Both on the banking side and on the investment side, the number of internal referrals an employee made was used as part of a matrix to determine eligibility for bonuses," according to the state's official court filing. Regulators complained that customers were not informed of risks or other pertinent details, even after the auction-rate market began to fail in August 2007.

State investigators found an alarming lack of knowledge about the auction market among Wells Fargo employees. Many were "generally unaware that auctions could fail and were failing," they said. Nor were many Wells Fargo employees aware that PriceWaterhouseCoopers had issued an interpretive opinion on March 4, 2005 stating that under existing Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) guidelines, ARS could not be classified on bank balance sheets as cash or cash equivalents.

Clients were later shocked to learn that Wells Fargo "salespersons" were aware that several ARS market-makers were involved in a 2006 settlement with the S.E.C., and that 2007 was riddled with auction failures.

"It was all a big game," one former Wells Fargo client said. "And they're still acting like, 'What, me worry'?"

Washington securities officials said Well Fargo failed to disseminate information about market problems to bank salespersons and their supervisors. They alleged that Wells Fargo "knew of increasing (market) risks" as early as May 2005, but changed none of its practices.

In November 2007, the bank's Trust Department prepared a document titled, "Fixed Income Update: Failed Auction Risk in the Auction-rate Preferred Market," according to state officials. They said despite this warning, Wells Fargo made a decision to keep pushing its auction-rate sales, making sure not to disclose how the auction failures might affect liquidity.

The state's allegations reveal a stunning lack of accountability by the bank. For example, the securities officials found that "the fixed income desk failed to communicate material information to salespersons," and that bank supervisors provided no "product training for ARS." The regulators said Wells Fargo "failed to obtain prospectuses, disclosure documents" or other details helpful to understanding ARS products.

These investigators said when the bank first began offering ARPS, it placed its orders after contacting Nuveen. Later, the bank placed its orders for ARPS "exclusively through Oppenheimer." Both Nuveen and Oppenheimer provided ARS/ARPS brochures to Wells Fargo. Even though the brochures failed to address market risks, Wells Fargo did not make the documents available to clients, investigators explained.

"Branch managers regularly approved ARPS for customers with low tolerance for risk," they charged, citing yet another securities violation.

In January 2008, the Fixed Income Desk learned of an auction failure of a Nuveen ARPS for which Lehman Brothers acted as the auction's managing dealer. State investigators said Wells Fargo remained mum, avoiding any mention of the failure to its clients.

Following the February 2008 collapse of the market, the bank arranged loan programs for its ARS customers. The first such program was a margin loan of 50 percent of par value of the security. Later, this amount was boosted to 90 percent.

In a long preface detailing the many hardships suffered by Wells Fargo ARS clients, the investigators claimed the bank had "no ARS guidelines for determining the suitability of a recommendation to a customer…" Thus many retired or soon-to-be retiring clients found themselves strapped for cash at a most pressing time in their lives.

Investigators said the bank has continued to dodge important questions.
"Respondents have not provided a complete response to requests for discovery" by the Washington State Securities Division. The bank has failed even to produce witnesses, according to the state's court filing.

One source following the case noted with some irony that it was unseemly for a bank which boasts $1.3 trillion in total assets to refuse to "make its ARS investors whole."

But CEO Stumpf, in his first quarter report, was proud to announce that Wells Fargo had opened 14 new retail outlets, bringing the bank's total to 6,638. Mr. Stumpf also reported mortgage applications amounting to $190 million, up 64 percent in the quarter.

All very nice for Wells Fargo. Not so nice for its long suffering ARS victims.

April 15, 2009

State collects $2.3 million in fines from Citigroup and Wachovia
By Jay Greene, Crain's Detroit Business

The Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation on Wednesday announced it will recover more than $2.3 million in fines in a settlement with Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and Wachovia Capital Markets over the sales practices of auction-rate securities.

“This deal is good for Michigan investors and pumps over $2 million into the general fund,” said OFIR Commissioner Ken Ross in a statement. “Consumer protection pays dividends for Michigan.”

In a multi-state investigation, Michigan and other states alleged that Citigroup and Wachovia misled investors regarding the liquidity risks associated with investing in the securities.

Auction-rate securities are debt instruments with rates that vary and are sold generally on a weekly basis in auctions overseen by brokerage firms.

Since February 2008, when most auctions have failed, the market has been frozen, and many corporate or municipal bond holders have lost money or did not have access to it.

Last September, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox announced that Comerica Bank agreed to buy back $1.46 billion of the auction-rate securities from its customers. Nearly $1 billion was held by Michigan residents, he said.

Comerica also agreed to pay Michigan a civil penalty of $10,000 and $100,000 to the Michigan Investor Protection Trust Fund.

Citigroup and Wachovia also agreed to offer full buybacks to any eligible customer who purchased the securities from the brokerage firms, including up to $717 million from Citigroup and up to $159 million from Wachovia.

Citigroup agreed to pay Michigan a $1.72 million administrative fine and Wachovia a $654,000 fine. Some 90 percent will be deposited into Michigan’s general fund and the remaining amount will go into OFIR’s Michigan Investor Protection Trust.

April 15, 2009

Citigroup Global Fined Over Auction-Rate Debacle
By Gordon Gibb,

Phoenix, AZ: Long after the auction rate securities market dried up practically overnight, the fallout over the products and how they were sold continues. Auction rate securities were sold 'as good as cash,' but many an investor who went the auction rate route soon found out that things were not as they seemed.

This week Citigroup Global Markets Inc. was ordered to pay almost a half-million dollars in fines over its role in misleading investors with regard to auction-rate security sales in Arizona.

Investment LossMisleading investors in the auction-rate securities arena seems to have been a common occurrence.

At one time auction-rate securities were a relatively easy and lucrative way for investors to temporarily park cash. Securities could usually be purchased and sold fairly quickly and interest rates were attractive compared with competing products. It was not uncommon for investors to park cash for a college or vacation fund, or for any other reason.

The word on the street, as well as the words in the vending agent's office, were that the auction-rate security was safe, liquid and 'as good as cash.'

That was the sell. In reality, auction-rate securities were anything but—long-term investments subject to a complex auction process that had the potential to lead to illiquidity and lower interest rates.

For holding back that little tidbit of truth, Citigroup Global Markets Inc. was fined $455,128 by the Arizona Corporation Commission for its role in leading investors down the garden path.

As part of the settlement Citigroup also agreed to buy back the now-vilified securities and reimburse those investors who sold at a loss (if they were lucky enough to sell at all). That bill totals about $97.7 million worth of auction–rate securities from some 839 investors.

It seemed, at the time that everyone knew exactly what the auction-rate security was. Everyone perhaps, save for the investor. He was left out in the cold. He didn’t know that what he was really buying was a long-term product, such as a municipal bond with something like a 30-year term to maturity.

When the market was hot there were buyers a-plenty and investors were flipping auction-rate securities like real estate moguls flip properties.

However that only works when you have buyers. Without the buyer, you can't sell. And once that begins to happen, you're going to stop buying.

That's how a massive market for auction-rate securities that had been steaming along for years, ground to a halt almost overnight.

Suddenly, investors are holding investment products they can't sell. Instead of the expectation of selling an auction-rate security over the course of a couple of weeks or a month, investors suddenly were made to realize the truth about their investment and the scope: without access to those funds, they couldn't fund the kid's college tuition, or carry on with whatever plan or need the money was intended for.

If brokers knew the score they either weren't telling, or were actually beginning to believe the auction-rate security was as good as cash themselves. Who would believe the bubble would burst and the market would implode as quickly as it did?

The Arizona Corporation Commission investigation was part of a 12-state inquiry probing the behavior of prominent Wall Street firms with regard to allegations that they knowingly misled investors into thinking they were buying completely liquid products with full and unfettered access to their money, without disclosing the risks.

Observers have stated the funds currently tied up in failed auction-rate securities would go a long way in helping stimulate the US economy, were those funds to get back into circulation. Instead, the auction rate is dead and a robust auction-rate securities market is but a distant memory. However, the loss and pain are still being felt. If you count yourself as one of them and have not derived any satisfaction from the vendor, you would be well advised to seek out an auction-rate securities attorney to discuss the possibility of launching an arbitration case to recover your losses.

April 14, 2009

Activist Buys Auction-Rate Shares
By Daisy Maxey

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Activist investor Karpus Investment Management has scooped up a large portion of one closed-end mutual fund's auction-rate shares at a discount on the secondary market, and hopes to pressure the fund to refinance them.

It's a move that could be emulated by other activist investors as frustrated auction-rate preferred shareholders, many now stranded for more than a year, look to sell.

The Pittsford, N.Y.-based investment manager purchased nearly 88% of the auction-rate preferred shares issued by closed-end fund First Trust/Four Corners Senior Floating Rate Income Fund (FCM) at a significant discount on SecondMarket, a marketplace for illiquid assets.

In an April 9 letter, Karpus notified the fund that it has nominated two candidates - Phillip Goldstein, principal of Bulldog Investments, a Purchase, N.Y., hedge fund; and Brad Orvieto, president of Strategic Asset Management Group, of Plantation, Fla. - for election as preferred directors to its board in September, when two such positions come open. Preferred directors are elected by preferred shareholders, but serve both common and preferred shareholders.

Karpus wants the board to find some way to refinance its auction-rate shares. "This fund hadn't announced a definitive plan to refinance, so we're doing this to sort of pressure the board to do something now rather than later," said Cody Bartlett, managing director of investments at Karpus.

First Trust Advisers, the fund's investment adviser, didn't return calls seeking comment on Karpus' proposal. The fund used debt to redeem about $35 million, or 61%, of its $57 million in outstanding preferred shares last year.

The fund now faces a decision on whether to allow two dissidents on its board or find some way to redeem the shares, said Cecilia Gondor, executive vice president at Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, a Miami investment-advisory firm.

For years, closed-end funds issued auction-rate preferred shares to boost income for common shareholders. In February 2008, buyers pulled back from the auctions, leaving many investors stranded.

Karpus started buying the preferred shares on the secondary market in April 2008 and is still buying, Bartlett said. He said they're being sold by shareholders that need liquidity or are simply tired of waiting for some other solution.

The new investors will be less patient than retail investors have been, Bartlett said. "They have the capital, and they aren't going to get paid 1% on auction-rate securities."

Art Lipson, sole manager of Western Investment LLC and another activist investor, says he's not involved with auction-rate preferred shares, but wouldn't be surprised to see more activists getting involved.

Among the shares issued by the fund are four shares George Karpus, president of Karpus Investment Management, bought at $16,250 on Oct. 30, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. At par, they're worth about $25,000.

Karpus "paid 65 cents on the dollar for a triple-A investment, and they can afford to wait a long time to capitalize on that gain and still have a decent return," said Lipson.

Kevin O'Connor, managing director and co-head of SecondMarket's auction-rate securities market, said that from December to late January, the market was "extremely active" and probably traded more than $200 million of closed-end fund preferred shares. Activity then eased, before picking up again in recent days. Shares are selling at approximately 70% of par value, he said, with both institutional and individual investors selling.

Many shares were left in the hands of institutions after settlements with regulators, in which many banks and fund companies bought back shares sold to retail investors.

Former publisher Harry Newton, who had $4.5 million stranded in auction-rate preferred shares that have since been redeemed, called Karpus' move brilliant. "When these activists start screaming and shouting and carrying on, these funds will just buy them off at par," he said.

Newton continues to run an online hub of information on auction-rate preferred securities at He said there's a lot of frustration on the part of investors still stranded.

"People would be very happy to get rid of them maybe at 75%" of par, he said. "Nobody in their wildest dreams thought they'd be sitting here in April 2009, more than a year from when this thing locked up ..."

(Daisy Maxey is a Getting Personal columnist who writes about personal finance. She covers topics including hedge funds, annuities, closed-end funds and new trends in mutual funds, and can be reached at 201-938-4048 or at

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April 10, 2009

There is some good news. Slowly, but surely, more and more attorneys-general are on the case and getting investors' ARPS money back. This is slow and painful. If you're still stuck, you need to get on your local AGs' case big-time. Point out to him (or her) that how many AGs (or similar) from many states -- including New York, Massachusetts, and Missouri -- have helped their local investors big-time. The latest is Missouri which has settled with Stifel Financial (a big hold-out). See right-hand column. -- Harry Newton.

April 10, 2009

Call to Oppenheimer Clients. Get Off Your Duff

We are told there are thousands of Oppenheimer clients still frozen in ARPS. Missouri would force Oppenheimer to settle if they got enough complaints. So far only seven (7) of the thousands of Opco clients have bothered to file with Missouri. (They take your complaint over the phone, it takes about 3 minutes). This is appalling. Any chance we can appeal for Opco clients to contact Missouri on your site? The contact person in Missouri is Thanks. Ed Dowling and Brad Jeffries.

April 10, 2009

Bank of America pays $4.7M securities fine to Massachusetts
By Gaurav Singh, Universal Business News

Bank of America Corp. (BAC) paid a $4.7 million fine to the Massachusetts Securities Division after an investigation of its marketing and sales of auction-rate securities, Secretary of the Commonwealth William F. Galvin said Wednesday (April 8)

The bank last year agreed to buy back about $4.5 billion worth of auction-rate securities held by roughly 5,500 customers nationwide as part of a settlement agreement with state regulators.

More than a dozen banks and securities companies, including Citigroup Inc. (C), UBS AG (UBS) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), last fall reached agreements with regulators to repurchase more than $50 billion in auction-rate securities at the full amount, mostly from retail and smaller investors.

Under that agreement North Carolina-based Bank of America said it would buy back securities at the value at which customers purchased them.

Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin said Wednesday the fine paid by the bank signals the end of the investigation. The money will go into the state’s general fund.

April 10, 2009

Investment firms fined by Delaware officials

WILMINGTON, Del. (Legal Newsline) - Misleading investors about the safety of the auction rate securities market has lead to fines of more than $309,000 for two investment firms in Delaware.

Wachovia Securities, LLC and Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC sold more than $60 million in auction rate securities in Delaware, while Citigroup Global Markets Inc. sold more than $92 million.

The securities were marketed as cash alternatives by Wachovia and investors were told that they would be provided with one-day or same-day liquidity for redeeming the securities. In February 2008, however, when the securities market crashed, Wachovia stopped abiding by its offer.

"These agreements send a clear message to investment firms that we will hold them accountable for misleading investors about the sale of these supposedly safe and liquid investment products," said Delaware Securities Commissioner James Ropp.

Auction rate securities, which are long-term financial instruments with interest rates that reset through weekly or monthly auctions, can be bought and sold on a regular basis when the auctions are run properly.

There were not enough buyers for the securities being sold by the companies, however, causing the auctions to fail and forcing investors to hold onto their auction rate securities until the next successful auction. The majority of these auctions have failed since early 2008, causing investors to be unable to sell their frozen holdings.

A multistate investigation into the failure of the auction rate securities market lead to a settlement in November between state and federal securities regulators and 11 investment firms offering the securities for sale.

The firms agreed to repurchase more than $60 billion of auction rate securities from investors nationwide. The firms also agreed to notify investors of the repurchase offer.

April 6, 2009

Wells Fargo Trust Division Research Said 'No' to ARS in '07
But Data Failed to Reach WF Brokers;

Possible Investigation Underway by Washington State AG
By Phil Trupp

Washington, April 6-- Auction-rate securities posed too much risk for Wells Fargo's Trust Division, which pulled out of the market two years ago, according to financial advisors who claim they were "left out of the Trust Division's research loop."

The Trust Division, which serves institutional investors, researched the now-collapsed auction market in 2007, these sources said. But the data allegedly was not passed "down the line" to financial advisors (FAs) who service retail accounts .
Many Wells Fargo ARS investors remain stuck with frozen cash, and FAs apparently have faced a non-stop pounding by furious clients.

"We still can't get information on the (auction) market," according to one source. "It's locked up at the top."

The FAs said regulators in various states where Wells Fargo does business may be viewing the bank as a possible "underwriter" of ARS/ARP, allegedly opening the way for lawsuits and penalties.

According to one FA, the Washington State Attorney General's office began investigating the bank's role in the market six month ago, but so far has taken no action.

"The Trust Division tried to pass on its data to us," a source told Auction Rate Preferreds.Org. "But the FAs never saw that research." He indicated the data has been deliberately withheld.

But how could the FAs have missed the details of auction-rate woes, a reporter asked?

"As a rule," an FA explained, "we're very busy with our clients. We rely on the research department. We understood that ARS are different from ordinary money market mutual funds. We were paid a small commission to sell them. That's about all we knew. As for new brokers--ARS isn't even in their vocabulary."
Chief Financial Officers have been fired over ARS scandal, sources said. "These were very sophisticated people," one source explained, "and even they didn't have a thorough grasp."

One source noted that many of the illiquid ARS are still rated AAA. "It's mind-boggling," he complained. "I'd like to see Wells Fargo step up and follow Wachovia's lead."

Wachovia settled ARS fraud allegations following a July 17, 2008 raid on the company's offices by a multi-state task force led by the Missouri Securities Division. As was the case with Wachovia, Wells Fargo management has warned its FAs not to speak with the media.

Raymond James brokers recently broke silence and voiced complaints over management's alleged decision not to redeem frozen securities. Since the market collapse in February 2008, there appears to be a widening gulf of frustration between management and FAs at a number of broker-dealer operations. FAs are taking the brunt of client complaints and suffering an exodus of accounts in the wake of the ongoing $336 billion ARS debacle.

A Wells Fargo FA said, "It's the worst year of my career--and it has nothing to do with stocks falling. If I were a client (with frozen cash) I'd be screaming, too. There's no justification for this."

One source was even more blunt: "We have to kick butt. My boss is frustrated. His boss is frustrated" with information pooled at the top and a moat of silence surrounding it

April 1, 2009

UBS Dismissal: The End of Auction Rate Securities Lawsuits?
reprinted with permission from The D&O Diary, by Kevin LaCroix

A federal judge has ruled that securities class action plaintiffs who availed themselves of UBS’s auction rate securities regulatory settlement cannot separately maintain claims for damages against UBS. But while this ruling would seem to represent at least the beginning of the end for many similarly placed plaintiffs, we may still be a long way from the end of the auction rate securities litigation, despite the regulatory settlements.


UBS was one of the 21 different companies named as defendants in the wave of auction rate securities lawsuits filed during 2008. The names of all of the auction rate securities lawsuit targets can be accessed here. Background regarding the case against UBS can be found here.

Essentially the plaintiffs alleged that UBS had failed to disclosure the liquidity risks associated with the auction rate securities, and also failed to disclose that UBS and other broker dealers regularly intervened in the market for the securities to maintain trading --and allegedly to manipulate the market as well. When the broker-dealers simultaneously stopped supporting the market on February 13, 2008, the market for the securities collapsed and investors were left with securities for which there was no active market.

On August 8, 2008, UBS announced a nearly $20 billion settlement with regulators regarding the auction rate securities (about which refer here). In the settlement, UBS agreed to buy the securities back from retail investors at par value, or to make up the difference to retail investors who had already sold for less than par.

The plaintiffs in the UBS auction rate securities settlement took advantage of the regulatory settlement and redeemed their securities as par. The defendants moved to dismiss the lawsuit on that basis.

Judge McKenna’s Ruling

In a March 30, 2009 opinion (here), Southern District of New York Judge Lawrence McKenna granted the defendants’ dismissal motion, with leave to amend. Judge McKenna found that

Given that Plaintiffs have availed themselves of the relief provided in the Regulatory Agreement, Plaintiffs cannot now allege out-of-pocket damages. When Plaintiffs elected to have UBS buyback their ARS at par value, they received a full refund of the purchase price. Therefore, Plaintiffs have already been returned to the position they were in before they purchased the ARS and before any fraud ensued….Plaintiffs’ out-of-pocket damages are necessarily zero because after choosing to rescind the ARS purchases, Plaintiffs have effectively paid nothing for their ARS.

Plaintiffs argued that they were entitled damages despite the regulatory settlement because "UBS’s fraudulent acts prevented Plaintiffs from receiving a sufficiently high rate of interest or dividends to compensate them for the risk of illiquidity associated with their ARS investments." Essentially, they were arguing that if they had been appropriately informed about the securities’ liquidity risk, they would demanded and would have been paid higher interest rates or otherwise have enjoyed a higher investment return.

Judge McKenna rejected this argument because plaintiffs in securities actions must choose among prospective remedies, between rescission and out-of-pocket damages. Having elected rescission, the plaintiffs "may not now seek additional interest or dividends as benefits of ARS purchases they have already elected to disavow."

Finally, Judge McKenna found that the class plaintiffs lack constitutional standing to asset claims on behalf of "class members who purchased UBS-underwritten ARS from brokerage firms other than UBS and investors who transferred to another brokerage firm ARS they purchased from UBS before October 2007."


Judge McKenna’s ruling might seem to suggest that the regulatory settlements represent the end of the auction rate securities lawsuits. However, conclusions along those lines could well prove to be premature.

First, Judge McKenna granted the motion with leave to amend. Although there is ample reason to doubt that these plaintiffs can circumvent Judge McKenna’s concerns in an amended pleading, the case itself is not over yet.

Second, other courts may decline to follow Judge McKenna’s conclusions. Indeed, in a March 31, 2009 article (here) Alison Frankel quotes the plaintiffs’ attorney from the UBS case as saying "we’re not convinced other courts will rule the same way."

Third, there are still the claims of those erstwhile class members who were frozen out of the UBS regulatory settlement, such as those who bought the auction rate securities from a non-UBS broker or who transferred their account away from UBS. As the plaintiffs’ lawyer from the UBS case also is quoted as saying in the American Lawyer article, "the key to the auction rate securities litigation is plaintiffs whose securities were not bought back by the banks."

This category of investors who were shut out of the regulatory settlements also includes the investors who bought their securities from banks or broker dealers who have not yet entered regulatory settlements.

Fourth, in all the regulatory settlements, institutional investors’ interests were treated differently. For example, in the UBS settlement, institutional investors cannot hope to have their investment redeemed until at least 2010. These investors’ liquidity issues continue to give rise to new litigation; for example, I described in recent post (here) the lawsuit that KV Pharmaceuticals filed in late February against Citigroup, in which the company alleged that the illiquidity of its auction rate securities investments was, among other things, forcing the company to lay off workers.

And finally, there is the separate category of litigation that has arisen against auction rate securities investors, rather than against the auction rate securities sellers. These cases involved companies whose balance sheet exposure to auction rate securities has harmed their financial condition, and who face litigation from their own shareholders who claim the companies failed to disclose their exposure. The most recent of these cases, involving Perrigo Company, is discussed here.

In short, while Judge McKenna’s opinion unquestionably represents a significant milestone, it by no means represents the finish line for auction rate securities litigation. Unfortunately, these cases likely will be around for some time to come.

All of that said, Judge McKenna’s opinion does hold out the hope that a large portion of these cases can eventually be cleared out, and the problem at least reduced over time, perhaps to more manageable levels.

I have in any event added the UBS dismissal to my roster of settlements, dismissals and dismissal motion denials in connection with the subprime and credit crisis related lawsuits. The roster can be accessed here.

March 30

Citigroup, Wachovia Settle Auction Rate Probe With California
By Michael B. Marois

March 30 (Bloomberg) -- Citigroup Inc. and Wachovia Corp., the bank purchased by Wells Fargo & Co., reached an agreement with California regulators under which their brokerage units will return $4.7 billion to buyers of auction rate securities.

Wachovia agreed to repurchase $1.5 billion of the debt, while Citigroup agreed to repurchase $3.2 billion of auction- rate obligations it sold to customers in California, Corporations Commissioner Preston DuFauchard said in a statement.

Across the U.S., about 20 banks and securities firms have agreed to repurchase more than $50 billion in debt to settle federal and state claims they improperly touted the investments as safe, cash-like investments. Banks managing frequent auctions of the securities abandoned the $330 billion market in February 2008, leaving thousands of investors unable to sell their holdings.

“Today’s multibillion-dollar agreement is an important and timely relief for investors who lost funds in the collapse of the auction-rate securities market,” DuFauchard said.

The market unraveled when banks that supported auctions of the securities for two decades with their own money as buyers of last resort pulled back to preserve capital amid the mortgage market collapse that has led to $1.3 trillion of credit losses and writedowns worldwide.

States, student-loan agencies and closed-end mutual funds were the primary issuers of the securities, long-term bonds with interest rates set at weekly or monthly auctions. The debt, marketed by bankers as cash equivalents, offered investors yields of a quarter-percentage point or more above conventional money-market funds, indexes show.

When the market flourished, borrowers paid dealers on average quarter-percentage point a year of the par value of the debt to run the auctions, generating about $825 million annually based on the amount of sales. Citigroup increased the commission its financial advisers earned selling the bonds to investors as the market stalled.

To contact the reporter on this story: Michael B. Marois in Sacramento at

March 30

If Oppenheimer Gets Handout, Blame Canada
Commentary by Susan Antilla

March 30 (Bloomberg) -- With word out that the U.S. is offering generous new welfare benefits, it was only a matter of time before those opportunistic foreigners who provided Lou Dobbs with his shtick started crossing the border with their hands out.

This time, the benefits are bailout goodies for banks and other financial institutions, and the grovelers are management of a Canadian brokerage firm.

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc., based in Toronto, said in several regulatory filings this month that it wants to reincorporate in Delaware and perhaps seek federal rescue money.

Oppenheimer “is exploring becoming a U.S. corporation and a U.S. bank holding company in order to help resolve the ARS problem for our clients,” the company said in its annual letter to shareholders released last week. (Toronto’s Oppenheimer & Co. isn’t related to OppenheimerFunds Inc., a unit of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.)

The "ARS problem," of course, is the nasty pickle Oppenheimer has gotten itself into with customers who hold $929.6 million in auction-rate securities, the ill-fated investments that flat-lined in February 2008. The auction-rate meltdown left investors at Oppenheimer and many of its Wall Street brethren unable to liquidate positions that had been marketed as, well, pretty darned liquid, to customers who often had no clue about the product’s risks.

Regulators and the public cried foul, and firms including Citigroup, Merrill Lynch & Co. and UBS AG ponied up the money to make customers whole after getting strong-armed by state regulators and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

While those firms caved, so-called downstream firms like Oppenheimer dug in their heels in the face of an onslaught of arbitrations, private lawsuits and assorted allegations by securities regulators.

Downstreamers said that they weren’t responsible for the mess to the same degree as underwriters like Merrill and Citigroup were. Hey, all they did was sell the stuff, not underwrite it. Over time, though, some downstreamers such as Fidelity Investments bowed to pressure and made customers whole, which increasingly makes Oppenheimer look the part of the piker.

And don’t think they don’t know it. If ARS markets stay frozen, more client claims may come, the company said in its annual report filed with regulators on March 3. Worse, it could mean “a competitive disadvantage” now that competitors have settled similar litigation with clients, Oppenheimer wrote.

Not enough of a disadvantage to move them to buy out their customers’ frozen positions, though. “The company does not currently believe that it is obligated to make any such purchases,” it said.

Not “currently” perceiving an obligation to make good to customers could turn on a dime, though, should Oppenheimer shareholders vote for that move to Delaware and seek federal funds.

It isn’t a slam-dunk that Oppenheimer will actually move its base to Delaware; nor is it certain that the company will ask for or get any dough out of the various U.S. financial rescue kitties. Oppenheimer has spilled a fair amount of ink, though, in describing the possibilities of leaving Canada, then attempting to secure federal money.

Brian Maddox, a spokesman for Oppenheimer, says the firm’s reasons for seeking to incorporate in Delaware include goals that are unrelated to getting aid from the Troubled Asset Relief Program or other government programs.

In regulatory filings this month, the firm said that the move, if approved by shareholders, would simplify its corporate structure, establish Oppenheimer unambiguously as a U.S. corporation (its operations are largely in the U.S. anyway), and enhance shareholder value by giving it a larger role in U.S. capital markets.

That “shareholder value” part might get tricky, though, if the day comes that Oppenheimer does accept bailout money. In the March 3 filing, Oppenheimer said that should it become a bank-holding company, which is under consideration, its financial condition “could be adversely affected by new regulations.” The company may also be required to issue preferred shares or warrants to the government, which might dilute current shareholders, the company said.

Asked why U.S. taxpayers should help Oppenheimer repay its customers, Maddox said the company “has not yet been able to find a viable private sector or market solution” to the auction-rate problem. “Oppenheimer believes that the federal programs recently adopted were instituted to add liquidity to markets where no market solution exists.” Ah, remember the days when Wall Street officials pounded the table that the market always had an answer?

Come one, come all, to America. Because it is only here that you can peddle a product that blows up on customers, fight the regulators who tell you to give customers their money back, and then rush to the government breadlines when you see Uncle Sam whipping out his checkbook. Presto, before you know it, taxpayers are paying one another back for money they lost at the hands of their trusty brokers -- even if the brokers work for companies based outside the munificent U.S.A.

Susan Antilla is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are her own. To contact the writer of this column: Susan Antilla in New York at

March 26, 2009

Oppenheimer May Seek TARP Funds to Repay Auction-Rate Clients

By Miles Weiss

March 24 (Bloomberg) -- Oppenheimer & Co.’s Canadian parent said it may seek money from the U.S. government’s financial- bailout programs to repay brokerage customers facing losses on frozen auction-rate securities.

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc., based in Toronto, asked shareholders to approve an incorporation switch to Delaware, which would make the firm more likely to qualify for the rescue funds, according to a March 13 proxy statement. Money from the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program “could assist us” in repurchasing securities from clients trapped when the $330 billion auction-rate market seized up, the company said in the filing.

“It takes your breath away,” Anthony Sanders, a finance professor at Arizona State University, said in an interview. “We’re going to ask taxpayers, the people who got hurt by these securities, to pay for buying them back.” Sanders, a former head of mortgage-backed securities research at Deutsche Bank AG, testified before Congress this month on TARP fund use.

Federal and state regulators forced companies including New York-based Citigroup Inc. and UBS AG of Zurich to buy back more than $50 billion of auction-rate securities that plunged in value in February 2008 after underwriters pulled out of the market. Oppenheimer Holdings, whose retail clients were stuck with about $930 million of the debt, said in a March 3 regulatory filing that repurchasing the securities “would likely have a material adverse effect” on its financial condition.

Brian Maddox, a spokesman for the company, said getting TARP money is only one reason to reincorporate in the U.S. The move also would simplify its corporate structure and provide greater access to U.S. capital markets.

‘No Assurance’

“We have no assurance that we would qualify for” U.S. bailout funds, Oppenheimer Holdings said in the proxy statement, “nor have we determined that we would participate in any of these programs.”

Oppenheimer Holdings, formerly Fahnestock Viner Holdings Inc., owns Oppenheimer & Co., which is already incorporated in Delaware. The New York-based unit’s roots go back to the late Leon Levy and Jack Nash, founders of the hedge fund Odyssey Partners LP. The company is separate from OppenheimerFunds Inc., a unit of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Auction-rate securities typically are long-term bonds or preferred shares whose interest rates are set at weekly or monthly auctions run by broker-dealers. Wall Street firms marketed the securities as a cash equivalent that offered higher yields than conventional money-market funds.

Massachusetts Action

Many investors got stuck holding auction-rate securities when outside bidders disappeared and investment banks that ran the auctions refused to buy the securities.

After getting underwriters such as Citigroup to buy back the securities at face value, state regulators began focusing on banks and brokerages that resold the auction-rate debt.

In November, the Massachusetts Securities Division filed an administrative action seeking to compel Oppenheimer & Co. to make state residents whole on as much as $56 million of auction- rate securities.

The state said Oppenheimer & Co. promoted auction-rate securities to clients as Chief Executive Officer Albert Lowenthal and members of management sold their personal holdings amid the market’s decline. Oppenheimer Holdings denied the allegations at the time and said it planned to “vigorously” defend the brokerage unit.

Arbitration Claims

A Financial Industry Regulatory Authority arbitration panel last month ordered Credit Suisse Securities USA LLC of New York to pay some $400 million in fees to resolve claims it misled STMicroelectronics NV into buying auction-rate securities. At the time, experts said it could lead to a spate of other arbitration claims.

Oppenheimer & Co. was notified last month that two clients, US Airways Group Inc. and Hansen Beverage Co., had filed arbitration claims with FINRA, according to the firm’s March 3 annual report. US Airways, the Tempe, Arizona-based airline, wants Oppenheimer & Co. to buy back $250 million in auction-rate securities. Hansen Beverage is seeking to have a $60 million purchase rescinded.

“Many of our competitors have redeemed auction-rate securities from their customers and our failure to have done so presents a significant issue for us with our clients and regulators,” Oppenheimer Holdings said in its proxy statement.

Programs such as TARP, “might under certain circumstances provide the liquidity necessary” to redeem auction-rate securities held by clients.

Daniel Cravens, a spokesman for US Airways, declined to comment on the airline’s arbitration claim. Heather Marsh, an attorney at Hansen Natural Corp. of Corona, California, the parent company of Hansen Beverage, didn’t immediately return a call.

March 17

Insurgent FAs at Raymond James Stage Revolt;
Reveal Company's Tactics to Push ARS
By Phil Trupp

Washington, March 17: A group of irate Raymond James financial advisors (FAs) have turned to insurgency, charging the firm and its board of directors "lied, manipulated the truth, and threatened...employees" if disclosure of the company's policy regarding the sale of auction rate securities was made public. The company's board first discussed the liquidity problems of auction rate securities in October 2007, but failed to alert its clients or brokers, according to these FAs.

In internal documents and e-mails made available exclusively March 11 to AuctionRatePreferred.Org., the Raymond James FAs said their firm "aggressively pushed ARS onto both financial advisors and clients without regard to client suitability," describing the securities as "AAA and totally safe" in company e-mails, booklets, and on conference calls.

Sources said the company, while using the typical sales pitch of ARS liquidity and safety, "just like money market funds," dictated which ARS issues would be placed in client accounts, "without consulting either FAs or clients." The company failed to provide a prospectus to its FAs or its clients, these sources said. When the market collapsed in February 2008, the firm told its brokers and clients, "You should have read the prospectus," according to company sources.

As late as February 1, 2008, Raymond James warned its FAs to avoid purchases of Nicholas Applegate, but said "other ARS are still strong buys," according to an internal memo. The insurgent FAs, many of whom are left holding frozen ARS, said the February 1 message was followed by a notice to certain board members and the Chairman's Council to sell their ARS holdings.

They said the Investment Policy Committee pushed ARS as "higher cash flows for your cash balances, with a trail." At the same time, a company research analysts assured FAs and clients that proper research was conducted prior to the market collapse on February 14, 2008.

Referring to the research analysts, the FAs said the effort was "miniscule. They published nothing."

"The firm has brazenly and repeatedly said it has no intention of resolving complaints unless forced to do so," these sources said, adding: "On the last earnings conference call for stock analysts, Mr. Tom Jones, the CEO said, 'When it comes to auction rates, I am not worried about class action lawsuits or the government. The regulators are engaging in extortion, pure and simple.'"

AuctionRatePreferred.Org received more than 150 internal e-mails from the aggrieved FAs. The purpose of the supporting materials, they said, was to demonstrate "how vigorously the firm sold ARS as liquid cash equivalents, both to financial advisors and to clients."

The FAs complained that there was no "natural demand for ARS until Raymond James created it."

They said their clients are not wealthy people: "Some have medical bills, some have kids in college, and some could lose their homes," the FAs explained. "The firm is causing real hardship for investors--and real hostility."

March 26, 2009

If you haven't been fully redeemed yet....Update 5

You've got to kick up a major stink with AGs, regulators, the press and you should insist that your broker do NO business again -- and ever -- with your ARPS issuer until your ARPS issuer has redeemed 100%.

You need to take legal action against your broker (individually), against his firm collectively, and against the issuer of your ARPS.

You need to accept the fact that getting your money back in full is NOW your full-time job. And...

You need to accept the fact that if you want the press (including this blog) to help you, then you have to come clean and be prepared to publicly reveal your situation -- including how much you have at stake, who sold it to you, what they told you when they sold it to your and everything you've learned since. The press will NOT tell your story if you don't tell your story.

And you'd better start mobilizing people who are still stuck in ARPS. The more names you have, the more pressure you can bring on the various government people who can help you -- like the attorneys-general. Remember the only thing most AGs care about is being elected governor. They see their job as a stepping stone to the governorship. You need to make them understand they also need to help you the taxpayer/voter, and that you represent lots of votes. I've suggested to every reader who's emailed me that if you send me your name and a small ad or press release, I'll run it on this site for free. Then you can organize your own group. But frankly, I'm not doing your work for you.

Now, I don't want to sound mean or unsympathetic, but there are a heck of a lot of you out there with unredeemed ARPS paying horribly low interest rates, who somehow think that waiting and praying will get you your cash back. You have to understand that no one on Wall Street cares if your wife is sick, if your ARPS money is the last money you have, if you've been forced to sell your house and you've been forced to eat in soup kitchens. Many brokerage firms are still getting fees off your ARPS. And the issuers are earning big money and extra fees because they're using your ARPS as cheap borrowing/leverage. Face it: appealing to Wall Street's better nature doesn't work. (I've read many of your letters.) The people who invented and sold them to you don't care about you. I repeat: they don't care about you. They care about their fees. The only action that will get your money back is when the regulators threaten them with fines and insist on redemption at par. Some of our Attorneys-General have done well for ARPS holders -- New York and Massachusetts stand out. And there are other legal actions you can take. "Legal" is all that's left to you. It's been over a year. The evidence of ARPS wrong-doing is destroyed as you read this. Get up and do something now!

If I were still holding ARPS, I'd want to set myself up as the contact point for people in my state still stuck in ARPS and for people still holding ARPS by my issuer and sold to me by my broker. I'd want to collect names, numbers, addresses, stories, etc. I'd alert everyone to the fact that I'm doing this with the specific aim of making a big enough stink to get our money back. I'd take small ads in the Wall Street Journal. I'd buy ads on Google. etc. The more names I have the more power. Names are all that attorneys-general care about. Remember they're political animals.

-- Harry Newton

March 12, 2009

PIMCO to buy back $225 million of auction rate securities


Five closed-end funds at Pacific Investment Management Co. will buy back another $225 million in auction-rate securities as the giant money manager looks to boost its minimum asset coverage in order to resume dividend payments.

The funds were forced to suspend their March and April dividend payments because of the falling value of the auction-rate preferred shares.

The buyback is reversal for Pimco, which had refused to redeem these securities for months after the auction-rate market froze up a year ago. But deteriorating markets and legal requirements are forcing Pimco to do so after all. Late last month, the funds announced plans to buy back about $342 million of the securities.

The purchases will push the company's asset coverage of the auction-rate preferreds back above the 200% level required for the funds to pay dividends.

The Pimco funds involved in the move are the Corporate Income (PCN), Corporate Opportunity (PTY), High Income (PHK), Floating Rate Income (PFL) and Floating Rate Strategy (PFN) funds. The buybacks begin March 30 for all the funds, except the Floating Rate Income fund, which launches April 1.

Pimco's closed-end funds, like dozens of others, have for years issued auction-rate preferreds to borrow money and add leverage to the funds. Such securities are long-term debt with lower, short-term rates that are set at periodic auctions.

When the auction-rate market froze, holders wanted their money back, so most closed-end fund shops started redeeming some securities or worked on plans to do so. But Pimco balked, pointing out that redeeming the preferreds would reduce leverage in its funds, which in turn would shrink income for closed-end fund shareholders. The firm's preference for its common shareholders incensed brokers and preferred holders.

-By Lauren Pollock, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5964;

March 11, 2009

Oppenheimer has been the worst -- totally intransigent and unsympathetic -- according to ARPS holders who were sold their stuff by Oppenheimer. Now the company has a new wrinkle -- Get the U.S. Government to redeem the ARPS money. This gives chutzpah a whole new meaning. Read on.

Oppenheimer Plans Move to U.S.

New York Times Dealbook: As Washington considers putting a tighter leash on Wall Street, some have expressed concern that financial firms might flee in the face of new regulation.

But the opposite is happening with Oppenheimer Holdings, a Toronto-based securities firm that announced Wednesday it would seek shareholder approval to move to the United States. The company, which last year bought Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce’s United States investment banking business, said that one reason for the shift is an attempt to gain access to the plethora of financial lifelines being thrown to United States-based firms.

Most of Oppenheimer’s business is in the United States, so being incorporated there as well would simplify the firm’s corporate structure. It would also provide tax benefits and could make its publicly traded stock more attractive to investors, the company said.

The possibility of getting bailout funds is also a factor.

In Wednesday’s news release, Oppenheimer said one of the principal reasons for moving was “potential eligibility to participate in U.S. government finance programs that are limited to entities organized in the United States.”

“It is a matter of corporate history that we found ourselves in Canada, but the confluence of a number of factors makes this an opportune time to make this change,” Albert G. Lowenthal, Oppenheimer’s chairman, said in the news release.

Like most big financial firms, Oppenheimer was battered by the banking crisis last year.

In a recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it called 2008 “the most difficult year in the company’s history.” (And Oppenheimer has a long history: Its roots date back to 1881, when William Fahnestock, whose father was a financial adviser to Abraham Lincoln, founded one of its predecessor companies, according to Oppenheimer’s Web site.)

Oppenheimer also faces the possibility of a large bill to redeem auction-rate securities that it sold to customers before the market for this paper dried up in early 2008.

While Oppenheimer says it believes it will not have to redeem the approximately $930 million in outstanding notes sold before the market freeze, it also indicates in regulatory filings that it has been in negotiations with United States state regulators on the matter — and the outcome is still unclear.

That’s where the move to the United States could come in. Oppenheimer said in its latest annual report that bailout programs for United States-based firms might provide it with the necessary liquidity to buy back those securities.

To take part in the programs, though, it might need to sell preferred stock or warrants to the United States government, the filing said.

Go to Oppenheimer Press Release via PRNewswire »
Go to Oppenheimer’s Latest Annual Report to the S.E.C. »

March 10, 2009

Do I have a Claim Against my Broker if I own Auction Rate Securities?

from a document by the law firm of Crosby & Higgins LLP

Obviously, this analysis will depend largely on the specific facts of your securities, but below is a checklist which sets forth some of the factors that may have a bearing on recovery against your Broker:

+ Did the Broker make any representations to you about the Auction Rate Securities?

+ Did the Broker disclose the risks associated with Auction Rate Securities?

+ Did the Broker provide a prospectus with respect to the Auction Rate Securities?

+ Did the Brokerage Firm list the Auction Rate Securities as “cash equivalents” on your monthly statements?

+ Did the Brokerage Firm fail to mark down the value of the Auction Rate Securities on your recent monthly account statements?

+ Do you have exigent circumstances requiring immediate access to cash that is now tied up in illiquid Auction Rate Securities?

Crosby & Higgins also have published a table on ARS Settlement Summaries. It summarizes where each of the issuing and brokerage firms stand.

March 9, 2009

Stifel to buy back all auction rate securities
St. Louis Business Journal - by Kelsey Volkmann

After first saying that it would buy back just some of the frozen auction rate securities that 1,200 of its retail investors hold, Stifel Financial Corp. said Monday it would repurchase all $180 million of them.

Stifel Financial Corp.’s subsidiary, Stifel Nicolaus & Co. Inc. said it would voluntarily buy back 100 percent of the auction rate securities starting in June and continuing over the next three years.

Stifel said it would first help smaller investors by offering to repurchase at par the greater of 10 percent or $25,000 of auction rate securities (ARS) in June this year, next year and in 2011. About 40 percent of investors will receive 100 percent liquidity by this June, the company said.

Stifel said it would have until June 2012 to complete buy-backs of the balance of any outstanding auction rate securities.

“Since the collapse of the ARS market, redemptions and restructurings have resulted in liquidity for many of our clients, reducing retail client holdings by more than 50 percent,” said Stifel Chairman and CEO Ronald Kruszewski, in a statement. “Unfortunately, some clients have had little or no relief. This plan ultimately will provide liquidity to 100 percent of our ARS retail clients.”

Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, who had blasted Stifel’s partial buy-back plan as inadequate, also dismissed the expanded repurchase offer Monday as "too little, too late."

“It worries me that Stifel made open-ended statements and no guarantees about getting clients full access to their money," she said in a statement. "Their clients deserve guaranteed repayments. I have heard from investors in Missouri and over a dozen other states who desperately need their savings, and in three years it will be too little, too late. Many other financial institutions have done the right thing and guaranteed to make their investors whole. Now, it’s time for Stifel to do the same.”

Kruszewski had originally said last month that Stifel shouldn’t have to repurchase all the auction rate securities because the company didn’t know that the market would collapse or all the risk involved.

“…Neither Stifel nor its clients had access to the information available to the major market participants regarding the impending collapse of the ARS market,” Kruszewski said Monday. “Had the major market participants disclosed to the entire marketplace the material facts known by them, Stifel would not have sold ARS to its clients. While several larger firms have announced more complete repurchase plans, Stifel’s lack of knowledge of the impending market collapse is the critical difference that serves the foundation of Stifel’s position.”

Other brokerages have also bought back auction rate securities from clients.

Commerce Brokerage Services Inc., an affiliate of Commerce Bank, bought back $545 million of auction rate securities from 140 investors last year.

In August, Carnahan reached a $9 billion agreement with Wachovia Securities that returned money to more than 40,000 investors.

While these companies never admitted wrongdoing, Carnahan’s office suggested that investors were misled about the risk involved in auction rate securities. The market collapsed in February 2008 when investors became alarmed at the prospects of corporate borrowers covering debt service on the securities, leaving investors unable to access $330 billion in investments nationwide.

St. Louis-based Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE: SF) has about 3,300 employees in more than 200 offices in the U.S. and three in Europe.

March 2, 2009

These are the people who are meant to protect Floridians from fraud.

Note I said "meant." Floridians got taken bigtime by the ARPS fraud. Where are these people? The last we heard from them was August 15, 2008 -- more than six months ago.

Don Saxon of the Florida Office of Financial Regulation. He looks like a bulldog.

In their 8/15/2008 press release, the Florida Office of Financial Regulation took credit for something it did next-to zero work on:

TALLAHASSEE, FL – TALLAHASSEE, FL – Don Saxon, Commissioner of the Office of Financial Regulation, is please* to report that the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA), the New York Attorney General, and the Office of the Missouri Secretary of State announced today that a settlement has been reached with Wachovia Securities (Wachovia) relating to their sale of auction rate securities. The settlement will give Wachovia clients, including those in Florida, access to billions of dollars in funds that have been frozen in the auction rate securities (ARS) market.

Under the terms of the August 15th settlement, Wachovia will offer to repurchase, no later than November 28, 2008, all illiquid auction rate securities from all Wachovia individual investors, charities, not-for-profit companies and institutional clients who have account values and household assets of up to $10 million. All other investors will be able to redeem their auction rate securities no later than June 30, 2009.

Wachovia will also:

• Fully reimburse all retail investors who sold their auction rate securities at a discount after the market failed in February 2008;

• Consent to a special, public arbitration procedure to resolve claims of consequential damages suffered by retail investors as a result of not being able to access their funds, in which Wachovia will not contest its liability for the illiquidity of the auction rate securities and in which Wachovia will pay all forum fees;

• Reimburse all refinancing fees to municipal issuers who issued auction rate securities through Wachovia since August 1, 2007, and who refinanced those securities after the market failed; and

• Pay $ 50 million in civil penalties to the states.

As further details become available on the reimbursement process the Office will post additional information on its website at .

The settlement concludes an investigation into allegations that Wachovia Corporation misled its clients by falsely assuring them that ARS securities were as safe and liquid as cash. The ARS markets froze in February this year, triggering complaints from investors who could not withdraw money from their accounts.

The Florida Office of Financial Regulation has been a participant in NASAA's special task force created to provide remedies for investors. The NASAA task force is continuing their investigations of other companies involved in selling ARS products to investors. Commissioner Don Saxon stated that “”the Office of Financial Regulation is very pleased with the continued success of the NASAA task force on auction rate securities and the impact this settlement will have on Florida investors.”

There are dozens of other broker dealers who fleeced Floridians out of millions of dollars. And Florida is not chasing them. Why not? Too much golf? Has the sun got to their brains?

P.S. Saxon was meant to retire last September but there's nothing on their miserable web site as to whether he did, or didn't and who his replacement might or might not be.

* That please should be pleased. What do these Floridians know about English? Clearly as much as they know about chasing fraud.

Wednesday, March 4

Carnahan to Stifel: Buy back all auction-rate securities
from the Kansas City Business Journal - by Kelsey Volkmann Contributing Writer

Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan wants Stifel Nicolaus & Co. Inc. to buy back all the auction-rate securities its customers hold.

On Tuesday, Carnahan called on St. Louis-based Stifel Nicolaus, a unit of Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE: SF), to buy back all of the illiquid securities that hundreds of investors hold. Auction-rate securities are investments for which the interest rate is reset regularly.

Stifel Financial said last month that it would spend $35 million to $40 million to buy back some of its customers’ auction-rate securities. On Friday, it said it may buy back more.

“Stifel’s offer is inadequate, and their vague statement suggesting they ‘may increase the amount’ has risked the credibility they have with their customers,” Carnahan said in Tuesday release. “I have heard from dozens of investors who desperately need to know when they will have access to their savings. After many other banks have done the right thing and made their investors whole, it’s time for Stifel to step up to the plate.”

Stifel said it would offer to repurchase the greater of 10 percent or $25,000 of auction-rate securities held by each retail client who bought them at Stifel before the auction-rate securities market collapse a year ago. About 1,200 retail client accounts hold auction-rate securities, and about 40 percent of these accounts hold $25,000 in auction-rate securities, so they will receive 100 percent liquidity. The remaining 60 percent will get between 10 percent and 50 percent.

Stifel has said it didn’t have as much knowledge as the larger firms of the impending market collapse so it shouldn’t have to buy back all the securities.

Commerce Brokerage Services Inc., an affiliate of Commerce Bank, owned by Kansas City-based Commerce Bancshares Inc. (Nasdaq: CBSH) said in August that it planned to buy $545 million of auction-rate securities from 140 investors .

In August, Carnahan reached a $9 billion agreement with Wachovia Securities that returned money to more than 40,000 investors.

Although these companies never admitted wrongdoing, Carnahan’s office suggested that investors were misled about the risk involved in auction-rate securities. The market collapsed in February 2008 when investors became alarmed at the prospect of corporate borrowers covering debt service on the securities, leaving investors unable to access $330 billion in investments nationwide.

Stifel Financial is led by Chairman and Chief Executive Ronald Kruszewski. The company has about 3,300 employees in more than 200 offices in the United States and three in Europe.

March 2, 2009

Top Congressional Economist Says ARS Shutdown Was "Scripted Failure"

House Financial Services Committee Continues Earlier Investigation
While Obama Economic Team Weighs New "Liquidity Facility" For Fraud Victims

By Phil Trupp

Washington, March l: "No question it was a scripted failure," according to a high-ranking congressional economist, referring to the February 2008 collapse of the auction-rate securities market. The source, interviewed on background to avoid compromising ongoing forensic examinations of the $336 billion securities fraud, said he has been contacted to "hundreds of people who were let down. Fiduciary responsibility was neglected in a lot of cases. It's a bloody mess."

The House Financial Services Committee, which held hearings last September on the ARS debacle, could hardly escape the "scripted" nature of events, the source revealed. Since hundreds of banks and broker-dealers refused to support the auctions "on cue" last February, members of the Committee have tentatively concluded that mass auction failures were orchestrated.

"There's no question" of broker-dealer collusion on a massive scale, the source added. "But at this stage of our investigation all we've got is anecdotal evidence."

However, one apparent clue of scripting is the flurry of broker-dealer insider trading of ARS paper just days prior to the market's collapse. Investigation by Massachsetts securities authorities of Oppenheimer executives Albert Lowenthal, Robert Lowenthal and Greg White has added to the scripted failure theory. Evidence also indicates wide scale insider trading at Merrill Lynch, among dozens of other broker-dealers.

"Plenty broker-dealers were preparing to pull their support of the market knowing that the auctions would collapse, " the source said. "Clearly the nature and magnitude of the coming auction failure was never conveyed to investors, he added.

The Committee last September heard detailed testimony from regulatory and financial industry representatives but did not issue a series of recommendations at the conclusion of the hearings.

"The bank bailout got in the way," the source explained. "We believe the SEC needs to come up with a ruling that allows those still stuck in the ARS market to get out," he said. Approximately $110 billion in auction-rate securities remain illiquid.

He said closed-end funds have been reluctant to redeem ARS "because it reduces profits to common shareholders. So it's necessary," he continued, "to create other kinds of securities to bring back leverage to replace ARS losses."

Barney Frank (D., MA), chairman of the House Committee, has suggested that the SEC "take whatever action it can" to create a new leverage mechanism for closed-end fund issuers. The congressional source backed Frank's position. "The whole system," he said, "was the villain." He is pressing for a restructuring of the Dutch auction mechanism--"what remains of it" in order to make remaining investors whole.

He indicated that President Obama's economic team is prepared to create what he described as a new "liquidity facility," a buyer of last resort headed by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve bank, to be funded with TARP money. "It (the proposed facility) may issue short-term bonds to generate the needed liquidity," the source explained.

He left little doubt that the committee will continue to investigate details of the ARS shutdown. At the same time, there is a general sense of anger and confusion evident among members of the Committee from both its democratic and republican members. The characteristically understated Rep. Spencer Bachus (R., AL) told a reporter after last September's hearings that the ARS market was "almost like a roach motel, a financial roach motel. They (investors) could get in but they couldn't get out. It was a nightmare for our cities and counties and our states."

He said the committee was "making real progress" and is beginning see the auction market resolve its outstanding liquidity problems. "I think that will have positive implications for the economy," Rep. Bachus said.


The author is writing a book on the ARS scandal titled MONEY ON ICE: How Ordinary Investors Beat the Biggest Fraud In Wall Street History. If you wish to tell of your personal ARS nightmare, please e-mail Phil Trupp at PZBAR@COMCAST.NET or phone 202 686 1663.

February 22, 2009

Firms still face big ARS claims
Institutional investors, 'downstream' B-Ds begin to sue
By Dan Jamieson, InvestmentNews

Despite having settled regulatory actions involving auction rate securities, the big Wall Street firms aren't out of the woods yet.

Citigroup Inc., Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. and UBS Financial Services Inc., all of New York, and St. Louis-based Wachovia Securities LLC are facing a number of individual lawsuits from institutional investors who still have huge sums locked up in the illiquid securities.

What's more, last month, the first so-called downstream brokerage firm case was filed, when Amegy Bank NA of Houston and its broker-dealer affiliate Amegy Investments Inc. filed an arbitration claim against Merrill Lynch.

Amegy claims it purchased more than $240 million of ARS from Merrill, which it said it then sold to its clients. Amegy's suit seeks rescission of the remaining $140 million that its clients still hold, plus unspecified damages.

In a statement, Merrill Lynch spokesman Mark Herr said the suit has no merit.

The downstream firms, as well as institutional and wealthier individual investors, weren't part of the ARS buyback agreements announced last year. Those settlements with regulators cover only retail investors at the major firms.

The underwriting firms "got regulators to believe [that the ARS mess was] a point-of-sale problem" rather than fraud by the underwriters, said an executive with a regional firm who asked not to be identified.

The market for ARS froze a year ago after all the major underwriters stopped supporting auctions for the securities.

More claims from downstream firms are coming, said Paul Yetter, a partner at Yetter Warden & Coleman LLP in Houston, which represents Amegy Bank.

He said he has more such cases but could not yet comment on those claims.

"It wouldn't surprise me if other [downstream firms] took action like this, especially if Amegy is able to get some traction ... and get money back for its clients," said Michael Decker, co-chief executive of the Regional Bond Dealers Association in Alexandria, Va.

He estimated that $30 billion to $40 billion worth of ARS are still held by downstream firms.

The major firms are "leaving innocent [investors and downstream firms] with no other option" but to sue, Mr. Yetter said.

And that's what they're doing. Some of the claims filed so far:

• American Eagle Outfitters Inc., a Pittsburgh-based specialty retailer, this month filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to force Citigroup to take back the $258 million worth of illiquid ARS the bank sold to it.

• Another suit against Citigroup, filed in federal court in November by Hutchinson (Minn.) Technology Inc., is pending in arbitration.

Hutchinson said it is stuck with $31 million of ARS it bought from Citigroup.

A separate claim against UBS by Hutchinson Technology for rescission of $70 million of ARS was settled in December, with UBS providing a no-net-cost $59.5 million line of credit.

• A federal lawsuit filed against UBS by Plug Power Inc. was settled in December, with UBS providing a no-net-cost line of $62.9 million, equal to the value of Plug Power's frozen ARS, according to an SEC filing by the Latham, N.Y.-based energy company. UBS also agreed to repurchase the securities at any time from June 30, 2010, to July 2, 2012.

• In December, Hanna Steel Corp., a Fairfield, Ala.-based tube manufacturer, sued Charlotte, N.C.-based Wachovia Corp. and its broker-dealer units in federal court seeking rescission of $12.9 million worth of ARS.

• TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Co. ASA of Asker, Norway, filed an arbitration in November against Merrill Lynch seeking the repurchase of $64.5 million in frozen ARS.

Citigroup spokeswoman Danielle Romero-Apsilos declined to comment.

UBS and Wachovia had not responded to questions by press time.

The fights among the heavyweight investors and Wall Street firms could get nasty.

Claimants of all stripes said the big underwriting firms knew by late 2007 that auction failures were imminent and were reducing their inventories, but never disclosed any impending problems to their clients.

Lawsuits by institutional clients cite many of the charges previously made by regulators.

But unlike many retail investors, some institutional clients say they had warning of ARS problems and specifically raised concerns late last year with their brokerage firms but got reassurance that all was well.

Several claim that their brokers violated written investment policy statements for cash reserves that prohibited investments in long-term securities or anything with limited liquidity.

Amegy Bank's claim says it "bought the securities from Merrill at the same informational disadvantage as Merrill's direct retail customers."

Mr. Herr begs to differ.

"Amegy began selling ARS it purchased from Merrill Lynch in 2004, and it is unfathomable that it would now claim that when it sold these products to its clients, it didn't know or understand what it was selling," the Merrill spokesman said in his statement. "It appears Amegy failed to do even the most routine due diligence."

Amegy's claim said it performed an exhaustive analysis of the credit quality of ARS in the summer and fall of 2007, "but no amount of research or analysis could have led Amegy to learn of Merrill's deceptive marketing and support of the ARS market."

Mr. Herr said Merrill Lynch did disclose its role in the auction process and informed purchasers that auctions could fail.

E-mail Dan Jamieson at

February 20, 2009

Auction-Rate Bonds Claim Victims Year After Collapse (Update1)
By Michael McDonald

Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Mike Stelzer expected to retire after selling his cattle ranch south of Bakersfield, California. Instead, the 73-year-old is raising Holsteins on leased land, unable to quit because a chunk of his $2 million nest egg is stuck in auction-rate securities paying next to nothing.

“I have lost all faith in bankers and Wall Street,” said Stelzer, who invested the proceeds from the sale of his ranch in the securities through San Francisco-based Wells Fargo & Co.

A year after collapsing, the one-time $330 billion market for debt with rates typically set every 7, 28 or 35 days is still claiming victims. Investors are stuck with as much as $176 billion of the securities even after regulators forced banks to buy back more than $50 billion of auction-rate debt that was marketed as safe, cash-like instruments.

The market’s meltdown, the result of the seizure in credit markets, initially left investors with bonds they couldn’t sell, though the securities paid interest at rates as high as 20 percent. Now, rates on securities auctioned every seven days pay an average 1.36 percent, according to an index from the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, after central banks slashed borrowing costs.

Investors are stuck because interest on auction-rate securities is lower than what issuers would have to pay on new borrowings, giving them little incentive to refinance.

Other options for investors are hoping that an auction succeeds or selling their securities at a loss on the secondary market. Of the 739 auctions reported the week ended yesterday, 82 percent failed, according to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Market Access web site.

Stelzer, whose old ranch was in Corona, earns an annual interest rate of less than 1 percent on $675,000 in so-called auction-rate preferred securities issued by New York-based money manager BlackRock Inc. He sold $675,000 of his holdings in October at a loss of $103,000 and got all his money back on $650,000 of debt that was refinanced by the borrower.

Kathleen Golden, a Wells Fargo spokeswoman in San Francisco, said the company doesn’t comment on individual clients.

UBS AG and nine of the 10 other biggest underwriters of municipal auction-rate debt reached agreements with state and federal regulators last year to redeem at par the bonds they sold to individual investors and some institutions; Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. declared bankruptcy before settling.

The last resolution occurred in October, when the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority said City National Securities of Beverly Hills, California, BNY Capital Markets LLC of New York and Harris Investor Services of Chicago would redeem $60 million of the debt.

Regulators, including officials in Massachusetts and Illinois, are now focused on banks and brokerages that resold the securities, said Denise Voigt Crawford, the Texas Securities Commissioner. Those companies didn’t underwrite the securities or run auctions, so proving they knew the market might fail may be more difficult, she said.

A resolution can’t come soon enough for Brad Dickson of Los Angeles, whose holdings of BlackRock Inc. and Van Kampen Investments Inc. securities purchased through Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. pay less than 1 percent.

“I’m getting paid virtually nothing,” Dickson said. “This is money that’s frozen, that basically has a zero return, and I’m stuck with it indefinitely.”

States, student-loan agencies and closed-end mutual funds sold auction-rate securities to raise money for 20 years or more. Yields on the bonds were reset at weekly or monthly auctions run by the underwriters, providing the borrowers with money-market rates.

The market unraveled in February 2008 as dealers who supported auctions for two decades with their own money suddenly pulled back to preserve capital amid the mortgage slump that led to $1.1 trillion of credit losses and writedowns at the world’s largest financial institutions.

Individual investors hold at least $20 billion of the debt, with companies and institutions owning the remainder, according to America’s Watchdog, a Washington-based adviser on securities litigation.

An arbitration panel ruled Feb. 13 that Zurich-based Credit Suisse Group AG must pay STMicroelectronics NV of Geneva more than $400 million to resolve claims that it misled the semiconductor maker into buying auction-rate securities.

“We respectfully disagree” with the award, Credit Suisse spokesman David Walker said. The bank is “reviewing our legal options.”

About $85.2 billion in municipal securities remain outstanding, down from $211 billion a year ago, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. About $33 billion in auction preferred shares remain, according to Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc. in Miami.

The $176 billion of auction-rate debt that issuers haven’t reclaimed includes $57.7 billion tied to student loans, corporations and mortgages, Bloomberg data show.

Yesterday, Moody’s Investors Service cut the credit ratings on $5 billion of Brazos Student Finance Corp. bonds backed by student loans because most are funded with auction-rate securities. The interest Brazos collects on loans financed by auction-rate securities failed to keep up with the cost of borrowing, Moody’s said in a statement.

“Most of the trusts are expected to generate slightly negative to zero gross excess spread,” Moody’s wrote in its report, and said it was “unlikely” that some subordinate bonds that lack collateral will “be paid off in full by the legal maturity.”

Brazos Student Finance Corp. is part of Waco, Texas-based Brazos Group Inc., the largest municipal borrower in the auction-rate market. The ratings on the bonds were cut to as low as Ba3, or three levels below investment grade.

Some banks say they can’t buy bonds they sold because of the dislocation in credit markets.

Thomas James, the chief executive officer of Raymond James Financial Inc., said in January that his company doesn’t have federal bailout money for such an effort. Clients of the St. Petersburg, Florida-based brokerage hold $1 billion of the debt.

The brokerage unit of St. Louis-based Stifel Financial Corp. said on Feb. 11 it intends to buy back an estimated $40 million of the $183 million held by its clients. Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, who is investigating the company, called the offer “inadequate.”

State regulators in Washington filed a complaint on Nov. 20 against Wells Fargo that said the company failed to disclose enough information to investors about the risk of failing auctions. The bank requested a hearing, which may occur in six months, said Michael Stevenson, the state’s securities director.

Golden declined to comment on the regulatory proceedings.

To contact the reporter on this story: Michael McDonald in Boston at

February 11, 2009

BlackRock Receives Lower Auction Fees
Break Is Offered When Shares Don't Sell
By Daisy Maxey, The Wall Street Journal

Some of BlackRock Inc.'s closed-end funds have negotiated lower auction fees on preferred shares that are put on the block but fail to sell.

The move could be copied by other companies that offer closed-end funds and are looking for ways to cut costs for common shareholders.

Auction-rate securities are financial products that have interest rates reset at periodic auctions on Wall Street. The market for such securities, which were issued by municipalities, student-loan and mutual-fund companies, and others to raise long-term funds at short-term rates, collapsed in February when Wall Street firms stopped supporting the $330 billion market.

The fees in question are collected by auction agents for administering the auctions and by broker-dealer firms for their efforts to make a market to sell preferred securities.

An annual report for BlackRock MuniVest Fund II notes that "in December 2008, commissions paid to broker-dealers on preferred shares that experience a failed auction were reduced to 0.15% on the aggregate principal amount. The fund will continue to pay commissions of 0.25% on the aggregate principal amount of all shares that successfully clear their auctions."

This reduction in fees, which will apply to all of BlackRock's closed-end funds that are leveraged with auction-rate preferred shares, pleases at least one investor. "It's a good step," said Cody Bartlett, managing director of investments at Karpus Investment Management, a registered investment adviser in Pittsford, N.Y. He added, however: "We would have liked to see them not pay a fee at all."

Karpus had spoken out against the fees last autumn, noting that closed-end-fund equity holders were saddled with the auction expense in addition to the higher rates they were paying on the failed closed-end preferred-auction-rate securities. The firm's president, George Karpus, complained about the fees last year in letters to the Securities and Exchange Commission and the office of New York state's attorney general, Andrew Cuomo.

A person close to the matter said BlackRock agreed to continue paying reduced fees so that the auctions could continue in their normal manner. The reduced payments permit auction agents to take sale orders from not only large broker-dealers, but smaller broker-dealers who may not have their own auction desks.

"Funds and boards have been asking why the full fees are being charged for auctions that are failing," said Cecilia Gondor, executive vice president at Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc., a Miami investment-advisory firm. "Auction agents argue that, aside from the contractual obligation which spells out the level of fees even in the event of auction failures, they are still performing services with regard to the ARPs,"

BlackRock's public disclosure on the renegotiated fees provides a starting point for other funds to negotiate with their auction agents, Ms. Gondor said. "Lower fees mean lower costs to maintain ARPs," she said. Three other closed-end issuers of auction-rate securities -- Eaton Vance Corp.; Nuveen Investments, which is owned by an investor group led by private-equity firm Madison Dearborn Partners Inc.; and Pimco, a unit of German insurer Allianz SE -- had no comment on whether they were seeking to reduce or eliminate the auction fees paid by their funds.

Mr. Bartlett of Karpus said the largest issue now is the refinancing of auction-rate preferred shares by replacing the shares with other securities or by taking the leverage off the table.

"Now that long-term rates are low, it's a pretty good time on the taxable side," Mr. Bartlett said. "On the municipal side, it's not that easy. Nuveen has been most aggressive with refinancing their munis, and they've done a pretty good job."

February 6, 2009

The Latest (update 1)
by Harry Newton

The ARS lockup continues for many individual investors and for many corporations. Over 10 firms have told regulators allegedly that they will be forced to file for bankruptcy if they don't get their "cash-equivalents" (their ARPS) to suddenly become cash.

Madoff stole $50 billion. I'm guessing at least $100 billion of ARPS are still out there not redeemed. This theft is twice as big as Madoff.

The good news is that the Attorneys-General of New York and Massachusetts are still on the case. And now -- finally -- the sleepy SEC seems to have worken up. But where is California's Gerry Brown?

Where is Texas' Greg Abbott?

Where is the AG of Florida, Bill McCollum?

I searched for Auction Rate Preferreds on the California AG's web site, the Texas AG's web site and Florida AG's web site on February 6, 2009 and found absolutely nothing on any of the three web sites. This is staggering! ARPS are a gigantic Wall Street fraud. These public "servants" do nothing. And we, the taxpayers, pay their salaries.

The bad news is that no one's going after the issuers of auction rate preferred securities -- companies like Blackrock, Nuveen MFS and PIMCO. To me they're guilty of peddling a fraud -- selling "cash-like" securities that weren't.

The bottom line is simple, dear folks. I have all my ARPS money back. If you don't, you need to get off your tushy and do something. I spent several hours updating this site tonight. I don't see any offers of help, nor many "Thank yous." I am pleased to report that one fine reader -- a real mensch -- sent me a bottle of fine wine for my efforts and as a thank you. I'm not begging. But I'm also not terribly interested in your misery -- especially if you done very little to get someone's attention. I am not your keeper.

Feburary 6, 2009

American Eagle Outfitters sues Citigroup for fraud

PITTSBURGH (AP) — American Eagle Outfitters Inc. sued Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and accused it of fraudulently inducing it to buy $258 million worth of auction rate securities that it now can sell only at a significant loss, if at all.

Citigroup represented the securities as safe and liquid and therefore compatible with the Pittsburgh-based clothing retailer's conservative investment policies, according to the suit. Instead, American Eagle claimed, Citigroup knew there was not enough demand for the securities to keep them liquid.

A Citigroup Inc. spokeswoman declined to comment Friday.

In the auction-rate securities market, investors buy and sell instruments that resemble corporate debt, except the interest rates are reset at regular auctions, some as often as once a week. A number of companies invested in the securities because they could treat their holdings almost like cash.

The market for auction rate securities collapsed last February, leaving tens of thousands of investors nationwide holding damaged securities that couldn't be readily sold for cash, according to securities regulators.

Citigroup represented itself as the auction rate securities "market leader" and said it would provide immediate liquidity by selling the securities to other investors, or buying them itself, according to the suit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh by American Eagle Outfitters and its subsidiary, AEO Management Co.

"American Eagle reasonably and justifiably relied to its detriment upon Citi's material misrepresentations and omissions of material fact and fraudulent conduct," the suit said.

Citigroup hid from American Eagle that it had internal limits on how many of the Citigroup-brokered securities it would buy and that the market for Citigroup-brokered securities would collapse when it stopped buying them last February, according to the suit.

Richard Victoria, an attorney for American Eagle, said that despite the auction rate securities problem, the company's financial condition remains strong.

In December, New York-based Citigroup and UBS AG agreed to buy back a total of nearly $30 billion in auction rate securities under a settlement approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The banks neither admitted nor denied wrongdoing under the settlements.

American Eagle operates under the brands American Eagle Outfitters, aerie by American Eagle, Martin + Osa, and 77kids. It has more than 1,000 stores and about 30,000 employees in the United States and Canada.

February 5, 2009

SEC, Wachovia Reach $7B Deal Over ARS Crash
By Christine Caulfield

Law360, New York (February 05, 2009) -- The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has finalized a $7 billion settlement with Wachovia Securities LLC over the broker-dealer's involvement in the collapsed auction rate securities market, the agency announced Thursday.

Under the deal, St. Louis-headquartered Wachovia will provide liquidity to thousands of investors who bought auction rate securities before the bottom dropped out of the market in February 2008, the SEC said.

The settlement resolves all claims by the regulator that Wachovia misled investors about the risks of the securities that the firm marketed, sold and underwrote.

The deal is one of many “unprecedented settlements-in-principle” the commission has negotiated with a number of broker-dealers, SEC Enforcement Division chief Linda Chatman Thomsen said.

“The goal of the SEC in these matters was to return as much liquidity to investors as quickly as possible, while at the same time avoiding further disruption in the financial markets,” Thomsen said. “Today's final settlement with Wachovia represents substantial progress toward fulfilling that goal.”

Without admitting or denying the SEC's allegations, Wachovia has agreed to buy back ARS from all investors who bought the securities from the firm on or before Feb. 13, 2008.

The first phase of the buyback — in which Wachovia offered to buy ARS from individuals, nonprofit and religious organizations, and other customers with account values below $10 million — ended Nov. 28, with the broker purchasing more than $6.2 billion in eligible securities.

The second phase, which must begin no later than June 10 and end June 30, requires Wachovia to offer to repurchase remaining ARS held by all other investors.

Wachovia has also agreed to pay customers who sold their ARS below par between Feb. 13 and Nov. 10 the difference between the par value and the sale price, plus interest; to reimburse customers who took out loans from Wachovia after Feb. 13 because of concerns with ARS liquidity; and to offer to lend its customers the full par value of their ARS, pending the buyback.

The settlement, which remains subject to court approval, also implicates affiliate Wachovia Capital Markets LLC, which has agreed to provide identical relief to customers who bought ARS using their capital accounts.

The settlement was first hashed out between Wachovia and regulators in August. The deal was a global agreement with the SEC; Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, whose office led a multistate investigation into the collapsed ARS market; and New York Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo.

The probe was launched after investors complained that ARS were marketed by Wachovia and other broker dealers as equivalent to money market securities. The $330 billion ARS market collapsed in February 2008, leaving investors unable to access their money.

Other banks, including Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc. and UBS AG, have also reached settlements with the regulator.

Citigroup was the first bank to take a deal, agreeing Aug. 7 to buy back $19.5 billion of the securities from customers and pay a $100 million fine. The following day, UBS agreed to buy back $18.6 billion in ARS and pay a $150 million civil penalty.

Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan also agreed to a deal to buy back a combined $7 billion in ARS.

The SEC said Thursday it would decided whether to seek a financial penalty against Wachovia “after Wachovia has completed its obligations under the settlement agreement.”

The commission's investigation into the ARS market is ongoing.

February 3, 2009

Auction-rate securities a year later:
still more questions than answers
by Stefan Maisnier, Medil Reports, Chicago
Medil Reports is written and produced by graduate journalism students at Northwestern University’s Medill school.

Houlihan Smith and Company Inc. Survey of third-quarter SEC filings by 161 public companies with ARS exposure.

It has been a year since the auction-rate securities (ARS) market froze, and while the assets have not become worthless, there remains no comprehensive solution to what is a gigantic liquidity problem.

Approximately 145,000 individual investors were hit, according to America’s Watchdog, a national advocacy group for consumer protection. An untold number of institutional entities were also left with large sums of suddenly illiquid assets, and equally victimized were the cities, states and other non-profit issuers that since the freeze have had to redeem much of their issued ARS at par and simultaneously lost a major market for their bonds.

Auction-rate securities are long-term variable rate bonds tied to short-term interest rates that are reset through auctions held at predetermined intervals, usually 7, 28 or 35 days.

In Illinois, two of the largest institutional players in the ARS market were Nuveen Investments LLC and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.

When asked if the state had invested in or issued any ARS, Illinois Treasury spokesman Scott Burnham breathed a sigh of relief and said “thankfully, no.” Chicago was not in the market either, according to the City Treasurer’s Office.

All told though, $330 billion was tied up in ARS at the time the market seized last February due to a lack of buyers.

“With banks like Citi and Bank of America going down the tubes no one cares about auction-rate securities,” America’s Watchdog President M. Thomas Martin said. “Madoff is horrendous but that was $50 billion, this is $330 billion. We still think this is the worst case of fraud in U.S. history.”

Three types of ARS were issued: student loan, tax-exempt municipal and toxic/structured, according to Houlihan Smith & Company Inc. ARS specialist Karl D’Cunha.

The most damaging were the toxic ARS made up of credit default swaps, mortgage-backed securities and other dubious instruments which “never should have been an auction-rate security,” D’Cunha said.

There was no benefit to taking on the more risky investment of the toxic ARS, but “pretty creative guys” at investment banks decided to use ARS as a way to unload excess inventory of bad debt, according to D’Cunha.

The whole ARS market should have failed a lot sooner than February 2008, D’Cunha said, for the toxic ARS market froze the previous summer, but as trading in the market decreased it was being propped up by internal bank activity,

“ARS as it has been structured will never be issued again,” D’Cunha declared, stressing a need for transparency and a put that would guarantee a percentage of investor liquidity, but he added that even those safeguards might not garner enough activity in the market.

Individual or retail victims have been the most publicized since the market seized. New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin have led the negotiating effort to get banks to issue at-par redemptions to individuals unable to get money back out of auction-rate securities.

In light of the scrutiny, many banks, municipalities and other issuers have offered voluntary redemptions to avoid scrutiny or the possibility of punitive fines from the government. Several institutions have had to pay fines in connection with their involvement in the ARS market failure.

According to estimates from America’s Watchdog, somewhere between $60 billion and 65 billion of approximately $80 billion in retail investor money has been redeemed, thanks to the efforts of Cuomo, Galvin and other officials to negotiate settlements with brokers like UBS AG, Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc.

It’s difficult to account for exactly how much is stuck in the ARS market, due to a lack of transparency, Martin said. “There’s no accurate numbers on this stuff.”

Institutional investors including banks, mutual funds and others have also been saddled with suddenly illiquid assets. There has been less disclosure from them as many are reticent to come forward, partly due to the fact they’re trying to figure out how to value the still-frozen assets.

According to a survey of 161 public companies following their reports for the quarter ended Sept. 30 by Houlihan Smith, there has been little consistency in how companies have dealt with their ARS investments.

The survey found that 20 percent of the companies marked ARS at par, 45 percent recorded a temporary write-down, 31 percent recorded other-than-temporary write-downs, and 4 percent recorded both temporary and other-than-temporary write-downs.

It is something that has to be analyzed case-by-case, said D’Cunha, largely dependent on what a company’s overall position is.

ARS issuers have also been hit hard by the collapse and now face dealing with buyers who want to get their money out of suddenly illiquid assets that were said to have been as liquid as cash.

Chicago-based Nuveen Investments LLC, a subsidiary of Madison Dearborn Partners, was a big issuer of what it called auction-rate preferred securities (ARPS) prior to the market collapse and has been working to redeem the securities in the months following.

According to Nuveen’s most current data, as of Jan. 29 a total of $5.3 billion in ARPS has been redeemed or defeased, but that’s only about 35 percent of the more than $11 billion in ARPS that Nuveen initially issued. Nuveen plans to redeem all ARPS as soon as possible, according to spokesperson Kristyna Sujata, but cannot estimate when full redemption may occur.

Nuveen has been sued by individual investors, but has not been subject to the same sort of scrutiny by the State of Illinois that investment firms in New York were.

“We were really surprised Illinois wasn’t all over this,” Martin said.

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission had $3.7 billion of its ARS outstanding at the height of its involvement in the market. The commission redeemed $2.8 billion in 2007 before the freeze as part of a portfolio reorganization after realizing that 70 percent of its portfolio was in non-Illinois paper, according to ISAC spokesman Paul Palian.

Currently ISAC has $884 million in outstanding ARS issued, and is continuing to pay on the bonds.

“We’re in a lucky position with our rates being around 2 percent right now,” Palian said. “It’s very affordable.”

The bigger concern for ISAC is the loss of a robust bond market, and having to find other sources of credit. In September ISAC issued $100 million in securities to non-traditional lenders including eight Illinois credit unions.

“As we look to expand and meet the borrowing needs left by the exit of many less committed lenders, we are logically turning to our own local financial institutions to partner with us in meeting the needs of Illinois students,” ISAC Executive Director Andrew Davis said in a statement.

Municipalities have been hit hard too, including treasuries in other states that weren’t as pragmatic, or as lucky, as Illinois in avoiding the ARS market.

California issued $500 million in ARS and following the collapse converted $400 million to commercial paper.

The state is trying to auction off the last $100 million of ARS still, and as recently as Jan. 28 had attempted a reset, in an auction brokered by JPMorgan Chase & Co., California treasury spokesman Tom Dresslar said. The auction failed.

California will revisit the issue of what to do with the $100 million of ARS when the state adopts a budget, Dresslar said.

With ARS having been marketed as liquid but now illiquid for a year, the only positive is that most municipal and student-loan ARS issuers are still paying on their obligations.

The concern is what happens if the payments stop, according to D’Cunha. “If more (issuers) were to default, this $300 billion would be written down to $100 billion faster than you could say A-R-S.”

January 4, 2009

Legal status and wimps

by Harry Newton

Billions of dollars of auction rate preferreds still have not been redeemed. (See next article) It is obvious that some issuers like PIMCO, hope that redemption and its legal and moral problems will simply fade, the publicity will die down, the attorney generals will find something else to do... and the poor ARPS owners will forget they own them, or reconcile themselves to owning them for the rest of their lives, and longer.

I had a phone call today from an owner of PIMCO ARPS. He asked me what he should do, since PIMCO was stonewalling him. I asked him what he had done? The answer in two words, "Very little." I asked had he gone after the broker personally who had sold him the ARPS. He said, "NO." I asked why not? He said the guy had some "medical problems." I suggested that he'd better go after him before the "medical problems" become terminal.

In short, for those of you who've exhausted every avenue, know that the one remaining is to go after your brokerpersonally. Nothing motivates a broker faster than the possibility of a client besmirching his reputation by asserting fraud.

But -- wait -- there is "good" news. The price of many muni bonds has fallen as investors have become leery of their safety. This has messed up the mandated asset backing of ARPS. Here's a recent article posted on which explains all.

Pimco Municipal Income Fund Delays Dividend; In Irony Auction Rate Preferred Shares to Blame

Article Submitted by: Sam Cass

As we close 2008, one of the biggest stories of the year, the auction rate security meltdown, comes full circle. Pimco, a company roundly criticized for not redeeming investor money locked in illiquid auction rate securities, has now delayed the divided payments from these funds because it continued to hold auction rate security cash, against the wishes of many investors. Talk about irony. Investors have now been screwed on both sides of the investment. But there might be a silver lining for long suffering auction rate security holders.

While Bloomberg reported on the delayed dividends it didn't discuss the auction rate security side to it::

"Proceeds from the Pimco Municipal Income Fund and the Pimco New York Municipal Income Fund II were due today and on Feb. 2, Newport Beach, California-based Pimco said in a statement.

“The funds intend to resume paying and declaring dividends as soon as possible,” the company said. Pimco said continuing problems in the capital market caused the values of the funds’ portfolios to decline and led to the decision.

Auction-rate preferred shares, with which the funds borrowed money to boost returns, must be backed by underlying assets worth at least 200 percent, the company said. When that threshold was missed, dividends couldn’t be paid.

The funds may redeem some of the auction-rate shares so dividends may resume, Pimco said. Shares in the funds are sold to investors and are exchange traded."

For those that haven't followed this whole saga, this is how the double-screwing works:

Investors put money into Pimco auction rate security funds. Auction rate securities at one time were short term bond funds whose values were reset periodically via a Dutch auction. For the bond issuer they presented an opportunity to raise cash at lower rates, since the money was more liquid than a typical 20 or 30 year bond. For the holder, they were a way of generating a safe, liquid, and insured return that was generally higher than a CD or money market account.

Early this year as the credit crisis picked up steam, the auctions for auction rate securities began to fail and investors were often unable to cash out their money. Investors in municipal auction rate securities were often able to get out because their bonds held provisions significantly increasing the interest rate in the event of a failed auction. If you owned an auction rate security from a municipality, a hospital, a university, etc. and you couldn't redeem it at auction, the rate you would receive would spike considerably. At that point, the issuing entity had an incentive to redeem the bond since they didn't want to pay such an exorbitant amount of interest.

But investment companies like Pimco issued auction rate preferred shares to help leverage their close ended bond funds. Funds like Pimco Municipal Income Fund and the Pimco New York Municipal Income Fund II. These auction rate preferred shares did not have the same reset provisions as the municipal auction rate securities. In most cases, they reset to slightly above the Fed Funds rate or some other benchmark. The investment companies had no incentive to cash out their customers and make them liquid and as a result many have been trapped in these investments since last February. It's important to note that the funds have not lost principle or interest but investors who thought they were investing in a cash equivalent, liquid investment have not been able to withdraw their money. Pimco in particular has been singled out for not cashing out investors.

Now, it turns out that the auction rate security money that Pimco has kept against many investors wishes has forced it to suspend paying dividends. The credit crisis drove down the value of the assets in Pimco funds. The covenants around the auction rate preferreds require that they be backed by at least 2x the amount of underlying assets. Because the assets have shrunk in value, Pimco has to suspend dividends to rebuilt its assets and keep it at this ratio.

So, auction rate security holders can't get their money out, and bondholders can't get their dividends. Screwed on both ends.

The only bright side to this is that the drop in asset values may finally force Pimco to redeem some of its auction rate preferred shareholders to lower the assets needed to maintain the 2x ration. In order to start paying dividends again, the company told Bloomberg it will begin to cash them out.

Auction Rate Securities: $200 billion unfrozen, $135 billion to go

by Peter Cohan

Although it's still a far bigger scam than Bernie Madoff's $50 billion Ponzi scheme, it has gotten a relatively tiny amount of attention. I don't know why but I suspect it's because the victims of the $330 billion Auction Rate Securities (ARS) swindle -- in which money invested in supposedly cash-like investments in government bonds whose rates reset in weekly auctions -- are not bold-faced names like Kevin Bacon and Steven Spielberg.

Nevertheless, when the ARS scandal broke in February 2008, those investors found that their supposedly safe savings were frozen when the auctions to reset those rates stopped happening. My original post now has 7,343 comments from people who have been trying to get their money back. The good news is that some $200 billion worth of those securities have been unfrozen thanks to Massachusetts and New York officials, Bill Galvin and Andrew Cuomo, respectively, who fought on investors' behalf.

Nevertheless, there remain about $135 billion worth of these ARS that remain frozen. There are many individuals whose funds remain frozen with limited prospects of recovery. And there are companies and non-profits whose funds are still frozen as well. These include Vicor (NASDAQ: VICR) with $38 million of its funds tied up until 2010 at the earliest; Tufts Health Care has $30 million, which has half its cash tied up and no prospects for recovering it; and Five Star Quality Care (AMEX: FVE), with $75 million tied up in ARS and just just $39 million in cash.

Regulators and issuers must thaw out the $135 billion in frozen ARSs to relieve the victims of the endless stress of not getting their cash. Unfortunately, once this matter is settled, those victims are highly unlikely ever to regain their trust in the financial services industry.

Peter Cohan is President of Peter S. Cohan & Associates. He also teaches management at Babson College and edits The Cohan Letter. He has no financial interest in the securities mentioned.

Friday December 19, 2008

Lack of SEC oversight and enforcement at the center of too many messes

From BusinessWeek's Aaron Pressman

Once again, the Securities and Exchange Commission is apologizing for failing to do its job. This time it’s the agency admitting that it had credible allegations of wrongdoing at Bernie Madoff’s firm starting in the 1990s and continuing for years and years that were never properly investigated. Now, $50 billion of alleged losses later, it’s way too late for apologies.

If you stop and think about it, the SEC failed to do its job at almost every level of the current mess we’re in. Who allowed Wall Street firms to increase their leverage to 30 and 40 times their capital and endanger the entire financial system? Why, the SEC. And who was supposed to be regulating the rating agencies and policing them for conflicts of interest as they signed off on trillions of dollars of toxic mortgage-backed securities? Again, the SEC. When it turned out that Wall Street had rigged the entire $300 billion auction rate securities market, who was then regulator that investigated but did virtually nothing until after it was too late? Right again, the SEC. And when Bear Stearns was running a couple of over-leveraged, mislabeled, highly-risky hedge funds, which regulator’s inspector general said it had failed to act in time? Yep, the SEC. Finally, which agency had an inside view of the risk management procedures at all the big firms but never asked any tough questions? Right again, SEC.

It’s true — there are plenty of other actors here who screwed up, including but not limited to banking regulators, Congress, various White House crews, nefarious mortgage brokers and on and on. But the SEC was in a position to stop almost all of the bad stuff that’s happened and failed to stop any of it.

Perhaps the whole mess is best summed up by this simple Twitter message from publisher Rex Hammock: Headline you won’t see: ‘SEC Chairman admits his staff was too busy busting Martha Stewart to investigate Madoff’

Thursday December 18, 2008

I'm back.
by Harry Newton

I have all my $4.5 million back but many of you don't. The good news is that there is ongoing effort by some attorney-generals. And more and more ARPS are being redeemed. But the action has become a little desultory. Auction Rate Securities have dropped off the media's radar screen.

So the question is what now?

It may be time for legal action.

I need your input. Email me where you stand.

I also need to do a little more mulling.

And the irony of all this? ARPS have been my best investment in 2008. Bar none. The best. Thank you Todd and Rick.

Sunday November 2, 2008

My Personal nightmare is over, but yours may not be (update 1)
by Harry Newton

I am 100% out, at par. I no longer own any ARPS. They were all Nuveens. Nuveen got me out of some. Deutsche Bank got me out me of the rest. Thank you Andrew Cuomo, New York Attorney-General.

Not everyone else is out. I figure about $100 billion of the original $360 billion that was locked in ARPS are still locked, with some people facing a pretty bleak future. For those people I offer this advice:

1. You need to find each other and band together. Contact FINRA. (See story below.)

2. You need to do massive Attorney-General lobbying to get them involved.

3. You need to threaten to individually sue the broker / financial advisor who sold your your ARPS.

4. If you haven't the stomach for all this, you can try selling your ARPS on the secondary market. You won't get 100% of your money back. But it may be preferable to the ongoing aggravation and sleepless nights.

Here are some general investing lessons I have learned:

1. Never trust no one. Or, don't trust anyone. That includes brokers and financial advisers. Do your own due diligence. If you smell anything, stay out. Remember the old adage, "When in doubt, stay out."

2. Don't chase yield. Cash may not pay anything -- but it certainly does preserve your capital. Most people got into ARPS because they were chasing yield and their brokers were chasing a small commission.

3. We do occasionally get something for our taxes. Attorney-General Andrew Cuomo of New York and Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin did sterling work for us. I wish some of the other AGs took their jobs more seriously, e.g. California.

4. Wall Street's advertising says it cares about its clients long-term. The advertising and the sales pitches are unmitigated horseshit. What Wall Street cares about is making a commission or a fee and then going onto the next thing. Wall Street has no interest in insuring that what it sold you works out for you -- long-term or short-term. Wall Street is a product machine -- pure and simple. It makes things to sell to you. Some times they work. Some times they don't -- e.g. auction rate preferreds securities. They don't care. End of this story.

5. You are your own worst enemy. It's an old aphorism that has never been so true. As I wrote this site, I met people who put their entire life savings into ARPS, thus violating the fundamental rule of diversification, etc. Today the world is moving so fast -- look at the last few months -- that you can't predict. So to put all or most of your money into one thing -- no matter how persuasive the arguments -- is not the wisest idea. In fact, it's plain stupid.

There is no free lunch.

October 23

FINRA Announces Agreements in Principle with Three Additional Firms to Settle Auction Rate Securities Violations
Agreements Include Offers to Repurchase Over $60 Million of ARS Holdings at Par

Last update: 12:30 p.m. EDT Oct. 23, 2008
WASHINGTON, Oct 23, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) announced today that it has reached agreements in principle with City National Securities (CNS) of Beverly Hills, CA, BNY Mellon Capital Markets, LLC of New York and Harris Investor Services, Inc. of Chicago, to settle charges relating to the sale of Auction Rate Securities (ARS). Each of the principle agreements is subject to being formalized in an approved settlement document called a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (AWC).

Last month, FINRA announced similar agreements in principle with five firms. Investigations continue at a number of additional firms.

In the actions announced today, CNS, BNY Mellon and Harris have agreed to offer to repurchase at par ARS that were purchased by individual investors and some institutions between May 31, 2006, and Feb. 28, 2008. A total of more than $60 million of ARS are eligible for repurchase. The firms have also agreed to make whole individual investors who sold ARS below par after Feb. 28, 2008. CNS will pay a fine of $315,000, while BNY Mellon will pay a fine of $250,000 and Harris is being fined $150,000.

The firms also agreed to the appointment of an independent, non-industry arbitrator to resolve investor claims for any consequential damages -- that is, damages they may have suffered from their inability to access funds invested in ARS. "In all of our Auction Rate Securities investigations and settlements, FINRA's primary goal continues to be the restoration of investors' access to the millions of dollars they invested in ARS," said Susan L. Merrill, FINRA Executive Vice President and Chief of Enforcement.

In addition to individual investors, those eligible for ARS repurchase and/or payments for ARS sold below par include non-profit charitable organizations and religious corporations or entities. Trusts, corporate trusts, corporations, pension plans, educational institutions, incorporated non-profit organizations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, non-public companies, partnerships, personal holding companies and unincorporated associations that made individual ARS purchases and whose account value did not exceed $10 million will also be eligible.

Each firm has agreed to provide notice to its eligible customers promptly. Repurchases must begin no later than 30 days after the settlement is approved and must be completed no later than 60 days after settlement approval. Beginning six months after settlement approval, each firm has also agreed to make its best efforts to provide liquidity to all other investors who purchased during the same time period but who were not eligible for the initial repurchase. Those best efforts may include offers to repurchase ARS and/or offers of low- or no-interest loans.

FINRA's investigation has found evidence that each firm sold ARS using advertising, marketing materials or other internal communications with its sales force that were not fair and balanced and therefore did not provide a sound basis for investors to evaluate the benefits and risks of purchasing ARS. FINRA's investigation also found evidence that each firm failed to establish and maintain a supervisory system reasonably designed to achieve compliance with the securities laws and FINRA rules with respect to the marketing and sale of ARS.

In the forthcoming formal settlement documents, the firms will neither admit nor deny the charges, but will consent to the entry of FINRA's findings.

Earlier this year, FINRA released guidance for investors caught in the auction failures in the Investor Alert Auction Rate Securities: What Happens When Auctions Fail.
Investors can obtain more information about, and the disciplinary record of, any FINRA-registered broker or brokerage firm by using FINRA's BrokerCheck. FINRA makes BrokerCheck available at no charge. In 2007, members of the public used this service to conduct 6.7 million reviews of broker or firm records. Investors can access BrokerCheck at by calling (800) 289-9999.

FINRA is the largest non-governmental regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. FINRA is dedicated to investor protection and market integrity through effective and efficient regulation and complementary compliance and technology-based services. FINRA touches virtually every aspect of the securities business -- from registering and educating industry participants to examining securities firms; writing rules; enforcing those rules and the federal securities laws; informing and educating the investing public; providing trade reporting and other industry utilities; and administering the largest dispute resolution forum for investors and registered firms.

Friday October 24

Auction-Rate Victims 'Fit to Be Tied' as Accords Ebb (Update1)

By Michael McDonald and Darrell Preston

Oct. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Settlements between regulators and banks over the improper sale of auction-rate securities have slowed to a trickle, raising concern among investors holding $135 billion of the debt that they will be left out.

Ed Dowling, a 53-year-old clothing manufacturer from Huntington, New York, bought $2.6 million of the securities from Oppenheimer & Co. on the belief that the investments were as safe as money-market funds and easy to buy and sell.

He's been stuck with most of the debt since the $330 billion auction-rate market collapsed in February, sparking a series of regulatory probes into how brokerages marketed the long-term securities. State and federal regulators including New York state

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo vowed to pursue dozens of brokerages in August after they forced eight Wall Street banks, including Citigroup Inc. and UBS AG, to agree to buy back about $45 billion of auction-rate securities. Since the initial flurry, 12 mostly smaller firms have agreed to redeem $8 billion in debt. "It's great that they got money back for those investors," said Dowling, who was planning to use the money to build a new house in Huntington, on Long Island.

"A large portion of the problem hasn't been resolved, the portion I'm involved with." States, student-loan agencies and closed-end mutual funds sold the securities, locking in short-term rates on obligations due in 20 years or more. The long-term bonds had interest rates set at weekly or monthly auctions run by New York-based Citigroup, UBS in Zurich and the other large underwriters.

Municipal auction-rate securities yielded three-quarters of a percentage point less, on average, than long-term, fixed-rate bonds in 2007, according to industry indexes. The yields were a quarter of a percentage point or more above conventional money- market funds, indexes show.

The market unraveled in February. Dealers who supported auctions for two decades with their own money suddenly pulled back to preserve capital amid the mortgage slump that led to $662 billion of credit losses and writedowns worldwide. That left investors unable to sell securities that were pitched as cash equivalents and borrowers paying penalty interest rates as high as 20 percent after auctions failed to find enough buyers.

To escape the high rates, borrowers refinanced or offered to buy back at least $142 billion of the securities, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News. Regulators forced brokerages to agree to redeem another $53 billion, leaving individuals and institutional investors stuck with about $135 billion.

Corporations owned $41 billion of auction-rate debt at the end of September, according to a survey by Chicago-based Treasury Strategies Inc. These large institutional investors were excluded from the buybacks required in the settlements.

Getting large Wall Street underwriters to buy back securities was easier because they managed the auctions and created the products, said Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin, who led probes into UBS and Merrill Lynch & Co. of New York.

Investigations into brokerages that essentially resold the bonds will take longer, he said. "It's obvious that we haven't had anything to announce recently," Galvin said. "It's a more complicated fact pattern. It's more complicated, but it's not impossible."

New York's Cuomo, who announced almost all the settlements with the large Wall Street banks over three weeks in August, said at the time his office had subpoenaed about 25 firms, including Oppenheimer's parent, Toronto-based Oppenheimer Holdings Inc., TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. and Charles Schwab Corp. "We're working our way down the list," he said on Aug. 15.

TD Ameritrade, based in Omaha, Nebraska, continues "to cooperate with regulators and other industry officials regarding their inquiries related to this issue," spokeswoman Kim Hillyer said. Greg Gable, a spokesman for Charles Schwab in San Francisco, declined to comment.

Cuomo also said in August he was investigating individuals at the firms that sold the securities. Alex Detrick, a spokesman for the New York state regulator, declined to comment on the status of the probes.

In the two months since the first auction-rate settlements, Cuomo has opened investigations into financial markets amid the global credit crisis that led to the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. on Sept. 15. He's probing short-selling of financial-company shares, the market for credit-default swaps and spending at New York-based insurer American International Group Inc., which received an $85 billion federal bailout.

Short sellers attempt to profit by selling borrowed securities and repurchasing them later at a lower price and returning them to the holder.

Massachusetts still has people committed to auction-rate probes, Galvin said. Rex Staples, the general counsel of the North American Securities Administrators Association in Washington, said states are still coordinating investigations, an effort that began earlier this year.

"We still have a task force constituted, and there are still ongoing investigations," Staples said.

The effort to force regional brokerages to buy back securities stalled because firms are under pressure to preserve capital after Lehman's fall prompted a meltdown in credit markets, said Mike Nicholas, co-chief executive of the Regional Bond Dealers Association in Alexandria, Virginia.

The group estimates regional dealers resold $60 billion of the debt. Interest on some of Dowling's holdings soared as high as 12.5 percent two weeks ago, as average yields on municipal auction-rate debt surpassed the records reached when the market imploded in February. For him, that's cold comfort.

"Listen, it's my money, it was sold to me as liquid cash," said Dowling, who has $2 million of the securities left after $600,000 was refinanced. "What it's paying is totally irrelevant." Brian Maddox, an outside spokesman for Oppenheimer with Financial Dynamics in New York, said the firm continues "to explore all options available" for its customers.

Greg McNelley, a 56-year-old investor from San Juan Capistrano, California, remains stuck with $350,000 of student-loan auction-rate securities he bought from San Francisco-based Wells Fargo & Co., which hasn't agreed to buy back auction-rate securities.

"I am just fit to be tied," said McNelley, who retired from his job at a health-maintenance organization. "I was counting on this money to supplement my income." Wells Fargo is working "closely with our clients to address their liquidity needs" by offering holders loans, spokeswoman Kathleen Golden said.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority announced yesterday that a Bank of New York Mellon Corp. unit and two brokerages in California and Illinois will buy back more than $60 million of the securities. Finra, a self-regulatory agency based in Washington, revealed settlements with five firms on Sept. 18 and opened more than 50 additional investigations, and ``more are expected."

The regulator has questioned more than 200 companies and conducted sweeps of firms distributing the bonds, it said. Nancy Condon, a spokeswoman, declined to elaborate.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission participated in the settlements with the large underwriters. "Distributing dealers that were not part of underwriting or managing the auctions didn't know any more about the market than the investors," said Nicholas of the Regional Bond Dealers Association.

Thursday October 23

FINRA Announces Agreements in Principle with Three Additional Firms to Settle Auction Rate Securities Violations
Agreements Include Offers to Repurchase Over $60 Million of ARS Holdings at Par

WASHINGTON, Oct 23, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) announced today that it has reached agreements in principle with City National Securities (CNS) of Beverly Hills, CA, BNY Mellon Capital Markets, LLC of New York and Harris Investor Services, Inc. of Chicago, to settle charges relating to the sale of Auction Rate Securities (ARS). Each of the principle agreements is subject to being formalized in an approved settlement document called a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (AWC).

Last month, FINRA announced similar agreements in principle with five firms. Investigations continue at a number of additional firms.

In the actions announced today, CNS, BNY Mellon and Harris have agreed to offer to repurchase at par ARS that were purchased by individual investors and some institutions between May 31, 2006, and Feb. 28, 2008. A total of more than $60 million of ARS are eligible for repurchase. The firms have also agreed to make whole individual investors who sold ARS below par after Feb. 28, 2008. CNS will pay a fine of $315,000, while BNY Mellon will pay a fine of $250,000 and Harris is being fined $150,000.

The firms also agreed to the appointment of an independent, non-industry arbitrator to resolve investor claims for any consequential damages -- that is, damages they may have suffered from their inability to access funds invested in ARS. "In all of our Auction Rate Securities investigations and settlements, FINRA's primary goal continues to be the restoration of investors' access to the millions of dollars they invested in ARS," said Susan L. Merrill, FINRA Executive Vice President and Chief of Enforcement.

In addition to individual investors, those eligible for ARS repurchase and/or payments for ARS sold below par include non-profit charitable organizations and religious corporations or entities. Trusts, corporate trusts, corporations, pension plans, educational institutions, incorporated non-profit organizations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, non-public companies, partnerships, personal holding companies and unincorporated associations that made individual ARS purchases and whose account value did not exceed $10 million will also be eligible.

Each firm has agreed to provide notice to its eligible customers promptly. Repurchases must begin no later than 30 days after the settlement is approved and must be completed no later than 60 days after settlement approval. Beginning six months after settlement approval, each firm has also agreed to make its best efforts to provide liquidity to all other investors who purchased during the same time period but who were not eligible for the initial repurchase. Those best efforts may include offers to repurchase ARS and/or offers of low- or no-interest loans.

FINRA's investigation has found evidence that each firm sold ARS using advertising, marketing materials or other internal communications with its sales force that were not fair and balanced and therefore did not provide a sound basis for investors to evaluate the benefits and risks of purchasing ARS. FINRA's investigation also found evidence that each firm failed to establish and maintain a supervisory system reasonably designed to achieve compliance with the securities laws and FINRA rules with respect to the marketing and sale of ARS.

In the forthcoming formal settlement documents, the firms will neither admit nor deny the charges, but will consent to the entry of FINRA's findings.

Earlier this year, FINRA released guidance for investors caught in the auction failures in the Investor Alert Auction Rate Securities: What Happens When Auctions Fail.
Investors can obtain more information about, and the disciplinary record of, any FINRA-registered broker or brokerage firm by using FINRA's BrokerCheck. FINRA makes BrokerCheck available at no charge. In 2007, members of the public used this service to conduct 6.7 million reviews of broker or firm records. Investors can access BrokerCheck at or by calling (800) 289-9999.

FINRA is the largest non-governmental regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. FINRA is dedicated to investor protection and market integrity through effective and efficient regulation and complementary compliance and technology-based services. FINRA touches virtually every aspect of the securities business -- from registering and educating industry participants to examining securities firms; writing rules; enforcing those rules and the federal securities laws; informing and educating the investing public; providing trade reporting and other industry utilities; and administering the largest dispute resolution forum for investors and registered firms.

For more information, please visit our Web site at

SOURCE: Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)


Friday, October 17, 2008

A Short Update (update 3)
by Harry Newton

I'm still around.

More and more issuers are announcing buy-backs. This is good news. According to Andrew Cuomo's office, Bank of America will return over $4.5 billion and the Royal Bank of Canada will return over $850 million. There has been a total of about $51 billion to be returned in combined settlements to date, according to Cuomo's office.

More good news is that the financial crisis has caused many non-taxable auction rate preferreds to pay much higher interest rates. My Nuveens have hit 11+%. They reset every day, however.

If you haven't been redeemed at 100% at par, please send me an email with your particulars, including what you've done to make a noise.

Andrew Cuomo's office continues to do great work. If you have issues, contact his office.

You might want to read the Tutorial on Martin Act.

If you're not being redeemed and you're getting completely stonewalled, the only "solution" is to sue your individual advisor personally.

Meanwhile UBS is offering its ARPS owners a complex deal. From reader, Michael A. Rogawski:

Subject: UBS Rights Offering

Have you seen the rights offering from UBS? They are providing rights that allow you to sell your ARS to them for par until 1/4/2011. However, if you take the rights, they then have a call and can take them from you at any time (for par). This means that you lose out on the nice fat yield. I am happy sitting tight for the moment as long as they backstop me on the downside.

I think that they will force my hand because if I don't take the rights, I may get stuck permanently with my tax-free ARS as it isn't clear that a market will develop. Of course, with the current yields they are paying, the ARS may actually be worth a premium.

I worry that the underlying bond fund is getting cheaper every day and so there could be some credit risk.

I haven't read the huge UBS document. From what I gather, it's long and complex. My feelings are simple: Don't be a yield hog. Pigs get slaughtered. Take the cash. Stick it somewhere safe (e.g. treasuries and solid muni bonds) and live in peace. One day the stockmarket may even look interesting. Buffett thinks it's already interesting.

I also write a daily column, You are all welcome to visit.

September 25, 2008

The Devil is in the details
by Harry Newton

Many brokerage firms have announced deals to redeem the ARPS they foisted on their hapless customers. Many of these "deals" are not finalized. The headlines look great. But a lot of ARPS holders are being screwed. You need to check where your deal sits and scream (to the appropriate regulator) if you smell your case may fall through the cracks.

Here are some of the ways you may never see all your money:

+ Partial redemptions. They say they're redeeming all the ARPS they sold. But somehow they're not redeeming ARPS they sold to companies. Or maybe they're not giving you all your money. Maybe they have a cutoff of a million dollars?

+ Timing. Some brokerage firms are stretching their redemptions out over years and years. God forbid, you should die in the meantime. Who'll pay Uncle Sam your death tax?

+ Various custody issues. UBS sold you your ARPS, but you moved your account to Merrill Lynch. Who will give you your money back? Anyone?

+ You sold at a loss – e.g. on the secondary market. Who -- if anybody is going to make up your loss? Some will. Some won't. Nothing is clear.

Here's my latest thinking. For many of you with "issues" now might be just the perfect time to sell your ARPS on the secondary market. Interest rates are up. Most ARPS are safe and paying reliably and well. Take the loss. Save yourself further aggravation. Some of this stuff could drag on for years. Get on with your life. Read Daisy's excellent article:

Nonprofit Left Out In Auction-Rate Deal

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The American Council on Science and Health, a nonprofit education consortium, says it's been left out in the cold in UBS Financial Services Inc.'s settlement with regulators on sales of auction-rate securities.

UBS Financial Services, a division of UBS AG (UBS), won't buy back the now illiquid $250,000 in auction-rate shares the council bought through a UBS advisor because they weren't custodied with UBS when the market froze, said Jeff Stier, associate director at the council, which seeks to foster education on issues ranging from food and nutrition to chemicals and the environment. And Fidelity Investments, at which the shares were custodied when the market froze, said it won't buy the securities because it didn't sell them in the first place, he said.

"That's where we fall through the cracks," said Stier. "The attorney general is dealing with this on a one-on-one basis with different firms and putting together a patchwork of agreements. There are different agreements with different terms with different banks, so there are gaps - and we're falling through the gaps."

UBS declined to comment on the council's situation specifically, but said, "Our settlement in principle was announced on Aug. 8, and we continue working toward implementation."

Other investors are likely to fall through the cracks of the high-profile agreements the Securities and Exchange Commission and state regulators have reached with sellers of auction-rate securities. The auctions at which the securities were sold locked up in February when the banks that supported them for years stopped buying due to credit concerns, leaving many investors stranded in illiquid holdings.

"The devil is in the details," said Harry Newton, a retired publisher who had $4.5 million invested in auction-rate shares when the market froze and still has $3.2 million in the securities.

Newton, whose Web site at has become a hub of information on the ARS crisis, said he's been inundated by emails from investors who are concerned they won't be covered by settlements because they moved their accounts from one custodian to another or because they sold at a loss on the secondary market.

While many of the agreements that have been made with regulators will ensure that investors who sold at a loss on a secondary market are made whole, many ignore the custody issue. The SEC said it is aware of the issue with those whose accounts have changed custody, and is discussing it with UBS.

Some are also suggesting that the escalating financial crisis may jeopardize some of the settlements or voluntary buyback agreements.

In testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services earlier this month, Leslie Norwood, managing director and associate general counsel at the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, said, "Over the last few months, a number of firms and banks have offered to buy back auction-rate securities at par value from customers including retail investors, charities and small- to mid-sized businesses. Many firms are facing capital limitations as a result of the continuing credit crunch. They have limited funding available to buy back outstanding auction-rate securities."

Barry Silbert, chief executive of SecondMarket Inc., formerly Restricted Stock Partners, which makes a secondary market for illiquid assets, said sales of auction-rate securities from retail customers fell off when settlements began to be announced. However, since Labor Day, his company has seen an increase in the number of institutional sellers, and over the past week, it has been fielding more calls from retail investors, he said.

That's partly because these sellers are realizing that the buybacks won't come as quickly as they had hoped, and partly because some realize they'll be made whole by the settlements eventually even if they do sell now on the secondary market, Silbert said. The economy is also a factor, he said. As a result of what's occurring in the capital markets and elsewhere, "in a number of cases, people need cash, so we're seeing more motivated sellers on the institutional side as well," he said.

As for the American Council on Science and Health, the New York-based education consortium, which has a budget of about $2 million, bought about $500,000 of different types of auction-rate securities several years ago through an advisor at UBS, Stier said. The shares were touted as liquid money-market alternatives that would be a good place to park the organization's six-month operating expenses, he said.

"We were never informed of the risk of this novel vehicle," Stier said.

Two years ago, the council, dissatisfied with its overall relationship with UBS, hired an independent advisor who custodied the brokerage account at Fidelity Investments. When that advisor informed the council of liquidity problems brewing in the ARS market early this year, it sold about half its shares. However, the remaining $250,000 - in shares of a student loan auction-rate bond, Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp. - remains stranded.

Stier and others at the nonprofit consortium were elated when they learned in August that UBS Securities LLC and UBS Financial Services had reached a settlement with the SEC, the North American Securities Administrators Association, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and others to repurchase billions in auction-rate securities.

But their hopes were dashed when they were told that UBS had no plans to buy their shares because the securities had been custodied with Fidelity when the market locked up, Stier said. "That came as quite a shock."

The UBS settlement with regulators includes "reimbursements to all clients for losses incurred from sales of auction-rate securities holdings between Feb. 13 and Aug. 8, 2008."

The council's advisor then spoke with Fidelity, but was told that since Fidelity didn't sell the securities, it wouldn't buy them, Stier said. "Frankly, I don't blame Fidelity," he said.

Fidelity agreed earlier this month to buy at par illiquid auction-rate securities held by retail customers who purchased through Fidelity prior to Feb. 13, 2008. "The buyback offer does not extend to customers who bought the securities through other firms or advisors," a spokesman for Fidelity said.

Brian McNiff, a spokesman for Massachusetts Commonwealth Secretary William Galvin, said that, in all cases, his office worked to make the best deals it could to get "the most money back for the most people."

"When people call with these situations, we try to do the best we can for them," said McNiff. These settlements have different features, he said, "but until they were made, nobody was getting anything."

The office of Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is aware that there are a variety of gaps in the agreements that have been reached thus far that need to be filled, a spokesman said.

"We're very familiar with the problem of auction-rate securities that were transferred to an investment advisor ... and, therefore, seem to be outside the agreement reached with UBS and others, and we're working on it," the spokesman said. The office is talking with other attorneys general and other state regulators, he said.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office had no comment on the matter.

(Daisy Maxey is a Getting Personal columnist who writes about personal finance; she covers topics including hedge funds, annuities, closed-end funds and new trends in mutual funds. She can be reached at 201-938-4048 or by email at

September 22, 2008

Salle Krawcheck is an honest woman.
But she just got shafted by Citi.

From Fortune:

Sallie Krawcheck is leaving Citigroup. The exit of Krawcheck, chairman and CEO of the bank’s global wealth management unit, stems from disagreements with Citi CEO Vikram Pandit and a decision, made by him last week, to shrink her responsibilities inside the company.

Sources close to Krawcheck and Citi say that the tension revolves mainly around the amount of money that Citi owes clients who invested in hedge funds and auction-rate securities that turned out to be toxic investments.

Krawcheck argued in favor of Citi’s responsibility to pay clients back, in effect, for defective investments distributed by her brokers and bankers. Citi’s multi-billion-dollar auction-rate securities settlement, announced in August, caused a rift in her relationship with Pandit, who according to one source preferred to take a tougher line with clients.

The settlement requires Citi to return to individual investors, small businesses and charities all $7.5 billion that they invested in auction-rate securities via Citi.

Comerica must refund $1.46 billion in securities

By KATHERINE YUNG • Detroit FREE PRESS • September 18, 2008

Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox announced this morning a $1.5-billion settlement with Comerica Bank over the sale of auction rate securities, the largest such agreement in the country by a seller of these investments.

Under the settlement, Comerica agreed to buy $1.46 billion worth of the securities back from more than 1,500 investors so they won’t lose any money. It will also pay the state a $10,000 civil penalty, the maximum under Michigan law, and provide $100,000 to the Michigan Investor Protection Trust Fund.

The bank, which last year moved its headquarters from Detroit to Dallas, has also agreed to pay a $750,000 fine to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

The sale of auction rate securities has come under government scrutiny because investors were promised that these investments were just like cash. Instead, they haven’t been able to sell these securities because the market for them collapsed.

“The representations ended up not being truthful,” Cox said. “They couldn’t get their money out. It was frozen.”

Of the $1.46 billion in auction rate securities sold by Comerica Securities, nearly $1 billion were held by Michigan residents. Buyers of the securities ranged from retirees and nonprofit organizations to institutional investors.

Cox said his office hasn’t seen anything that would lead to criminal charges against Comerica, but “if something odd pops up, we will look at it.”

Comerica joins a growing list of other banks, such as Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs, that have agreed to buy back auction rate securities after pressure from state attorney generals. Comerica’s buyback runs through Dec. 19.

As a result of the settlement, Comerica said it expects to take a $75 million, or 50 cents per share, after-tax charge to its third-quarter earnings, which will be announced Oct. 17.

September 19, 2008

Congress' Financial Services Committee Holds Hearing On Auction Rate Securities Market Troubles

from N.A.S.F.A.

Broker-dealer firms that underwrote, marketed and sold auction-rate securities (ARS) misled investors by not disclosing the increasing risks associated with ARS and their reduced ability to support auctions, according to the testimony of Linda Thomsen, the director of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Enforcement.

Thomsen testified Thursday at the House Financial Services Committee's hearing on problems and potential resolutions to the auction-rate securities market, which froze up in mid-February when investors stopped buying ARS - effectively drying up all the liquidity in the market. ARS had grown into a $330 billion market by early 2008. Until the ARS market froze in mid-February, auction failures were extremely rare and the market was highly liquid.

The current lack of liquidity in the ARS market and the Asset Backed Securities market combined with recent subsidy cuts has forced more than 130 Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) loan providers to suspend or terminate a portion or all of their services. The freezing of the ARS market has hit nonprofit lenders especially hard because of their reliance on ARS to raise capital.

In her testimony before the committee, Tara E. Payne, vice president of Corporate Communications at the New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corporation (NHHELCO), explained that thousands of students were forced to find a new, likely more expensive, student loan provider because funds NHHECLO would have used to make loans are frozen in the ARS market.

Payne testified that NHHELCO's once solid financial base had been significantly compromised by UBS Securities, LLC, NHHELCO's "long-standing, trusted" financial advisor and broker-dealer since 1997.

UBS actively encouraged NHHELCO to extend its commitment to student loan bonds, even when UBS knew that the market for these bonds was on the verge of collapse, according to Payne. UBS advised NHHELCO to reset the maximum rate on NHHELCO's taxable bonds to 17% to 18% to ensure liquidity and prevent auctions from failing.

"We know now that this was a 'scheme' to make the securities more attractive to investors and to keep NHHELCO in the Student Loan Auction Rate Securities market," Payne said.

Additionally, UBS would bid for bonds that went unsold to prevent auctions they ran from failing, but it was actively considering withdrawing its own holdings in the market. At the same time, it was advising NHHELCO to stay in the market. On February 13, 2008, UBS stopped supporting the ARS market and it collapsed, leaving NHHELCO and investors with billions of dollars frozen.

"UBS never disclosed to NHHELCO that the ARS market was at risk of freezing ... or that UBS was preparing to ends its support of the market," Payne said.

On August 14, 2008, the New Hampshire Bureau of Securities Regulation announced that is was taking action against UBS Securities, LLC for fraud and failing in its fiduciary and moral duty to NHHELCO. .

Fortunately, NHHELCO was able to raise $94 million from community lenders in order to continue making loans. Congress then passed the Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act, which allows the Department of Education to provide liquidity to the market and enabled NHHELCO to continue making loans.

Payne and others testifying before the committee agreed that it is unlikely that the ARS market will recover in the near future, if ever. Payne urged lawmakers to extend ECASLA to ensure students and families will be able to finance higher education.

"In New Hampshire we know that 82 percent of borrowers in repayment believe that the opportunity to go to college would not have been possible without access to student loans," Payne said. "The credit crisis has threatened many families' ability to get a second mortgage or for students to qualify for private education loans without parents as co-signers. As a result, some low- and middle-income families may be running out of college funding options. We understand that some are turning to borrowing from 401k plans and putting tuition on credit cards."

James Preston, president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) also advocated for an extension of ECASLA, but noted that it was only a temporary fix and a longer-term solution is needed.

"Unless Congress and the Administration address the underlying causes of the current liquidity difficulties, there will continue to be instability in the student loan marketplace and participants will continue to cease supporting student loans," Preston said.

Preston and other nonprofit loan providers have been championing a plan to have the Treasury replicate its efforts to rescue Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for student loan providers. Under this plan, the Treasury would stand in place of the global markets which are unable to supply sufficient capital to student lenders.

NHHELCO's experience is not unique.

Broker-dealer firms that underwrote, marketed and sold ARS used their sales forces, marketing materials, and account statements to misrepresent to their customers that ARS were safe, highly liquid investments that were equivalent to cash or money market funds, according to Thomsen.

"These firms failed to disclose the increasing risks associated with ARS, including their reduced ability to support the auctions," she said. "By engaging in this conduct, those firms violated the Federal securities laws, including the broker-dealer antifraud provisions."

Federal and state law enforcement and securities regulatory officials have helped tens of thousands of investors get billions of dollars of liquidity restored to them. Before the hearing, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority announced it reached agreements with SunTrust Banks Inc. (STI), Comerica Inc. (CMA), Washington Mutual Inc. (WM) and First Southwest Co. to settle queries about how they marketed and sold auction-rate securities. Finra said the companies have agreed to repurchase auction-rate securities bought by individual investors, charities and small businesses with $10 million or less in their accounts between May 31, 2006, and Feb. 28, 2008. The companies didn't admit or deny wrongdoing.

The ARS market encountered significant problems during early 2008 for several reasons, according to Thomsen.

One factor was the significant increase in the size of the ARS market, which had grown to $330 billion by the time of the freeze. This larger market required the firms to find more and more customers to bid in the auctions.

An additional reason for the market seizure is the rating agencies' downgrades of the monoline insurers (e.g., Ambac Financial Group Inc, and MBIA Inc.), which provided insurance for many ARS to ensure that holders would receive repayment of their principal if the issuer defaulted. These downgrades resulted in the loss of customers willing to invest in ARS.

Another factor that contributed to the freeze is the sub-prime mortgage and credit crisis that unfolded throughout the second half of 2007, which limited the firms' ability to support the auctions with their own capital. In fact, firms stopped supporting the auctions in mid-February 2008, and the entire market froze in a matter of days. The securities became illiquid, leaving tens of thousands of customers unable to sell their ARS holdings.

A complete list of witnesses who testified, their testimony and a review of the problems and potential resolutions is available online.

September 18, 2008

Deutsche Bank does right by its clients.
Issues clarifying statement.

For the entire DB statement, click here.

September 17, 2008

Auction-Rate Securities Suit Against UBS Can Proceed
By AMIR EFRATI, Wall Street Journal

A lawsuit filed by an institutional investor that claims UBS AG lied about the safety of auction-rate securities it sold can move forward, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday.

Gary L. Sharpe, a U.S. district court judge in Albany, N.Y., denied UBS's motion to dismiss the case filed in June by Latham, N.Y.-based energy company Plug Power Inc.

A UBS spokesman said in a statement: "We are disappointed that this case wasn't dismissed today and we intend to vigorously defend ourselves in this action." He added that UBS has offered clients the ability to borrow up to 100% against their auction-rate holdings.

The case is being widely watched by institutional investors holding billions of dollars worth of auction-rate securities they can't easily sell. Such civil cases are the hope of institutional investors, who unlike small businesses and individuals were not the beneficiaries of agreements by numerous financial institutions to buy back many of the securities they sold. The agreements were part of settled fraud allegations brought by state securities regulators.

The auction-rate market, once as large as $330 billion, froze in February amid the credit crunch, as buyers for the securities disappeared. Auction-rate securities let issuers borrow for the long term, but at lower, short-term interest rates. The interest rates reset at periodic auctions, thus the name.

The case is proceeding despite a settlement between UBS and the New York attorney general's office and other regulators, in which the firm agreed to buy back $19 billion of securities from its clients. In the UBS settlement, securities held by institutional clients are expected to be bought back by 2010, but "we need the funds before 2010, and they're not providing us a [guarantee] that they will be able to pay us in 2010," says Greg Carpinello, a lawyer at Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP, which is representing the plaintiff.

The UBS case is unusual because most of the legal action against financial firms by auction-rate investors has occurred through arbitration claims rather than complaints filed in court.

In its suit, Plug Power claims UBS assured Plug Power's chief financial officer that auction-rate securities backed by student loans were safe and liquid, despite spikes in their interest rates that suggested otherwise. The company had bought $62.9 million in auction-rate securities backed by pools of student loans starting in 2005, and the securities made up nearly half of its total investment portfolio, according to the complaint.

September 15, 2008

Fidelity does the right thing,
and steps up the plate.
Major kudos to Fidelity

by Harry Newton

Fidelity Investments has agreed to buy back $300 million in auction-rate securities after reaching agreements with New York and Massachusetts regulators. Fidelity is the first retail brokerage (i.e. non-issuer) to reach a settlement to redeem all the auction rate securities its brokers sold.

This is huge. Fidelity has done the right thing by its customers. If you're a Fidelity customer, you have to move quickly. Read this Fidelity letter.

Now it's time for every other brokerage firm to stand up and act as honorably as Fidelity.

September 13, 2008

Congressional ARPS Hearing begins this Thursday

Washington, D.C. The House Financial Services Committee chaired by Barney Frank (D-MA), will hold a hearing to review problems and potential resolutions to the auction rate securities market. Specifically, the hearing will examine the continuing crisis in the markets for auction rate bonds and auction rate preferred securities.

It starts: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 10:00 a.m., Room 2128, Rayburn House Office Building Full Committee. To see a webcast of the hearing, Click here.

Frank, Ranking Member Spencer Bachus and Capital Markets Subcommittee Chairman Paul E. Kanjorski announced the hearing on July 31. You can read their entire press release on their reasons for the hearing by clicking here.

September 12, 2008

Harry has not disappeared

I have not disappeared or been hit by a bus. I have had a little under half of my ARPS redeemed. So I still have a major stake (nearly $3 million) in following this business. I am following developments by the hour. There hasn't frankly been much to report. And few of you have emailed me with new stuff -- stories, complaints, bitches, questions, updated information. etc. So email me: .

September 4, 2008

Two Brokers Accused of Securities Fraud

The broker said the securities were as safe as cash. After all, he claimed, the outfit that issued them, Glacier Education Loan, bought student loans guaranteed by the federal government.

The problem: there is no such thing as Glacier Education Loan.

Authorities say the broker, Eric Butler, sold customers some of the most toxic investments of the subprime age — collateralized debt obligations — in what federal prosecutors characterize as a $1 billion bait-and-switch.

On Wednesday, Mr. Butler and a former colleague, Julian Tzolov, were indicted on securities fraud and other charges, believed to be the first criminal charges stemming from the auction-rate securities debacle.

In a statement, the United States attorney’s office in Brooklyn said the pair, who formerly worked at Credit Suisse Securities, sold corporate clients securities backed by C.D.O.’s, subprime mortgages and mobile-home contracts but told the investors they were buying investments linked to safe student loans. The scheme was designed to reap high commissions, the authorities say.

If convicted, the men could face up to 65 years in prison. The Securities and Exchange Commission also filed civil charges against the two on Wednesday.

Paul T. Weinstein, a lawyer for Mr. Butler, said his client be- lieved in the triple-A securities he had sold to customers. “He believed he was doing the best for his clients, and they agreed, until the entire auction-rate securities market failed, which had nothing to do with him,” he said.

Mr. Tzolov has fled the country, people briefed on the case say, and is believed to be in Bulgaria. His lawyer, Kenneth M. Breen, declined to comment.

Auction-rate securities have proved to be a costly mistake for many investors and increasingly for the Wall Street banks that marketed them. The securities are preferred shares or debt instruments with interest rates that reset regularly, usually every week, in auctions overseen by the brokerages that originally sold them. They worked fairly well until this year, when the auctions began to fail in the credit crisis, sticking investors with securities they could not sell.

Regulators have been examining how brokers sold such securities and whether they fully disclosed the potential risks to buyers. Major Wall Street banks have agreed to buy back roughly $50 billion of the worrisome investments in an attempt to contain the legal fallout.

But complaints filed in connection with the Credit Suisse case, and a related action against the Swiss bank by ST Microelectronics, a semiconductor company, paint a classic picture of greed and glory on Wall Street.

At Credit Suisse, Mr. Butler, 36, and Mr. Tzolov, 35, helped corporate clients invest cash in safe, short-term investments like money market instruments. As is standard on Wall Street, the riskier the investment, the higher the brokerage commission.

Mr. Butler and Mr. Tzolov pitched clients auction-rate securities backed by “student loan issues, whose underlying loans are guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Education,” according to the S.E.C. complaint.

But while the two did buy some student loan securities as they had promised, they also bought far more dangerous investments without telling customers. Between February 2005 and August 2007, they purchased more than $1 billion of other types of auction-rate securities on behalf of clients who had not authorized them to do so.

To cover up their scheme, the complaints allege, the two brokers often changed the descriptions of the securities in e-mail messages with customers, replacing terms like “C.D.O.” with words like “student” or “education.” They sent customers 50 e-mail messages that falsely described the securities, according to the S.E.C. complaint. Sometimes they instructed sales assistants to omit the terms “C.D.O.” or “mortgage,” the S.E.C. says.

For example, on June 19, 2006, Mr. Tzolov purchased for a Swiss client $23.5 million of auction-rate securities backed by C.D.O.’s issued by an investment vehicle called South Coast Funding V Ltd. In an e-mail message to the client, Mr. Tzolov described the investment as “South Coast St. Loan,” the S.E.C. complaint says.

The scheme began to unravel in August 2007, authorities say, when the credit markets seized up. The market for auction-rate securities backed by subprime mortgages collapsed, and the brokers were unable to liquidate their clients’ investments.

In one instance, the two brokers misled a client, claiming there was an administrative error in filing a trade ticket, when in fact the auction for the client’s securities had failed. They then persuaded the customer to invest $25 million more in securities backed by student loans. Instead, they invested that money in riskier securities. That client is waiting to recover $132.5 million.

David Walker, a spokesman for Credit Suisse, said on Wednesday that Mr. Butler and Mr. Tzolov resigned in September 2007, after the bank discovered the scheme and suspended the two men. “Credit Suisse immediately informed our regulators, and we have continued to assist the authorities,” he said.

But ST Microelectronics, one of the bank’s clients, disputes Credit Suisse’s version of events. In a separate case, the company claims that Credit Suisse Securities engaged in a “bold and sophisticated scheme to defraud ST.” The company suggests that Credit Suisse was aware that its brokers were moving clients’ money into risky auction-rate securities as part of a scheme to get those securities off the bank’s own books and earn higher fees for its services.

Mr. Walker, the Credit Suisse spokesman, said: “We do not comment on meritless lawsuits.”

Septermber 4

UPDATE: Bank Of America 'Ready' To Settle Auction-Rate Probe

September 4, 2008: 7:39 PM EST


NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Bank of America Corp. (BAC) said Thursday that it is " ready and willing" to enter into a settlement with regulators to buy back auction-rate securities from its customers.

In a statement, Shirley Norton, a Bank of America spokeswoman, said the bank has been in discussions for nearly a month with regulators in New York, Massachusetts and other states and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in hopes of reaching an agreement to provide "liquidity relief" to its customers who hold the complex securities.

The Charlotte, N.C., banking giant said it wants to reach an agreement "that follows the same basic terms of previously announced settlements" with other banks to buy back auction-rate securities from retail clients and small businesses.

"We understood that we had reached such an agreement in principle nearly two weeks ago," Norton said. "We hope that all of the parties will work towards completing a settlement for the benefit of investors who have been affected by unprecedented market disruptions."

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo sent subpoenas on Wednesday and Thursday to eight Bank of America executives, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

Norton declined to comment Thursday on whether the bank had received the subpoenas.

Cuomo's office indicated last month it was stepping up its probe of sales of the complex securities by Bank of America and two other banks that ultimately settled with his office and other state regulators.

In its Thursday editions, the Boston Globe reported that Massachusetts Secretary of State William F. Galvin said talks with Bank of America on buying back auction-rate securities from its clients had stalled and his office might sue the company.

Last week, Bank of America agreed to buy back $43 million of the securities from government agencies in Massachusetts, state regulators said.

Norton declined to comment Thursday on what might be holding up an agreement with regulators or how much in auction-rate securities the bank might buy back from customers.

In recent weeks, regulators have reached settlements with Citigroup Inc. (C), UBS AG (UBS), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Morgan Stanley (MS), Wachovia Corp. ( WB), Merrill Lynch & Co. (MER), Deutsche Bank AG (DB) and Goldman Sachs Group ( GS) who will buy back more than $50 billion worth of the securities.

Auction-rate securities are debt instruments whose interest rates are reset periodically at daily, weekly or monthly auctions. Several auctions failed in February, driving up interest rates for auction-rate securities issuers, while leaving investors locked into investments that had been promoted to them as safe and liquid.

Cuomo has previously said his office is investigating a number of banks and hopes to reach similar resolutions with them. Last month, Cuomo said his office is looking at about 25 firms.

The attorney general has said his office is investigating individuals at banks about their actions in marketing the securities and the settlements announced so far don't preclude his office or other regulators from taking actions against those individuals.

-By Chad Bray, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-227-2017;

September 4

Eight From Bank of America Subpoenaed in NY Auction-Rate Probe
By Karen Freifeld

Sept. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Eight Bank of America Corp. executives were subpoenaed by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, adding pressure on the bank to settle a probe of auction- rate securities, said a person familiar with negotiations.

Cuomo's office sent the subpoenas yesterday and today, the person said. Bank of America also must settle with Massachusetts or face legal action, Secretary of State William Galvin said yesterday.

UBS AG, Citigroup Inc., Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wachovia Corp., Merrill Lynch & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Deutsche Bank AG all settled claims in the last month that they fraudulently marketed the long-term securities as cash equivalents. The $330 billion market collapsed in February, leaving thousands of investors unable to sell auction-rate securities.

"We don't comment on whether we receive subpoenas or not,'' Bank of America spokeswoman Shirley Norton said today. She has said the bank is cooperating with regulators and doesn't comment on communications with them.

Reuters reported earlier today that Cuomo was issuing subpoenas to "several'' Bank of America executives as part of his probe of auction-rate securities.

Galvin, leading a 12-state task force in the Bank of America investigation, said yesterday his office has been unable to complete a settlement after negotiating with the Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank. Cuomo has said he, too, seeks an agreement with the bank, one of the largest underwriters of auction-rate securities.

The eight banks that settled agreed to buy back a total of at least $44 billion of the securities from individuals, nonprofits and small businesses and help their institutional clients find markets for the debt. They also agreed to pay fines totaling more than $520 million to state and federal regulators.

To contact the reporter on this story: Karen Freifeld in New York state Supreme Court at 1590 or

September 4

Auction-Rate bailouts bypass some investors
Smaller Firms Aren't Settling With Clients Who Bought Now-Moribund Securities

Large Wall Street firms have announced plans to buy back billions of auction-rate securities from aggrieved investors. Yet hundreds of thousands of individuals who bought these same products from midsize and online brokerage firms are still in the lurch.

Among them is Michael Davis, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He invested $400,000 in auction-rate securities after a representative from online brokerage TD Ameritrade Inc. called him in 2003, suggesting he move his money from a money-market account to safe but slightly higher-yielding "seven-day paper."

But since February this year, the market for auction-rate securities has been frozen, a casualty of turmoil in the credit markets. Mr. Davis hasn't been able to sell his securities. The experience, he says, has "really shaken me up -- the fact that this could happen to someone like me who is so conservative."

Mr. Davis's problem is that he didn't buy his auction-rate securities from any of the big Wall Street underwriters of the market. Under regulatory pressure, UBS AG, Citigroup Inc., Merrill Lynch & Co. and other companies that both sold and underwrote these securities have agreed to buy back around $70 billion of them. However, their agreements don't include buying back securities underwritten by them but sold by smaller brokers.

These smaller brokers, who were primarily "resellers," haven't yet announced any plans to buy back the securities they sold. They include Oppenheimer & Co., Fidelity Investments, Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Northern Trust Corp. and H&R Block Financial Advisors Inc., a unit of tax firm H&R Block Inc. These companies are keeping mum or saying they didn't underwrite or sponsor these securities, and thus the onus to buy them back doesn't fall on them. They also say they were unaware of the problems in the auction-rate market that surfaced last year. In all, tens of billions of dollars in auction-rate securities were sold by these firms, often to individual investors.

Mr. Davis has joined a lawsuit seeking class-action status against TD Ameritrade, filed in federal court in the Southern District of New York, and alleging that investors were misled into believing auction-rate securities were safe, liquid investments. A spokeswoman for TD Ameritrade says the company is cooperating with regulators but wouldn't discuss the cases of specific customers.

Auction-rate securities are a type of long-term debt in which interest rates reset every seven to 35 days. They are typically issued by municipalities and student-loan agencies, and until the market froze, they were widely peddled to the public as safe investments.

Regulators are already making noises about persuading the resellers to settle with investors. Last week, Massachusetts Secretary of State William F. Galvin urged Fidelity to buy back all the auction-rate securities it sold. Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox says he hopes to work with Detroit-based bank Comerica Inc. to find a way to "make investors whole, short of litigation." A Comerica spokesman says the firm doesn't discuss communications with regulators. Fidelity's representatives say that a vast majority of its customers are self-directed investors who make their own investing decisions, and that the firm didn't actively market auction-rate securities.

Investors dispute that. Judith Regan, the well-known book publisher, says she has $1 million still tied up in auction-rate securities, and she blames Fidelity, her broker. "I'd never heard about auction-rate securities; they actively marketed that to me," says Ms. Regan, 55. She has been railing about the securities on her Sirius Satellite Radio show in recent weeks.

Ms. Regan says she first opened an account with Fidelity in the late 1990s, and initially kept a lot of her cash in money-market funds. "I have a gypsy mentality. I want to get up and go, and with money, I like liquidity," she says. But she adds that her broker persisted that she invest in auction-rate securities, calling them "as good as cash."

Over the last few years, Ms. Regan says, she put a little more than $9 million of her cash into these securities. Suddenly, earlier this year, she couldn't access any of it. Ms. Regan says she had planned to buy a house in Los Angeles earlier this year, but didn't go through with it partly because of the uncertainty around the stuck cash. "At the time, we didn't know if we'd ever get it," she says.

Since then, around $8 million of her securities has been redeemed by issuers. "It's really not about hardship," she says of her situation. "I'm more indignant about the deceit." She adds that she's still potentially facing a loss on the remaining $1 million.

(Ms. Regan, the former publisher of ReganBooks, was formerly employed by News Corp., which owns The Wall Street Journal. She subsequently filed a wrongful-termination lawsuit against News Corp., which has since been settled.)

Fidelity spokeswoman Anne Crowley declined to comment on Ms. Regan's case. In general, however, she says, "there is no financial incentive for a Fidelity representative to have mentioned this product over another security."

For some small-business owners, the morass caused a cash squeeze. Doug May, the 44-year-old owner of a small printing company in Port Byron, Ill., says he has $300,000 stuck in auction-rate securities bought through his longtime bank, Wells Fargo & Co.

Mr. May, who is part of an auction-rate-securities lawsuit seeking class-action status against Wells Fargo in federal court in the Northern District of California, says his banker at Wells Fargo had encouraged him to invest in the securities instead of paying off a loan. "He told me it would be kind of silly to pay off my loan, when I could make just as much interest and have the liquidity every 35 days," he says.

When the auctions failed this year, "they took away my liquidity and basically jeopardized the jobs of 20 people," he says. To help with cash flow, Mr. May says, he has taken out a loan from a credit union.

Kathleen Golden, a spokeswoman for Wells Fargo, says the company "acted in the best interests of its clients when its financial consultants recommended auction-rate securities based on what we believed at the time to be a deep and liquid market." She says it is "cooperating with regulators" and working "to resolve the liquidity issues for our clients."

Investors say that the midsize brokers should own up for having sold these securities without explaining all the risks.

"They really should be responsible for what they sold," says Ed Dowling, 53, who runs a clothing manufacturer in New York. Mr. Dowling says he's stuck with more than $2 million in auction-rate securities he bought on the advice of a broker at Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer spokesman Brian Maddox says the company takes "all client concerns seriously" and is "in the process of reviewing options available to help us with this very difficult situation."

Write to Shefali Anand at and Jennifer Levitz at

September 3

Two types of ARPS holders -- update 3
by Harry Newton

There are two types of ARPS holders:

1. Those of us who have been promised our money back by the issuer and/or the brokerage firm.

2. Those of us who haven't been told anything about having our auction rate securities redeemed by either our issuer or our brokerage firm.

For the first ARPS holder, your game is a waiting one. If you need your money, you can borrow against your holdings. Just be careful about the terms of the loan. You do not want to be obligated to repay your loan before your ARPS are redeemed for cash.

For ARPS holder who has heard nothing, you have to assume you will not hear anything unless you do something. And it's not something small. You have to figure that getting your money back is your full-time job from now until you get your money back.

Repeat after me: The squeaky wheel gets the most attention. Here are some keys to becoming the squeakiest wheel around:

1. Do you know which state Attorney-General is investigating the brokerage firm which pushed the ARPS on you?
2. Have you been in touch with that Attorney-General and given him your full story with copies of emails, letters, conversations, etc.
Were your ARPS sold to you out of your brokerage firm's inventory? (This makes a huge difference.)
4. Is your old broker still with your old firm? What will he / she tell you in confidence? Has your broker moved to another firm? What will he tell you in confidence outside the office, away from the phones and the emails?
5. What pressure is your financial adviser putting on the issuers?
6. How much money does your brokerage firm have in their "stand ready" fund? Is it sufficient to pay you out?
7. What did their Compliance Officer tell you?
8. How many of their fibs, misstatements and outright lies have you documented?

9 . Are you ready to appear before Barney Frank's committee, which starts hearings on September 18? Have you been in touch with Congressman Frank?
10. How much have you bugged your state regulators? Have you contacted them several times. By phone, by letter, etc.
11. Have you written more than 25 letters?
12. Have you employed a lawyer with knowledge of securities law?
13. Have you threatened to sue your broker personally and /or taken him to FINRA and held him / her personally liable? (See below.)
14. How much marketing material do you have from your brokerage firm or issuer which is clearly incriminatory? (Email me a PDF.)

Remember several things: You were told these things were cash equivalents. They weren't. That's a lie. It's your money. No one is going to give it back to you because you happen to be a nice guy, retired, or have a serious hard-luck story. It's your job to get your money back.

While you're at it, send me your story. Let me publish your story. Stop with this anonymous stuff. Stop whining. You need to get proactive NOW.

August 27

Answers Needed
by Harry Newton

Now we have some "settlements," there are questions to ask your broker:

1. "I'd like to continue holding my ARPS, but be redeemed out of them when I need the money. Will this be possible? Or will I be redeemed on your timetable?"

2. If I sold the ARPS you sold me at a loss -- say through RTN -- will you make my loss whole?

3. If I suffered pain, anguish and opportunity loss, will I get compensation?

Now you'd think that as the writer of the leading blog on ARPS, I'd be able to get answers to questions as simple as these. But I can't. No one in management will basically talk to me.

This is not because I don't wash (I do) or am ugly (we could argue that one) it's because we're dealing with frightened investment banking managers who find the easiest course of action is to listen to their attorneys instead of their clients.

I do, however, get unsolicited calls from brokers who tell me one of two things:

1. Their firm is a piece of shit and they're leaving it, ASAP, or not leaving it, but will continue "to do the best they can for their clients."

2. Their firm has had a bad rap in the press and on this blog. And I ought to be nice to it.

In both cases they won't let me quote them or mention them by name. And they usually feed me information I can't substantiate.

One called me today and said he was staying with his present firm, despite its inadequacies. He summed his situation up: "You're going to dance with the devil - no matter which firm you work with."

I felt sorry for him.

August 27

Favorite email exchange

Reader: Why isn't Morgan Stanley listed on your Hall of Shame?

Harry: Give me three reasons it should be and I'll add it.

1. I am legally bound not to reveal any details.
2. I am legally bound not to reveal any details.
3. I am legally bound not to reveal any details.

August 22

Deutsche Bank, Merrill and Goldman Settle

Update 3:- Three more firms -- Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs settled with AG Cuomo today. They'll each pay a fine and redeem all their clients' ARPS. For now:

The stupid part of all this is that these firms are all now paying huge fines when they should have been there for their clients in the beginning. They should not have waited until their arms got well and truly twisted by Cuomo and their reputations made to look like mud.

I remember saying to several firms months ago, "Redeem your clients' money. Look like heroes. Look like you truly care about your clients."

Instead they delayed and delayed, fought the AGs, and waited until they all looked like untrustworthy idiots. God knows much client goodwill these firms have lost. God knows how many clients they will lose when their poor suffering clients get cashed out.

In contrast, HSBC shines. I hope HSBC wins itself lots of new customers, which it really deserves. See the column on the right.

There's a recent CNBC interview with Andrew Cuomo. You can watch the video here. Here's the news, as reported by Reuters today:

Firms settle auction-rate probes;
but more to come

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Three of Wall Street's top investment banks agreed to pay millions of dollars in fines and buy back billions of dollars in frozen, illiquid securities after U.S. regulators reached settlements over the way the firms sold auction-rate securities.

Despite the settlements, the industrywide investigation into auction-rate securities looks far from over as regulators said that, starting next week, they will review about 40 firms' practices, sources familiar with the investigation said.

In Thursday's settlement, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said Merrill Lynch & Co Inc, Deutsche Bank AG and Goldman Sachs Group Inc have agreed to the settlement.

The banks agreed to pay the fines and buy back securities from investors who were left holding the notes earlier this year when the auction rate market collapsed.

As part of Cuomo's settlement, Merrill will pay a fine of $125 million and buy back between $10 billion and $12 billion in securities from investors. Goldman Sachs will pay a $22.5 million fine and buy back about $1.5 billion in auction rate notes, while Deutsche Bank will pay a $15 million penalty and buy back about $1 billion of notes.

"After meeting personally today with Attorney General Cuomo and NASAA President (Karen) Tyler, I am pleased to report that we have reached an amicable resolution and global settlement of this matter," Merrill Chief Executive John Thain said in a statement.

Cuomo said Merrill's penalty and the terms of the settlement took into account evidence of conflicted research at the bank.

"Part of our theory on the case dealt with Merrill's research," he said.

Cuomo said Merrill's settlement is separate from an agreement the firm made earlier with Massachusetts' top securities regulator, William Galvin.

The Securities and Exchange Commission said late on Thursday it expects to make an announcement "very shortly" on the terms of the proposed settlement with Merrill.

While the New York settlement represents the biggest money payouts to date, more investigations will be starting soon.

Attorneys and investigators will be undertaking the on-site review for the 40 firms during the weeks of August 25 and September 8 to target firms with large amounts of auction rate securities in accounts.

The probe to enforce the rules of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority -- the group formed following the merger of the regulatory arms of the National Association of Securities Dealers and the New York Stock Exchange -- comes as authorities nationwide are pressing the big investment banks into settlements.

Regulators say brokerages misled investors into believing that auction-rate debt, which has rates that reset in periodic auctions, was safe and the equivalent of cash.

Much of the $330 billion market has been frozen since February when brokerages abandoned their traditional role as buyers of last resort.

A letter to the firms from FINRA and obtained by Reuters said the investigators were asking firms to provide electronic lists of auction rate securities issues, auction failures and identify employees on their auction rate securities desks.

"If applicable, identify all individuals who were involved in determining when the firm would place supporting bids or placed such bids," the letter sent to the firms said.

It also asks "whether the firm participated in surveying investor interest and providing 'price talk' guidance to customers."

For Merrill Lynch's part, the New York settlement was the second major deal they reached this week.

On Wednesday, Merrill agreed to buy back about $12 billion of the securities to settle its claims with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

On Thursday, Galvin said that Fidelity Investments had replied to him after he urged it earlier in the week to buy back frozen auction-rate securities the company had sold.

Galvin told Reuters that Fidelity dropped off a letter at his Beacon Hill office on Wednesday.

Fidelity left open the door to possibly helping on the auction-rate securities matter, Galvin said on Thursday.

Fidelity, which is privately held, has long said it neither issues nor aggressively markets these securities and that it expects underwriters who issued the securities to stand behind them.

"We do not comment on communications with regulators," Fidelity spokesman Vincent Loporchio said.

(Reporting by Dan Wilchins, Elinor Comlay and Grant McCool in New York and Svea Herbst-Bayliss in Boston; Writing by Patrick Fitzgibbons; Editing by Andre Grenon))

August 20

Finally someone listened;
Where are the brokers? Where are their firms?
What are they doing, if anything?
by Harry Newton

OK. Let me reiterate for the thousandth time. Our best strategy is to put pressure on our brokers -- the ones who sold us our auction rate securities. We must tell the issuers that they, the brokers, will never, ever sell the issuers' securities again if they don't get us our money back ASAP.

I've been pushing this approach for months. But most brokers are too scared of their brokerage firm management to take an independent stance. And their brokerage firm's management is too scared of its own shadow to come out publicly and say, "Get our clients their money back or we don't deal with you ever again."

But finally a bunch of Merrill Lynch brokers have had the guts to come out publicly and do the right thing. I applaud them. I wish more would.

If you're a gutsy broker and agree with me, send me a copy of your emails to the issuers. I'll publish them on this column. That will add even more pressure, since a lot of people reading this column -- more than I ever imagined.

If you're an owner of ARPS, call your broker tomorrow and ask him why he's not doing what the Merrill Lynch brokers are doing. See the next story. My email address is

August 20

Merrill Brokers Press Pimco, BlackRock to Buy Auction-Rate Debt
By Bradley Keoun and Christopher Condon

Aug. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Merrill Lynch & Co. brokers are pressing fund managers Pacific Investment Management Co. and BlackRock Inc. to buy back auction-rate securities, aiming to speed up client bailouts in the frozen market.

More than 300 brokers have e-mailed Pimco saying its executives may "no longer be welcome in our offices'' unless they redeem the securities, according to Erick Ellsweig, a Merrill financial adviser in North Carolina who spearheaded the e-mail campaign. Will Fuller, head of distribution for Merrill's U.S. brokerage arm, wrote to BlackRock on Aug. 15 saying its failure to offer redemptions in the past two months has created "dissatisfaction in our financial advisers and clients.''

Merrill's brokers, who make up the biggest U.S. financial advisory network, say they're trying to help clients stuck with more than $10 billion of securities in the $200 billion auction-rate market. Pimco, which manages the world's biggest bond fund, and BlackRock, the largest publicly traded U.S. fund manger, used the market to finance their closed-end mutual funds, and Merrill brokers sold the investments to its customers.

"The brokers at Merrill are very upset about the lack of access to capital for their clients, and they have been rattling the cage,'' said Geoffrey Bobroff, a mutual-fund consultant in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.

The auction-rate market seized up in February with $330 billion in securities when the credit crisis prompted Wall Street firms to stop supporting the periodic auctions in which the securities were bought and sold. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has accused Merrill and other brokers of improperly peddling them as investments that were as liquid as cash. Merrill has said it's cooperating with government probes.

Five banks, including Citigroup Inc. and UBS AG, have reached settlements with Cuomo and other regulators, agreeing to pay $360 million in fines and repurchase about $35 billion of auction-rate securities. Merrill, the third-biggest U.S. securities firm, has offered to buy back $10 billion starting in January, a proposal Cuomo said was inadequate.

Purchases of auction-rate securities by BlackRock and Pimco would benefit Merrill by reducing the amount of the investments it may have to repurchase.

"The only thing we care about is getting our clients redeemed as quickly as possible,'' Ellsweig, who has worked at Merrill since 2001, said in an Aug. 16 e-mail in response to a request for comment by Bloomberg News. Bloomberg obtained copies of the correspondence between Merrill, BlackRock and Pimco, which was confirmed by officials of the companies.

"This was a grassroots effort reflecting the opinion of a group of financial advisers,'' Merrill spokesman Mark Herr said in an e-mailed statement. "The firm continues to work with all interested parties at resolving the liquidity challenge caused by the unprecedented freezing of the auction-rate securities market.''

Merrill, based in New York, has a "long track record of working with Pimco and BlackRock,'' he said.

The flare-up with New York-based BlackRock is notable because Merrill owns 49 percent of the firm and is the largest distributor of its funds. BlackRock has a "leadership position within our company,'' Fuller wrote in the e-mail to BlackRock President Robert Kapito, so it faces higher expectations from Merrill's brokers.

"We continue to work constructively with all major market participants to address the unprecedented issues in the auction-rate market,'' said BlackRock spokesman Brian Beades in an e- mailed statement.

Closed-end funds, which trade on exchanges, sold auction-rate securities to finance asset purchases and increase returns for common shareholders. The funds had $64 billion outstanding when the market froze, according to research firm Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc. in Miami.

Fund managers including Nuveen Investments Inc., Eaton Vance Corp. and BlackRock have redeemed or scheduled the redemption of $24.1 billion of auction-rate preferred shares, according to Herzfeld, which specializes in closed-end funds.

Following the Cuomo announcements, some funds dropped plans to assist in the buybacks. On Aug. 14, three funds managed by Hartford, Connecticut-based Phoenix Cos. announced they were suspending efforts to obtain bank credit lines to finance auction-rate redemptions.

Daniel Sontag, who oversees Merrill's U.S. retail division, wrote in a memo last week that the firm's buyback offer doesn't let closed-end funds off the hook. "We fully expect'' fund managers to "work with us even more actively,'' he wrote.

Nuveen, which had $15.4 billion of the securities outstanding as of February, has announced redemptions of $5.53 billion, or 36 percent, according to Herzfeld. Eaton Vance's buybacks total $3.8 billion, or 76 percent. BlackRock's repurchases stand at $2.5 billion, or 25 percent. BlackRock hasn't announced any redemptions since June 2, Merrill's Fuller wrote in the memo to Kapito.

"We fear that our financial advisers view BlackRock as conspicuous by its absence,'' Fuller wrote.

Munich-based Allianz SE, which owns Pimco, hasn't redeemed any of its $5.3 billion of outstanding auction-rate securities, according to Herzfeld.

Pimco, based in Newport Beach, California, is the home of manager Bill Gross's $130 billion Total Return Fund, the world's biggest bond fund. On Pimco's Web site in February, Gross called the unraveling auction-rate market Wall Street's latest twist on "Old Maid'' -- a card game in which players try to avoid getting stuck with a lone queen.

"That really annoyed me,'' Ellsweig, 41, who's based in Greensboro, North Carolina, said in the Aug. 16 e-mail to Bloomberg.

On Aug. 7, Ellsweig sent an e-mail to Tammie Arnold, co- head of Pimco's product management group, stating that "Pimco is the only major partner that has not had one single redemption of their auction market-preferred securities.''

Ellsweig asked fellow Merrill brokers to send similarly worded e-mails to Pimco, and at least 300 did, he said.

In an Aug. 8 letter to Ellsweig, Arnold wrote that "the best we can do is to report that we will continue to work very hard to find a solution.''

Any redemption has to avoid imposing "unfair costs'' on holders of common shares in the closed-end funds, she wrote. In an e-mailed statement to Bloomberg, Pimco said it is "looking at solutions that are consistent with our fiduciary duty.''

BlackRock has applied for permission from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to replace its auction-rate preferreds with a new type of financing, Liquidity Enhanced Adjustable Rate Securities, or Lears, Kapito wrote last week in a letter last week to an advisory council of Merrill financial advisers.

Kapito, 50, wrote that the firm hopes to announce "our proposed solution and any additional redemptions within the next 30 to 90 days.''

"Contrary to your suggestion that BlackRock has allowed the liquidity problem to `age,' BlackRock has been actively pursuing potential solutions,'' Kapito wrote.

The credit crunch remains in full swing, and it hasn't been easy to find banks willing to provide backup financing for the Lears, Kapito wrote.

"The normal sources of liquidity, including broker-dealers such as Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Lehman Brothers, are not available to us as they are dealing with their own well-publicized liquidity issues,'' Kapito wrote.

To contact the reporters on this story: Bradley Keoun in New York at; Christopher Condon in Boston at

August 15

"My broker's firm belongs in your hall of ARPS shame.
Should I move my account?"
by Harry Newton

Every day I get a zillion emails and calls about moving their account from the firm that sold them the mess to another "clean" one. The short answer is NO. The long answer is all the brokers and all the brokerage firms are all the same. (I used "all" three times deliberately.) They're all unresponsive. None will return your emails or your voice mails.

They don't care about you. They never have. Face the facts If they were competent, they wouldn't need you. They'd be rich and living on their own Carribean island. The fact that 99% are poorer than you must tell you something. Dah!

The lawyers are now well and in truly in charge. They've told everyone to "Shut up. You've done enough damage already. Don't say anything until we have something concrete to say. Until then, Shut Up. You want to pay more fines? You want to be forced into using your money for ARPS redemptions when the money could be better used for employees bonuses and legal fees?"

If you do move your account, you could lose some of your redemption rights. I'm not saying you will. But... were talking complex plea bargains here between the Attorneys-Generals and some very large firms.

You can bet a whole bunch of auction rate securities holders are going to be seriously screwed. Don't cloud your case up by getting cute. I can categorically tell you, the grass is NOT greener on the other side.

In short, stick with the disaster you know. Down below I outlined one sure-fire way of getting their attention.

August 15

State Names UBS
In Auction Complaint
By JENNIFER LEVITZ, the Wall Street Journal
August 15, 2008; Page C2

New Hampshire securities regulators accused a division of UBS AG of urging a nonprofit student lender to continue issuing auction-rate securities even though the Swiss bank knew the market for them was on the verge of collapse.

Auction-rate bonds are a kind of long-term debt used by many student lenders to raise money for loans. Since the collapse of the auction-rate market in February, a number of lenders, including the New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corp., have had to suspend many college loans.

In an administrative complaint that was filed Thursday with the state Bureau of Securities Regulation, New Hampshire regulators alleged that as UBS saw investor demand for auction-rate securities drying up last fall, it sought to unload its own inventory and developed a fraudulent scheme to reduce its own position. The Swiss bank denies this.

To entice more investors, New Hampshire regulators and student-loan officials said UBS advised the lender to temporarily increase the monthly interest it pays -- in some cases to nearly 18% from about 3.4%.

The New Hampshire loan corporation estimates it paid an extra $25.5 million in interest, contributing to a liquidity crisis that has forced the nonprofit to suspend loans for 6,500 students. "We thought UBS was looking out for our own interest," said Stephen Weyl, the attorney for the loan corporation. "It's our understanding that UBS in fact had a separate agenda, undisclosed to us, of reducing its market exposure."

In a statement, UBS said "we will vigorously defend ourselves against this complaint as we believe we worked in the best interests of our investor and issuer clients."

The complaint highlights another alleged victim of the auction-rate crisis: issuers of the securities. Last week, following complaints by state and federal regulators over their auction-rate-securities sales practices, UBS, Citigroup Inc. and Merrill Lynch & Co. agreed to buy back a combined $36 billion in the investments.

But those buybacks offer relief to institutional and investor clients, not issuers such as student lenders, who pay the investment banks millions in annual fees for broker-dealer services and guidance on how to structure and market debt offerings.

"This complaint attempts to link a single client interaction with overall market conditions which affected all student loan issuers," UBS said.

While not part of the New Hampshire complaint, student-loan officials in Vermont and Illinois said in interviews Thursday that UBS had also persuaded them to raise interest rates temporarily as a way to bring in more buyers. Vermont and Illinois regulators haven't filed any related complaints.

The New Hampshire student lender said it still is paying UBS $2.5 million a year in broker fees. The Vermont lender said it is paying $3 million annually for investment-banking fees related to auction-rate securities. "It's hard to overstate our unhappiness with this," said Mike Stuart, chief financial officer at the Vermont Student Assistance Corp.

Mr. Stuart said other investment banks, including Citigroup, also encouraged his agency to raise interest rates. "They were all trying to increase demand," he said. "It made sense to us at the time."

Citigroup didn't directly address that claim but said in a statement it has "worked diligently with issuers, investors, and regulatory authority authorities to obtain liquidity for holders of illiquid ARS."

Auction-rate securities are designed to have short-term features. Their interest rates reset at weekly or monthly auctions run by financial firms.

The auctions depend, however, on there being enough buyers bidding on the products. During the fallout from the credit crunch, these buyers dwindled. When the $330 billion market for auction-rate securities failed in February, customers couldn't sell the investments, which plunged in value.

As auctions began to falter, UBS's own inventory of auction-rate securities began to pile up, according to New Hampshire's complaint. "Clearly, student loans are the problem pushing us over inventory limits," Ross Jackman, a UBS official wrote to colleagues Sept. 5 in an email the complaint included.

August 14

Goldman Balks at Helping Rich Clients
Recover From 'Auction Rate' Securities
By LIZ RAPPAPORT, Wall Street Journal
August 14, 2008; Page C1

For once, Wall Street isn't bending over backward for its richest clients.

That is causing new controversy for investment banks, which have already committed to reimburse mom-and-pop investors, charities, and small businesses for more than $40 billion in illiquid "auction rate" securities. Wealthy clients, institutions and corporations have been largely left out of those pacts.

The quandary is acute for Goldman Sachs Group Inc., which caters only to the wealthy. While a string of large Wall Street brokers announces daily settlements in the billions, Goldman has been mum about its plans, so far refusing to buy back clients' auction-rate paper.

Goldman was a key player in the auction-rate markets, as the No. 5 underwriter of the securities by dollar amount between 2003 and 2007. The firm is regarded as a key contributor to halting the market in February, after it pulled out of auctions supporting the securities. Goldman's well-heeled clients also bought up auction-rate paper, which today has virtually no buyers save for red-faced issuers looking to make good with their customers.

Carl Everett, an adviser to venture-capital firm Accel Partners and a former Dell Inc. and Intel Corp. executive, has been a Goldman private-client group client for several years, and has been satisfied with the firm's service until now. Mr. Everett has investments in auction-rate securities that became illiquid with the rest of the market in February, some of which have been marked down to below their face value.

"The firm has been working with clients to address their liquidity needs," said Goldman spokeswoman Andrea Raphael. Regulators say Goldman could come to the negotiating table in coming weeks. Goldman says it is cooperating fully with regulators.

But as recently as Friday, Goldman Sachs told Mr. Everett that it will not buy back his auction-rate securities, Mr. Everett said.

"That's disappointing to me -- my expectation is for the Goldman Sachs brand," said Mr. Everett. "My expectation for that is they would honor their position and statement of these securities as cash and cash equivalents."

That has been the recent posture of many Wall Street firms and banks, including Merrill Lynch & Co., Citigroup Inc. and UBS AG, which after months of legal wrangling, agreed to settle most customer claims. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, however, was keyed on the claims of small investors. That left the wealthy, institutions, and corporate buyers of the auction-rates out in the cold.

"Regardless of the settlements, the reality is the investment banks owe equal fiduciary obligations to both retail and institutional investors," Ron Geffner, a partner Sadis & Goldberg LLP, and former enforcement attorney with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Auction-rate securities are a type of short-term debt that gained popularity because they offered investors slightly higher yields than money-market funds or other fixed-income investments. They also allowed issuers, including municipalities, student-loan organizations, corporations and charities to borrow for the long term, but at lower, short-term interest rates.

The rates reset in weekly or monthly auctions conducted by Wall Street firms. What swelled to a $330 billion market stopped functioning in February when Wall Street firms stopped supporting it with their own bids.

"The image of firms being dragged to the table is destabilizing," said Arthur Levitt, adviser to Carlyle Group and a former SEC chairman. "Very few issues have shaken public confidence in the integrity of our markets as much as this."

August 12

Nuveeen Conference Call
Wednesday, August 13. 10:30 AM EST.
A replay of the call is through August 20, 2008 on the web. Or listen to the replay by phone -- (800) 642-1687 or (706) 645-9291, conference ID number 59334221.

August 12

This is a heck of a lot of legal bills for Wachovia. You'd think they'd want to settle with their customers and save the money. Who are they in the business of pleasing -- their lawyers or their customers? Is Wachovia the prime sponsor of the 2008 Lawyers' Full Employment Act? -- Harry Newton

Wachovia adds $500M to legal reserves, boosts 2Q loss
Charlotte Business Journal

Wachovia Corp. has recorded an additional $500 million in legal reserves related to settlement discussions over the sale of auction-rate securities.

According to a company filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, that increase has boosted the Charlotte-based company’s second-quarter loss to shareholders to nearly $9.1 billion, or $4.31 per share.

On July 22, Wachovia had reported a loss of nearly $8.9 billion, or $4.20 per share, for the period.

Wachovia says it is discussing potential settlements with various state regulators and the SEC related to investigations into the underwriting, sale and subsequent auction of auction-rate securities. The bank says it recorded a $500 million pre-tax increase to legal reserves in the second quarter, based on the probability of such settlement. That brought Wachovia’s total increase in legal reserves to $1.2 billion during the quarter.

On Monday, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo expanded his office’s investigation into the sale of auction-rate securities to include Wachovia, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley.

Last week, Cuomo’s office secured agreements with UBS AG and Citigroup Inc. that will return more than $20 billion to investors.

Auction-rate securities are debt investments issued by municipalities, student-loan agencies, closed-end funds and others, with interest rates that are reset at weekly or monthly auctions run by the investment firms.

The $330 billion market collapsed in February when investors became alarmed at the prospects of corporate borrowers covering debt service on the securities.

In a letter to Wachovia, Cuomo’s office said it would like to “enter into immediate talks about resolving the investigation, as that would be in the best interests of both consumers nationwide, as well as Wachovia customers.” The letter said any resolution would have to address the same concerns as those in last week’s settlement.

In related developments, Wachovia Securities has been in discussion with Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan to reach an agreement that would address the auction-rate securities held by Wachovia customers.

Last month, the Missouri secretary of state’s securities division conducted a special inspection at Wachovia Securities’ headquarters in St. Louis concerning its handling of auction-rate securities.

Meanwhile, crosstown rival Bank of America Corp. and its subsidiaries have received subpoenas and requests for information from state and federal governmental agencies on auction-rate securities.

BofA faces several class-action lawsuits contending the bank misled investors about the nature of the securities and their market.

August 12

ARPS Scandal: Banks Must Rebuild Investors' Trust
By SmartMoney's James B. Stewart, the only reporter who actually owns ARPS.

NOW THAT NEW YORK Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and other regulators have put a gun to their heads, the big Wall Street firms are finally coming clean about the collapse of the auction rate securities market.

The truth is even uglier than I suspected, and I've been beating the drum over this issue for months.

Auction rate securities were sold by nearly all the big firms as a slightly higher-yielding, but safe, alternative to money-market funds. They proved anything but when the auction markets froze in February, stranding thousands of investors with more than $300 billion in illiquid holdings. As readers of this column know, I was among the victims. I've since heard from hundreds of others, many of whom suffered hardships when the cash they counted on to pay taxes, to finance home purchases and college educations, and to meet payrolls proved inaccessible. Wall Street's reaction, as I've reported, was to offer to loan investors their own money — using our other assets as collateral and charging us market rates. It was insult on top of injury.

It's not like we were clamoring to buy these securities for the modest interest rate premium they offered. Like the other victims I've heard from, I got a call out of the blue urging me to take advantage of an offer that was being extended to valuable clients.

My pleas to Wall Street firms to simply do the right thing and reimburse their clients (see my May 2008 magazine column) went unheeded. Representatives of firms I spoke to either refused to comment or said their balance sheets, already under strain from the credit crisis and their own lending practices, couldn't support such a move. They also maintained that they, too, were victims of an unforeseeable crisis.

Now we know that none of this was true for at least some of the biggest firms. Thanks to a wave of subpoenas, lawsuits or threatened lawsuits, and the prospect of public disclosure, three of the biggest sellers of auction rate securities agreed last week to reimburse the clients they purported to value so highly. Citigroup led the pack by reaching an agreement with Cuomo and the Securities and Exchange Commission last week to stave off a lawsuit. Merrill Lynch also under investigation, announced that it would reimburse clients. And UBS settled a pending lawsuit by agreeing to reimburse clients and pay a $150 million fine. Those firms said they will buy back a total of nearly $40 billion in the securities, a sum that, while large, can indeed be absorbed by their balance sheets.

What's really shocking are the allegations and evidence that UBS and Citigroup executives knew that the auction rate market was about to collapse even as they pressed their brokers to push the product on unsuspecting clients. Put more bluntly, the evidence suggests they weren't the victims of unforeseen events — they perpetrated them.

The New York Attorney General's complaint (available here) against UBS is a withering portrayal of what Cuomo calls a "multibillion-dollar consumer and securities fraud." At UBS, top bank executives unloaded over $21 million of their own personal holdings of auction rate securities as they realized the market was in trouble, the complaint alleges. In December 2007, UBS's trading desk manager sent an email to the global head of municipal securities saying "The auction product does not work." Other emails referred to the auction rate securities as a "huge albatross" for the firm and a "scary and delicate" situation. Yet the firm kept peddling them to clients. Within "hours" of learning of trouble in the auctions, one UBS executive instructed his personal broker that "I want to get out of arcs [auction rate certificates]," and sold off all $250,000 of his holdings. Over 50,000 UBS customers ended up owning more than $37 billion of the illiquid securities, according to the complaint. Cuomo characterized UBS's actions as a "flagrant breach of trust."

Katrina Byrne, a spokeswoman for UBS, responded: "We categorically reject any claim that the firm engaged in any widespread campaign to move auction rate securities inventory from our own books into private client accounts." As for the emails, she said, "We were disappointed the New York Attorney General released details on certain transactions when we conducted our own internal investigation with the assistance of external counsel. We found no evidence of unlawful conduct by any employees." She added that "there may have been cases of poor judgment," and said UBS is evaluating what, if any, disciplinary actions might be appropriate.

While an embarrassing email trail chronicles UBS's moves, other firms may be just as culpable. "UBS is not alone in this scheme," Cuomo maintained. Evidence apparently shows that Citigroup executives, too, were aware of the impending crisis, but didn't tell its customers buying the securities.

In response to the settlement, Citigroup issued a statement saying "Our most important focus continues to be on helping our clients," and added that it would neither confirm nor deny that its officials knew about troubles with the auctions even as it continued to sell the securities as cash equivalents.

Merrill Lynch won't comment on whether it continued to sell auction rate securities after its officials knew the market was in trouble, but an official there told me that he hasn't heard any such allegations. Merrill remains under investigation, and although Cuomo said he welcomes its offer to reimburse clients, the terms fall short of the Citigroup and UBS standards. This week Cuomo said his probe had also been extended to include Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan and Wachovia and there's no indication it will stop there. Late Monday, Morgan Stanley announced it would buy back $4.5 billion in ARPS — a move that Cuomo calls "too little, too late."

In this generally dismal picture, at least one firm, HSBC, deserves credit for acting more proactively to protect its clients. The firm said that because of "the high value we place on our customer relationships," it offered to buy back its clients' auction rate securities on June 20 and completed the purchases by the end of July. HSBC said some customers didn't participate, and the firm is "continuing to address the needs of the few remaining customers." HSBC hasn't disclosed the total amount involved.

Now that the logjam has been broken, investors at firms that haven't agreed to reimburse them need to keep the pressure on, especially now. Competitive pressure and the prospect of investors moving their accounts, if not continued threats by regulators, should force them to follow suit.

Of course I'm glad that I and thousands of other unwitting investors appear likely to get back our money, albeit not for months. But that's not going to restore the trust that's been destroyed. We need to know the unvarnished truth. We need to know who is taking responsibility. We need to know there has been accountability. And we need to know how we can be sure it won't happen again.

Also See:
Stewart: The Troubles of Auction Rate Preferred Shares
Stewart: More Assets Frozen at Big Banks
Get Better Yield Without ARPS-Like Risk

August 11 -- breaking news

Morgan Stanley says it will buy back
$4.5 billion

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Morgan Stanley said late Monday it plans to buy back about $4.5 billion in auction-rate securities. Earlier in the day, Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Wachovia Corp. were alerted by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo that he would probe the firms' role in the $330 billion auction-rate securities market, which collapsed in February. Morgan Stanley said it will buy back the securities "held by all individuals, all charities and those small to medium-sized businesses with accounts of $10 million or less" at par value if they were purchased before Feb. 13. The offer is open until Nov. 30.

August 12

Our collective pressure is working.
But don't ease up yet -- update 5
by Harry Newton

The Wall Street Journal calls the ARPS freeze-up "one of the messiest Wall Street scandals in years." And it is. The deceit (also called lying) and blatant dishonesty is mindblowing. We learn that one part of the brokerage firms knew the auctions were collapsing and our securities were about to freeze. But that part deliberately didn't tell the other part -- the brokers who dealt with you and me and sold us our auction rate securities. And that part also encouraged the brokers with straight-out lies and huge commissions to sell us auction rate securities.

Fortunately some regulators -- Galvin of Massachusetts and Cuomo of New York -- have chased the culprits, found them guilty and are now in the process of working out the plea bargains.

This is where we need your help. You need to argue your case. For example, did you move your account from UBS after your ARPS froze? You should be part of the UBS plea bargain. Do you want your money back now, not in 2010, or next January, 2009? Are you not a "retail investor," but rather did you buy your ARPS for a family trust or for an IRA (or for a 401(k) plan for a sole proprietor with no employees). Are you eligible for repurchase under the Citibank settlement? Are there other "quirks" which the regulators need to write into the plea bargain deals they writing?

I don't know what other concerns you have. But the plea bargain deals are being written as you read my words. If you have special concerns, call, email, write and FedEx the regulators. O.K.? Do it now.

As to the other lessons from all this:

1. Don't trust your local broker, unless he's done his homework. Most don't have the time. They rely on their firm's specialist "desk" back at headquarters in New York (or wherever). A quick one minute phone call is the sum total of all their "research." Accept it: No broker has the time to research the crap he's selling you.

2. Don't ever buy a structured product, i.e. one Wall Street manufactured with the express intent of peddling it to investors at huge commissions.

3. Don't chase yield. The higher the yield, the riskier the security. I could write a whole book on "yield hogs." Suffice, in the old days "junk" securities paid maybe 14%-17% -- way above treasuries. That yield gap signaled the securities were "junk." But auction rate securities were maybe half of one per cent higher than other short-term places to put your money. That didn't signal they were "junk." But they were. Yield margins have gotten more complex.

4. Don't confuse security and marketability. Let me explain. Our brokers told us that our ARPS were backed by triple A rated muni bonds. They harped on this. But they didn't talk about "marketability." They mumbled about regular auctions. But those auctions were for the purpose of determining next week's yield. At least that was the rubbish I was fed. I was never told that if the auctions fail, I might never be able to sell my securities.

5. If something happens, bitch loudly. What has worked for some: Threaten to sue your individual advisor personally, especially if you develop some causes of action specifically against your advisor -- letting them know that plenty of lawyers are willing to take the case on a contingency basis, including damages. Individual brokers do not want their names showing up anywhere as being sued for cause.

6. If something happens, go public and do your own research. I spend a lot of time (for which I don't get paid) updating this site. I know there are thousands of you reading this site. I know there are thousands of you still frozen in these things and still facing intransigent brokerage firms. I also know that many of you have uncovered stuff. And I know some of you have bludgeoned monies out of brokerage firms. Frankly, it would be nice if you allowed me to publish some of your stories.

Read the articles below. I've highlighted some of the more juicy parts, including the commissions paid to brokerage firms/brokers on selling you and I our auction rate securities.

Oh yes. Some brokerage firms (like Wachovia and Oppenheimer) haven't been sued by regulators, but should.

And none of the independents issuers have been chased by the regulators, but should. Some -- like Nuveen and Eaton Vance -- are cashing their ARPS holders out, though the process is slow and painful (to you and me ARPS holders).

In short, just because we've had some nice victories -- UBS, Merrill and Citigroup -- doesn't mean an end to your emails, phone calls, letters and FedEx letters. Keep them flowing. My goal is 100% of our monies back at par.

Send me emails telling me of your bad experiences with brokerage firms or issuers. This web site is being read by a lot people.

August 9, Front page Wall Street Journal

UBS to Pay $19 Billion
As Auction Mess
Hits Wall Street

A once-obscure corner of the bond market is triggering one of the messiest Wall Street scandals in years -- and potentially the largest mass bailout of American individual investors ever.

On Friday, facing allegations of wrongdoing over its sales of so-called auction-rate securities, UBS AG agreed to buy back from investors nearly $19 billion of the investments as part of a settlement with federal and a group of state regulators. It will start buying from individuals and charities in October and from institutional clients in mid-2010.

Massachusetts's Top Regulator to Pursue Complaint Against Merrill1

• Citi, Merrill to Pay $17 Billion to Defuse Auction-Rate Case2 08/08/08
• Morgan Stanley Settles Auction-Rate Probe3 08/07/08
• Citi's Deal May Pressure Other Firms4 08/07/08

UBS was the third major firm this week to vow to buy back the securities, which allegedly were improperly sold as higher-rate equivalents for super-safe money-market funds.

UBS, Merrill Lynch & Co. and Citigroup Inc. have committed to taking back a total of more than $36 billion of the instruments. Other financial firms are expected to follow suit.

Auction-rate securities are a kind of debt that soared in popularity in recent years. They let issuers such as municipalities and student-loan organizations borrow for the long term, but at lower, short-term interest rates. The rates reset at periodic auctions, hence the name. Wall Street sold more than $330 billion of these securities to more than 100,000 individuals and other investors.

State regulators from Massachusetts and New York have sued Merrill Lynch and UBS for civil fraud, with the UBS case now settled. Regulators from several states have also shown up on Wachovia Corp.'s doorstep demanding documents; the bank says it is cooperating. A New York state official has accused Citigroup of destroying documents, a charge Citi has denied. Federal prosecutors are preparing to file criminal charges against two former Credit Suisse Group brokers who allegedly lied to investors about auction-rate securities.

It's rare that Wall Street firms make good on client losses, and the size of the auction-rate payments is unprecedented. But a review of several recent regulatory cases reveals the legal pressure facing Wall Street, and shows that some authorities believe the auction-rate market, which was created in the mid-1980s, got out of control.

Regulators say that financial firms, at various times, secretly propped up failed auctions; misled investors on the safety of the securities; pressed brokers and research analysts to sell the very securities executives were trying to unload; and resisted client demands for relief.

'No Real Control'

"It was kind of like a Moroccan bazaar," William Galvin, secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, said in describing the way Wall Street sold auction-rate securities. "There was no real control, no warranty, no worry about backing up what you said."

Wall Street executives say the auction market functioned smoothly for more than 20 years, and only buckled this year under the stress of a credit crunch that limited their ability to provide support. As a Merrill official put it Friday, its brokers believed such securities were "good investments" for clients seeking higher short-term returns in exchange for some risk the assets couldn't quickly be resold.

The auction-rate scandal has hit tens of thousands of American investors, such as Ken Pugh, a 60-year old retiree in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who formerly supervised the delivery-truck operations for the Sun Sentinel newspaper.

Mr. Pugh has $350,000, or his entire life's retirement savings, in auction-rate securities in an account at Bank of America, $300,000 of which are backed by student loans; his statement puts a zero in the column for the value of the $350,000. The zero, said a person familiar with the firm, is meant to be read as "not available." Bank of America footnotes statements to notify clients that the securities they hold are not worthless but are illiquid and not easily valued.

"I'm not a financial wizard, that's all I know," says Mr. Pugh. "I took their word for it, and like a dope, this is where I am." Mr. Pugh says he was told the securities were "28-day CDs."

He has gone back to work at an environmental services company for extra cash to live on until he "gets some restitution," he says. "All the stuff my wife and I planned on doing, we can't."

Mr. Pugh has filed an arbitration claim against Bank of America. Bank of America says it "does not comment on client relationships."

Regulators and prosecutors have alleged several kinds of abuses in the auction-rate market, detailed in regulatory cases and investigations. One allegation is that brokers secretly propped up failed auctions.

Interest rates were supposed to be reset by weekly or monthly auctions, at which investors could cash out if they wanted to. Until the market collapsed in February, investors got the impression there was heavy demand for the securities because the auctions went off without a hitch. They weren't told how often Wall Street dealers stepped in to support the auctions with their own bids.

UBS submitted such bids in all of its auctions, according to Massachusetts regulators, who said the Swiss firm acted to prevent auction failures in no less than 69% of its 57,436 auctions between January 2006 and February 2008.

In an email to UBS executives last Dec. 15, David Shulman, who ran UBS's auction-rate desk, questioned whether the firm should continue to submit bids to support auctions.

In the email, Mr. Shulman acknowledged that investors expected UBS to make sure the auctions ran smoothly, even as he and others behind the scenes contemplated halting their bids entirely. "Retail clients have -- I am confident been told that these are 'demand' notes...and will be redeemed at par on demand," Mr. Shulman wrote. While there is no formal obligation to cash out clients at par, he added, "the moral obligation runs very deep."

UBS said it didn't intentionally hide the risks of auction-rate securities, and sold them "appropriately" to individuals for 20 years. UBS said it supported auctions "longer than any other major firm," and its inventory doubled while the number of issues in individuals' accounts declined.

A lawyer for Mr. Shulman said his emails were "taken largely out of context" and that Mr. Shulman was attempting "to be part of the solution, and was not part of the problem."

At Merrill, Massachusetts regulators allege, market-supporting bids by the firm "conceal[ed] the true level of investor demand and created a false impression that there were deep pools of liquidity in the auction market." Merrill says few auctions failed before 2008 and that it disclosed that risk and the possible withdrawal of its support bids to investors.

Another allegation by regulators is that some brokers misled investors on the safety of the securities.

Customers often were told that the securities, which had higher interest rates than rock-solid certificates of deposit, were just as safe and easily sold. They weren't told that the auctions could fail and leave them without the ability to sell.

'Other Cash'

Merrill categorized auction-rate securities as "other cash" on its brokerage statements. Its marketing materials noted that 92% of issues had a top triple-A rating. But, according to Massachusetts investigators, clients say they weren't told the auctions might fail if Merrill withdrew from making bids. Merrill said that while online statements listed auction-rate securities as cash, its "official monthly statements" listed them as "securities," and that most were in fact triple-A.

Some UBS brokers testified to the New York attorney general's office that even they didn't realize the auctions could fail. UBS executives testified that brokers never received any training on how auction-rate securities worked.

UBS says investor guides citing resale risks and the auction process were available online. The firm says it changed its classification of auction-rate securities at the suggestion of an industry group as a result of this year's market difficulties.

Also, regulators say brokers were paid unusually rich commissions to sell the securities. In some cases, they say, brokers received high commissions for a product that appeared to offer high returns but held hidden risks.

The brokers and firms typically shared commissions of 0.25% of the securities sold -- compared with 0.05% for Treasury securities and zero for plain-vanilla money-market funds. Merrill sometimes offered extra commissions, at times up to a total of 1%. Merrill says commissions "didn't change" brokers' approach to auction-rate securities.

To help sell the securities as the market's problems intensified, Citigroup and brokerage firm RBC Dain Rauscher last winter raised commissions to outside brokers for selling Citi's and Dain Rauscher's auction-rate securities inventory, according to emails sent from a Credit Suisse trading desk to Credit Suisse brokers. Dain Rauscher didn't return calls for comment.

Commissions on auction-rate securities were "much higher than for any other equivalent securities," says auction-rate specialist Joseph Fichera, chief executive of Saber Partners LLC, a financial consultant.

State regulators also point to the ways financial firms pressed brokers and research analysts to pitch the securities.

Merrill bond analyst Martin Mauro prepared a research report on last Aug. 22 warning of the dangers of auction-rate securities. It said investors "need to rely on other buyers in the market to redeem the securities at par."

Altered Report

The report was never published, Massachusetts regulators say, because Frances Constable, who ran Merrill's auction-rate-securities desk, shut it down. "It may single handedly undermine the auction market," she emailed two other Merrill employees later that day, according to a complaint filed by the regulators. The regulators say Ms. Constable demanded that the analyst retract and rewrite the report, which appeared the next day with language added that rising rates made the securities "a buying opportunity."

Merrill said the retraction demand didn't change the analyst's views but merely resulted in "a longer, fuller and clearer version." The firm said its research reflected that auction-rate securities offered "higher returns in exchange for less liquidity." Merrill said its employees weren't available to comment.

As the credit crunch developed, financial firms faced pressure to reduce their own holdings of the securities. UBS's holdings of them, for instance, soared through an internal limit of $2.5 billion last September, reaching $11 billon by the time the market froze up this February.

UBS's Mr. Shulman told colleagues on Aug. 22 that he was encouraging UBS brokers "to move more product through the system." But that same day, he sold personal holdings of auction-rate holdings worth as much as $475,000. He sold the last of his personal auction-rate holdings by mid-December, according to the Massachusetts complaint.

The reason, he told Massachusetts investigators, was that some auctions had already failed, and they exceeded his own "risk tolerance." UBS management brought up auction-rate securities in 15 calls with its brokers between August 2007 and February 2008.

Mr. Shulman was one of the UBS executives alluded to, but not charged, in a civil complaint by New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Mr. Shulman was named but not charged in the Massachusetts regulatory complaint for selling his own stake in auction-rate securities in August.

UBS said that, after its own internal probe, it "found cases of poor judgment" but not illegality by certain individuals, and is "evaluating appropriate disciplinary measures." UBS placed Mr. Shulman on administrative leave in July. Mr. Shulman's lawyer declined to comment on the securities sale.

Brokers at Credit Suisse allegedly misled customers about the safety of auction-rate issues by falsely calling them "student loan" securities, according to a civil suit filed Wednesay. The plaintiff, Geneva chip maker STMicroelectronics NV, was filed Brooklyn federal court and seeks $415 million in damages.

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, N.Y., are preparing to file criminal charges against two former Credit Suisse brokers whose clients included the chip maker, according to people familiar with the matter.

Credit Suisse said the brokers resigned in September after the firm "detected their prohibited activity," and that the firm has been assisting authorities. Credit Suisse said clients were given accurate trade confirmations and brokerage-account statements. As for the action filed by ST Microelectronics suit, a spokesman for Credit Suisse said it "declines to comment on meritless lawsuits."

It isn't clear how much in losses Wall Street firms ultimately will record by taking auction-rate securities back on their books. That will depend on if, when and how much the market recovers.

In UBS's Friday settlement, the Swiss bank agreed to buy back $8.3 billion in securities from individuals and charities and $10.3 billion later from institutions. It also has agreed to lend money to holders of the securities at 100% of their par value if they preferred.

On Thursday, Merrill agreed to buy back about $10 billion from about 30,000 investors, and Citigroup agreed to buy back about $7.3 billion from about 40,000 investors.

The article include a diagram called The Mechanics of Auction-Rate Securities.

August 7

Good News from Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and UBS -- update 5
by Harry Newton

Merrill, Citigroup and soon UBS have agreed to redeem at par all their auction rate securities they sold. That amounts to $10 billion for Merrill, $7.5 billion for Citigroup, and $19 billion to $25 billion for UBS. Citigroup will also pay a $100 million fine to state regulators. UBS may pay $150 million in fines.

This is great news for three reasons:

1. For virtually all Citigroup's, Merrill's and UBS's suffering customers who got sold the "toxic" paper. They're getting their money back. Some already have.

2. These moves by Citigroup, Merrill and UBS will put pressure on all the other brokerage firms to step up to the plate and buy back the auction rate securities they sold to their unsuspecting customers. To date, the worst offender is PIMCO, followed by Bank of America and Wachovia.

3. For all of us who got sold ARPS from other brokerage firms. One has to assume that Citigroup, Merrill and UBS will now apply huge pressure on the issuers (PIMCO, Nicholas Applegate, Nuveen, Eaton Vance, BlackRock, etc.) for them to redeem the paper which Citigroup, Merrill and UBS will now own and which they won't want to keep -- would you?

For more, Citigroup Is Expected to Buy Back Securities.

The Citigroup and Merrill news is affirmation that our strategy of maximum pressure is working. But it is not time to slack up. Keep the letters and emails flowing. Regulators want to hear from you.

Today's key contact to badger:

Andrew Cuomo, New York Attorney General
Investor Protection Office 212-416-8222
Be nice to Kelly. She's inundated with calls.

You might also want to contact your local attorney-general and ask why isn't he/she involved. Are you listening California? Why are you doing nothing? Many Californians are stuck in frozen ARPS.

And then there's the issue of what you get back if you were sold ARPS by UBS, Merrill or Citigroup and transferred your account to another broker? Apparently this issue is not resolved. You may want to call the New York Attorney General's office 212-416-8060. They'll tell you the settlement is not fully drafted and they are trying to incorporate this issue. They have been getting a lot of calls on this.

P.S. More redemptions from Nuveen.

August 9

Twist for 'Auction Rate' Cases;
Arbitrations Are to Be Heard by Three-Person Panel
By Daisy Maxey, Dow Jones NewsWires
August 9, 2008

Securities regulators have created a special process for resolving claims related to auction-rate securities, a move that was welcomed by some who have been pressing for change in the arbitration process.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority -- created by the merger of the National Association of Securities Dealers and the enforcement arm of the New York Stock Exchange -- said that qualifying investors will have the option of having their claims heard by a three-person panel of arbitrators, none of whom are affiliated with a firm that recently sold auction-rate securities.

The new process stems from one Finra developed for the Securities and Exchange Commission's settlement with Citigroup Inc., in which the bank agreed to buy back about $7.3 billion in illiquid auction-rate securities, and pay $100 million in civil penalties, with $50 million going to the state of New York.

"The auction-rate securities matter is more widespread than other issues that have developed in the arbitration forum, and we wanted to make sure that any investor, whether in the Citigroup settlement who elects to have a three-person panel, or any other case related to ARS, all got the same treatment," said Linda Fienberg, president of Finra Dispute Resolution. "This will apply to all auction-rate securities cases that are in our forum whether it's part of a settlement or not."

She said Finra will put the process in place as soon as possible.

Thus far, Finra has confirmed that more than 170 cases involving auction-rate securities have been filed in its Dispute Resolution forum, but there may be as many as 200, Ms. Fienberg said.

The announcement was welcomed by Laurence Schultz, president of the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association, a national association of attorneys that represents investors in securities disputes, and that has been pressing for change in the arbitration process.

"This is precisely what we've been asking for," said Mr. Schultz, of Driggers, Schultz & Herbst in Troy, Mich. "We're pleased that they have stepped up to this problem and recognized that arbitrators who are associated with firms that were issuing auction-rate securities cannot participate in these panels."

But Mr. Schultz believes that industry-connected arbitrators should be banned in all cases.

Typically, for claims of more than $50,000, the three-member panel of judges must include two public members, who may have limited industry connections, and an industry representative.

In the process announced Thursday, arbitration panels will continue to have that makeup, but individuals who since Jan. 1, 2005, have either worked for a firm that sold auction-rate shares or supervised someone who sold them won't appear on the lists of nonpublic arbitrators from which panel members are selected for auction-rate arbitration cases.

Ms. Fienberg said Finra works to eliminate conflicts of interest in all arbitration cases. It will exclude an arbitrator if it identifies a conflict, an arbitrator may recuse themselves or an attorney or investor may bring a challenge if they feel there is a conflict, she said.

Finra plans to undertake a two-year pilot project, which will begin Oct. 6, in which some cases will be heard before an all-public panel if an investor chooses. The pilot will involve at least 466 cases, but Finra hopes to include more, Ms. Fienberg said.

The regulator will gather data to determine possible future options for arbitration, she said.

Write to Daisy Maxey at

August 7

Merrill Joins Citigroup in Buying Back Auction-Rate Bonds (Update2)

By Bradley Keoun and David Scheer

Aug. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Merrill Lynch & Co. said it will offer to buy back about $10 billion in auction-rate securities from retail clients after Citigroup Inc. agreed to take similar steps under a settlement with U.S. and state regulators.

Merrill will pay face value for the securities, according to a statement today from the New York-based firm. The buybacks will begin in January and continue for a year. The investments have been frozen in customer accounts since Wall Street firms backed away from the market in February, leading to claims by customers and investigations by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and regulators in New York and Massachusetts.

"Our clients have been caught in an unprecedented liquidity crisis,'' Chief Executive Officer John Thain said in the statement. "We are solving it by giving them the option of selling their positions to us.''

Regulators have been probing how banks and Wall Street firms sold auction-rate securities before the $330 billion market collapsed in February. Citigroup, the biggest U.S. bank by assets, earlier today reached an agreement with state and federal regulators to buy back about $7.5 billion in securities from its brokerage clients.

Regulators in Massachusetts filed a civil complaint against Merrill last week, claiming the firm and its analysts pitched the securities to investors as the market was collapsing.

"When one major firm settles a material piece of litigation, others follow suit pretty quickly,'' said Anthony Carfang, a partner at Treasury Strategies, a Chicago-based financial consultant. "It puts pressure on other institutions to make their customers whole.''

Merrill extended its offer to individual investors, charities and small businesses. The firm said it doesn't expect purchases during the buyback period to have "a materially adverse impact on its capital ratios, liquidity or consolidated financial performance.''

The firm must still resolve pending regulatory complaints. Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin said in a telephone interview that Merrill's redemption timeline is "not satisfactory.''

"It's a start I suppose,'' Galvin said. "I'm glad they did it, but I think for most investors it's not the solution they need.''

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who announced the Citigroup agreement at a press conference today in New York, said in a statement his office was evaluating Merrill's offer.

`Huge Sums'

"We've had an ongoing investigation into Merrill Lynch,'' Cuomo said. "We are reviewing their plan to begin returning money to investors, which is obviously one of the goals we've established.''

Thomas Ajamie, a Houston-based securities lawyer who won a $429 million arbitration award against Paine Webber Group in 2001, said Merrill may be hoping its announcement will pressure regulators to accept the offer.

"There is probably a balance here between recognizing that people are entitled to it, and recognizing the realities of the size of this crisis,'' Ajamie said. "They are trying to find a timetable to give people their money, yet recognize that they need to keep banks stable. These are huge sums of money.''

Merrill says clients currently hold about $12 billion of auction-rate "curities, and that number will be reduced to $10 billion by January through ``announced and anticipated issue redemptions.'' On a conference call with investors last month, Merrill Chief Executive John Thain said the firm had reduced the frozen auction-rate securities from $22 billion by getting issuers to refinance them.

In those deals, "everyone got their money back,'' Thain said. Merrill has more than 16,000 financial advisers and oversees about $1.4 trillion of assets.

Citigroup agreed to pay a $100 million fine and make offers by November to buy back clients' auction-rate securities. The accord may set a precedent for negotiations with firms including UBS AG, the Swiss bank named in civil complaints by Cuomo and authorities in Massachusetts.

"Firms that don't settle are going to be frowned upon by investors,'' Texas State Securities Commissioner Denise Voigt Crawford said.

Auction-rate securities are bonds or preferred shares whose interest rates are reset by periodic bidding run by dealers. Firms including Citigroup abandoned their routine role as buyers of last resort for the debt in mid-February as demand dried up, allowing the market to collapse and leaving investors stuck in what had been pitched to them as money-market-like instruments.

"Lots of investors are still stuck,'' said Joseph Fichera, chief executive of Saber Partners, a New York-based financial advisory firm. There's a "light at the end of tunnel, but not a full resolution.''

To contact the reporter on this story: David Scheer in New York at; Bradley Keoun in New York at

August 7

Citigroup does the right thing for investors stranded in auction-rate debt, but where's the rest of Wall Street?
by Tom Petruno, LA Times

Finally -- a bailout for small investors.

Citigroup Inc. today agreed to do the right thing by unfreezing $7.3 billion of its customers’ funds that are tied up in so-called auction-rate securities.

Now, will the rest of Wall Street follow suit?

The financial services industry has been the beneficiary of massive government help this year. If only some of that would have trickled down to the industry’s customers.

Brokerages turned their backs on clients after the auction-rate debt market seized-up in February, stranding investors in more than $300 billion of securities that had been marketed as being highly liquid -- meaning you were supposed to be able to get your cash back on demand.

But that liquidity hinged on whether other investors would be willing to buy if you wanted to sell. When the credit crunch worsened and bids dried up for any security that looked too complicated, the auction-rate market froze solid.

Investors in the securities still were earning interest but they couldn’t get their principal -- say, to make a college tuition payment, or pay a hospital bill.

It would have been the right thing for brokerages at that point to step up and offer to buy the securities back from any investor who wanted to sell.

That didn’t happen. No way was the industry, on its own, going to offer to bail out customers who had, in many or most cases, clearly been misinformed about the relative safety of auction-rate debt.

Let’s review some of the high-profile bailouts that did happen this year:

-- The Federal Reserve saved the brokerage industry from a potential meltdown in March by arranging the marriage of failing Bear Stearns Cos. with JPMorgan Chase & Co.

-- As part of that rescue, the Fed opened its borrowing window to securities firms for the first time.

-- Last month, Congress agreed to allow the Treasury Department to pump taxpayers’ dollars into struggling mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac if the firms are threatened by insolvency.

For stranded auction-rate debt investors, however, little help was forthcoming from Wall Street. Only now that Citi has been bludgeoned by New York Atty. Gen. Andrew Cuomo, other state securities regulators and the Securities and Exchange Commission has the firm agreed to put up its own money to make its small investors in the auction-rate market whole.

The North American Securities Administrators Assn. says it is investigating or negotiating with 11 other brokerages that have customers trapped in the debt. Two firms -- UBS and Merrill Lynch & Co -- are facing state securities-fraud charges related to their sales of the debt. They have denied wrongdoing.

Harry Newton, an online investment newsletter writer who has been keeping close tabs on the auction-rate debacle here, estimates that $200 billion still is locked up in the securities.

The Fed rushed money to Wall Street. The Treasury stands ready to rush money to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

What good excuse does the brokerage industry have for failing to rush to help its own clients?

August 5, 2008

First Success of VRDP Shares Sold is Reported by Nuveen -- Will Lead to Full Fund ARPS Redemption.
by Harry Newton

Nuveen today reported that it had successfully sold Variable Rate Demand Preferred (VRDP) shares from four of its funds. In each press release, Nuveen said, " Proceeds from the offering are expected to be used, in conjunction with proceeds from the creation of tender option bond (TOB) trusts by the fund, to redeem all of the fund's outstanding auction-rate preferred shares (ARPS) totaling (whatever was the total -- see below). The fund intends to announce a formal redemption notice for the ARPS in the coming days."

This is HUGE good news for those of us investors trapped in ARPS. It means that money market funds have accepted these brand new securities as securities they would buy for their money market funds.

The Nuveen funds are:

1. The Nuveen Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2 priced and placed with investors $196 million of its Variable Rate Demand Preferred (VRDP) shares.

2. The Nuveen Insured Premium Income Municipal Fund 2 priced and placed with investors $219 million of its Variable Rate Demand Preferred (VRDP) shares.

3. The Nuveen Insured California Tax-Free Advantage Municipal Fund priced and placed with investors the private offering of $35.5 million of Variable Rate Demand Preferred (VRDP) shares

4. The Nuveen Insured New York Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund priced and placed with investors the private offering of $50 million of its Variable Rate Demand Preferred (VRDP) shares.

All four press releases include the following statement:

"The VRDP shares will include a liquidity feature that allows holders of VRDP to have their shares purchased by a liquidity provider in the event that sell orders have not been matched with purchase orders in a remarketing. The liquidity feature was provided by Deutsche Bank AG, acting through its New York Branch. VRDP dividends will be set weekly at a rate established by a remarketing agent. Conditions to the fund's issuance of VRDP will include the receipt of both short-term and long-term credit ratings for the VRDP that are in the highest rating category from two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations."

All releases are on Nuveen's web site.

July 31

Three Brokerage Firms Hit with Fraud Suits+ One Congressional Hearing -- Update 1

There are now fraud suits out against UBS, Merrill Lynch and one about to be filed against Citigroup. These three were the worst, based on emails which have flooded into me from their suffering clients. But they're not alone. Others to be hit with suits shortly will include Allianz, PIMCO, and Wachovia. Those three are the second tier of "worst."

The latest news. New York AG, Andrew Cuomo, told Citigroup it was in big trouble. Cuomo outlined his intentions in a letter to Citigroup’s general counsel dated Friday, saying that charges were imminent. (See below for a lot more.)

In the letter, the New York Attorney General’s office alleged that the nation’s largest bank “has repeatedly and persistently committed fraud by material misrepresentations and omissions” in the underwriting, distribution and sale of auction rate securities, touting them as safe, cash-equivalent investments.

Cuomo’s office claimed that the sale of these securities had “a severe detrimental impact” on tens of thousands of Citigroup customers. (And boy, is he right.)

Congress is now also involved. It has scheduled hearings for September 18 and warns the issuers and the brokerage firms to get their act together and redeem the frozen ARPS between now and then -- or there'll be hell to play..

To glean a full understanding of just how badly Wall Street has treated its customers, you need to read the news items below and across. These will give you a summary. But then you need to read the various documents from Willam Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:

UBS Fraud Accusation documents.

Merrill Lynch Fraud Accusation documents.

And you need to read the New York State press release and complaint against UBS which can be found here.

You'll see how UBS and Merrill knew their auction rate securities were toxic, needed to get rid of them and conspired to lie to their brokers to convince them to sell the toxic paper to their unsuspecting, but trusting, clients -- you and me.

After you've read this stuff, you'll ask yourself the obvious question, can Wall Street ever be trusted again? Next time you watch CNBC, keep an eye out for the UBS -- you and us -- advertisements. You will wonder how a company being sued for fraud (and in legal problems up the whatzu) can, in all conscience, run these incredible BS ads. I guess Wall Street assumes all of us are stupid and gullible.

FYI, I don't post every article on auction rate securities. I post the ones with something new. You may also want want to read BusinessWeek's July 30 issue. It has a piece called The Investment "Albatross" at UBS.

Meantime, the theoretical salvation of frozen ARPS is their hoped-for conversion into securities which money market funds will be able buy. Nuveen and others have announced they're working on the conversion. Theoretically, we're meant to hear soon -- in the next 30 days. I've asked around to find out what the "hold-up" is. I've been told there is no hold-up, just "lots of moving pieces."

I pray nightly for a personal fortune equal to 1% of the daily legal fees being incurred on this ARPS mess. If I were a lawyer with no other business (and there are many -- the economy is not doing well) -- I'd want to drag this out forever, too.

Meantime, none of this abrogates your responsibility as a frozen ARPS holder to bring pressure. Send letters, make phone calls, sit on doorsteps. Bring pressure on the brokerage firms never to deal with the issuers of ARPS -- unless they clean this mess up quickly. The issuers of ARPS have not been sued -- yet. But we can make their lives very uncomfortable. Accelerate your efforts, please.

Clearly our efforts are working. But we nee to keep them up, until the last one of us has received every nickel of his frozen monies back. -- Harry Newton.

But most of the big closed-end fund firms have been working on ways to either restructure ARPs so that they have a liquidity feature or replace them with a new kind of preferred security that has one, in order to make them money-fund eligible and bail out investors holding the ARPs.

Eaton Vance, the third-largest manager of closed-end funds in the U.S., said this month it received a no-action letter from the Securities and Exchange Commission allowing it to go forward with a plan to issue a new type of security: liquidity protected preferred shares

Called LPPs, the shares would pay a dividend reset every seven days in a remarketing process administered by one or more financial institutions, a structure similar to that of ARPs. But banks that agree to provide liquidity for LPPs must purchase all unsold shares, unlike the broker-dealers that back ARPs auctions.

Eaton Vance doesn’t yet have any formal agreements with liquidity providers, although Jonathan Isaac, head of its closed-end fund business, said the firm is close. “We’re in conversations with many, and fairly confident that we’ll get agreements in place.”

On the same day that Eaton Vance received its no-action letter, the Treasury Department issued guidance on adding liquidity features to ARPs. According to its guidance, the Internal Revenue Service “will not challenge the equity characterization of auction-rate preferred stock for Federal income tax purposes as a result of adding a liquidity facility.”

The treatment of the new preferred shares as equity, and not debt, gives closed-end funds more freedom to issue them. Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, closed-end funds can only issue debt if they have at least $3 of assets for every $1 of debt issued. The minimum ratio for equity, however, is only $2.

Meanwhile, the largest and second-largest closed-end fund managers, Nuveen Investments and BlackRock, respectively, have been working on solutions of their own. Like Eaton Vance, Nuveen said it has been developing a new type of security, called variable rate demand preferred shares, which would replace ARPs. In a press release last month, Nuveen said it expected the new securities to come to market within the next 30 to 60 days. BlackRock, on the other hand, says it will likely apply a put feature to existing ARPs.

A key difference between Eaton Vance’s plan and the others would be that for a limited time, the company would allow the liquidity provider to put shares directly back to Eaton Vance. In a statement, the firm added that it did not think there would be an ongoing need to put the LPP shares back to Eaton Vance once a market gets rolling.

Mr. Isaac said that since the ARPs market stalled, Eaton Vance has been able to redeem $3.3 billion of its $5 billion of outstanding ARPs through various refinancing methods. He added that if the new securities take off, he hopes LPPs will replace a majority of the remaining ARPs.

For that to happen, Mr. Isaac must not only line up liquidity providers, he also needs to find money-market funds willing to buy the securities. Even though the Treasury Department and the SEC have more or less given their blessing to the new securities, money-market funds may choose to steer clear of anything connected to the troubled auction-rate market. But Mr. Isaac is optimistic. “I think everything we’ve heard suggests that they are interested,” he said. “The proof of the pudding will be when [LPPs] are out there, available to be purchased.”

Last month, Federated Investors issued a statement about the new securities resulting from the refinancing of ARPs, saying that “Federated will consider these notes for investment in prime money market funds only after employing the same thorough due diligence process that we use for all investments.”

“How well will the money-market funds accept the new product? That is a big question mark,” Herzfeld’s Ms. Gondor said, adding that the firms have been talking with money market fund managers, who seem receptive. “The question is, are they going to put their money where their mouth is?” FW


June 24

ARS Suits Against Citigroup Consolidated
By Amanda Ernst,

Portfolio Media, New York (June 24, 2008)
A district court has consolidated five proposed class actions brought against Citigroup Inc. on behalf of purchasers of auction rate securities, despite arguments that consolidating all the claims, including those that do not fall under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, would delay recovery for the class members.

On Tuesday, Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York consolidated four cases that asserted violations of federal securities laws against Citigroup with one case that only asserted claims under the Investment Advisor Act, which is not subject to the PSLRA.

Judge Swain noted that one of the four cases that asserted claims that are subject to the PSLRA also claimed violations of the Investment Advisor Act.

Samuel Sporn, an attorney for the lead plaintiffs in the Investment Advisor Act case – Stockhamer et al. v. Citigroup Inc. et al. – claimed that the progress of his case would be slowed by the consolidation, but Judge Swain ruled that other class members would be prejudiced if the Stockhamer case was not combined with the other cases.

“Consolidation of the Stockhamer case with the other actions is warranted,” Judge Swain concluded. “These cases deal with substantially the same claims, substantially the same defendants and substantially the same discovery.”

After determining that the cases were to be consolidated, Judge Swain set about ruling on the lead plaintiff and lead counsel motions.

Sporn had also requested that his client and his firm, Schoengold Sporn Laitman & Lometti PC, be considered for roles as co-plaintiff and co-counsel to handle all of the Investment Advisor Act claims.

Besides Stockhamer, two plaintiffs sought the lead role before Judge Swain on Tuesday: Dr. Michael A. Passidomo, a retired doctor who had purchased almost $11 million of auction rate securities during the proposed class period; and Wedgewood Tacoma LLC along with Jemstone LLC, which purchased almost $4 million in ARS and still have significant assets frozen in the market.

Although Passidomo had the greatest assets involved in the dispute, making him an ideal candidate for lead plaintiff, Wedgewood Tacoma’s attorney, Jerome Congress of Milberg LLP, claimed the doctor had not been forthright about his background and was therefore unfit to be lead plaintiff in the consolidated case.

According to Congress, Passidomo had been reprimanded by medical boards in various states and had his license to practice medicine revoked in Kentucky after a dispute arose over allegations that he ordered possibly unnecessary high-contrast scans for some patients.

Congress told Judge Swain that Passidomo had hid this information about his background and had avoided answering questions about it when the Milberg firm queried him in court papers.

Passidomo’s attorney, Jeffrey Zwerling of Zwerling, Schachter & Zwerling LLP, said Passidomo would be a “zealous advocate on behalf of the class,” as evidenced by his challenge of the claims waged against him over the allegedly unnecessary scans. He fought for years to “set the record straight,” Zwerling said.

Ultimately, Judge Swain named Passidomo the lead plaintiff in the case and appointed Zwerling Schachter lead counsel.

“There is no dispute that Dr. Passidomo has the largest financial interest in the litigation,” Judge Swain said.

The judge also ruled the Passidomo met the typicality and adequacy requirements of a lead plaintiff, and said that the other plaintiffs seeking lead status had not rebutted that assumption.

Judge Swain also was not persuaded that a co-lead plaintiff or counsel was necessary to pursue the Investment Advisor Act claims in the consolidated suit. She instructed Zwerling to include those claims in his amended consolidated complaint, due in 60 days.

After Judge Swain finished ruling on the matter, Zwerling said he thought the judge had followed the requirements necessary for appointing a lead plaintiff in such a case.

“There were some unwarranted attacks made against Dr. Passidomo,” Zwerling said. “I think the judge also saw things that way.”

Attorneys for Citigroup, which supported the consolidation of the cases, declined to comment Tuesday.

The suits against Citigroup claim that during the class period of March 27, 2003 to Feb. 13, 2008, Citigroup, Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and Citi Smith Barney were among the largest sellers and underwriters of auction rate securities.

Throughout the class period, defendants represented to investors that ARS were highly safe and liquid investments that were equivalent to cash or money market funds,” Passidomo said in his motion seeking lead plaintiff status. “However, unbeknownst to investors, ARS were complex, long-term financial instruments whose liquidity and stability was dependent on defendants’ artificial support and manipulation of the ARS market.

Thus, when defendants and the other major broker dealers withdrew their support of ARS auctions, the ARS market quickly collapsed.

The plaintiffs are represented in this matter by attorneys from Zwerling, Schachter & Zwerling LLP; Schoengold Sporn Laitman & Lometti PC; Milberg LLP; Zimmerman, Levi & Korsinsky LLP; Girard Gibbs LLP and Seeger Weiss LLP.

Citigroup is represented in the matter by attorneys from Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP.

The cases are LHB Insurance Brokerage Inc. v. Citigroup Inc. et al., case number 1:08-cv-3095; Swanson v. Citigroup et al., case number 1:08-cv-3139; Wedgewood Tacoma LLC v. CitiGroup Inc. et al., case number 1:08-cv-4360; Ghalayini v. Citigroup Inc. et al., case number 1:08-cv-5016 and Stockhamer et al. v. Citigroup et al., case number 1:08-cv-3904, all in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

All Content Copyright 2007, Portfolio Media, Inc.


June 24

Hooray for HSBC!!!!
Finally An Honest Broker

Yes, there is one. Only one!

From Bloomberg yesterday:

HSBC Securities Offers to Buy Clients' Auction-Rate Securities

By Christopher Condon
June 23 (Bloomberg) -- HSBC Holdings Plc's U.S. securities arm became the first major brokerage to offer to buy back auction-rate securities from customers unable to sell since that market froze in February.

HSBC Securities USA will buy all its clients' municipal bonds and student-loan-backed bonds sold on the auction-rate market, spokeswoman Juanita Gutierrez said in an e-mailed statement from New York today. The brokerage will also repurchase some auction-rate preferred shares issued by closed-end funds,
Gutierrez said.

Firms organizing the $330 billion auction-rate market stopped acting as buyers of last resort when demand faltered amid concern that bond insurers would be downgraded. Investors holding about $230 billion in auction-rate securities remain unable to sell.

Auction-rate securities allowed sellers to raise long-term capital while paying short-term rates. The securities carry a fixed face value and a variable interest rate that resets at auction every 7, 28 or 35 days.

HSBC Securities didn't disclose how much its clients hold in auction-rate securities. The company said securities and banking laws prevented it from buying some closed-end preferred shares.

Gutierrez said she couldn't provide more details.

London-based HSBC is Europe's largest bank by market value. Its brokerage unit isn't an auction manager. Firms that sold auction-rate securities, including Citigroup Inc. and Morgan Stanley, have been named in at least 24 proposed
lawsuits in which shareholders claim they were misled and told they were buying safe, liquid investments. The companies have said the suits are without merit.

State and local governments, hospitals and colleges were the largest users of the auction-rate market. Many were forced to pay high penalty rates when their auctions failed. Since March, they have bought back or made plans to repurchase at least $81 billion of the $166 billion they issued.

Closed-end funds also used auction-rate securities to boost returns. About 70 percent of closed-end funds borrowed money by selling preferred shares on the auction-rate market.

When the market collapsed, closed-end funds had $64.3 billion in outstanding preferred shares, which weren't subject to high penalty rates. Pressure from shareholders and regulators has led closed-end fund companies to repurchase or schedule redemptions for about $16.5 billion.

Debt backed by student loans makes up most of the rest of the auction-rate market.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Christopher Condon in Boston at +1-617-210-4633 or

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Larry Edelman at +1-617-210-4621 or

HSBC's Public Statement

I contacted HSBC this morning and a very sweet Juanita Gutierrez sent me HSBC's statement:

In light of the unprecedented market conditions in the auction rate securities market and the high value we place on our customer relationships, HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. is making a private offer to purchase at par from its customers certain auction rate securities which have been impacted by the disruption in that market. This offer is being made to provide liquidity to HSBC Securities' customers, should they need or want it, and adheres to HSBC’s values and principles. HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. services the brokerage needs of its private bank, premier and retail clients.

Key points to consider:
+ In light of the unprecedented market conditions in the auction rate securities market and the high value we place on our customer relationships, HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. is making this private offer to address the liquidity needs of its customers affected by the disruption in that market.

+ In order to provide liquidity to its customers currently holding auction rate securities, HSBC Securities is offering to purchase at par all ARS issued by student loan providers and all ARS issued by municipalities currently held in its customers' accounts. To provide additional liquidity, HSBC Securities is offering to purchase from its customers certain ARS issued by closed end mutual funds within the limits of applicable law. HSBC Securities has placed limitations on offers to purchase ARS issued by closed end mutual funds to comply with certain securities and banking laws.

HSBC Securities has not managed or co-managed any auctions of ARS that have experienced failed auctions this year.

As this is a private offer to our customers, HSBC is not disclosing further details. I thank you for your understanding. However, please let
me know if I can be of further assistance.

Juanita Gutierrez
Dir, Public Relations | HSBC Bank USA, N.A.
452 Fifth Avenue, 13th Floor
New York, New York 10018
Phone. 212-525-6282
Fax. 212-525-6875
Mobile. 917-560-7983


June 24

Today's Wall Street Journal shows what we've known all along: Our auction rate preferreds are ultra-cheap (perhaps the cheapest) leverage financing and that financing can't be easily replaced. Hence the only solution to get our money of disgusting companies like Pimco, Neuberger Berman, Dreyfus and Pioneer Investments -- remains PRESSURE -- legal and public. These companies need to understand that we (and no one else) will ever do business with them ever again if they continue their present immoral, greedy behavior. I think an avalanche of letters, emails, and phone calls to Bill Gross is called for.

This is villain number one -- Bill Gross. He manages the world's biggest bond fund at PIMCO.

Here's today's Wall Street Journal piece. -- Harry Newton.

When 'Preferred' Holders Come Second
In Auction-Rates, Some Funds
Choose Not to Redeem,
Protecting Common Shares

By SHEFALI ANAND, Wall Street Journal
June 24, 2008; Page C1

Over recent weeks, some of the biggest closed-end fund companies, ranging from Eaton Vance Corp. to Nuveen Investments Inc., have unveiled plans to redeem their auction-rate preferred securities, allowing frustrated investors to cash out.

But some other prominent closed-end fund companies, like Pimco, are not rushing to redeem auction-rate preferreds, because cashing out this quasi-debt would hurt the funds' common shareholders. Funds function like stand-alone companies, with common shareholders and debtholders. As of now, Pimco and its cohorts appear to be favoring investors in the common.


• What's New: Some closed-end funds aren't jumping to redeem their "auction rate" preferred securities partly because it could be costly for common shareholders.
• Background: The market for auction-rate securities has been frozen since February, thanks to the credit crunch.
• Bottom Line: Investors in preferreds issued by companies like Pimco and Neuberger Berman may be stuck in these for a while.

So their preferred holders may have to wait months or even years before they can cash in. For closed-end funds, issuing auction-rate preferreds adds leverage that can juice returns, a potential boon to investors in the funds' common.

Allianz SE's Pimco and Nicholas-Applegate funds, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s Neuberger Berman funds, Bank of New York Mellon Corp.'s Dreyfus funds, and Pioneer Investments are among the prominent closed-end operations that have not announced plans to redeem auction-rate preferreds. They have a total of $7.6 billion of auction-rate preferred among them.

Pimco's closed-end funds have some powerful common shareholders, including legendary bond-fund manager Bill Gross and Pimco Funds' chairman, Brent Harris.

According to data from FactSet Research Systems Inc., Mr. Gross has about $43 million in nine Pimco closed-end funds, which have issued auction-rate preferreds, based on filings made last year, the latest available. He was the largest investor in one of these funds as of last August, the Pimco Corporate Opportunity fund. Mr. Harris has $775,000 in two Allianz closed-ends, one from Pimco and another from Nicholas-Applegate.

A Pimco spokesman said employees' personal holdings "play no role whatsoever in the firm's search for an appropriate and sustainable solution." To say otherwise, it added, "is outrageous."

Auction-rate preferreds are long-term securities that functioned like short-term investments. When the market was working as intended, rates would be reset at weekly or monthly auctions, and investors could sell the securities there. In February, as the credit crunch worsened, buyers for these securities vanished.

Holders of auction-rate preferreds are left in limbo by fund houses like Pimco and Neuberger Berman. Ed Dowling, 53 years old, of Huntington Station, N.Y., owns preferreds issued by five fund companies. Neuberger Berman is the only one that has stayed silent on redemptions. He holds $300,000 in Neuberger's preferreds, and he worries that he could be stuck in them for a long time.

"What if Lehman goes under? What happens to Neuberger? What happens to me?" Mr. Dowling asks. He is considering selling the securities in the secondary market, even if it means getting 90 cents on the dollar. "I don't want to wait and bite my fingernails," he

May 15, 2008
How to read this site:
If you own auction rate securities, you should visit this site every day. You should read from the top down. You should be aware that I add stuff in chronological order -- and sometimes I'll add stuff in the middle as I find it, like the piece of crap from Allianz, which I just found. The site looks best using the browser, Firefox. It doesn't look so good in Microsoft's Internet Explorer. I don't know why.

My present recommendations:
1. Pressure is the key strategy today. Phone calls. Emails. Letters. Get public.
2. Email me your story. Reporters from the nation's financial press want to hear your story. You need to get public. Do not be embarrassed because you got sold this crap and you're stupid. I did also and I also feel stupid. And I bet I have more of it than you. But embarrassment and stupidity has not stopped me screaming and shouting about my injustice.
3. You can sell. But you need to push your broker. See below for places to sell.
4. You can get a long-term loan -- one expiring when your auction rate securities are redeemed. But you need to push your broker.
5. If you are being redeemed -- but not in full -- you need to scream really loud, otherwise your broker will screw you (financial term) and redeem fewer of your securities than he should. Many brokers are acting dishonestly. See here.

-- Harry Newton

May 14

Reporter Alert

I have two reporters who need help. One is working on a story about discriminatory redemption. Let's say your issuer says it's redeeming 45% of the issue you have ARPS in. Then one day you discover that only 5% of your ARPS have been redeemed. You ask your broker, "What happened? Why weren't 45% of my position redeemed?" He denies all, acts dumb and ignorant, and directs you to someone else, whom you can't find or contact.

Another reporter is trying to find owners of auction-rate securities who are willing to accept less than par just to get out of their securities, but haven't been able to get their brokers to sell them.

If either of these have happened to you, please send me an email. Both reporters have said they will not use your name, if you wish. You will remain anonymous. My email is


May 13
The quote below from the weekend's Barrons is very important. It shows that the pressure we're all bringing on our brokers and our issuers is actually getting through. It's having some effect. And please keep it up. These people must be made to understand that if we don't get 100% of our money back and soon, there'll be legal problems for them beyond their wildest imaginations and none of us (nor our friends, nor our enemies) will ever do business with these miserable people again ever. -- Harry Newton

May 12 from

"... But some closed-end BlackRock funds sold auction-rate preferred stock, which has stopped trading amid an effective shutdown of the auction-rate-securities market. Until the situation is resolved, it will be tough for BlackRock -- and many other asset managers -- to sell new closed-end funds."


May 13 from The Law Blog, on law and business and the business of law.

Auction-Rate Securities:
Legal Headache for Wall Street, and How
Posted by Amir Efrati

When we last told you about the now-frozen auction-rate securities market, Law Blog readers engaged in a spirited debate about legal theories plaintiffs could use against Wall Street.

We asked some knowledgeable defense lawyers to see what they thought.

The conclusion: Some lawyers say Wall Street banks may have a tougher time defending auction-rate suits than claims related to mortgage-backed securities in part because the banks played such an extensive role in facilitating the market. And legal claims by individuals have a more public and sympathetic face than some of the litigation arising out the woes in the mortgage-backed market¸ which largely concern institutional players. Here’s today’s WSJ story by Amir Efrati (that’s me) and Liz Rappaport, and here’s a breakdown of the legal angles.

Gov’t probes: The SEC and AGs like New York’s Andrew Cuomo are investigating. Cuomo’s probe is focused on what investors were told at the point of sale; whether some investors were put into those securities without their approval; how Wall Street banks and brokers made their money; and whether banks tipped off favored institutional investors before the banks withdrew their support for the market, so that those investors could escape the market’s implosion, according to people familiar with the matter.

Wall Street Defenses: In civil litigation, lawyers say, Wall Street’s best defense is the economy. “If the banks had good faith belief that the securities would be liquid and only because of the credit crunch that changed, that would be a major defense,” says Irving Pollack, a former SEC commissioner now at Fulbright.

For lawsuits seeking class-action status, the bar is high for establishing a “pattern and practice” of misrepresentation. “You’d have to see email [from an executive] that said, ‘Make sure our brokers say it’s like a money-market fund,’” says Trace Schmeltz of Dewey.

A basic issue in private claims will be what investors were told, both in legal documents and by salespeople, about the market’s risks. Offering documents, which need to be shown only to a the security’s original buyer, generally include caveats, so a legal claim over disclosure may be tough. And from the get-go, Wall Street has been adamant that it is not required to make a market or to support auctions.

Plaintiff Allegations: Some plaintiffs allege they were never shown offering documents and were guaranteed liquidity. In one arbitration claim, filed by ASTAR Air Cargo Inc., the private cargo airline alleged Merrill Lynch promised it would buy the debt between auctions. (Merrill denies having made such a promise. Click here for documents.)

There is no shortage of potentially sympathetic plaintiffs. Richard Walden, who runs a charity called Operation USA, says he had to lay off two employees and close an office in Cambodia after the charity’s nearly $1.5 million in auction-rate securities became frozen and left him unable to get needed cash. The charity is considering joining a recently-filed potential class-action lawsuit as a named plaintiff against UBS AG, his organization’s broker. (A UBS spokeswoman said the firm doesn’t comment on individual clients and said the firm has offered customers loans against their securities if they need cash immediately.)

Municipalities as Plaintiffs: William Doyle, a municipal finance lawyer at Orrick, says he expects some municipal and state-government issuers, who have been hurt by failed auctions, will sue Wall Street regardless of their chances of success because of political pressure.

If any auction rate investors have stories to share, or any lawyers can give us insight into this legal mess, email me at

Comments by WSJ (Wall Street Journal) readers can be found at WSJ Law Blog


May 12

Major piece of Dog-Do-Do from Allianz

Allianz Global Investors U.S. Retail
May 12, 2008
Dear Auction-Rate Preferred Shareholder:
Following many years of successful auctions, 2008’s disruptions in the market for auction rate preferred securities have substantially reduced liquidity. These disruptions are unprecedented.

We want to update you on our view of this situation and how we are moving to address your investment in these securities.

Three principles are guiding our response to this problem.

First, the credit quality of the funds' preferred shares is very high. We expect this fact ultimately may be a driving factor behind a solution to this problem.

Second, any step we take must take into account the interests of all common as well as auction-rate preferred shareholders in these funds.

Third, any solution we put into place must minimize the possibility of unintended consequences—especially the risk of a solution creating more problems for our investors than it solves.

Because of these principles we have been disciplined and measured in our efforts to address this very real challenge. We are working hard with the funds' sub-advisers — PIMCO and Nicholas-Applegate — as well as others in the industry to find a solution to this problem.

We have examined a number of short-term solutions, but concluded they ultimately will not serve the overall interests of shareholders. Specifically, a shift in the funds’ financing facilities would increase the future risk of short-term financing being
withdrawn or re-priced at inopportune moments, thereby damaging the interests of some shareholders. Accordingly, we continue to explore the possibilities of more sustainable longer term solutions.

We are committed to finding solutions which serve the interests of all of our fund shareholders. We remain focused on achieving that and will keep you informed as our efforts proceed.

Allianz Global Investors U.S. Retail LLC


May 10 from (Albany, New York)

Plug Power suing UBS for nearly $63 million
by Larry Rulison, Business writer

COLONIE -- Plug Power Inc. is suing UBS Financial Services Inc. for $62.8 million, claiming the brokerage firm improperly invested that sum in so-called auction rate securities, now battered by the subprime mortgage mess.

On Thursday, the Latham-based fuel-cell manufacturer announced it was taking a $2.8 million charge to account for the drop in value of the investments, which are bonds sold through periodic auction.

That was the same day the company filed suit against UBS in U.S. District Court in Albany. UBS has been the company's broker since 2005.

In February, after the subprime mortgage meltdown, the $300 billion market for auction rate securities, also known as ARS, dried up, leaving Plug and others unable to liquidate their holdings.

The auction rate securities UBS bought for Plug were backed by federally insured student loans, and Plug said in the lawsuit that student loan-backed ARS are the hardest to sell, with discounts of 25 percent or more.

"Throughout the fall of 2007, other brokers and investment advisers began advising clients to liquidate their ARS holdings, in light of the failed auctions and increased liquidity risks," the lawsuit states. "UBS did not notify Plug Power of these risks."

A UBS spokesman did not return a phone call or e-mail for comment.

This week, UBS settled with 20 municipalities in Massachusetts that invested in ARS, and New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo also is investigating the company.

Plug said its chief financial officer, Gerry Anderson, called UBS in October with concerns over the investments. Plug alleges the broker told Anderson the securities "were safe and liquid."

Plug warned investors in March that it held $92.8 million in ARS and there was "increased liquidity risk" because of market disruption.

Plug spokesman Eoin Connolly said Friday he believes the company was able to convert a portion of that to cash -- resulting in the current $60 million in holdings. He said the suit was filed to give the company options for recovering the money.

"It could resolve itself any number of ways," he said.

As of March 31, Plug had $146.8 million in cash, cash equivalents and available-for-sale securities, among which $60 million was invested in ARS.

During a conference call Thursday, analysts asked officials how the company would manage with a significant portion of its cash position tied up in ARS.

Plug is still spending about $10 million a quarter on research and development on fuel-cell systems designed for both commercial and home power markets, but its operations have yet to break even. It lost $20 million in the first quarter.

"We still are confident that we will have appropriate liquidity to continue to drive this business to market adoption and grow it profitably," Anderson said.

Larry Rulison can be reached at 454-5504 or by e-mail at


May 8 from

UBS Settles Auction Rate Cases With Clients!

UBS agrees to pay $37 million back to investors taken by the firm's auction rate securities. This comes on the heels of the Mass. Attorney General putting a great deal of pressure on the firm. UBS did not just decide to do the right thing out of the goodness of their heart. Nothing less than the AGs office putting its full weight on the firm did the trick. For individual investors, nothing less than a FINRA arbitration claim will get the firm to do the same thing for individual investors.

Broker (UBS) to return $37m to towns
Wall Street firm settles with AG

By Beth Healy, Globe Staff May 8, 2008

A major Wall Street firm agreed to return $37 million to 17 cities and towns in the state, as well as to the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, after it allegedly misled them into buying investments they thought were as safe as cash.

UBS Financial Services Inc. reached an agreement with Attorney General Martha Coakley after she found that the brokerage had not fully disclosed the risks of the investments, known as auction-rate securities. Cities were unable to get their hands on their money when the market for these investments evaporated almost overnight.

Winchester, which had invested more than any other town, will receive $6.8 million in the settlement. The turnpike will receive $4.4 million, and the city of Holyoke and its retirement system will get $3.2 million.

"There have been a lot of new financial products," Coakley said. "There's been a heavy push by brokers to sell them, and a rush by cities and towns to take advantage of what appeared to be a burgeoning market."

The settlement was the first admission by UBS or any US brokerage that something may have been amiss in the sales of municipal debt securities. The market for these securities relied on weekly and monthly auctions run by brokerage firms. But starting in February the auctions attracted only sellers and no buyers, so the market failed.

UBS spokeswoman Karina Byrne characterized the settlement as a one-time event, based on a Massachusetts law that requires towns and cities to keep cash in only highly liquid accounts so they are readily accessible. She said the agreement followed the attorney general's finding that these securities were "not permissible" in municipal accounts.

"UBS is pleased this matter has been resolved," Byrne said. The firm is still under investigation by state and federal regulators for how it sold such investments to individuals and companies.

In Barnstable, which invested the second-largest amount in the state at $6.1 million, director of finance Mark Milne said the town first realized it had a problem in February, when it tried to sell the bonds.

"We had tried to liquidate some of the money from this investment and put it someplace else, and were told that we couldn't," Milne said in an interview. The town needed the funds to pay bills coming due, he said, and had to cash out other investments instead.

The bonds accounted for about 6 percent of Barnstable's cash account, Milne said. Not only was Barnstable treasurer Debra Blanchette told she could withdraw the funds at any time, Milne said, but, "she wasn't even told they were auction-rate securities."

Auction-rate securities were part of a wave of arcane debt products that investment firms sold heavily in the boom period before last summer's subprime mortgage meltdown. With interest rates low, firms offered these municipal bonds as a safe alternative to cash that paid a slightly better yield. Investors were supposed to be able to get out of these securities on a weekly or monthly basis.

But there was a catch many investors didn't foresee: The securities relied on constant investor demand at auctions. In February, spooked investors stopped participating in the auctions altogether, leaving sellers such as towns and public agencies unable to sell their securities.

The result was that investors in this $330 billion auction-rate market were stuck holding bonds they couldn't sell. They weren't losing money, per se, but they could not access their money. UBS is now buying back the bonds - something it and other brokers refused to do when the market collapsed.

The attorney general's action sprang from a case this year, in which Merrill Lynch & Co. agreed to repay the city of Springfield for $14 million in another type of debt that brokers were selling to municipalities, CDOs, or collateralized debt obligations. As with auction-rate bonds, CDOs were promoted as "cash-like" but investors were unable to get their money out when the market for mortgage-related debt froze.

Holyoke's mayor, Michael J. Sullivan, called news of the UBS settlement "manna from heaven."

Under the agreement, UBS will buy back $3.2 million in auction-rate bonds from the Western Massachusetts city and its retirement system. Sullivan said the city had been advised by an investment consultant to buy the securities, a move he said he believed was an "honest error."

Holyoke had not been in any immediate financial risk, Sullivan said, but he added, "In the long term, we might have had some exposure to those investments evaporating."

UBS is hoping this matter is closed. This week, the firm said it's leaving the municipal finance business. But this may be just the beginning of the fallout from the collapse of auction-rate markets.

Secretary of State William F. Galvin is investigating whether UBS and other firms may have inappropriately sold these securities to individual investors and businesses. In March, Galvin, who oversees the state Securities Division, issued subpoenas to UBS, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America Investment Services Inc.

Specifically, the division is examining whether investors were properly informed of the risks in these securities, and whether they were appropriate for the people who bought them. It's also looking into the role the investment banks may have played in causing the auctions to fail. UBS declined to comment on the investigation.

The Securities and Exchange Commission also is investigating the auction-rate markets.

May 8 from today's Wall Street Journal

MUMBAI, India -- Merrill Lynch & Co. Chief Executive John Thain said he expects auction-rate securities held by the investment bank's clients to be fully refinanced within one year by the issuers, giving customers access to their cash.

"So far, the securities held by customers in our system, about 23% of the total has already been refinanced, and so I expect, over the next 12 months or so, we will see the securities get [fully] refinanced by the issuers and the customers get their money back," Mr. Thain said at a news conference in Mumbai (the new name for Bombay).

Auction-Rate Securities
A Really, Truly Terrible Investment

by Liz Moyer, 05.08.08, 2:50 PM ET from

There are bad investments, and then there are really, really bad investments.

In the $330 billion world of auction-rate securities, put bonds backed by education loans in that latter category. Not only are investors stuck with about $80 billion of the unsellable bonds, many of them are now getting paid zero interest for their troubles.

Regulators and issuers are scrambling to find a way out for thousands of investors, but this will typically mean that investors who want to sell will have to do so at a loss.

Late Wednesday, the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority told investors in some $3 billion of its outstanding auction-rate bonds that it would buy back $30 million or so at a discount, through a secondary trading market set up in February by Restricted Stock Partners. It is the first issuer of student-loan-backed auction rates to step into the secondary market.

"Mohela," as the state's lending authority is known, won't say what that discount will be, but Barry Silbert, the president of New York-based Restricted Stock Partners says other bonds backed by student loans have sold at discounts of 20% to 25% or more.

In April, JPMorgan Chase told investors in three student-loan-backed bonds that it would buy back $1.1 billion at par. Other banks, including UBS, have told investors it would mark down their auction-rate holdings.

Auction-rate securities are another one of those obscure and increasingly toxic securities products that have gotten caught up in the credit-market turmoil. They are long-term bonds, the rates for which reset at periodic auctions, usually at intervals of seven to 35 days. They allow issuers, like municipal agencies and student lenders, to get better borrowing terms for long-term debt. For investors, they had behaved pretty much like cash--until this year.

But, of course, they aren't cash. When the credit markets seized up, investors started shying away from fixed income, and the investment banks that cooked up the products and sold them to investors refused to step in and buy, allowing those auctions to fail. That left investors unable to sell their holdings.

It was an unhappy circumstance for the issuers, too. According to the terms of the bonds, the interest rates would reset at much higher penalty rates in the event of an auction failure, then fluctuate in subsequent auctions.

Municipal agencies like the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey make up the bulk of auction-rate issuers, about $185 billion worth. For many, the higher penalty rates (for the Port Authority, rates reset to 20% from 4% after a failed auction in February), threatened to derail infrastructure projects, and many issuers have refinanced into more traditional fixed-rate bonds.

At least the investors in bonds backed by municipal debt get paid the high penalty rate for the inconvenience of having illiquid holdings. Investors in student-loan-backed auction-rate securities are seeing the initial reset rates plummet to zero because of the technical way these bonds are structured. That means they are holding 30-year bonds paying no interest. The 30-year Treasury, by comparison, pays 4.59%.

For example, $5 billion of auction-rate securities issued by Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, one of the biggest in the market, recently reset to zero.

The investors in these securities include thousands of ordinary people who thought they were buying money-market securities, according to Karen Tyler, the state securities regulator in North Dakota and president of the North American Securities Administrators Association.

Instead, these investors are stuck and can't sell without taking a loss. And many have locked up funds they had set aside for mortgage down payments or living expenses, small-business payrolls, and, in the case of farmers, spring planting funds, Tyler said.

Eleven states, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the New York Attorney General's Office are investigating how investment banks marketed and sold auction-rate securities. Hundreds of complaints have poured in to state regulators.

Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs have said they had received requests for information from various governmental agencies regarding auction-rate securities, including the recent failure of auctions, and are cooperating.

Massachusetts state regulators subpoenaed Merrill, UBS and Bank of America in March in regards to their auction-rate activities.

The solution may be that regulators force the banks to return the money to investors, which is why the task force is looking into how the products were presented and sold. "If it was represented that they were as good as cash, then investment banks need to pay cash for them," Tyler said. "The investment banks need to make the liquidity event happen."

May 7

"It wasn't an auction. And it wasn't preferred." - Peter Sidel, investor

"The issuers know if they don't fix this mess, they won't stay in business."

This week's contacts to harass:
1. Tim Hurd
is the partner at Madison Dearborn responsible for Nuveen. He needs to understand that if Nuveen doesn't fix this mess, his $6 billion investment in Nuveen will be valueless. Ditto for his job and his career. His direct phone number is 312-895-1170.

2. Bill Adams. He created the first Nuveen closed-end fund. He is responsible at Nuveen for fixing this mess. He is EVP. His direct phone number is 312-917-7711. Tell him to redeem your ARPS or you'll never ever do business with Nuveen again.

My friend has recently spoken to Mr. Adams. My friend's email of May 8:

"Bill Adams reiterated what we already know. The redemption is delayed by the coordinating of the different facets of the VRDPs. SEC, Put Provider and lining up MM funds who will purchase. He said he owns shares of ARPs along with family members and friends and can't go anywhere (socially) without someone asking him when they will be redeemed. I spoke to him about different aspects of ARPS that I have recently researched and wanted confirmation for. Both Hurd and Adams are concerned about their Nuveen reputation and ability to bring new products to market if this is not resolved. We spoke about 20 minutes."

Great Reference Material on Auction Rate Securities

Auction-Rate Securities -- Bidder's Remorse -- a Primer
by Stephanie Lee
NERA Economic Consulting

May 7

How can we sell our ARPS?
by Harry Newton

There seem to be four ways of getting cash for our locked-up ARPS.

1. Wait for redemption. I remain semi-optimistic that most of us will eventually get our full money back. We should not fret that we don't hear much from many of the issuers. Blame the lawyers for the silence.

2. Sell them privately to someone else. Your broker should be able to oblige. There are people who actually want to buy these things. Let's face it: Most yield more than you can get in money market funds and in most other places.

3. Sell them through Restricted Securities Trading Network (see below). They deal directly with retail investors, like you and I.

4. Sell them through Southern Trust Securities Holdings Corp. These guys are new to this site. They're a retail broker who will open an account for you, and then try to sell your securities where the best market is -- which at this stage looks like Fieldstone Securities (see below). Robert Escobio is the chairman, CEO and head trader. I spoke with him. He said he'd be happy to help an investor. But he was really looking for a long-term relationship with a new investor -- not one that involved selling the ARPS, taking the cash and fleeing. I said I understood his concern and explained that my readers were looking for someone to trust. They're in Florida, 305-446-4800. You can also speak with Victor Casado and I believe Isabelle Campos, whom I haven't spoken with.

Now you should be aware that most brokers are reluctant to sell your ARPS at anything below par, because they believe selling them will open them up to serious legal liabiltity. And they will be forced to make your losses up to you. If you sell for 90 cents on the dollar, they will have to pay you the 10 cents you lost. Personally I think they will be forced to pay you the money -- but the circumstances of your selling are important. I'll address these at another time when I find out more. Meantime I know it's scaring the brokers and forcing them to tell their clients (i.e. you and me) a lot of lies -- like there's no market for ARPS. There is. There is. Trust me. Read the letter on the right.

May 6, 2008
A few readers have actually asked. Who am I? What do I look like? Last week I saw this T-shirt in a shop window and I thought, "I deserve this." Fortunately, I could still afford the T-shirt, despite my $3.5 million in locked-up Nuveen ARPS. Shall I send the $30 T-shirt bill to Nuveen? -- Harry Newton

photo by Muriel Fullam

Early May 5

The following piece appeared in the prestigious Sunday New York Times Business section. Gretchen Morgenson is an important financial journalist, who obviously was in a big hurry when she wrote this nonsense. She quotes Silbert of Restricted Securities Network, but she doesn't quote anyone from Fieldstone Capital, who is offering more for ARPS. She makes no mention of the pressures that the brokers are, in fact, putting on the issuers, or the fact that many issuers know that if they don't redeem their ARPS at par, they'll be out of business. Nor does she attempt to outline the complexity of redemption and the progress actually being made. I bet Ms. Morgenson never called Bill Adams of Nuveen either. He's the boss of the biggest issuer. His phone number is above. She certainly never called me and clearly has never bothered to read this site. Frankly, for sloppy financial journalism, Ms. Morgenson takes the cake. The sad part is I've always been one of her biggest fans. -- Harry Newton.

May 4

Fair Game
How to Clear a Road to Redemption


IT is Day 79 in the hostage crisis otherwise known as the auction-rate securities market. Some $300 billion worth of investors’ funds — advertised as being easy as pie to cash in — are still locked up. And the brokerage firms that got investors into this mess are doing little to help.

But investors trapped in these securities are not the only victims of this debacle; taxpayers are, too. That’s because municipal issuers of auction-rate notes — towns, school districts, hospitals, highway authorities and others — are being asked to pay up to redeem and restructure the debt.

Even as investors and taxpayers are hurt by this frozen market, Wall Street is making money from it. In fact, the auction-rate securities mess is another illustration of damaging conflicts of interest at the nation’s big brokerage firms.

Auction-rate securities are debt obligations issued by municipalities, nonprofit entities and closed-end mutual funds. Interest rates on the securities are set by periodic auctions, based on investor demand. The market froze in February when buyers disappeared, and brokerage firms refused to step in.

Naturally, investment bankers who agreed to operate these auctions were paid for their services: 0.25 percent of the security’s total issue for each year of its life. Unnaturally, big firms still earn these fees even though 70 percent of the weekly auctions of these securities are failing.

The firms also rake in banking fees when municipal issuers redeem the securities. They haul in another round of revenue when they help issuers unwind derivative contracts that are often intertwined with the securities. These derivatives were designed to reduce costs for the issuers by hedging their interest rate risks. Thanks to the decline in interest rates, however, they can be frightfully expensive to unspool.

By my arithmetic, that’s Wall Street 3, Investors/Issuers 0.

Sure, investors get interest on their money — but nowhere near enough to compensate for being stuck in their holdings.

Issuers of $78 billion in auction-rate securities have announced plans to redeem the paper. Almost three-quarters of that involves municipal notes, many with extra-high penalty rates of interest that must be paid to holders when an auction fails. These rates encourage redemption.

But investors in the remaining issues are not so fortunate. They are receiving no offers to redeem their securities, at least in part because the penalty rates on this paper are ridiculously low — 120 percent of the London Interbank Offered Rate, or now around 3.5 percent. So issuers have little incentive to redeem.

Investors desperate to sell can tap the Restricted Securities Trading Network, a secondary market recently set up by Restricted Stock Partners in New York. The action in the market is small but revealing.

Barry Silbert, the network’s founder, said that about 10 trades occur daily, with an average size of $350,000. He said municipal issues trade at discounts of 2 percent to 10 percent, while closed-end fund shares trade at a 15 percent haircut. Student loan securities are the hardest to sell: their discounts are 25 percent or more.

Joseph S. Fichera, chief executive of Saber Partners, said discounts like these present opportunities for municipal issuers to buy back the securities at a savings while also letting investors exit if they choose. This would provide the liquidity that some people crave.

For example, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York recently said it had $1.3 billion in failed auction securities outstanding after a buyback. If it repurchased 15 percent at a discount of 8 percent, it would save $16 million. Imagine what a hospital or university, short of cash, could do with such a windfall.

Issuers would also benefit by renegotiating contracts to eliminate payments for unsold securities and failed auctions. This would align Wall Street’s incentives with its customers’ needs, Mr. Fichera said. Since February, New York State would have saved $1 million if it had not had to pay for failed auctions on its securities, he estimated.

After redeeming some debt, issuers could reap additional savings by refinancing the rest at current market rates.

For now, however, most Wall Street firms are advising their municipal issuer clients to buy back their securities at par. This is where the potential conflicts come in: discounted prices on these securities pose problems for investment banks that sold them to investors as cash.

If an investment bank advised an auction-rate note issuer to redeem at a discount, for example, that bank’s customers who decided to sell would record a loss and have a claim for damages in an arbitration case. (Until an investor sells, he technically has no loss.)

Encouraging issuers to redeem at discounted prices could also force the firm to mark down similar securities on its own books. While the market is frozen, firms can avoid these markdowns.

“The firms hold a lot of this themselves,” Mr. Silbert said, “and they are trying to minimize the damage to their balance sheets.”

Wall Street should stop with this me-first routine. Pronto. It should stop billing issuers for failed auctions and should recommend that they redeem securities at fair value in the marketplace.

Failing that, issuers should work to fix the situation. “Governments need to be as vigorous in representing their clients, the citizens, as Wall Street is in representing its own interests,” Mr. Fichera said. “The market will only produce efficient and fair results if this happens.”

For securities left outstanding, issuers should help thaw the market by opening their auctions to more potential buyers; in recent years, issuers have been happy with just one brokerage firm involved. The results of the auctions should also be transparent instead of shrouded in secrecy — showing how many bidders there are and at what prices. If investors knew that one auction had four bidders and another had 400, it would be pretty clear which security was riskier.

“Transparency in the conduct of the auction is absolutely necessary to restore investor confidence and get the bidding going again,” Mr. Fichera said. “That way, investors can be informed about the risks they are taking and compensated for them.”

April 30 afternoon

Getting Stranger and Stranger
by Harry Newton

If you go to your broker and say "Sell my ARPS," many will say "We can't. There's no market for them." It seems that the brokers, who sold you your ARPS because they were "as safe as cash," are now afraid that, if they sell them for you at a discount, they will be hit with a "deficiency claim."

Let's say your broker now sells your ARPS at 90 cents on the dollar, the theory is that will sue him under a deficiency claim for the 10 cents on the dollar he lost for you.

Well, we know you can sell your ARPS on something called the Restricted Securities Trading Network (see below). But they deal directly with retail investors, like you and I. hence your chance of winning a deficiency claim is slim.

But there also, it turns out, are organizations that will also sell your ARPS. But they won't deal with you directly. They deal with your broker. They're an "instititional trading house."

One of these brokers is called Fieldstone Capital. I spoke to a nice man from Fieldstone today. He told his firm had already sold $40 million plus of ARPS and presently had an order in from a buyer for another $25 million plus of ARPS. He said that a seller net out at 90 cents on the dollar. That means you'd lose only 10 cents on the dollar. If you're interested in selling, tell your broker to call Fieldstone Capital on 212-626-1400 and ask for a trader.

For my current thinking on what to now, keep reading.

April 30

Sell now or wait? (update 3)
by Harry Newton

I just had a nice chat with Barry Silbert, 32, CEO and founder (in 2005) of Restricted Securities Trading Network (RSTN). Of late, he has been selling ARPS owned by private investors (like you and me). The average money received is 85.6%. In other words sellers have been taking a 14.4% average haircut off par. His average transaction size is $300,000. He tells me his buyers are institutions who seem to have built elaborate pricing models and often bid precise numbers, like $19,537 for a $25,000 ARPS.

Some of my readers have asked me if I'm a shill (PR front) for RSTN. I'm not. They've never paid me a nickel. And based on what I've heard from Barry, read on his web site and heard from his customers, he seems 100% legit. I'm impressed. He must be doing something right. He has 40 employees and all the trappings of a serious trading operation -- a trading desk, an operations team, a research team. He's even regulated and accredited by FINRA which means you can't get into his web site until you fill out some simple bits of paper.

Go into his web site, you'll find around 160 ARPS collections logged for sale. "Generally speaking," says Barry, "if you give us an ARPS to sell, we have it sold, sealed, delivered and the cash money forwarded to you within five days."

He charges the seller (i.e. you) 1% for his services. That seems reasonable to me when you begin to understand how much BS he has to go through. Don't believe me? Read this document called Bidding Rights Procedures.

The $64 question is now, "Should I sell my ARPS now and take the discount or should I wait? I'm not your financial adviser. But here's my thinking. You have three choices:

1. Wait for full par redemption. No one is making book on how long that might be. Figure 24 months and you won't be disappointed. Waiting isn't bad since you're getting paid more than you can get in most money market funds. Right now Nuveen is paying me 3.595% on my NUVEEN triple tax-free ARPS. I can't get that anywhere else. Personally I don't need the money. And if you read my other site, you'll know that I'm pretty negative on places "to put my money to work," like the stockmarket, hedge funds or real estate (commercial or residential). So I'm not selling for now.

2. Sell your auction securities at a 15% discount. There are two benefits: You won't have to read this boring column any more. You can get on with your life. Maybe you're got a quick surefire way to make back the loss. I haven't. But you may. If I knew anything about investing I wouldn't be stuck in these ARPS. I would have an intelligent financial adviser/broker (if there is such an animal) and I wouldn't be in these cursed Nuveen ARPS. There is one silver lining. The wife and I can't spend the money -- if ARPS can still be called money! I should point out that selling today at a 15% discount is possible today. But it may not be possible tomorrow -- if something untoward happens and zillions of ARPS owners suddenly put their holdings up for sale, i.e. "rush for the door." I don't quite know what this scenario might be. But it clearly could happen. I'm guessing that offering prices would drop dramatically. And perhaps, at that point, we might not be able to sell any of our ARPS.

3. Take a loan from your friendly broker. As I've written a million times, I wouldn't take a term loan. But a loan that comes due the day my ARPS are redeemed at par isn't a bad deal. And a loan that pays what you're earning on your ARPS, or less, is OK. The only downer to this is that you'll have to talk to your broker. There's a hell of lot of us that don't ever want to see his cherubic face again. After all, they don't call them "broker" for nothing.

Whatever you do, make sure you keep the pressure up. Keep sending the letters and emails. Keep calling anyone you can reach. Be polite, but firm. You've been wronged. You will never deal with your broker or the issuer again. This is securities fraud, and all that.

I continue to believe that the progress we are seeing -- there have been many redemptions at par so far -- are a direct result of the pressures all of us are applying. Keep up the good work.

April 23, 2008 13:31 EDT

Nuveen, BlackRock Fund Investors
May Get Relief (Update1)

By Christopher Condon

April 23 (Bloomberg) -- Nuveen Investments Inc., the largest U.S. closed-end fund manager, and BlackRock Inc. may soon have a new way to finance buybacks of securities that investors were stuck with when credit markets seized up.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission probably will issue a no-action letter "sooner rather than later'' approving a new type of preferred stock that closed-end funds are seeking to sell, Douglas Scheidt, an associate director in the agency's investment management division in Washington, said in an interview.

Fund managers plan to use the product to help finance redemptions of most of the $64.3 billion of outstanding preferred stock they issued to leverage investments and boost returns. Holders of the existing securities, known as auction- rate preferreds, were angered when trading froze in February. The new shares will be structured so that money-market mutual funds, which invest $3.48 trillion, could buy them.

"I think this is a pivotal step,'' said Cecilia Gondor, an analyst at Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc. in Miami, who specializes in closed-end fund research. ``There are a few hurdles remaining, but this should pave the way towards implementing a workable solution for investors who have now been waiting for several months.''

So far, more than 40 funds have announced plans to buy back about $11 billion of preferred shares, using bank loans, reverse repurchase agreements and tender-option bonds. Boston-based Eaton Vance Corp., the second-largest U.S. manager of closed-end funds, said today that three of its tax-exempt funds will buy back $580 million in preferred shares.

The preferred being reviewed by the SEC may speed up redemptions. The shares will carry a put option, or right to sell the instrument at any time. That will open the product to money funds, which are prohibited from buying any security with a maturity of longer than 13 months, and may ease liquidity concerns.

Refinancing Struggle

Closed-end funds raise a fixed amount of money from shareholders, unlike mutual funds, which continually sell and redeem shares. They have struggled to replace auction-rate preferred stock with new financing without raising costs and reducing returns for common shareholders. New options have posed a host of regulatory, market and tax-related hurdles.

Auction-rate securities allowed closed-end funds to raise long-term debt at short-term rates. Once sold, they would change in auctions arranged by broker every 7, 14 or 35 days. Institutions such as municipalities, hospitals and universities were the biggest borrowers, with about $165 billion in debt outstanding when the market stopped working. Student-loan backed bonds accounted for about another $86 billion.

Auctions Fail

The interest-bearing securities were a popular alternative to money-market funds for investors until the periodic auctions began to fail out of concern that bond insurers would be downgraded. Wall Street firms, saddled with more than $290 billion in asset writedowns and credit losses, declined to step in to soak up the extra supply, as they had sometimes done in the past.

SEC approval of the new shares, known as variable-rate demand preferred, would still leave fund companies with the larger obstacle of lining up put providers, or financial institutions like banks, insurance companies and broker-dealers willing to buy or find buyers when holders want to sell.

It's too soon to know whether enough put providers will come forward, said Steven Baffico, head of closed-end funds at New York-based BlackRock, the third-largest U.S. closed-end fund manager.

"We're seeing a fairly pronounced shift with respect to risk management to a more conservative posture,'' he said. "We're dealing with pressures larger and more systemic than merely the auction-rate market.''

Anne Kritzmire, head of closed-end funds at Chicago-based Nuveen, declined to comment.

Low Reset Rates

Most buyers of auction-rate municipal debt were rewarded with interest rates that reset to as high as 22 percent when auctions failed. That attracted new investors and pushed issuers to buy back many of their bonds.

By contrast, closed-end preferred shares carry penalty rates as low as 3 percent, angering existing investors and giving fund managers little incentive to redeem them.

Some versions of the new securities may offer higher maximum interest rates than existing preferred shares, adding a market-driven mechanism for drawing in liquidity, according to Karrie McMillan, general counsel for the Investment Company Institute, a Washington D.C.-based trade group.

In addition, put providers would also hold the right to sell the shares back to the issuing fund or the fund's adviser "after holding them for some period of time,'' McMillan said.

Debbie Cunningham, chief investment officer at Federated Investors Inc., said it was too early to tell whether she would invest in the new product.

"I'm hoping by the beginning of May there will be more substantive information to review,'' she said in an e-mail.

Pittsburgh-based Federated is the fourth largest U.S. manager of money-market funds, with $225 million in assets.

To contact the reporter on this story: Christopher Condon in Boston at


Sunday evening April 20

A Progress Report (update 2)
by Harry Newton

Keeping this web site up to date is a lot of work. I hope you fellow sufferers appreciate my work.

Where do we all stand? I still have $3.5 million of ARPS -- all Nuveen tax-frees. I'm receiving my interest. No problem there. I could probably sell them privately or on the Restricted Securities Trading Network (see on the right). But I'd take a 12% loss. At present, I don't believe that's necessary because I do have a modicum of faith that Nuveen will redeem my ARPS (hopefully within the next year) at full value.

Until then, my broker (like most brokers) will lend me cash money against my ARPS. But the loan may come due before my ARPS are redeemed. Then I'd be forced to scrounge for the money elsewhere (difficult) or sell my ARPS at a forced sale and take a loss.

Fortunately I'm not a corporation and not forced to mark the value of my ARPS on my balance down to what they're sellable today for. The only "shareholder" I have is my wife and she's always more upbeat about these things than I am.

As this thing has evolved, I can understand why Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and others stepped away from the auctions, letting them fail. They simply didn't want more securities they couldn't sell (except at a loss) on their balance sheets.

The under-reported part of all this is the pressure the clients (like you and I) have put on our brokers and they, in turn, have put on the issuers, like Nuveen, BlackRock, Eaton Vance, etc. My relationship with my broker will never be the same again. By putting me into these junky ARPS, he's lost a lot of my trust. And I believe thousands of clients are telling their brokers the same thing -- perhaps in stronger words. Maybe they're telling their brokers that they intend never to give them one penny's worth of business until their ARPS become liquid and they can sell them.

I believe that many brokers are saying the same thing to the issuers. "Stay out of our offices. Don't even think of having us sell any of your new financial products until you get our clients our of this ARPS mess." (And you should encourage your broker to say this to his issuers.)

It's clear that some of the issuers are feeling this pressure more than others. And it's also clear that we ought to be continuing the pressure, reminding our brokers and our issuers every day of how we feel.

We also ought to be applying pressure via the courts, the regulatory authorities, the Attorneys-General of the states we live in, etc.

Oringally I wrote, "Legally, we don't have much of a leg to stand on. But morally, our legs are solid. We all got sold a bill of goods. So, the answer now is Pressure. Pressure. Pressure."

Ove the weekend, I received this email from a man whose family has over $50 million stuck in ARPS:

We appreciate all your effort to keep people informed and taking appropriate action. In terms of the legal side, I actually think the overall legal case against the banks/brokers is quite strong. I respectfully disagree with the statement on your recent posting that said legally we don't have much to stand on.. See the quote below from former SEC Commission attorney (in the Bloomberg article following). Also, most of the attorneys that handle arbitration we speak to say these are cases with clarity that they usually do not have in their cases. To go from "cash" all the way to "illiquid" is an easy story to tell for them. The cases they work on usually don't have that clarity. I am also very happy to see the Martin Act invoked by Attorney-General Andrew Cuomo as it carries with it broad powers including possible criminal charges. I am hoping this leverage helps level the playing field against these brokers etc. It appears to have done so in the past.

Since legal actions take this, I believe that our pressures as ARPS holders are critical. We need to write to our state Attorneys-General telling them of the bill of goods we were sold. We also need to continue the pressures on our brokers and insist that they bring pressure on the issuers.

"OK, Harry, I understand the pressure, but will be work?"

The answer is absolutely YES. Each of the issuers have at least a dozen viable ways of getting us our money at par. Why they're not getting us our money faster is the sixty four dollar question. I suspect the slowness is a combination of three factors:

1. Lawyers wanting to protect their clients and their fees, i.e. the lawyers' fees.

2. The newness of it all. ARPS have to be converted into securities money market funds will be allowed to buy, etc.

3. The fact that capital markets are almost as locked as our ARPS. We have a major credit crunch going on. Banks and finance companies are not lending. They're scared. Bankers are not known for their risk-taking. Too many got burned in the sub-prime / CDO etc. disaster and that isn't finished. Finding the billions needed to redeem the $60 billion of ARPS is not easy in a credit crunch.

The end conclusion: I'm optimistic. I'm keeping up the pressure. I'm keeping my legal options open. And I'm keeping myself up-to-date. Which means writing this column. Let me have your thoughts and stories.

April 21

Auction-rate securities a struggle for Nuveen
Firm works to liquefy $15 billion worth of shares issued to boost fund yields
By Brooke Southall at InvestmentNews

Nuveen Investments LLC is working to liquefy $15 billion of preferred auction-rate securities issued by 100 of its closed-end funds.

The market for the preferred securities, which were sold to individual investors as a higher-yielding alternative to money market funds, has been frozen for weeks as broker-dealers have ceased to conduct the auctions that determine the securities' rate of interest.

The Chicago-based closed-end-fund manager said that it is also working hard to explain to investors why they may have to wait months to receive cash for their securities as a solution is hammered out.

Nuveen said that it has held three conference calls with anxious financial advisers since February and is handling about 1,000 phone calls a day to keep them apprised of the liquidity crisis, according to Anne Kritzmire, a managing director of the firm and head of its closed-end-fund business.

"People are losing sleep here too," she said.

The preferred-auction-rate problem has become a massive headache for Nuveen and BlackRock Inc. of New York, the two giants in closed-end municipal bond funds, said Cecilia Gordon, executive vice president of Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc. of Miami, which follows closed-end funds.

"This [mode of leverage] worked so well for so long that it became the favored way for municipal bond funds to leverage themselves," she said.

Preferred auction-rate securities were issued by the closed-end municipal bond funds to help enhance performance. Proceeds from the sale of the preferred securities, which were paying relatively low interest rates when issued, were reinvested by the funds into higher-yielding municipal bonds to boost performance to fund shareowners.

The preferred shares were in-tended to be liquid investments, but large investment-banking firms, which had conducted the auctions to determine the securities' interest rate, have stopped conducting the auctions because of fears over the creditworthiness of their counterparties.

The market for the preferred shares has come to a standstill, leaving their holders in limbo.

Last Tuesday, BlackRock announced plans to cash out holders of its municipal funds' preferred shares by raising $1 billion through the sale of tender option bonds and $900 million through credit lines and reverse purchase agreements.

Nuveen has no specific plan to refinance the $11 billion held in the preferred shares of its muni bond funds, but it is telling advisers that it is trying to create a preferred money market fund for the purpose.

"It's a concept in the design phase, but we feel good enough about it to let advisers know about it, Ms. Kritzmire said. "But [the liquidity problem] ain't over till it's over."

On April 1, Nuveen announced a refinancing effort that would raise $714 million to provide about 70% of the liquidity needed to holders of four closed-end equity funds: Nuveen Multi-Strategy Income and Growth Fund (JPC), Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund (JRS), Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Total Return Strategy Fund (JTA) and Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Dividend Growth Fund (JFP).

"This is a massive problem," said Greg Phelps, principal with Red Rock Private Wealth Consulting LLC in Las Vegas, whose clients are big holders of the frozen Nuveen assets and who listened to the most recent conference call April 3. "There were some really grumpy advisers [on the teleconference]. They were saying they need the liquidity for clients at tax time. 'How do I pay my taxes?' 'I sell stocks at a loss.'"

Red Rock manages $45 million.

While Nuveen and investors in its funds and their securities are in a terrible bind, the company did nothing wrong, said Steve Winks, principal with of Richmond, Va.

"They're impeccable," he said. "You can't find anything more reliable than Nuveen. It's not Nuveen's fault [that the auctions are failing]; it's the fault of the [securities'] underwriters."

Because of the actions of these underwriters, Nuveen will no longer rely on them to create leverage in its closed-end funds, said Maria Schwieder, spokeswoman for Nuveen.

"I don't think there's any turning back to the old auction-style fund," she said.

Instead, Nuveen will achieve leverage in its closed-end funds by borrowing from banks, she said.

While refinancing the preferred shares of the 13 funds that hold taxable bonds may unfreeze them, the process won't work for the preferred shares of Nuveen's 87 municipal bond funds, which account for $11.1 billion of the $15.4 billion of securities that are affected by auction failures since March 12.

Since bank borrowing will be more expensive than issuing preferred shares, there will be little benefit from the leverage and yields on the closed-end fund itself will decline, Ms. Kritzmire said.

Meanwhile, because of the freeze, "my allocation is now out of whack," Mr. Phelps said. "It's a real mess."

E-mail Brooke Southall at

April 20 from The Los Angeles Times

States ramp up probes of auction-rate debt mess

Good news for investors trapped in so-called auction-rate securities: State regulators are feeling your pain.

Andrewcuomo The North American Securities Administrators Assn. today said regulators in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Texas and Washington were coordinating their probes of the $330-billion market. And late in the day New York Atty. Gen. Andrew Cuomo was reported to have subpoenaed 18 banks and brokerages about their involvement in the securities.

Auction-rate securities are a form of debt issued by many municipalities and closed-end mutual funds in recent years. They are, in effect, long-term bonds masquerading as short-term debt. The interest rate they pay typically is reset at weekly or monthly auctions.

Brokers often pitched the securities as equivalent to money market funds, but with higher yields. As the credit crunch worsened this year, however, many investors have pulled back from complex debt issues. As auction-rate issues have failed to attract new buyers at their weekly or monthly rate resets, most current owners of the securities have been told they’re stuck with them.

That has left thousands of investors unable to get their cash back, because brokerages have refused to buy the securities from their clients, and only a small number of municipal and fund issuers of the debt so far have been willing or able to retire the securities via refinancing. To say investors are infuriated is putting it mildly.

NASAA said the state probes centered on sales practices and supervisory issues related to auction-rate issues. "Our focus is to determine what conduct took place at the point of sale -- what was potentially misrepresented and omitted -- and our goal is securing for investors access to their cash as requested," said Karen Tyler, NASAA president and securities commissioner of North Dakota.

"If the product was represented to be a cash equivalent going in, it must be treated as a cash equivalent coming out," she said.

April 18

Auction-Bond Probes Widen as Cuomo Subpoenas 18 Firms (Update4)

By Michael McDonald

April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Regulators are widening their probes into the collapse of the auction-rate securities market as states from New York to Washington scrutinize how Wall Street peddled the bonds to investors and issuers.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo subpoenaed 18 banks and securities firms including UBS AG and Merrill Lynch & Co. in an investigation that could lead to criminal charges, a person familiar with the probe said yesterday. Officials from nine other states formed a task force to determine whether brokers misrepresented the debt as an alternative to money-market investments when they sold it to individuals.

"To have subpoenas and the threat of criminal investigations raised suggests that somebody has made up their mind that there really are abuses there,'' said Donald Langevoort, a former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission attorney who now teaches securities law at Georgetown University in Washington. "It certainly suggests something more than regulatory curiosity.''

Officials are increasing their scrutiny after the $330 billion auction-rate market seized up in February amid the fallout from the subprime mortgage slump, leaving some issuers paying rates as high as 20 percent and investors frozen in the debt. The SEC's inspections office sent letters to the biggest sellers of auction-rate securities this month seeking the names of customers who purchased the notes and the identities of brokers who sold them, according to information obtained by Bloomberg News.

Investor Complaints

"We're all getting complaints on a daily basis from retail investors and they all have the same the story: they were told by their brokers these were safe as cash and they're not,'' said Bryan Lantagne, the securities division director for Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin and head of the task force.

In New York, Cuomo is also asking for information about how bankers persuaded borrowers to issue the bonds and how the securities firms decided when to stop bidding in mid-February, the person familiar with the probe said. Dealers had routinely bought unwanted bonds at auctions to prevent failures for two decades.

The subpoenas were issued under the Martin Act, the person familiar with the probe said, giving New York investigators the ability to file criminal charges. The banks Cuomo subpoenaed include Merrill, UBS and JPMorgan Chase & Co., the person said.

Kris Kagel, a spokesman for Zurich-based UBS, and Tasha Pelio for New York-based JPMorgan declined to comment, while Mark Herr, a spokesman for New York-based Merrill, said the company doesn't comment on regulatory matters.

Stock-Probe Echoes

Auction-rate securities are long-term bonds whose interest resets every seven, 28 or 35 days at bidding run by a dealer. They were sold by municipalities, student loan corporations and closed-end funds, most of whom insured the debt against default. Dealers collect fees of about 0.25 percentage point.

Unlike Treasuries or stocks, there is no daily source of information about auction-rate bonds. Issuers have relied on Wall Street dealers to be buyers of last resort when bidders couldn't be found, though the banks weren't obligated to do so.

Since the first of the securities were sold in 1984 for American Express Co., the market has expanded as the bonds offered a higher-yielding alternative to money funds.

Past Investigations

The probe is the third in the market. New York-based Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. was fined $850,000 in 1995 by the SEC for manipulating auctions conducted for American Express. Almost two years ago, 15 securities firms paid the SEC $13 million to settle claims of bid-rigging. The banks neither admitted nor denied wrongdoing. The SEC also imposed new rules on the market after the settlement.

"They believe they've seen smoke and somebody's complained to them,'' said Thomas Curran, a lawyer at Ganfer & Shore LLP in New York, regarding the latest probe. "Now they're going to see if there's fire behind the smoke.''

The SEC requires dealers to disclose that they may use insider knowledge to place bids, though they don't have to say how frequently they bid or how much. Dealers also aren't obligated to disclose rates on auction debt when the securities trade.

Demand for auction debt waned this year as investors grew skittish of purchasing securities backed by insurers whose own creditworthiness is under pressure because of subprime-related losses. As buyers backed away, dealers who ran auctions refused to purchase unwanted securities, resulting in thousands of failures.

Penalty Rates

When an auction fails, rates are set at a penalty level spelled out in bond documents and investors who wanted to sell are left holding the securities. More than 60 percent of public auctions held each day since Feb. 13 have failed, according to Bloomberg data.

The average rate on seven-day securities jumped as high as 6.89 percent on Feb. 20 from 3.65 percent on average last year. It has since declined to 5.14 percent.

"I don't think anyone ever imagined that these auctions would fail,'' said Jorge Irizarry, president of the Government Development Bank of Puerto Rico, whose interest costs rose to as high as 12 percent on failed auction debt.

Puerto Rico is planning to convert all of its $643 million in auction bonds to other securities by month-end, joining states, cities, hospitals and colleges who have converted or are planning to replace at least $43.1 billion of the securities by next month, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Never Again

Citigroup Inc., the biggest underwriter of municipal auction debt from 2000 to 2007, this week predicted the market will "cease to exist.''

"Obviously we would never go into the auction-rate market again,'' said David Verinder, chief financial officer at Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Sarasota, Florida, which recently converted $165 million in auction debt.

Citigroup today said it took $1.5 billion of writedowns on auction debt in the first quarter as it posted its second straight quarterly loss. UBS last month cut the value of auction securities held by its customers by about 5 percent.

Galvin's office in Massachusetts subpoenaed information from UBS, Merrill and Bank of America Corp. regarding the sale of the securities to investors in the state.

In addition to Massachusetts, the state task force includes Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Texas and Washington, according to the North American Securities Administrators Association. Other states are prepared to participate in the task force, Lantagne said.

Federal Regulators

The SEC said last week it is working with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority to examine firms' disclosures to clients who purchased the bonds.

Besides Citigroup, UBS, Merrill, JPMorgan, and Bank of America were among the 10 biggest underwriters of auction-rate debt from 2000 to 2007. The other five are Lehman, Bear Stearns Cos., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley and RBC Dain Rauscher.

Spokespeople at Lehman, Bear Stearns, Goldman, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup declined to comment. Chris Nietupski, a spokesman for RBC Dain Rauscher, didn't return a call seeking comment, nor did Shirley Norton of Charlotte, North Carolina- based Bank of America.

To contact the reporter on this story: Michael McDonald in Boston at

April 18

Auction Rate Agony
By Rich Duprey, The Motley Fool

"It's just like cash." Investors may have heard that phrase from their investment advisors or financial planners, but as they're coming to find out, "just like" cash is still regrettably far from actual cash.

Palm (Nasdaq: PALM) and MetroPCS (NYSE: PCS) have been burned in recent weeks by their holdings in auction rate securities (ARS). These investments supposedly offered better rates than Treasury bills and money market accounts, and could be accessed just as readily. Chasing yields to get higher returns, these companies suddenly found that they couldn't get their money out when the credit markets seized. Just as fool's gold duped Gold Rush-era miners, ARS have tripped up modern day investors with their "fool's cash."

ARS? Aargh!
Auction-rate securities, as their name suggests, have their interest rates set at auction every few weeks. Until February, there had been a fairly robust market for such securities; if the occasional auction failed -- meaning no one was buying the paper -- the investment houses themselves would buy them. That all changed as credit became more dear. Now, when the auctions failed, the investment houses refused to buy them, either. Money that was supposed to be "just like cash" became worthless, at least in the near term, since the holders of these securities no longer were able to access those funds.

Like a bank that shuts its windows during a run, the credit markets slammed the door to investors who wanted their money back.

The damage done
Palm's $25 million writedown on ARS holdings inflated its third-quarter loss from $32 million to $57 million. MetroPCS took an $83 million loss on its own auction rate securities in its fourth quarter. Other companies are evaluating their own ARS situations.

Large corporations like these will probably get their money back, since the bonds underlying the securities typically have long-term maturities. Intuit (Nasdaq: INTU), for example, isn't taking any writedowns (as of late March), confident that the bonds carry top risk ratings, and that the auctions will eventually open. Bed Bath & Beyond (Nasdaq: BBBY), per its latest conference call, is taking only a minor charge for the auction rate securities it holds.

The same long-term outlook can't be said for individual investors who were put into these investments by advisors and planners. They believed that ARS were just like cash, but unlike a multimillion-dollar corporation, they don't have the same ability to wait out the credit crunch. Many of these people don't need the cash now -- they needed it yesterday.

Winners and losers
Some companies that sold their clients these investments have likely damaged their reputations. And when the thaw does occur, there will be a real run on cash from their assets under management. Firms like Nuveen Investments, BlackRock (NYSE: BLK), and Eaton Vance, for example, have some $40 billion tied up in ARS, all in all. Firms like Charles Schwab (Nasdaq: SCHW), which has practically nothing invested in the debt, might expect to benefit at those less fortunate companies' expense.

While many individuals relied upon their planners' advice to guide them, the same can't be said of Palm, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Monster Worldwide (Nasdaq: MNST). They should have seen this coming, but they left their money in place anyway. Now they find their expansion plans hindered, because they can't amass the resources to fund that growth.

Like the signs posted behind some registers at mom-and-pop stores note: "In God we trust; all others pay cash."

Further Foolishness that never loses value:

April 18

from the May 2008 issue of SmartMoney magazine

The "Other Cash Crisis"
Wall Street has turned a plain-vanilla product into a nightmare for investors.
by James B. Stewart

have a simple message for Wall Street: Do the right thing. I say this both as a client and as a shareholder, and as someone who has recommended the stocks of big investment banks on many occasions. In owning and recommending these shares, I am primarily concerned with integrity -- trust in the foundation on which financial institutions rest. But recent events have shaken my confidence.

Like millions of other investors, I parked my cash in something that was sold to me as a money market fund. It appears on my account statement under the heading "other cash." I've owned shares for years, withdrawing cash as needed. There are several varieties of these cash alternatives. In my case they were called auction rate preferred shares (ARPS), which are shares in a closed-end mutual fund that owns various kinds of triple-A-rated bonds. There was little or no risk to the principal, because rates were set at regular auctions. There's never been a default on an interest payment. For 20 years the auctions continued without incident. Then in February the auctions failed. Goldman Sachs and Citigroup stopped bidding and every other major Wall Street firm following their lead. Liquidity evaporated.

The main point of a money-market fund or cash alternative is ready access to cash. In my case and that of many investors, that access vanished. The assets were frozen, unredeemable. When I called a Merill Lynch broker to ask whether the failed auctions had any effect on my account, I was told I was stuck. The only relief Merrill offered was a margin loan against my assets. In other words, I would have to pay interest to get to my own money -- which is infuriating, simple on principle.

For many the situation is much word. Since first writing of my plights on, I've heard from dozens of worried investors. Some don't know how they'll pay their taxes. Others have canceled home purchases. Business owners say they can't meet their payrolls. ARPS and similar securities constitute an $80 billion market; many people owned them without even realizing it. And it could get worse: As credit woes spread concerns are mounting that the more ubiquitous money-market unds could face a similar freeze.

Wall Street's silence has been deafening. ARPS investors tell me they're heard no explanation from their brokers. Their statements still carry the shares at face value, as though nothing happened.

So I called Goldman Sachs, the firm whose withdrawal from the market helped trigger the squeeze. I explained that I was a Goldman shareholder as well as a journalist, that I had recommended Goldman stock and had long admired the firm for its professionalism and integrity. I wanted to understand the firm's point of view. Had Goldman notified its clients? Was it helping clients in need? Was it working to solve this crisis? A spokesman for Goldman called the next day. "I'm sorry we won't be able to help you." I was incredulous. The firm had no comment at all? I also called Morgan Stanley, in part because I had hear from a disproportionate number (of) disgruntled Morgan Stanley clients. Its spokesperson was slightly more forthcoming, but he, too, said the company couldn't do much to offer relief to clients.

A few firms deserve credit for redeeming their clients' shares. Scotland's Aberdeen Asset Management redeemed $30 million in ARPS; Eaton Vance redeemed $1.6 billion. Nuveen Securities, one of the largest issuers, said it was working to redeem its $15.4 billion in ARPS and hoped to begin by the end of March. Stranded investors should keep the pressure on the firms and brokers who sold them these products.

There are at least a few smaller firms that saw the risks emerging and urged clients to avoid ARPS. One is SVB Financial Group, based in Santa Clara, Calif, which serves primarily corporate clients.. In a prescient comment last August, the firm warned of liquidity risks in the auction market. Head portfolio manager Joe Morgan told me he took clients our of ARPS four years ago and has avoid them since. Another laurel goes to LCM Capital Management in Chicago, a money management firm that has been warning its clients about risks in nearly all cash-alternative vehicles. Managing partners, John Nowicki and Gary Wozny told me they moved their clients out of all non-Treasury money market funds last year after subprime-mortgage issues first surfaced.

The ARPS crisis should have a solution, which should also help stave off panic in markets for other supposedly liquid securities. Despite tremors in the municipal bond market, the underlying securities are sound. There have been any defaults; interest is still being paid. The problem is liquidity and liquidity is a function of confidence. If I were Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, I'd be reading the riot act to Goldman, Citigroup, Merrill and the others who abandoned the auctions they creeated. If these firms took billions in faltering CDOs and SIVs onto their balance sheets, why not this triple-A-rated paper? In addition, a government backstop may be necessary -- not a bailout, but a promise to step in if bonds default. Once liquidity is restored, there should be no loss to any of the participants, including the investors now stuck with securities they can't sell.

What's important is that something be done -- fast. I believe the firms themselves would like to do right by their clients, but they need to emerge from their moated fortresses with explanations and solutions. This is an opportunity to demonstrate courage, leadership and confidence in the financial system -- and win back the loyalty of a generation of customers. Trust once lost, is very difficult to restore.

April 18

Someday Maybe We'll All Need
'Family Office' Bankers

by Joe Mysak of Bloomberg

April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Alexandra Lebenthal calls them the "Lost Affluent.''

As chief executive of the new Lebenthal & Co., she is trademarking the term to describe "the $2 million to $20 million investor who isn't well served at the large brokerage houses and is too small for the ultra-affluent private banks.''

Just how ill-served that investor is became clear earlier this year as big brokerages stopped supporting the auction-rate securities market they created.

The auctions failed when the firms stopped bidding, forcing bond issuers to pay higher interest rates and leaving thousands of investors unable to sell their securities.

The auction-rate market will soon cease to exist, analyst Prashant Bhatia wrote in Citigroup Inc.'s North American Investment Daily research note on Tuesday.

The analyst estimated that the earnings impact on dealers and asset managers would be very small. "Potential reputational impact could be material if issues are not quickly resolved,'' he cautioned. ``Basically, clients could stop using the services of their brokerage and/or asset management firms as a result of a loss of trust.''

That's what I've been hearing every week from readers who have anywhere from $50,000 to several million dollars that, in effect, is frozen in their brokerage accounts. They had relied on brokers to invest their money in a safe cash-equivalent. Now they find themselves locked into an investment that is anything but.

Skipping Fine Print

These people didn't read the fine print. They didn't read the prospectus, nor even the promotional brochures which spelled out that auctions might fail -- though they rarely described what might happen next. The brochures, of course, never brought up what might happen in the sort of catastrophic, never-ending failure we have today.

These investors instead relied on their brokers, and now rue the day. They thought their money would command a certain level of attention and respect and service.

Evidently, they were wrong. It looks like the brokers that sold them this stuff also didn't read the documents that spelled out the risks of auction-rate securities.

Still, the "Lost Affluent''? You've got to be kidding. Is that like the "Lost Generation''?

I originally visited Alex Lebenthal because I thought the story of how she bought back her name was a pretty good one. I've also known her father, Jim, since 1981 and thought it might be nice to stop by for a chat.

Unretiring Lebenthals

The family sold Lebenthal & Co., a municipal bond specialist founded in 1925, to Mony Group Inc. in 2001. Merrill Lynch & Co. bought Mony's Advest brokerage unit in 2005 and then retired the Lebenthal name.

The Lebenthals didn't want to stay retired. In 2006, Alex and her father started Alexandra & James, a "multiple-family office'' to cater to the needs of the "Lost Affluent.'' (Really rich people don't do mundane things like write checks or put stamps on bills. They have people do that for them in "family offices.'')

Lebenthal & Co. reopened its doors as a broker-dealer in March after the family paid Merrill $1,000 to get the name back.

The more mail I got from auction-rate securities holders, the more I wanted to know about this "family office'' business. For most people, a "family office'' is located just off the rec room, right?

How Many Wealthy?

I asked Alex about how big this group of the "Lost Affluent'' was. She said that, according to the Family Office Exchange, a Chicago-based advisory firm to such firms and their consultants, there are 1.3 million families with wealth of $10 million to $25 million. That's money they can invest, not including residences and such.

Ruth Easterling of the Family Office Exchange said they didn't have data on the "lower-end market segment,'' those with between $2 million and $10 million to invest. I bet it's a lot bigger than anyone thinks.

The Internal Revenue Service says there are almost 3 million taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of between $200,000 and $500,000. I bet we're talking about a multiple of that 3 million figure if we talk about people having accumulated wealth of between $2 million and $10 million. Six million? Ten million? Twenty million?

Alex Lebenthal has 50 clients so far in her "multiple family office'' who pay annual advisory fees of 1 percent on the first $5 million of market value under management, and hourly fees of between $90 and $360 for services ranging from bookkeeping and bill-paying to managing medical claims.

As for the holders of auction-rate securities who have experienced what amounts to a bank failure, though it may yet prove temporary: Investors have made clear to me that once they get the money from their brokers, they're gone.

All this makes me wonder how many Wall Street securities firms will still have individual investor customers in three years.

(Joe Mysak is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.) To contact the writer of this column: Joe Mysak in New York at

April 17

Cuomo Subpoenas Banks in Auction Probe,
Person Says (Update1)

By Michael Quint and Michael McDonald

April 17 (Bloomberg) -- New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office issued subpoenas to 18 banks and securities firms as part of a criminal probe into the marketing of auction-rate bonds to investors and issuers, a person familiar with the investigation said.

The subpoenas were issued under the Martin Act, which gives New York investigators broad powers. John Milgram, a spokesman for Cuomo's office, declined to comment. Securities regulators in nine other states led by Massachusetts separately today said they formed a task force as they investigate the auction market.

"We're all getting complaints on a daily basis from retail investors and they all have the same the story: they were told by their brokers these were safe as cash and they're not,'' said Bryan Lantagne, the securities division director for Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin and head of the task force.

Regulatory scrutiny of Wall Street has been growing since the $330 billion auction-rate market collapsed in February, leaving some issuers paying higher penalty rates and investors unable to sell their securities. The Securities and Exchange Commission last week said it is working with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees brokerages, to examine firms' disclosures to clients who purchased the bonds.

The Massachusetts Secretary of State's office said on March 28 that it subpoenaed information from UBS AG, Merrill Lynch & Co. and Bank of America Corp. regarding the sale of the securities to investors in the state. A number of individuals have also filed lawsuits against Wall Street banks that sold the bonds.

Auction-rate securities are long-term bonds sold by municipalities, student loan corporations and closed-end funds with interest rates that are reset on a weekly or monthly basis. Much of the debt was guaranteed by bond insurance companies that also backed subprime mortgage-related securities.

Demand for the debt fell earlier this year after AAA rated bond insurers were downgraded because of their subprime guarantees. Wall Street banks running the auctions stopped stepping in to buy the bonds in February when there weren't enough bidders, permitting thousands of failures that triggered rates as high as 22 percent.

Cuomo is also asking for information about how bankers persuaded borrowers to issue the bonds and how the banks came to decide when to stop bidding in mid-February, the person familiar with the probe said. The banks Cuomo subpoenaed include Merrill Lynch & Co., UBS and JPMorgan Chase & Co., the person said.

Kris Kagel, a spokesman for Zurich-based UBS, declined to comment while Mark Herr, a spokesman for New York-based Merrill, said the company doesn't comment on regulatory matters. A phone call to JPMorgan spokesman Brian Marchiony wasn't immediately returned.

In addition to Massachusetts, the nine-member task force includes regulators in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Texas and Washington, according to a news release from the North American Securities Administrators Association. Other states are prepared to participate in the task force, Lantagne said.

"If the product was represented as a cash equivalent going in, it must be treated as a cash equivalent coming out,'' Karen Tyler, the securities commissioner in North Dakota and president of the North American Securities Administrators Association, said in a statement.

To contact the reporter on this story: Michael Quint in Albany, New York, at; Michael McDonald in Boston at

April 16, 6:52 PM

Black Rock conference call Replay 888-348-4629 id # 858559. This call concerns redeeming some securities.

BlackRock: Template For
Money-Market-Eligible Preferred Shares

By Daisy Maxey
A Dow Jones Newswires Column

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Money manager BlackRock Inc. (BLK) said Wednesday that a 2002 no-action letter from the Securities and Exchange Commission set forth the criteria for a product that could help solve the crisis in auction-rate preferred securities.
The letter describes the requirements needed for a product that could transform the auction-rate preferred shares issued by closed-end funds into money-market-eligible securities, said Steven Baffico, director of closed-end funds at BlackRock, on a conference call to discuss the issue.

"The template does exist," he said, and BlackRock would have to structure a security and demand feature to meet those requirements, he said. "It's complicated," Baffico said, but BlackRock is working very closely with regulators.

Closed-end funds from BlackRock and others issued preferred shares as a way to leverage and enhance their returns. As a result of the credit crunch, however, auctions at which the preferred shares were sold have failed, leaving investors trapped in illiquid preferred shares.

BlackRock said Tuesday that it intends to restructure about $1.9 billion of the leverage used by certain of its taxable and tax-exempt closed-end funds (see also below). The firm plans to use alternative forms of leverage, including a combination of credit facilities, reverse repurchase agreements and tender option bond programs that will enable certain funds to redeem about 19% of the $9.8 billion in outstanding auction-rate preferred shares issued by all of its closed-end funds, it said.

The money manager also said Tuesday that it continues to explore alternative forms of leverage for its fixed-income closed-end funds, including the development of a put feature for the ARPS, which would make them eligible for purchase by money market funds. This objective may be accomplished by adding the feature to the existing structure of the ARPS or through the issuance of a new form of preferred stock that includes a put feature.

Certainly, Baffico said Wednesday, significant hurdles remain in the development of such a structure, but BlackRock believes that over time such an instrument could serve as a "more unilaterally applied solution."

BlackRock also said Tuesday that tender option bonds (TOBs) will be used to finance the redemption of about $1 billion of the preferred shares issued by its tax-exempt fixed-income closed-end funds. Due to limitations on the eligibility of bonds for TOB programs and limits on the use of TOBs by ratings agencies and operational limitations, BlackRock anticipates that this restructuring will affect a limited number of its funds, it said. It expects to provide more specifics on the refinancing of its tax-exempt ARPS in early June.

Baffico explained Wednesday that a TOB arrangement is a private contract in which the leveraged component resides outside the fund, as do the assets that collateralize the preferred shares. Given that "it's kind of a segregated basket," there are more stringent collateral criteria to meet, which restrict the number of bonds eligible, generally relating to credit quality and insurance, he said.

BlackRock will examine its municipal funds to see which have TOB-eligible assets, and it may take some time to identify the tranches and percentages affected, Baffico said.

BlackRock said Tuesday that it intends to utilize new debt financing to finance a redemption of a portion of the ARPS issued by its five taxable fixed-income closed-end funds, using a credit facility and reverse repurchase agreements. The five funds are BlackRock Preferred Opportunity Trust (BPP), BlackRock Preferred and Equity Advantage Trust (BTZ), BlackRock Preferred and Corporate Income Strategies Fund (PSW), BlackRock Preferred Income Strategies Fund (PSY) and BlackRock Global Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT).

The firm intends that the redemption proposal for the taxable fixed-income funds will be implemented on a pro-rata basis across all series of ARPS of the funds. The Depository Trust Company, the securities' holder of record, determines how a partial series redemption will be allocated among each participant broker-dealer account and each participant broker-dealer determines how to allocate each redemption among the holders of the relevant series of ARPS held by it, the firm said. BlackRock anticipates provide more specifics on those refinancings, including details on scheduled redemptions, by mid-May.

A participant on Wednesday's call noted that some banks are stranded in auction-rate preferred shares themselves, and asked how individual shareholders could be sure they will be treated fairly in the redemption process.

BlackRock is working closely with the Depository Trust Company and respective broker-dealers, but ultimately, it's up to the methodology created by broker-dealers and the trust company to determine how redemptions are applied, Baffico said. BlackRock is asking the Depository Trust Company and each individual broker-dealer to apply their methodology in a pro rata fashion, he said.

Asked if BlackRock was facing any lawsuits as a result of the problems in the auction-rate securities marketplace, Baffico said he was aware that lawsuits had been filed, but declined to comment on whether BlackRock was involved in any of the actions.
In response to a question about the possible revival of the auction process, Baffico left little doubt.

Auctions in the closed-end fund space continue to fail by "fairly wide margins," he said. Without some artificial stimulus to kickstart them or rebuild confidence in the process, the likelihood of the auctions reviving on their own "is fairly slim," he said.

-By Daisy Maxey, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4048;

April 16 4:05 PM EDT

Nuveen Announces Refinancing of
some Auction-Rate Preferred Shares

Fund to Redeem $640 Million in ARPS

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nuveen Multi-Strategy Income and Growth Fund 2 (NYSE: JQC) today announced the refinancing of $640 million of its auction-rate preferred securities (ARPS). The fund’s Board of Trustees has approved the refinancing, which is expected to lower the relative costs of leverage for the fund over time while also providing liquidity at par for the holders of at least some of the fund’s ARS.

The $640 million represents approximately 66% of the fund’s $965 million of outstanding ARPS. Securities will be redeemed on a pro rata basis by series. Depository Trust Company (DTC), the securities’ holder of record, determines how a partial series redemption will be allocated among each participant broker-dealer account. Each participant broker-dealer, as nominee for underlying beneficial owners (street name shareholders), in turn determines how redeemed shares are allocated among its underlying beneficial owners. The procedures used by each broker-dealer in allocating redeemed shares among the beneficial owners may differ from each other as well as from the procedures used by DTC.

The fund expects to issue redemption notices within the next several days. Redemptions will be funded with new borrowings. Due to legal requirements, JQC will need to complete the announced partial redemptions in two stages. The fund anticipates that the refinancing will be completed by early June.

Nuveen Investments provides high quality investment services designed to help secure the long-term goals of institutions and high net worth investors as well as the consultants and financial advisors who serve them. Nuveen Investments markets its growing range of specialized investment solutions under the high-quality brands of NWQ, Santa Barbara, Tradewinds, Rittenhouse, Symphony and Nuveen, including the Nuveen HydePark Group. In total, the Company managed $164 billion in assets as of December 31, 2007.

Auction-Rate Market Will 'Cease to Exist,'
Citi Says (Update2)

By Martin Z. Braun

April 15 (Bloomberg) -- The $330 billion auction-rate securities market will "cease to exist'' after it collapsed in February when Wall Street firms stopped using their own capital to buy unwanted bonds, Citigroup Inc. said.

While the death of the market will only trim brokers' earnings by 1 to 2 percent, investor anger over their inability to liquidate their holdings may be significant if the frozen market doesn't thaw soon, Citigroup analyst Prashant Bhatia wrote in a report. New York-based Citigroup was the top underwriter of municipal auction-rate securities in 2006, managing $8.4 billion of sales, according to Thomson Financial.

"Basically, clients could stop using the services of their brokerage and/or asset management firms as a result of a loss of trust,'' Bhatia wrote.

Auction-rate bonds allowed issuers such as local governments, hospitals, and closed-end mutual funds to issue debt maturing in as long as 40 years at short-term rates that reset every 7, 28 or 35 days through bidding. Investors began abandoning the auction-rate market this year on concerns that companies insuring the bonds wouldn't meet their obligations in case of default.

Thousands of the auctions began failing when dealers, who had stepped in when there weren't enough bidders, pulled back as investment banks and securities firms worldwide took $245 billion in credit losses and writedowns. As a result, investors weren't able to turn the securities into cash, while some issuers were left paying penalty interest rates as high as 20 percent.

As with structured investment vehicles, "the liquidity providers were unwilling to provide liquidity,'' the Citigroup report said.

Brokerage clients that hold between $100 billion to $150 billion of auction-rate securities control more than $750 billion in assets, according to the report. Closed-end funds have issued about $40 billion of the securities.

Banks are letting customers borrow against their illiquid auction-rate bonds. UBS AG, which cut the value of the auction- rate securities in its account by about 5 percent, last week said it would allow customers to borrow the full value of their auction debt from the Zurich-based bank starting in May.

The auction-rate market has shrunk by at least 15 percent, or $51 billion, as U.S. municipal borrowers refinance to escape higher costs and closed-end funds begin to bail out investors, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. While the average rate for municipal debt with interest set through weekly bidding fell to a nine-week low of 5.14 percent April 9, that's still above the average of 3.65 percent in all of 2007.

The New York Giants announced plans today to redeem $100 million of the $650 million in auction-rate bonds, with interest costs as high as 22 percent, sold to help finance a stadium for the football team under construction in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Nuveen Investments Inc. and seven other fund managers said they will redeem $7.8 billion in taxable preferred shares that have rates set through periodic dealer-run auctions. About 70 percent of closed-end funds borrow money in an effort to boost returns, most by selling preferred shares on the auction-rate- securities market.

The collapse of the auction-rate market will raise the cost of leverage for closed-end funds, Citigroup said. It will also benefit firms such as Federated Investors Inc.,BlackRock Inc., and Charles Schwab Corp. that have large money-market funds.

"Plain and simple, the money fund turned out to be a superior product and as the ARS crisis is resolved, we expect inflows into money funds,'' Citigroup said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Martin Z. Braun in New York at

April 15, 2008

Auction-Rate Problems Accumulated,
Unnoticed, Before Failure

By Ian Salisbury and Jaime Levy Pessin

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The collapse of the auction-rate securities market in February struck financial advisors and individual investors as an utter surprise.

But problems in the market had been slowly unfolding several months prior.

A disturbance appeared in a small corner of the market as early as last summer, triggering a lawsuit. As the credit crisis began to spread beyond subprime issues to affect the broader debt market, wariness about auction-rate securities grew in the fall, forcing dealers to step in more frequently and support the auctions.

By November, yields paid on some auction-rate securities were skyrocketing. In early December, a Citigroup Inc. official acknowledged market concerns about the auction process in an interview with a trade publication. Later in the month the rating service Fitch Inc. said some student loan issuers faced the risk of failed auctions.

It was difficult for investors, their advisors and analysts to foresee the coming tsunami of auction failures in part because auctions had failed only rarely in the past. It seemed unlikely that such a sweeping crisis could occur - especially because the first auction-related problems seemed limited to the subprime mess.

But as a result, investors often bought the securities, having no inkling of the accumulating problems, mere weeks or even days before the market finally seized up.

"Safe as CDs" is how Gene DeLong, an oil field contractor in George West, Texas, says a broker with Citigroup's Smith Barney unit described auction-rate securities. DeLong first bought the securities two years ago. But he says his most recent and largest purchase -
$125,000 - was in January. Other investors say they relied on similar claims from their brokers:

Leslie Globman, a retired high school teacher in Hartsdale, N.Y., says she bought $100,000 of auction-rate securities through Oppenheimer & Co. on Jan. 24. Arthur Gales, a semi-retired accountant in Long Beach, N.Y., says he now has $2.8 million stuck in the investments after his new UBS AG (UBS) broker recommended buying them Feb. 4.
Oppenheimer, a unit of Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. (OPY), says it takes customer complaints seriously.

Citigroup and UBS declined to address investor comments.

In August, auctions began to fail for about $6 billion of auction-rate securities backed by complex investments - such as mortgage-backed securities - that were tarnished by the subprime crisis. Worries about the credit of subprime loans eventually dried up liquidity for these types of auction-rate securities.

Firms that sold these securities, typically to institutions rather than individuals, included Merrill Lynch & Co. (MER), Deutsche Bank AG (DB) and others. By October, Merrill had been sued by MetroPCS Communications Inc. (PCS), a Dallas wireless phone service provider
that accused it of ignoring instructions to place $134 million of the firm's cash reserves in safe, liquid investments. The suit was reported in The Wall Street Journal.

Merrill Lynch spokesman Mark Herr said the company disputes MetroPCS' allegations. He said in an email, the firm "did not see this case as an early warning sign" of failure in auction securities not linked to subprime. He said, "Hindsight isn't 20/20 in situations like this; it's always 20/10. The inarguable fact is that for the 20 years preceding this February's auction failures, auctions virtually never failed and the February failures were unprecedented, brought on by an unprecedented and unpredictable dislocation in the credit markets."

Deutsche Bank declined to comment on auction-rates.

The focus of the credit markets at that time was on subprime problems, and the broader auction market continued on unaffected.

By November, problems spread beyond subprime. Prompted by doubts about bond insurers such as Ambac Financial Group Inc. (ABK) and MBIA Inc. (MBI), jitters had spread to the market for auction-rate securities issued by municipal entities, which were frequently held by individual investors.

The rates issuers had to pay to borrow in this market rose sharply. In Wisconsin, soaring rates in early November caused the state to "formulate plans" to redeem some auction-rate securities and issue less expensive forms of debt, says Frank Hoadley, the state's capital finance director.

In early December, Rob Novembre, a Citigroup managing director, was paraphrased in the Bond Buyer, a trade publication, as saying that investors were skittish about the auction process due to earlier failed auctions.

"We don't know if it will be like this forever or if this is just a kneejerk reaction to what is going on with the general fears of liquidity and credit in all markets," he told the Bond Buyer.

Citigroup said Novembre's comments referred specifically to auctionrate securities linked to more complex investments such as those backed by pools of mortgages. Wall Street firms began reacting to problems in the auction-rate market around that time, according to Matt Fabian, managing director at consulting firm Municipal Market Advisors.

"Dealers stepped up in December," he says, committing more of their own capital to help the market function. "Dealers continued to do that into the first quarter, but their inventories can only house so many bonds. Once they exhausted their balance sheets, auctions began to fail."

Financial advisors and their clients appeared unaware of the worries. DeLong, the Texas oil field contractor, says he asked his Smith Barney broker in January whether he was still comfortable with auction-rate securities. The broker reassured him that the investments
were safe, he says.

In December and January, ratings agency Fitch published two separate reports about auction-rate securities issued by student loan authorities and closed-end funds, types often held by individuals. Broad credit market problems had created a "disruption in the
auction-rate market," Fitch analysts wrote Dec. 19 in the first report. As a result, "a number of issuers of U.S. student loan (asset-backed securities) have been faced with the possibility of failed auctions."

On Jan. 31, following downgrades of several bond insurers, another set of Fitch analysts reviewed auction-rate preferred shares issued by closed-end funds, regarded as among the safest auction securities. Fitch's analysts said they wouldn't take immediate "rating actions" but would "continue to closely monitor" the "liquidity and pricing trends" of the securities.

On Feb. 8, Merrill Lynch published a research note calling an early closed-end fund auction failure that had occurred in late January an "aberration," and touting auction-rate securities issued by closed-end funds as "'the conservative's conservative investment' in the auction market."

The report began, "The recent noise around failed auctions is certainly not a doomsday crisis but we will not say it is 'nothing' either." It concluded: "The reports of the imminent demise of the auction market seem to be greatly exaggerated, again." Widespread failures in the auction markets began days later, leaving investors who own the securities in the lurch.

Some investors are now pursuing lawsuits against brokerage firms. Regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, are also looking into the issue.

The "loss of trust" stemming from the auction-rate debacle could lead clients to desert their brokerage firms, said Citigroup's Prashant A. Bhatia in a research note published Monday.

Gales, who first bought auction-rate securities from UBS on Feb. 4, says he is now searching for a full-time job because he can't access money he would otherwise use to fund his retirement. DeLong tabled plans to build a wheelchair-accessible home for his
wife until he can get his money out. Although some of his auction-rate securities were redeemed last week, he says he's nervous about meeting his payroll for his contracting business.

Globman, the retired teacher, says, "What really upset me" is that her broker told her not to see the "glass half-empty" because she didn't immediately need the money. "What if you went to the bank," she asks, "said, 'I want to take out $500,' and they said you can't?"

-By Ian Salisbury, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5219;

April 15

Calamos Updates Status on Refinancing Efforts
for Outstanding Auction Rate Preferred Securities

NAPERVILLE, Ill., April 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Calamos Investments said it intends to announce refinancing arrangements as it reaches agreements with specific lenders. These announcements will come based on the successful completion of the lenders' due diligence work and Calamos taking the appropriate steps to ensure that all closed-end fund shareholders are well served by the terms of these agreements.

"The scope of the illiquidity problem associated with these failed auctions is global and quite complex," said John P. Calamos, Sr., Chairman, CEO and Co-Chief Investment Officer. "We have moved forward in a measured way to ensure that all shareholders in our closed end funds are well served by the terms of these agreements.

"After consulting with the funds' Board of Trustees, we immediately began seeking alternative forms of financing," Calamos said. "From the outset, our commitment, while we understand the critical nature of the situation the preferred shareholders are in, is to pursue refinancing that provides liquidity to preferred shareholders while preserving the benefits of leverage to common shareholders in our closed end funds."

As soon as agreements on refinancings have been reached, Calamos will make announcements. At this point, Calamos is constrained from providing additional information as due diligence continues. "We want to assure our valued clients that we intend to keep you and the broader public informed of developments as soon as we are allowed to publicly disclose specifics," Calamos said.

Calamos Investments is a diversified investment firm offering equity, fixed-income, convertible and alternative investment strategies, among others. The firm serves institutions and individuals via separately managed accounts and a family of open-end and closed-end funds, providing a risk-managed approach to capital appreciation and income-producing strategies. For more information, visit

Van Kampen Senior Income Trust Announces
Refinancing of Auction-Rate Preferred Securities

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Van Kampen Senior Income Trust (NYSE: VVR) has announced its intention to redeem a portion of its auction-rate preferred securities (ARPS). The Board of Trustees has approved refinancing the Trust’s leverage through its existing credit line, which will provide liquidity at par for the holders of a portion of the Trust’s ARPS.

The Trust will be redeeming approximately $350 million of the $700 million ARPS outstanding (approximately 50%) on a pro rata basis by series. The Depository Trust Company (DTC), the securities’ holder of record, will determine how partial series redemptions will be allocated among each participant broker-dealer account.

Each participant broker-dealer, as nominee for underlying beneficial owners (street name shareholders), in turn will determine how redeemed shares are to be allocated among its underlying beneficial owners. The procedures used by different broker-dealers to allocate redeemed shares among beneficial owners may differ from each other as well as from the procedures used by DTC.

The Trust is expected to issue a redemption notice within the next several days. The Trust anticipates that the redemption and refinancing for the ARPS will be completed by May 30, 2008.

Van Kampen Asset Management, the Trust's investment adviser, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Van Kampen Investments Inc. (“Van Kampen”). Van Kampen is one of the nation’s largest investment management companies, with approximately $107 billion in assets under management or supervision, as of February 29, 2008. With roots in money management dating back to 1927, Van Kampen has helped nearly four generations of investors achieve their financial goals. For more information, visit Van Kampen’s website at

Copyright ©2008 Van Kampen Funds Inc. All Rights Reserved. Member FINRA/SIPC.

April 15, 2008, 3:23PM

BlackRock to buy out $1.9 billion
in auction-rate preferred shares

© 2008 The Associated Press

NEW YORK — BlackRock Inc. expects to buy out $1.9 billion of its funds' auction-rate preferred shares -- a type of investment stung by illiquidity -- to protect its clients, the investment manager said Tuesday.

The investment manager plans to borrow money through credit lines, repurchase agreements and tender-option bonds to finance the deal.

BlackRock's stock has fallen more than 9 percent in the past three weeks, in part because of scary headlines about auction-rate securities.

BlackRock, which manages $1.357 trillion in investments, runs a number of funds that utilize auction-rate securities to enhance returns.

Here is how they work: An investment fund will sell a special class of stock offering a regular dividend, determined regularly at an auction. The fund tries to make more off the money it raises by selling the stock than it loses in paying the dividend.

The problem is, if nobody bids for the preferred stock at the auction -- which is precisely what has been happening -- the dividend is reset to a very high number. That means the fund will lose money by paying the dividend because it will be higher than what the fund can generate by investing the money.

BlackRock plans to "restructure" $1.9 billion -- or about 19 percent -- of the $9.8 billion in auction-rate preferred shares it has issued.

The company runs five taxable fixed-income closed-end funds that have issued these securities -- BlackRock Preferred Opportunity Trust, BlackRock Preferred and Equity Advantage Trust, BlackRock Preferred and Corporate Income Strategies Fund, BlackRock Preferred Income Strategies Fund, and BlackRock Global Floating Rate Income Trust.

Except for the Global Floating Rate Income Trust fund, BlackRock will redeem half of each fund's auction-rate securities, totaling $685 million, at par value. The company will redeem about three-quarters of the Global Floating Rate Income Trust fund's auction-rate securities for about $185 million.

The company will use credit lines and reverse repurchase agreements to finance these redemptions.

BlackRock will also try to raise $1 billion by selling tender-option bonds to redeem auction-rate preferred shares.

The company is doing this to shelter its funds from having to pay high dividends to preferred shareholders, at the expense of common shareholders in the funds.

April 9, 2008

Clough Global Funds Announces Intent to Redeem Auction Market Preferred Shares

Denver, Colorado- Today, Clough Global Allocation Fund (AMEX: GLV), Clough Global
Equity Fund (AMEX: GLQ), and Clough Global Opportunities (AMEX: GLO) (each a “Fund”
and collectively, the “Funds”) are pleased to announce that they intend to redeem all outstanding shares of Auction Market Preferred Shares (the “AMPS”) at par, as set forth below, in their entirety pursuant to their terms. Each Fund has obtained overnight collateralized financing from a financial institution to provide new funding to redeem the AMPS and provide up to 33% leverage to the Funds going forward. Each of the Fund’s Board of Trustees has approved the refinancing which is expected to lower the costs of leverage for the Funds.

Series and CUSIP Number Total Liquidation Preference Redemption Date
GLV Series W28 (Cusip: 18913Y202) $95,000,000 May 22, 2008
GLQ Series M28 (Cusip: 18914C209) $100,000,000 April 29, 2008
GLQ Series F7 (Cusip: 18914C308) $75,000,000 May 5, 2008
GLO Series M7 (Cusip: 18914E205) $90,000,000 April 29, 2008
GLO Series W7 (Cusip: 18914E304) $90,000,000 May 1, 2008
GLO Series F7 (Cusip: 18914E403) $90,000,000 May 5, 2008
GLO Series T28 (Cusip: 18914E502) $90,000,000 May 7, 2008
GLO Series Th28 (Cusip: 18914E601) $90,000,000 May 23, 2008

Notice was sent today to the Funds’ paying agent and the recordholders of the AMPS to
commence the process. Each Fund’s obligation to redeem the AMPS shares is subject to having sufficient funds available to it from its borrowing arrangement to fund the redemption.

More information on the Funds can be found at or by calling 877-256-8445.


You will not receive any monies from your stuck ARPS in time to pay your April 15 taxes. The ONLY way to get money to pay Uncle Sam is to bully your broker into giving you a "margin" loan against your ARPS. Such loan should become due and payable the day your ARPS are redeemed or sold, and become cash.

You should not take a "term" loan from your broker since you could really get screwed. Let's imagine you take a 6-month term loan for 70% of the par value of your ARPS. Let's say in six months, your broker wants his money back, but your ARPS is still locked. He'll sell your ARPS for 70%. You'll instantly lose 30%. Sorry about that!

P.S. I am not qualified to give financial advice, nor probably any advice. But I am becoming the world's leading expert (for what that's worth) on auction rate preferreds. If you disagree with me, or have something more to add, please email me --

By the way I'm not colorblind. My use of hideous colors on this web site is to get your attention, not to win any graphic design contests.

Saturday April 12, 2008

I've added a page called "Class Action Suits" which links (surprise, surprise) all the suits filed so far. You can also read them. If you hear of more suits, please let me know. The link is on the left.

Monday, April 15

A New Reason for Brokers to Switch Firms
April 15, 2008; Page D4, Wall Street Journal

Turmoil in the auction-rate securities market may give unhappy financial advisers one more reason to consider moving to another brokerage firm.

Brokers with clients furious that their money is locked up in these investment products may try to pin the blame on their firm -- "I was told this was a safe, liquid product" -- and encourage clients to depart with them for greener pastures, some industry recruiters say. But brokers who are the targets of investor anger would have a hard time moving clients and assets with them, and changing firms wouldn't give investors access to their money.

Recruiters say the problems stemming from auction-rate securities could give brokers considering a move an additional push. "It's one facet of many that would make financial advisers consider exploring opportunities," says Mickey Wasserman of executive-recruitment firm Michael Wasserman & Associates Inc.

The large transition packages brokerage firms are offering top moneymakers remain a primary driver of broker moves.

Other factors include the massive write-downs financial service firms have taken because of U.S. subprime mortgage exposure, falling share prices that have reduced the net worth of brokers holding company stock, and the near-collapse of former behemoth Bear Stearns Cos., which rattled brokers throughout the industry.

Brokers are unlikely to find nirvana at another large brokerage firm as Wall Street firms, to varying degrees, are facing similar issues. But the chance to collect a tidy sum while continuing to run one's business is appealing to some brokers.

"Institutional loyalty is largely gone," says Danny Sarch, president of recruiting firm Leitner Sarch Consultants. Brokers, he says, now think: "I better get mine; I better get a check and take care of myself. My shareholders are the ones I go home to every day."

Recruiters make a living moving brokers between firms, of course.

Brokers who generated sizable fees and commissions last year but are concerned their production could flatten amid today's difficult market and economic conditions might seek a deal with another firm sooner than later, says Carri Degenhardt-Burke, of search firm Degenhardt Consulting.

She and other recruiters say brokers have become more receptive to their calls in recent months and want to hear about the large transition packages brokerage firms are offering.

Brokerage firms have offered top advisers at competing firms as much as 150% of the fees and commissions they generated over the past 12 months in upfront cash, with the possibility of collecting even more for meeting certain asset and production goals over several years.

Rick Peterson, president of recruiting firm Rick Peterson & Associates, says he has seen more broker interest in moving during the past few months than he has seen in his nearly three decades in the recruiting business. "This is the largest volume of calls we've ever received," he says.

Auction-rate securities are debt investments issued by municipalities, student-loan agencies and closed-end funds. The securities' interest rates are reset at auction every seven to 35 days.

In February, amid widespread credit concerns, large investment banks that previously committed their own capital to keep the auction process running smoothly refused to continue. Auctions failed, and auction-rate holders couldn't cash out their holdings.

UBS AG said in late March it would lower the value of auction-rate securities held by clients, jolting investors who believed they were holding a cash-like investment.

Brokerage firms, mutual-fund companies and regulators met informally last week to discuss options for restoring liquidity in this market. State and federal regulators are looking into how these securities were sold to investors. Additionally, investors have filed lawsuits against large brokerage firms, alleging deceptive marketing of these securities.

Sold in increments of at least $25,000, auction-rate securities were meant for institutional investors and relatively wealthy individuals.

Sunday April 13, 2008

This is an ultra-depressing article. After I read it, I sent the author the following email:

I am stuck in ARPS. I have started a web site -- as a central point of information on ARPS. In your latest piece, "It's a long, Cold Cashless Siege," you forgot the huge pressures that investors are bringing on brokers and brokers in turn are bringing on the issuers. The investors are saying "we don't deal with you ever again." And the brokers are saying to the issuers (Nuveen, BlackRock, etc.) we will never sell your products again if you don't get our customers out of this mess.

It's a Long, Cold, Cashless Siege
By GRETCHEN MORGENSON of the New York Times
Sunday April 13, 2008

CRAIG JOFFE, an investor who owns a laser surgery business in Minneapolis, says that a couple of years ago he was looking for a safe place to put most of his life savings. So he said that on the advice of his broker, he invested 90 percent of his wealth in something he thought was just as conservative, reliable and liquid as cash: three auction-rate securities.

In fact, he says, his broker at UBS put so much of his money into just one of those securities, issued by John Hancock, that he now holds more than 5 percent of the shares outstanding.

"They were sold to me as cash equivalents," Mr. Joffe said. "In the fourth quarter of last year, I very explicitly said to my broker, 'Do I have any market risk in these securities?' and he said no. I'm usually a thorough guy, but my radar wasn't up at all."
It wasn't until two months ago - when the cash-out window of the $330 billion auction-rate securities market slammed shut - that warning signs began flashing across the radar screens of many people like Mr. Joffe. With the market now frozen, investors like Mr. Joffe are in limbo, and many are having to report losses, if only on paper.
Institutional investors are also feeling the pain.

Some of the big underwriters - UBS is one - are marking down the value of auction rate securities in their clients' accounts, and companies are also writing down the value of their holdings. Last week, Palm Inc. recorded a $25 million write-down related to auction-rate securities it cannot sell. Others are sure to follow, analysts say.
But even though Wall Street heavyweights and major corporations have been stung, many of them also appear to have bailed out of the market well ahead of individuals. At the end of 2006, institutional investors held about 80 percent of all auction-rate securities issues, according to Treasury Strategies, a consulting firm in Chicago. At the end of last year that portion had fallen to just 30 percent.

"A number of corporations understood there was a rising threat to their securities; there had been failures and warnings," Anthony Carfang, chief executive of Treasury Strategies, said in a conference call late last month.

As big holders of these securities accelerated their selling late last year, Wall Street firms overseeing the auctions would have come under greater pressure to find buyers to make the auctions succeed. It is unclear whether they turned to individual clients to fill this void.

UBS officials declined to discuss this issue or the specifics of Mr. Joffe's case.
Only a handful of the issuers - municipalities, student loan companies or closed-end funds - have offered to redeem the securities. And brokerage firms in charge of the periodic auctions that determined the securities' interest rates say the auctions have simply stalled because of a lack of buyers.

Thomas Martin, head of America's Watchdog, a consumer protection advocacy group, says he has heard from more than 1,000 investors who cannot get the money out of these securities. He said they ranged from young people with $25,000 at stake to others with $1 million invested.

"The majority of people have $200,000 to $300,000 invested, but it's their life savings, and they were told this was the same as a money market or C.D.," Mr. Martin said. "I must have 50 or 60 people that were buying houses that were supposed to close in March and their earnest money is at risk of forfeiture because they relied on the liquidity in these things."

While Mr. Joffe is still receiving interest payments on his securities, he is unable to retrieve his principal.

A UBS spokesman said that to help clients in need of liquidity, the firm had just begun a program to let them borrow 100 percent of the par value of their securities at a modest interest rate.

A John Hancock spokeswoman said the company was actively pursuing solutions to the liquidity crisis.

NOW that the initial shock of the auction-rate freeze has worn off, investors are pleading with issuers to buy back the securities and suing the brokers who, they said, told them they were the equivalent of cash.

Regulators are also nosing around Wall Street, asking whether the firms disclosed all the risks of these securities to the investors who bought them.

Investors should prepare for a long and dispiriting siege, experts who know the structure of these securities say. Although many of the assets and issuers backing these securities are solid, or "money good" in Wall Street parlance, the mechanics of the auction-rate securities market as well as the continuing credit squeeze give issuers and brokers little incentive to help the investors.

For example, even as investors wait in exasperation for the return of their money, Wall Street firms continue to earn the same fees for running the auctions - typically 0.25 percent of the amount of shares or notes outstanding on an annual basis - even though few auctions are succeeding.

Because the so-called penalty rates - what issuers must pay to investors when auctions fail - are relatively low, often only a bit higher than a short-term benchmark like Libor, the London Interbank Offered Rate, issuers don't want to redeem them early. Considering that the investors have no access to their money, the low penalty rates they are receiving only add to their distress.

Many individual investors say their brokers put them into these securities for the first time in the second half of 2007 - just as big companies were aggressively dumping their stakes.

Investors were not provided with prospectuses outlining the risks in these securities because they are considered secondary market issues. Unlike primary issues, like initial public offerings, secondary issues do not require the delivery of offering circulars.

Auction-rate securities, invented in the 1980s, are debt obligations whose interest rates are set at auctions every 7 to 35 days. The bonds typically have maturities of 30 years, but the preferred shares have no maturity date.

The first issue was of preferred shares in American Express; other financial institutions soon followed because the shares were considered equity capital and bolstered their balance sheets. Industrial companies also issued them because they were a relatively cheap source of capital.

In 1989, a big auction failed because a company that issued the securities, MBank, defaulted. Later, the Federal Reserve changed the capital requirements, barring banks from listing auction-rate preferred securities as highly rated equity on a balance sheet because they could be redeemed and weren't really permanent capital. Most corporations stopped issuing the securities in the early 1990s.

Closed-end funds soon took them up, issuing auction-rate preferred shares to generate higher returns for their common stockholders. They now account for $65 billion of the market. Student-loan companies also issue auction-rate securities to finance their lending, and the collapse of the auctions may make it hard for some students to get loans.

Municipalities flocked to the auction-rate market for low-cost money. New issues peaked in 2004, according to Thomson Financial, when $44 billion was raised. Auction-rate securities morphed from a product sold mainly to corporations to one marketed heavily to individual investors; minimum investments were dropped to $25,000.

The top underwriters in the municipal part of the market were Citigroup, UBS, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. Many of these firms' customers wound up owning the securities and are now up in arms.

The market worked relatively smoothly until mid-February this year, when the credit crisis made big brokerage firms reluctant to put up precious capital to keep the auctions going. Investors could no longer sell their securities - and cannot to this day.
Dwight Grant is a managing director at Duff & Phelps, a financial advisory firm that helps corporate clients assign values to their auction-rate holdings. (It is unrelated to the closed-end fund company of the same name.)

"I talked to a very senior person at a large financial institution who inferred that she believed this could last quite a long time," Mr. Grant said. "There is a very difficult calculus in the process with respect to capital and reserves of the underwriters. To maintain auctions they were going to have to commit substantial reserves. It is not obvious when they are going to reallocate capital to this market."

Indeed, experts say that calling these securities auction-oriented is something of a misnomer because real auctions - during which buyers and sellers meet and an interest rate is set based upon their interest - weren't taking place in recent years. Instead, the Wall Street firms in charge of the auctions smoothed the process by bidding with their own capital rather than rustling up thousands of buyers to meet up with sellers every week or so.

Given this market's size, it became harder for Wall Street to arrange true auctions regularly. Last Wednesday, for example, some 545 auctions were scheduled covering $27.2 billion of securities. Conducting that many auctions - one for each security whose interest rate expires that day - would be an enormous undertaking for the handful of underwriters in the arena.

"Auction securities became a managed bidding system, not a true investor auction," said Joseph S. Fichera, chief executive of Saber Partners, a financial advisory firm. "The investor never knew how many investors there were, how often the brokerage firms were stepping in to make the system work, nor that the broker's support could stop all of a sudden.

"If we had transparency in the system, investors could have judged the ability to sell in the individual auctions and bid accordingly," he added.

Sure enough, back in May 2006, liquidity problems associated with auction-rate notes emerged when the Securities and Exchange Commission brought a case against 14 big brokerage firms that sold them. The commission accused the firms - including Bear Stearns, J. P. Morgan Securities, Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers - of favoring some customers over others and manipulating the auctions by adding capital to smooth out the process.

Such arrangements, while easing the bidding process, hid the potential for this market to freeze up, the regulators said. In announcing a settlement, the S.E.C. said that "investors may not have been aware of the liquidity and credit risks associated" with the securities. The firms paid $13 million to settle the matter, neither admitting nor denying the allegations.

Today, investors say they had no idea that their securities could be tied up indefinitely if the big brokerage firms couldn't find buyers. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which polices much of Wall Street, is asking firms about sales practices and risk disclosures.

How Wall Street is paid for these auctions is central to understanding why the firms have little interest in resolving the problem of failed auctions. The firms earn money at least twice: First, when the notes or shares are underwritten, they receive 1.5 percent of the amount of money raised, in the form of a fee. Then they receive 0.25 percent annually for conducting the auctions - a total of $825 million this year, based on the size of the market.

But they receive these auction fees even when the auctions fail, so the firms have no incentive to help revive this market.

On auction-rate notes backed by municipalities, Wall Street firms sometimes earn a third fee by selling an interest-rate swap alongside the note. These swaps help lower the interest rates that municipalities pay on the securities but can add considerably to the complexity of unwinding them when auctions fail.

Auction-rate securities have been popular among both individual investors and corporations looking for higher yields on their cash because they typically pay up to one percentage point more than money market funds. As of July 1, 2007, corporations owned $170 billion of these securities, or just over half of the total outstanding, according to Treasury Strategies.

But through the second half of 2007, corporate investors were dumping their stakes, Treasury Strategies said. During these months, corporations cut their holdings to $98 billion.

At the same time, many individual investors were being persuaded by their brokers to buy auction-rate securities for the first time. Jacob H. Zamansky, a lawyer in New York, says he has 50 cases involving individuals stuck in auction-rate securities who say they weren't told of the risks. Of those, he said, 80 percent were put into the securities in the second half of 2007.

"THESE securities really worked very well for a relatively long period of time," said Mr. Grant at Duff & Phelps. "It's possible that people were lulled into a sense of false security because if something works well for 20 years you might not be as attentive to the terms of the contract."

Lewis D. Lowenfels, a securities lawyer at Tolins & Lowenfels in New York, represents several investors who are stranded in auction-rate securities. "If the evidence shows that large corporate clients were being advised to unload these securities at the same time that the investing public was being counseled to purchase the same securities," he said, "one begins to slip over the line from questions of due diligence and suitability into the realm of securities fraud."

Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:43 AM DowJones NewsWires

Auction Rates Upset Bank-Broker Clients

By Jaime Levy Pessin

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Paul Zuccarini walked into his local Bank of America (BAC) branch in Sewall's Point, Fla., looking for a certificate of deposit to buy for a retirement account.

He walked out with nearly half of his nest egg in auction-rate securities, and assurances that he'd have quick access to his funds should he need them.

Now, because the auctions that set the interest rates on his securities have failed, Zuccarini, a 66-year-old retiree, can't touch that money.

Since 1999, when Congress repealed the Glass-Steagall Act -- which separated banking and brokerage operations -- more firms have been trying to squeeze the most from the relationships between their business lines. Many banks now station stockbrokers in their branches, hoping to catch some crossover customers. They're also allowing brokers to call bank clients directly to offer them brokerage products.

But regulators and investors' advocates have raised concerns about the setup being confusing to customers, who may not realize that brokerage products are different from - and not as protected as -- bank products.

With reports of investors buying auction-rate securities in bank branches, and now being stuck without immediate access to their money, concerns about bank branches that house brokers could escalate.

"This situation is the perfect example of what the problem is with having that mix," said Stuart Meissner, an investors' attorney in New York who said he's heard from around 10 people who bought auction-rate securities either after they were steered to brokerage desks in bank branches or received cold calls from brokers affiliated with their banks.

"Those people are shocked as to what happened," he said.

A Bank of America spokesman said the company follows regulations governing the sale of non-deposit investment products in banks. He said the firm is committed to "best serving our clients."

Auction-rate securities are bonds issued by cities, student-loan agencies and closed-end funds that have interest rates reset by auction every seven to 35 days. About $330 billion of auction-rate securities are now held by both institutional and individual investors.

In February, the auctions that reset the rates failed, leaving hundreds -- or more -- investors with assets tied up in securities they can't sell.

Scott Silver, an investors' lawyer in Coral Springs, Fla., said he has a 70-year-old client who went to a Wachovia Corp. (WB) bank branch last summer branch to open a savings account or buy a CD. Instead, Silver said, a broker with Wachovia Securities who was based in the branch sold her $175,000 in auction-rate securities -- all of her savings. Silver said the broker pitched them as equivalent to a money-market account. Now the woman can't access money she needs to pay her taxes, he said.

"To her, (if) she's sitting in the bank, she's dealing with the bank," Silver said. "People don't appreciate the difference between the bank side and the brokerage side."

Wachovia Securities spokeswoman Teresa Dougherty said the firm is "working diligently on solutions to this industrywide problem, seeking to return liquidity to our clients as quickly as possible." She said the firm is offering margin loans to allow clients to regain some liquidity.

When Zuccarini entered the Bank of America branch around August 2007, he said, he had already cashed out of his retirement plans at another firm because he was skittish about having his money tied up in stocks. His goal, he said, was to buy CDs that he could put into an individual retirement account.

When Zuccarini explained to the bank manager that he needed to open an IRA to house the CDs, she directed him to a financial advisor, who quickly drove over from a nearby branch, he recalled.

Zuccarini said the financial advisor told him that a CD wouldn't give him quick access to his money, and that she could get him better liquidity and a slightly higher interest rate with another product.

In addition to following the appropriate regulations, Bank of America spokesman Matthew Card said, the company evaluates "the investment needs of our clients on an individual basis, guided by their financial goals and risk tolerance."

Zuccarini said the financial advisor made it clear that the product he was buying wouldn't be FDIC-insured. But he said she also told him he would have good access to the funds and he would not lose his principal. He said she told him there were no risks involved.

"If she had said anything at all about how it was possible you could lose your principal, I wouldn't have done it," Zuccarini said.

Zuccarini said his account statements indicate his principal is still there -- unlike UBS AG (UBS), Bank of America has not written down the value of the auction-rate securities in customer accounts.

Bank of America's Card said the company is, along with the rest of the industry, "evaluating statement pricing in relation to these securities."

But even if his principal remains intact, the practical effect is that Zuccarini can't get to his money, which, the last time he checked, was earning less than 5% interest.

Zuccarini doesn't have an immediate need for the cash, he said. But he had only wanted to keep the money out of the stock market for a short time. He'd planned to reinvest once the market stabilized.

"It's not like I'm going to starve to death if I don't get the money," said Zuccarini, who is currently living off his Social Security checks. But the bank "isn't living up to their end of the deal, and God knows what's going to happen to the money."

(Jaime Levy Pessin covers compliance and regulatory issues affecting financial advisors.)

-By Jaime Levy Pessin; Dow Jones Newswires, 201-938-4546;

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires


I believe we have a serious case to involve treasury secretary Paulson and fed chairman Bernanke in coming to our aid. Our case rests upon the damage that our $360 billion+ in locked funds is doing to the economy. We are not buying houses, expanding or buying businesses. We are also skimping on medical expenses and other expenditures that could boost the economy.

I need your stories. What have you not bought or invested in because of your locked auction rate funds? Please send me your story. You must be prepared to stand up, be public and give your name and contact information. Send your story to me:


Best strategy: Ask your brokerage firm and all its brokers to lock out all sales representatives of all the issuers/marketers -- Nuveen, BlackRock, Van Kampen, etc. -- until they give us all our money back. See below.

Congratulations to Danny Ludeman
of Wachovia Securities

Danny Ludeman, president and CEO of Wachovia Securities

Mr. Ludeman has apparently sent a letter to 25 issuers of ARPS -- all the ones that Wachovia Securities, a brokerage firm, deals with and whose securities it sells.

In his letter he said that if the issuers (like Nuveen, BlackRock, Van Kampen) didn't clean the mess up quickly -- i.e. provide liquidity to ARPS owners-- then his firm would consider never doing business with these firms again. Which means he wouldn't have his brokers sell their securities ever again.

April 9 Reuters

Goldman says regulators
probe auction-rate matters

By Joseph A. Giannone
NEW YORK, April 9 (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc disclosed on Wednesday that it has received requests for information from "various governmental agencies and self-regulatory organizations" relating to auction products and the recent failure of such auctions.

Goldman, which disclosed the matter in its 10-Q filing, said it is cooperating with the requests. A spokesman declined to comment.

It is the first time Goldman has been linked to the widening probes.

Wall Street banks have been under fire as the credit crunch spread to auction-rate securities, a $330 billion market of securities that have been sold to wealthy individuals as highly liquid, cash-like instruments. With debt markets breaking down, many investors have found themselves stuck with securities that suddenly they cannot sell.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and, according to Monday's Wall Street Journal, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority are looking into the market. In particular, investigators want to learn what promises brokers made to investors who purchased auction-rate products.

A spokesman from FINRA told Reuters Wednesday that the nongovernmental regulator sent surveys to a number of firms earlier this month about how the securities are marketed and sold, and it could decide to take enforcement action based on the information. He said the survey was separate from any reported investigation.

On Tuesday, FINRA announced it is also seeking more details on customer complaints in the market.

Two weeks ago, Massachusetts' top securities regulator said his office sent subpoenas to UBS, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America Investment Services to determine whether they told investors about the potential risks of these investments.

Also last month, two clients filed lawsuits against Citigroup , complaining that the big bank did not disclose the risks of investing in these securities.

Auction-rate securities are long-term bonds that behave like short-term debt and have long been popular with conservative investors because they are tax-exempt. States, cities and other agencies issue these securities, whose interest rates reset frequently.

In February, the auctions failed to attract buyers and investment banks stopped supporting them. (Additional reporting by Lisa Lambert in Washington; Editing by Brian Moss)


April 8 Barron's

ADC Telecom To Take Another Hit
On Auction Securities

ADC Telecom (ADCT) disclosed in an SEC filing today that the company will take an impairment charge of between $12 million and $22 million on its holdings of auction-rate securities. ADC holds $169.8 million in par value of auction-rate securities; at the end of the company’s fiscal first quarter ended February 1, fair value on those holdings was $90.2 million, after $79.6 million in previous writedowns. The company said it would provide the specific amount of the latest write-down when it announces second quarter results.

April 8 Minneapolis

ADC writes down more losses

ADC Telecommunications Inc. of Eden Prairie, the networking-equipment maker that has lost money on its investments in auction-rate securities, said Tuesday that the financial hit from those bonds has continued to grow.

ADC will write down the value of the investments by $12 million to $20 million for its second quarter ending May 2, up from an earlier estimate of $7 million, ADC said Tuesday in a regulatory filing. That's after taking a $50 million write-down in the first quarter.

The market for auction-rate securities saw record failures after some banks stopped committing their capital when there were too few bidders. The lack of demand left investors unable to sell their holdings and get their money back.

Other Twin Cities companies have been stuck with the unsellable securities as well. Restore Medical Inc. of Roseville said last month that it holds $4.2 million of the securities. That's more than a third of its assets, putting the company at risk of running out of cash.

Lawson Software Inc. of St. Paul wrote down the value of its auction-rate securities by $8.1 million in its third quarter ended Feb. 29, after a $5 million write-down the previous quarter.

And last week, Best Buy Co. Inc. of Richfield reported "persistent failed auctions" of $417 million in auction-rate securities. The company said it is evaluating the worth of these securities and expects to conclude that analysis no later than April 30.


April 8 Page D3 Wall Street Journal

Auction-Rate Securities Probed

As scores of investors complain they were misled into buying now-illiquid auction-rate securities, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority are starting to look into how brokers sold the products.

In a survey sent in recent weeks to financial companies, Finra seeks a breakdown of total auction-rate-securities holdings by customer type, how auction-rate securities are classified on customer statements, and how firms marketed the products. The regulator also asks how many customer complaints about auction-rate securities the firms have received since Oct. 1. A copy of the survey was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Finra also recently started a "sweep" investigation into the topic. A sweep investigation is a broad look at industry practices; it doesn't necessarily mean enforcement action will take place.

SEC spokesman John Heine said the agency is working with Finra to look into "representations made to investors when they purchased auction-rate securities."

Finra officials couldn't be reached for comment Monday. Last week, Finra said it could neither confirm nor deny whether it was looking into sales practices for auction-rate securities.

Massachusetts securities regulators also are concerned about sales practices. Last month they subpoenaed three large brokerage houses -- UBS AG, Merrill Lynch & Co. and Bank of America Corp. -- for documents and testimony on how they sold auction-rate securities to retail investors.

Merrill Lynch and UBS declined to comment about the subpoenas. UBS is among the companies that received Finra's sweep letter. Bank of America declined to comment.

Auction-rate securities are bonds issued by cities, student-loan agencies and closed-end funds that have interest rates reset by auction every seven to 35 days.

The recent credit crisis led to the failure of hundreds of auctions, leaving investors with assets tied up in securities they can't sell.

Brokers had pitched auction-rate securities as liquid, super-safe investments with interest rates slightly superior to those of conventional money-market funds. Now investors are asking why they weren't warned about the possibility of failed auctions.

Write to Jaime Levy Pessin at


About this site: I'm updating this site as I get new information. Hence you should visit often. I run the latest news on the top of the column, pushing the older stuff down. The links on the left are useful. Much older stuff is still archived on my other site, InSearchOfThePerfectInvestment.

For a full update on auction rate preferred shares (ARPS), you should read this entire site. The key takeaways are simple:

1. The issuers / marketers of ARPS -- Nuveen, BlackRock, Van Kampen, etc. -- believe they are under no legal obligation to produce liquidity for their ARPS holders. Also management of these firms have major incentives to do nothing, since their management fees derive directly from the assets they manage. The more they manage the better. The more captive those monies are, the better.

2. Ethically and legally, these issuers / marketers are actually in a very weak position. All their marketing literature referred to ARPS securities as "cash equivalent" monies. All their literature talks about their ARPS securities being accessible via regular (7-day, 30-day, etc.) auctions.

3. The most cost-effective way at present for ARPS to get at their money is to apply maximum pressure on the issuers / marketers. These companies need to get pounded into their tiny brains the one thought -- the viability of their firm -- depends on them getting liquidity to ARPS holders, i.e. allowing ARPS holders to sell them for cash.

To apply maximum pressure, the best idea is for the brokers -- the issuers' sales agent -- to lock them out of their offices. Every brokerage office must put a sign on their door -- "Peddlers from ARPS issuers -- Nuveen, Van Kampen, BlackRock -- are not welcome."

In short, all of us need to stop doing business with these guys. Tell all your friends that the issuers have leprosy and are bad people. Or whatever words you want to use.

And you and I, as owners of these ARPS issuers, need to extract promises from every broker and from every brokerage office in the country that they will indeed lock out all sales reps from Nuveen, Van Kampen, BlackRock (include your own).

Additional pressure needs to be applied by you and I by contacting every securities regulator in the country, including all local Attorneys-General. At some stage, we'll need to take ads in the financial press saying "Why You Should Never Do Business with Nuveen, BlackRock, Van Kampen..."

If you have an idea to bring pressure, let me know. This whole mess is only going to solved by all of us bringing heavy and unrelenting pressure on the issuers / marketers and their agents, the stockbrokers and the brokerage firms.
Harry Newton.

Monday April 7, 2008, 9:20 AM EDT

Harry's latest thinking

The lawyers and Failed Auctions. Everyone who owns failed auction securities is pissed at their brokers and their issuers/marketers (Nuveen, BlackRock , etc.). The story is standard: The brokers dumped their client's money into (typically) auction rate preferreds without asking their clients and in contravention of their client's specific instructions for their money to be put into safe money market, liquid securities.

We, the clients, are now even more annoyed because the issuers are being excessively cagey about their intentions (or not) and their actions (or not) to get cash money back to the stuck ARPS holders, i.e. us.

I can't justify the issuers' caginess -- how they hold "touchy feely" conference calls, but don't say anything concrete -- like when investors are likely to get their money back. That caginess sends me right up a wall with anger.

On Friday, a dear friend who spent his life on Wall Street explained to me that the whole mess was being managed by lawyers, who are advising their clients, the issuers:

+ Don't say anything, because whatever you say will come back to haunt you. Think law suits. Many have already been filed.

+ Don't say anything until it's a done deal. Capital markets are presently locked. Hence, finding a solution -- either refinancing or reclassification -- is likely to take time. And all predictions of timing are likely to be wrong. Hence, don't say anything.

I believe all of us will get our cash money back out of this at par, i.e. what we put into it. I believe it will take as long as 12-24 months. If you need to get at your money before then, you'll probably have to borrow against your ARPS. But don't take a term loan. Try to take a loan that comes due the day you get your cash money back. I believe it's too early to participate in law suits. But it's not too early to keep up the pressure of letter writing, and pressure on local regulators and down at the SEC. Meantime, make sure your brokers and their firms are keeping issuer salespeople out of their offices and telling the salespeople they're not welcome until they get the money back to the auction rate preferred (ARPS) holders, i.e. the brokers' clients.


April 8, 2008

CHICAGO - (Business Wire) Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund (AMEX: JRS) today called for redemption at par outstanding shares of its auction-rate preferred shares (ARPS). The fund’s Board of Trustees has approved the redemption, which is part of a refinancing expected to lower the relative costs of leverage for the fund over time while also providing liquidity at par for the holders of at least some of Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund’s ARPS.

JRS is initially redeeming $80 million of its $222 million ARPS. As previously announced, this represents the first of two planned stages approximately a month apart which together are expected to total $150 million. The table below lists the total number of shares, par amounts and scheduled redemption dates for the first stage of redemptions:

Cusip #
Total Shares
Total Amount
April 29, 2008
April 30, 2008
May 1, 2008
April 25, 2008
April 28, 2008

The ARPS in the Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund being redeemed will be replaced with new borrowings. With respect to the partial redemption for JRS, The Depository Trust Company (DTC), the securities’ holder of record, determines how a partial series redemption will be allocated among each participant broker-dealer account. Each participant broker-dealer, as nominee for underlying beneficial owners (street name shareholders), in turn determines how redeemed shares are allocated among its underlying beneficial owners. The procedures used by different broker-dealers to allocate redeemed shares among beneficial owners may differ from each other as well as from the procedures used by DTC.

For Nuveen's official press release.

April 7, 2008 4:14 PM EDT

Another "Do-Nothing" statement --
this time from Van Kampen

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Van Kampen is closely monitoring the situation relating to the lack of liquidity of closed end fund preferred shares, which enable the funds to use leverage to acquire assets. While the prospectus under which these shares were sold disclosed and contemplated a potential loss of liquidity, we realize that this market imbalance has created challenges for preferred stockholders and their financial advisors.

We have been evaluating all potential solutions that will enable preferred shareholders to achieve liquidity and maintain leverage for the benefit of the common shareholders. Specifically, we are examining options that would make preferred shares eligible for purchase by money market funds, as well as exploring the viability arranging for debt financing that would enable our taxable funds to redeem at least a portion of their preferred shares. We are working closely with the Investment Company Institute to monitor industry developments, and have met with regulators to discuss possible avenues of relief that might increase our flexibility in this regard.

This is, however, a complex issue that will take some time to resolve. Whatever steps we take must account for the interests of both common stockholders as well as holders of the preferred stock, and navigate among many regulatory and tax requirements. At this time, we can provide no definitive assurance regarding the form and timing of a solution. We do, however, realize that a swift remedy to this situation is in everyone’s best interest, and we assure you that we are dedicating significant resources to finding a solution.

Van Kampen Asset Management, the Funds' investment adviser, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Van Kampen Investments Inc. (“Van Kampen”). Van Kampen is one of the nation’s largest investment management companies, with approximately $107 billion in assets under management or supervision, as of February 29, 2008. With roots in money management dating back to 1927, Van Kampen has helped nearly four generations of investors achieve their financial goals. For more information, visit Van Kampen’s website at

Monday April 7, 2008

Cohen & Steers is working hard

NEW YORK, April 7, 2008, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Cohen & Steers Capital Management, Inc. responded today to news that some broker/dealers have recently decided to reduce the value of the auction market preferred securities (AMPS) held in their clients' accounts. This action, the broker/dealers have said, reflects the current illiquidity in the AMPS market.

As we have previously announced, the credit quality of the AMPS issued by our closed-end funds is unchanged; they continue to be rated Aaa by Moody's Investor Services and AAA by Standard & Poor's. To maintain these ratings, which are not supported by any credit enhancements, our funds must meet the 2:1 asset coverage tests required by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as well as those of the ratings agencies. There can be no assurance, however, that continued illiquidity or changes in market conditions will not adversely affect the funds in the future.

Since the AMPS market stalled earlier this year, senior personnel of Cohen & Steers have been investigating alternative methods of financing for our closed-end funds that have issued AMPS, including lines of credit, commercial paper and new forms of preferred stock that could replace the existing AMPS.

We are also working with the Investment Company Institute and the SEC, among others, to evaluate ways to provide liquidity to our funds' AMPS holders. Cohen & Steers' management views this issue as a top priority and is focusing its resources on developing a viable long-term solution. We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible, and we will keep our funds' shareholders fully informed of our progress. For more information and periodic updates, please visit

Friday, April 4, 2008

Nuveen holds another
Touchy-Feely Conference Call

If you own Nuveen ARPS in tax-free municipal funds, figure another 9-12 months before you might get your money back. This isn't what Nuveen said on today's conference call. In fact, Nuveen management didn't say anything, except:

1. Nuveen people were working hard. Things are complicated. They understand the need for urgency, etc. Blah. Blah. Blah.

2. They couldn't deleverage their funds since this would reduce the returns for the common shareholders. "The issue of common shareholders is a central issue," they said. Translation: Nuveen management gets paid on the total assets it manages. If they deleveraged by redeeming their ARPS, their assets would be less and so would their fees.

3. No significant regulatory approvals are needed to replace the ARPS with a new form of preferred stock -- Variable Rate Demand Preferred (VRDP). The idea is that this new stock would appeal to money market funds, which can't (for some reason) buy ARPS today. Since money markets are big, being able to put their money into these new solid investments would be attractive.

In the dictionary, a VRDP is defined as "A debt instrument that represents borrowed funds that are payable on demand and accrue interest based on a prevailing money market rate, such as the prime rate."

In their conference call, Nuveen management declined to explain how a VRDP would work, or who would pay off a VRDP, should you or I (a new-VRDP/old ARPS owner) ask for our money.

4. Nuveen has secured some money and is doing redemptions on the ARPS in their taxable funds first. Then they'll tackle the tax-free funds, but that "could take considerably longer than the 2-3 months" for the taxable funds. (There's far more money in the tax-free funds. And the rules are different, though I don't know how different, or in what respects.)

You can listen to a replay of the conference call on your computer: Click here.

You can also read their April 1, 2008 press release in which they said they were beginning to refinance auction rate securities in four taxable closed end funds. Click here.

Harry's takeaways from today's Nuveen conference call:

First understand that all my $3.5 million of ARPS are in Nuveen ARPS. As to Nuveen's conference calls and press releases, I'm in two minds.

First, I feel Nuveen is treating me like a child who's told he can't watch TV. When he asks "Why?" Daddy says "because I say so."

Nuveen is treating me like child. I ask "Why?" and I get no explanation why this whole process of getting me my money back is taking so long.

Nuveen tells me it's working in my best interests; it's working hard; life is complicated and the people who will ultimately buy my VRDP-changed ARPS and give me cash are sensitive souls, whose identity can't be revealed and whose thought processes are convoluted and mysterious. But I should retain my faith.

If I piss Nuveen off by saying, "Heh, guys, you're not being fair with a bunch of people (now called ARPS holders) you lied to," I run the risk of never getting my money.

Heck, these guys hold the upper hand. They can say "Screw you, buddy (i.e. me), you're in for life. We'll pay you your interest, meager though it is, but you'll never get your principal out of us. Ha. Ha. Read the prospectus. Sue us."

But so far, they're mouthing the right words. They say they're working to get me my money. And maybe they are. Just it would be so nice if Nuveen management treated me (and its other customers) like real people and told us exactly what is going on, and why the whole process is taking so long... Or as they just mouthing the words, in the hope that we'll all go away?

Dear Nuveen management,

Let me assure you, we aren't going away. We want our money back. We're even prepared to wait for it -- if you treat us like you would like to be treated yourself:

1. Tell us what you're doing.
2. Tell us what hurdles you need to be overcome.
3. Tell us what milestones need to be met.
4. Give us a timetable.
5. Treat us like real thinking people.

And, by the way, all this Nuveen dilly-dallying around is giving me and others like me plenty of time to compose our full-page ads:

-- draft Wall Street Journal advertisement--

Why You Should Never
EVER Do Business With Nuveen

Number 1 reason: They lie to their customers.

Number 2 reason: They are ruining their customers' finances by forcing many to lose deposits on homes they can't close on, to not finance their business's cash needs and, for some, to declare bankruptcy.

Number 3 reason: There is no reason why Nuveen customers should make lawyers even more rich by forcing us customers to sue Nuveen.

If you think I'm being harsh, know two things:

1. It's been over eight weeks since the first auctions started failing.

2. Read Nuveen's own words in their own marketing literature (I don't make this stuff up)

And finally, next time you're on a conference call and get to be one of the privileged few to ask a question, please don't start your question by complimenting Nuveen management for holding a conference call. Every time you do that I know you're somehow in Nuveen's pocket and you make me physically sick.

If you own Nuveen ARPS, please email me your story. Tell me what hardships Nuveen management's dragging their feet is causing you.

Best idea from a broker who wishes to remain anonymous, for now:

Lock the issuers out

We need to keep up the pressure on the issuers (Pimco and Nicholas Applegate (Allianz), First Trust, Eaton Vance, Evergreen, Calamos, Cohen & Steers, Claymore, Nuveen, Blackrock, etc.). The branch office I work in has 30 advisors, many of whom own failed auction rates.

Our managers are not allowing any wholesalers from these companies, or any company which has issued auction rates, in to our office to sell any of their products. All of Wall Street needs these companies out of their offices. We need to make them feel unwelcome. Unless we hit their bottom line, otherwise won't have any incentive to cash us out. And they will continue to drag their feet.

Please get any broker you speak with to have their office do the same. As for all the clients, they need to call their brokers and tell them to lock these companies out of their offices. You should mention in your column that all firms need to be locking these companies out.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

UBS is the absolute worst

I gauge villains by the amount of hate ARPS emails I get. So far, UBS is top of the list -- by far. Everyone is bitching about their miserable treatment from UBS. It seems there must have been an edict somewhere up on high in UBS to push ARPs -- irrespective. The UBS stories I hear have a very similar ring. Client tells his UBS broker he wants the safest, most liquid haven for his money. UBS broker ignores client's instructions and dumps unsuspecting client into ARPS.

When ARPS prove no longer liquid, UBS says "tough."

One ARPS holder emailed me, "I asked my UBS broker what UBS was doing to put pressure on the issuers and this was his his response:

"UBS is putting as much pressure as possible but they also have clients that hold the other side (common shares) of these funds so they can't force anything that would hurt them."

Somewhere in UBS there are some real incriminating memos. Does anyone have them? Is there an honest UBS broker out there who'll tell the real truth?

Email me --
